Exchange Server 2013 - Installation & Configuration (Windows Server 2012 - Greenfield site)

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you before we can start installing exchange there are cooler bits of software need to put on first one is Microsoft unified communication unless API version 4 next one is the Microsoft Office 2010 filter back 64-bit and lastly is their service part one for the office 2010 filter packaging now that those are on we can insert the DVD and run the setup connect to the internet and download any updates there aren't any click Next accept the end-user license agreement and click Next I'm going to accept the default of recommended settings next now I'm just going to have one so I'm going to need to the mailbox and the client access raw next then I'm going to leave it on the default install location and I'm going to accept the default exchange Organization now I'm going to leave an email where turned on if you've got a third party piece of software you going to be putting on you might want to disable the building and it's permanently malware it's a couple of warnings here the first one says we can't have any exchange 2010 one we've done and the top one essentially says this is on a domain controller and it's complaining in a production environment I suggest you do not put exchange on a domain controller this is just the test network now takes a great deal longer than this text about 45 minutes and I've sped it up for the purpose of video at this point I would reboot the server and I'd give it a windows update as well but to actually manage the exchange server it's all done via browser local hope slash ezp we're using a self-signed cert or complain and login using your demonstrator credentials are the credentials they use install exchange this is new exchange admin Center now the few jobs that you're going to need to do post install the first one of course is select service select the server that we've just installed and enter the product key to license the product type in your 25 character unlock code and click Save and justice with previous versions it will tell you that it's except to the king but it won't take effect until the information store has been just my ID and remount the quickest way to do that is to on the services console and lock it Microsoft Exchange information store service and restart okay now that we're licensed we can't send an email out with our send connectors like milf or send connectors and at give your default send a connector sounds well name and select Internet as its usage next I'm going to simply use MX records to room ml of users my host you can an area here ad now this is going to cover everything so I'm just simply going to put an asterisk in it cover all domain names next and I want to add in the server that I'm on because it's the only exchange books that I have other matters I click finish so now I should be able to send you don't need to tinker with the receive connector anymore that's all done for you so the next job to do is the accepted demands now you see that the private demand of penal calm is in use here my public mil demand is going to be painting on life that comes I want to add that on it's an accepted to min select art and put in a sense upon him that you'll be able to recognize the demand down from and the actual domain name that you would like to receive mail on behalf of penalize uncle obviously you'll need up an air record and annex record point the vast domain name to your exchange server so now we can accept mail on behalf of that demand we're going to need to add that on to the default email address policies I only have one so select the pencil to edit it select email address format and add ok change the drop-down to the demand that we've just added and I'm going to choose first name dot last name at two men named calm and I'm going to make this the default reply email address for the two men at least now you can hour down as many of these as you want if you want to initial answer there more surname initial you can add them in let's just tell others we need to apply click OK and you'll see it's not applied down at the bottom you need to click apply that's what we were being warned about yes and click close so subdomain and our email address policy all set up now what I like to do is to move my mailbox databases off the system drive so I've got an e driver and we're career to fall down that called X G inch because I'm lazy I'm just going to copy that addresses text cuz I need PowerShell to do this I don't know putt pissed up in that now I need to find the name of the existing mailbox database that was created so select service databases select the mailbox database that it's provided for us and select edit now on the tip has path agency in the minutes on the seed row we're going to move on the eater I've bought we need the name of the database itself so copy its name da-te DB off the end of the path and we'll push that into our notepad file as well now I need a PowerShell command to move this do this and that's move - did appear path - identity and now I'm going to put in the name I'm going to turn my EDP off the end in a minute but because there are spaces in the name I have surrounded them with quartz and it's - EDP file path and then I'm going to need to supply the path to the new EDP some that he drops on again tweak that in before it my father thing I need to do is take that et being out there because it's the tip this name that goes in there and there is my command pretty full minded up I'll copy the command on the website so you just caught me and post it now to up the Exchange Management Shell precious Nike and after a few SEC's PowerShell console should come up and we can pierce then I'll come out now it is all in there is just you can't see there you go so execute that command simply press ENTER and you will be asked you sure you want to do this I think like why you're here and it returned I show you one to take it offline obviously to move it I need to dig it off legs I'll click it or white and hit enter there's only one mailbox in this DMS so it should develop that's it moved now if I hit refresh on there select edit hopefully we'll see now it's our new folder on the drive and we've successfully moved the d abyss last thing you do this is also difficult out although exchange 2013 comes with a self signed certificate it's more trouble than it's worth to use the self signed certificate you will save yourself so much hassle by simply buying one so it's late out and we're going to create a request for a certificate from a certification authority give a sensible name it does really matter what this is this is just a name that you'll see in the console here while it's pending click Next at all in a row a while cancer terrific thing next ok store the certificate request on this server so take like okay next now on here you can select each individual service and the name to outlet web app when it's