Install and Use NGINX Proxy Manager | Docker Series

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hello there today I'm going to be showing you how to install nginx proxy manager and after we do that we're going to make our portaner instance public for anyone to access now to do that we're going to need a couple of things first off we are obviously going to need a system with Docker and portainer installed I just did a tutorial on that that will be linked up here second off we are going to need a domain I'm going to use this one archive it I'm not using it for anything else so it'll work fine for this tutorial then I don't have to blur anything which is always a pain okay so let's head over to our portainer instance and then we're going to add container and we're going to name this engine X proxy manager okay and then we are going to go over to the install guide which will be linked in the description below we're not going to use Docker compose I've never really been a fan of it also Port Hanner is going to take care of all that stuff for us so there's not really much point in using that so let's go ahead and copy the image name and tag from here we're going to go ahead and paste that in so we can see that it is there next we're going to head into here and go restart policy and I like to do unless stopped if this is something that you're putting in production I would definitely say always but I like to do unless stop because that's just what I do next we are going to need to add the ports so let's go add row add three of these we're going to open up 80. under TCP 443 and 81 as well so now 81 is going to be the GUI that we access the proxy manager with and then 443 will be for SSL and 80 will be for regular http perfect so next we're going to create a volume called Data so let's go ahead and go to volumes map additional volume we'll just say that twice so after we've got that let's go ahead and SSH into our machine we're going to be doing bind you could do volumes I like to bind just so I can recreate the container and not really have to worry about losing data I just find it easier to work with it's not required but it's easier to work with let's go SSH STC at the machines IP you will notice that I am using a different machine than the last tutorial because I thought it would be easier to not have to redo everything before each tutorial okay so now that we're in here let's go into root pseudosu so now we are running as the root user this is going to make things easier for us we're going to CB slash okay so now let's do MK dirt slash SRV slash Docker data perfect now if we do oops CD let's do LS SRV we'll see we have a folder called Docker data let's go ahead and pop into Docker data oops sorry V slash Docker data LS okay so now we're here let's go see what the folders are going to be for so this is going to be for data and let's encrypt so let's go ahead and create a folder called um called nginx proxy manager just so we can keep this a little more organized perfect now we're in here okay MK dirt data MK dir okay perfect so now we have these two folders right here and they are going to store our data so now in here we're going to whoops I'm going to copy the slash data okay so that's going to be our container path and then we're also going to copy the Etsy slash let's encrypt right there perfect then the path on host is going to be the path to the folders we created so you don't necessarily have to use the file path I did that's just the one I like to use so we're going to do just copy this part and then paste that and slash data and then we called the other one let's encrypt slash let's and encrypt perfect so now that will be created and let's see did we miss anything it doesn't look like it perfect it's not we're just going to hit deploy container it may take a moment as it does have to download this image from okay I do seem to have made an error spaces are not allowed in your container name so we're just going to do n Jynx proxy manager without spaces let's go ahead and try that again see if it'll work this time luckily it won't take as long that time or the second time because it already has the most recent image up or downloaded now we've got that installed let's go ahead and see if we can access it 1.211 Port 81. so that's what we're going to type in we're going to type in the machine's IP colon 81 like that then that will bring us to our n Jinx proxy manager login screen now there is a default login so we're going to do admin at and then the password is change me perfect now we're logged in we're not going to remember that I'm going to name this admin at I'm never going to use this again so I'm not really too worried about it uh current password has changed me I'm just going to set this something insecure perfect so now we can see we have our account created our password is changed perfect okay so now if we head to our dashboard it's going to say we have zero proxy hosts zero redirection hosts zero streams and zero 404 hosts now I'm going to pull a little bit of a Switcheroo because I only have one IP address accessible on this network so I'm actually going to switch over to my personal and Jinx proxy manager and we are going to complete the rest of the tutorial from there alrighty so now we're here let's go ahead and find our IP address so we can just do that by typing what is my IP into just about any search engine and that'll give you your IP address mine is obviously going to be blurred out along with my location info because I don't want you guys knowing that alrighty so let's head over to our DNS records go ahead and add record and we will go ahead and call this portaner the domain name will be next we're going to paste in our IP address that is perfect I'm going to just comment that this is for the tutorial Docker tutorial series perfect so let's go ahead and hit save now we've got that so now if we go to portainer.archive at and a little 404 because this isn't set up so we're going to do that alrighty ladies and gentlemen before anything else you will need to pour it forward ports 80 and 443 to the address of your engines proxy manager that will allow it to access the internet or it will it will allow other people to access it from the internet so now we've done that let's go ahead and head over to the proxy hosts this is all going to be blurred enjoy that click add proxy host and then we're going to do poortainer.archy dot vet perfect then since our portaner instance is already running under https we will need to switch that to https and then we will type in the IP address 192.168.211 in my case and we are using Port 9443 perfect then we're going to head over to our SSL tab go ahead and click request new SSL certificate with let's encrypt okay and then we are going to obviously Force SSL because our page will not work without SSL enabled so let's go ahead and stick with that perfect and then we are going to click I agree so let's hit save and you will need to enter your email address may take a moment perfect okay so now that we've done that let's go ahead and head back to our hit refresh and see if it'll work awesome it's working now let's see if I can remember what I named my account hmm admin very secure admin amazing so that is it we have successfully set up nginx proxy manager and then created a public-facing website so that is it so this is very simple to do I will have the rest of the series playlist Linked In the description below as well as on screen at the end of the video as always I hope you had a nice day I will see you all next time goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Synthetic Everything
Views: 46,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Synthetic, Everything, nginx proxy manager, nginx proxy manager docker, nginx proxy manager tutorial, setup nginx proxy manager, nginx proxy manager on docker, install nginx proxy manager on docker, raspberry pi nginx proxy manager, how to install nginx proxy manager on docker, docker nginx proxy manager, nginx proxy manager portainer, docker, reverse proxy, nginx proxy manager ssl, nginx proxy manager on omv, install nginx proxy manager on omv, raspberry pi
Id: fCJbw75DCZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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