Install NextCloud on Proxmox in under 10 Min

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well good morning good afternoon whatever this is with you watching it I've been working on a pretty fun little project here with Chasm that I'm getting ready to bring to you guys pretty soon and I needed a Netflix Cloud Server and I chose to do this in a fairly easy way we did a video on this a couple of years ago but I thought it was a great opportunity to actually create another video and show you how easy setting nexcloud up with proxmox in a container can rarely be so I've shown you how to do it with SNAP and do it a few other ways as well but really a turnkey container is the fastest way to do that so welcome to today's video of setting up next Cloud on proxmox inside of a container with you know command line so the first thing we're going to do as always is head over to our proxbox web interface and we're going to go to our local Drive where we store all of our container images and whatnot and I'm actually just going to go ahead and remove this image so we can re-download it with you you won't have to do that step because it won't be on your computer and then I'm going to click templates and this opens up all the different templates that we have now there's a lot provided with proxmox as far as like operating in systems and stuff that we can look at but then there's all these separate TurnKey templates as well now there's quite a few to go through and I don't want to spend my time looking through each one individually so I'm just going to search next Cloud up here and you're going to notice it's going to pop up and I just press download all right so everything's downloaded now and the next thing we're going to need to do is close this window and give me a minute I can hear an echo in mind so if the first half of this video had an echo in it I apologize for that let's so we've downloaded our image now and we're ready to start making our container so we're just going to go up to create CT here we're going to give it a name keep it different from my other one we're going to set our password we're going to do a lot of setting passwords today and we need to match now we'll hit next then we're going to choose our image in this case next Cloud hit next assign our storage of course we don't really probably want to go with the eight gigs I'm going to give mine 30 today and press next one CPU I find to be sufficient for like home use as you get more users and stuff on it you may want to consider adding resources and I also find 12 512 to be plenty for what I do with nexcloud now again if you're adding a lot of next Cloud apps and doing things you may want more CPU in memory here next I'm going to change my bridge in most scenarios you probably won't have to for a static IP address I am going to set one today and not be lazy and I'll show you why a little bit later in this video it you notice when we enter a correct IP address our box stays red we need to put our subnet mask in the form of acidr notation at the end of it most standard home networks are slash 24 and mine is today since I use vlans for traffic segregation and not subnetting we're going to assign the gateway address or our VLAN and we're going to press next and then we're going to press next again and next to confirm that everything's good now we're going to create our container and I apologize for any background noise might be having my litter boxes decided to clean itself in the background alrighty so now we have a working container and you can see it up here labeled as 116 right under the one that I set up for my other project here and you can see that we have the assigned IP address and we want to remember that for a few minutes here so we're going to press start we're going to open our console and this is really going to be the only command line we're going to use and we're going to switch quite quickly here to a graphical user interface and I'd really call a login screen no command line so I'll enter root and the password that we set up and you can see we're at a graphical user interface first thing it wants is the SQL data password so you enter one it's going to ask you to confirm it now it asks for you to set up your admin password and to confirm your admin password now this is the point where it's really important to remember that IP address so unless you're using a DNS server in your house and you're able to assign This Server a domain name you're going to want to give it the IP address so that you can communicate with it if you don't Mixcloud won't let you log in and you're going to have to do some fancy stuff to try to remedy this problem so we're going to enter our IP address and this time we don't need to give it our subnet will apply we don't have an API key so we're just going to skip we're not going to give it an email address so we're just going to skip and now we can install and I'm going to leave that section of the installation actually live for you when I edit this video because I really want you to see exactly how fast that installed now we just need to take note of our IP address and we can head back to our web browser open up a tab enter we have a self-signed certificate so as always we need to hit Advanced and proceed and we're at our login screen to log in for the first time admin and the password that we set up in the installation now to get to set up more users because you're probably not going to want to log in every time with your admin user you're going to click up here at the admin and you're going to go to users you're going to go to new user and we can create a new user we don't need to fill in email address groups unless we want to use them we can or default quota there you have it now we we have a new user that we can log in with so if we go ahead and log out here we have a user account that we can begin working with here's all of our default files and everything ready to go so I hope you enjoyed this presentation it was quick it was 10 minutes real time filming and I hope that you're able to successfully create your own next Cloud container using TurnKey images inside of your proxmox web server as always have a good night
Channel: virtualize everything
Views: 33,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mfbzTgVEVuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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