accessed from the internet it's going to be accessed via meal dot peanut or inside it's using its internal fqdn that's fine now to be honest don't really need to do these because all it does is aggregate all the names of the end instance ActiveSync will also be milled up in their life they'll come but I don't actually have to type it in just for the sake of video okay or discover when access from the internet I am gonna take out that private fqdn so I just split DNS anywhere which will find out BAM it and I'm gonna leave or discovered up Pete net so it sternly you're gonna need to register meal dotted to mend them and water discover dot Dominion and the gathered our type this in you'll see why in a minute but just a cig 'video okay click X and here you'll see all the names aggregated into a big long list now as long as the one in bold at the top is the common name or the name that your user is going to type in the browser or will be well make sure that it is I don't need the name of the server self I don't need that I don't need that so I've got the public name the internal name and or discover dot public name click Next type in details of your company click Next now it wants a shear to sit the significant requested no I don't have one sore that's quickly remedy that I'm just gonna create a folder on the root of my C Drive call it cert Dasha re-kill is a request she had that folder off just gave everyone for control until you get more my finished show me for the purpose of the video let's just make sure ntfs it's not a bias skew old users for control so we don't have any permissions Harris or to drop our significant requests 7 M 60 2012 how I fall Dyneema cert req and I want to call it my cert dot req finish gives you an error at this point bro because you've got the permissions wrong okay reversion you'll see there's mine rather very top it's now leveled as a pending request now what's that what that is actually done is this created your certificate request in your share if I open that up if I load up with notepad for example you see there is a certificate request in P I M format now that is the format that you would need to send to an online certificate authority did you sit or Verisign or whatever that's what you need to send them to apply for a certificate now when they have done that they'll process you and they might want information about you and all send you a certificate back when that's done you can hit complete now I've dropped my certificate on the route my C Drive but just to make things simple and when I drag it into this year that I created early because got all the right permissions on it there it is there now I can't see the file extension on that because it's turned off by default so some certificate authorities put different extensions on so I'm just gonna unhide the filer sentient and see that this one is dot CER let's copy that to the clipboard and I want to type in the path so my shared folder that I created earlier and then pissed him the name or certificate on the end because I am incredibly lazy quickly and all being well select one down now even though we've got a and it's not been enabled for any services so we need to edit the certificate I just have a quick check to make sure everything's right those are the details that we applied for just to make sure you are setting up the right side of it like services and I'm going to enable this one for SMTP I'm up and I is allow you to pop and I'm not using in fire messaging so save yes I would like to overwrite the existing certificates I'm not secure in my outbound mail with certificate sir no percent Abela click OK and that's my certificate in and running for exchange let's just test that's actually working if I close my browser down reopen it again now if I somebody got a HTTP localhost don't or w/e it will quite obviously feel because URL is wrong but let's make sure we are using the race certificate we are mailed up in that it's the right certificate now to make that work internally I'm going to have to set up split DNS which may sound difficult but it is not to forget I'm honored to main controller if not you would need to go there to make a trouble is that the exchange is looking for is DNS and open up the DNS console and what I'm simply going to do is in when we create a new forward look absorb cop in your life that come to resolve that name to my internal hosts click Next soon name is gonna be Pete net I'm gonna allow us and within there I'm going to create a near-record or horse record coal mill that points to the IP address of my exchange server which is have a quick look happy config here is 1/7 2.16 or 2 5 4 2 0 3 now as soon as you've done this one I would create another one for or discover the points of exactly the same ip address I'd have a reverse lookups on so I'm going to worry about PTR records so that's the mail will create I'd like to see if oh you are discard create an odds curve one as well let's just make sure that it works by pinging milled up in a letter calm it does so hopefully now to tesla certificates working if we close that and start again but this time open a web browser and go to http call on / / meal top in our lives icon hopefully this done and should go in without an error and it does so that's also cific at set up and working providing HTTP is pointed at the server all now work externally for Outlook Web App to outside users active sync for any of the mobile devices that you want to pick up mail from Outlook anywhere will also work okay let's actually check that it's working I've locked my mailbox there I want to go one mailbox on it so the first thing to do is test that mail works internally by simply sending myself an email internally I click send and hopefully there we go so we know internally everything works the next thing you do is to send an email to an external mail recipient obviously gonna need SMTP port 25 or and on your firewall outbound for this to work and you also need to resolve the DNS and name of whom you're sending it to so I'll just send myself one test outbound click send now just to prove that I actually got to my own email there is a I'm going to reply back again we're testing them I sent hopefully there we go as my environment so we know that male floors in the mill flows out and internal mill works that's our exchange system set up and working thanks very much for watching don't forget home visit w-w-w dot peanut
Channel: PeteNetLive
Views: 278,886
Rating: 4.8159204 out of 5
Keywords: exchange 2013, step by step, walkthrough, Greenfield, complete install, prerequisites, product key, send connector, ad domain, domain name, public domain, accepted domain, first name, last name, given name, post install, post installation, certificate, third party, create request, create csr, common name, FQDN, split DNS, test mail, inbound, Internet
Id: Ivm44TxVEzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2012
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