Install Home Assistant on a Synology NAS using Docker Compose (Container Manager)

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sound test 1 23 let's put the home assistant on a sonology Nas start this one should be quick so we'll just start by going to which is their official web page and then I don't know what IO stands for we'll come up to documentation installation and on the right hand side under installation I'm just looking for install home assistant on other systems and then I'm going to ignore all the skills and tools required and just click VI tutorial and then you could come down here to where it says techology Nas and that'll show you how to install it using Docker but we're going to use Docker compose so I'm going to click Docker compose and check it out as the docker command becomes more complex switching to Docker compose can be preferable so we got that going for us I'm going to highlight all of this copy and then I'm going to go to my sonology Nas and then I just want to open up container manager which if you don't have as I explained in every video package Center and then type in container manager and as I think as long as you spell manager right it's going to show up so there it is you can just click it install it if it is not showing up for you that means it's not officially supported on your model of sonology Nas but Google around to see if people have gotten it to work on your on your makeing model well your make anology whatever your model is so in container manager I'm going to click on Project create and for project name I'll type in home assistant path so I need a path where it's going to store all my cool home assistant stuff so I like to just put it in my Docker share and I'll create a new folder called home assistant I'm going to leave this open because I have to come back here in a second so under path I'll click set path click that home assistant folder I just created for Source instead of upload we're not nay we we will not upload we will create and then I'm just going to paste in that Docker compos yaml that I copied from home assistant website next the The only change you need to make here is this path to your config which they're trying to make very obvious when you're working in a Docker compose file basically um in the volume section if it's got something like this it's saying whatever's to the left this is known as your I think it's called a host volume you're hosting so it wants a local folder that it can use to the right that's a do a um I think it's container volume you typically don't have to worry about that there's a couple of instances where you do but home assistant is not one of them so on the left hand side I'm going to give it a path I'm going to delete all of that and I'm going to come back to file station Docker I'm going to right click oh no sorry I'm going to go into the home assistant folder and create a folder called config and then I will right click it click properties and then just copy this location so I'll just paste that to the left of the colon so to the left of the colon I've got my local Synology place where I wanted to install the config files and the config files are going to be like the information on your user usame password um all your settings for home assistant it's all going to be stored there and I will give I'll give you a little Quick Tick since this is a quick vid no quick tip not a tick since this is a short video if you delete all of this before the config folder text and just put a period that's actually shorthand for what folder am I in so you could just type in Period forc config and that is the same as writing out what we had before since all of this is going in this folder here the stalker home assistant folder pretty much it that's um that's going to install home assistant for us if I click next I am not going to set up a web portal via web station so I'll click next start the project once it is created it's checked I will click done and there it goes it's installing so it's going to download extract um pull 7D 1av it's going to do a lot of things here but after it's installed after it has finished installing all of this you're going to want to know how to get to home assistant so let's go back to the instructions it actually tells us so says start start it by running Docker compose up minus D um docker's container manager is taken care of that for us so when you start up these Docker containers I guess that's the command that's it's running in the background but if you were running this on Linux this is the command that this is the command if you're running it in command line that you'd have to type in but you can see here once it's installed this is how you reach it so host 8123 host in these brackets we're going to replace that with the IP address of your syy Nas because that is what is hosting our home assistant if you don't know the IP address of your syy Nas you can go into your Nas and click on the widgets up here in the top right make sure that system health is is on if you don't have it just click the plus sign hopefully yours isn't critical like mine um don't worry about it yours isn't critical so you're good and then where it says Land one that should be the IP address of your sonology Nas so to access home assistant you're just going to use this IP address oh hey check it out success it installed exit Code Zero is good that's that's what we want that means that it's installed if I close out you can see that's green if I click on container that's green I know it's weird that it's in both spots but um some Docker composed files will have more than one container in this case it only has one but you would see multiple if it needed them so anyways back all right so now let's go ahead and access our home assistant so all we have to do is type in the IP address of our sonology Nas colon 81 23 and there we go so if you type in HTTPS it will not work you're going to have to make sure that it says HTTP and you should be in and you should be good and you can create your home give it a name I use my legal birth name that I have to put on all federal documents and then create a secure password that is more than three letters long and you are good um this is not then you're good You' got home assistant installed that was a quick one one thing I'll say if you are new to Docker compost stuff is you see we we have this config folder if I come in here it's probably got some files in it now yeah check it out so you can back this folder up if you're using home assistant you can use something like snapshots or hyper backup to back up this home assistant folder that way if anything happens to your sonology Nas you can back it up from you know an external hard drive or the cloud somewhere or a lot of these sonology programs actually let you go back a couple days so if home assistant isn't working for you one day you could use something like snapshots to actually kind of It kind of works like time machine on a Mac so you can just say hey restore this config folder to 5 days ago and then your home system will work like it did 5 days ago the other thing is this is only accessible inside of your house because that IP address that you're using that IP address is only good within your network that your sonology ass is on so if you want to access home assistant outside of your home you're going to have to look into something like tail scale tail scale oh I'm typing this way wrong so you can look into something like tail scale which is available on the sonology package Center Tye in tail scale there it is so you can get tail scale or you can also look into reverse proxying and that would be the method of your opening up your sonology n to the internet but you can access something like home assistant by typing in like my custom home assistant. myy custom so reverse proxying is what you want to look into but congratulations you got the home assistant running
Channel: VolumeData21
Views: 4,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology, nas, selfhosted, self-hosted, home-assistant, home assistant, smart home, docker, docker-compose, tutorial, how to, apps
Id: vvLCzlc7apQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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