How to Install Arch Linux on Windows 10 using VirtualBox with the NEW OFFICIAL INSTALL Script!!

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hey savvy people it's savvy nick here and today we'll be installing arch linux on a virtual machine the easy way with the new and official arch linux install script that's right arch linux has done us a solid and released an official script that comes with the iso installer and that's what i use to install this arch linux setup running right in front of me alright jumping right in we'll want virtualbox for this one that's the virtualization software we're using in order to run our arch linux setup here today on windows 10. this makes it easy without having to actually install arch linux on your physical computer instead you could run it in an emulated environment called virtualbox you can get it at i'll make sure to post a link in the description below so i'll hit the big download virtual box the latest version and i'll scroll down and look for windows host since we're installing this on a windows machine today when i hit on windows host that will launch the actual download for the installer save that file and once that's downloaded just run through the install wizard it's very simple to follow through just like any other application that you would install on windows after that we'll go over to the website where we'll download an iso also known as an install image here and if we look down the latest news here in april the latest installation medium comes with a guided installer that's what i mentioned at the beginning of the video and that's what we'll be using it's very exciting it makes the whole process much easier instead of manually having to do everything and install arch you'll see how much faster it is with this install script so next we'll go to the top hit the download section where we're going to download an image that we can use for the install here it says the latest image is april 1st 2021 what kernel it has how big it is and if we scroll down we can select through the various different mirrors available in different countries i'll go down to my section which is the united states get the mirror closest to you and i'm going through one of these i know is a pretty trusty source so i'll download it from that mirror what i'm looking for in these options and if you get these options is the arch linux 2021.0401 signifying it was released at the beginning of the month in april of 2021 the x86 64-bit iso that's the type of architecture we'll be installing it on in our virtual machine that's the one i want i'll click on that i'll save this file and let it download this point we have virtualbox installed and we're ready to go and run the program launch your virtual box by searching for it just type in virtual it should come up oracle vm virtual box is what we want to run otherwise you might have an icon at the bottom you can click and start from there as well all right and once things pop up you'll see a screen similar to this now of course if you haven't used it before you're not going to have any virtual machines already set up i got plenty here and this script could have saved me a lot of time on some of these other arch base installations that i've made in the past and that's why i love the fact that they've released this also if you're new in stopping by make sure to take a moment and subscribe below hit that notification bell for more linux and operating system videos let's start in by creating a new virtual machine on the top here we can click on tools and that will give us a new menu over here on the right side let's click on new which then allows us to start the setup process for our virtual machine first we can name our virtual machine i'm calling it arch linux and then the machine folder the standard is fine for me if you want to put it in a different directory you can of course and since i typed in arch linux it detected the type and version of linux that i want to install already if this wasn't picked out for you make sure the type is linux and the version is arch linux 64 since we're installing with the 64-bit image all right next after that we now can select how much memory we want to give our virtual machine just make sure you're not really in the orange or red zones anything else is fine i do highly suggest giving it at least one gig of memory you can do with less but if we're going to have any kind of desktop environment we're going to need a little bit more i'll go for 8192 since i got plenty of memory on my system this is eight gigs of memory i'll hit next after that now i'm ready to create a new virtual hard disk right now i'll click that and hit create here i can choose between various different formats of virtual disks some play a little easier and are easier to export to different virtualization softwares but for now i'll go with the native virtualbox disk image vdi file and hit next we have to choose between what type of storage we want for our physical hard disk dynamically allocated versus fixed size fixed size means it takes up all the storage right off the bat there won't be a growing pattern so usually the best option is just to go with the dynamically allocated because that only grows as the system grows so it's not taking a bunch of your host storage space up because you are of course limited to whatever your windows storage device can support so dynamically allocated helps i'll hit next now i get to specify what size i want to use for that dynamically allocated virtual disk and i'll give mine 64 gigs you can give yours whatever you want you'll want to stay above 8 gigs or you might run into trouble with your root file partition being too small 64 gigs is pretty typical for me i usually go over 32 at the very least anyways as long as you're not starving your own system of storage this is fine again it's not going to use the 64 gigs up all the way instead it will grow as the arch linux file system grows next i'll hit create and that will actually create our virtual machine we've gone through all the steps in the wizard but there are a few things i like to edit in the settings to make my emulation a little better i'll hit settings and then i'll go over to system settings where i'll select enable efi this says special os's only but most linux distributions as well as operating systems now support efi partitions so it's nice to emulate in this mode because most modern motherboards actually have uefi already built on them and it's become pretty much the standard so it's nice to emulate in that mode following that you can go to processor and give yourself some more cpu cores if necessary in order to run better emulation of course don't go into the orange or red zones we'll keep going down to a few more setups including the storage settings where i see i have a controller id currently empty this is where i want to attach the disk that i just got done downloading so that iso image i'll click down on the cd here and choose a disk file and here i'm introduced the file explorer where i can select in my downloads folder the arch linux 2021 0401 x86 64 image that i just got done downloading and i'll hit open this right here will act as a virtual disk as well as a virtual drive that's reading the virtual disk that way we can boot into the install for arch linux and run that arch linux install script if you went ahead and made it this far please smash that like button and let's continue on by going to audio you can enable or disable the audio i don't like getting audio back from my virtual machine so i'm going to turn that off finally i'm going to go down to the user interfaces just check one thing everything looks all right here i'm gonna hit ok and at this point we can launch arch linux so we can start the install process here in the virtual machine alright i'm going to hit start with it selected and give it a few moments here to boot up you might get this select startup disk that's because there's multiple disks that it thinks it wants to go look through just make sure that this is actually selected on the arch linux 20 210401 x864 iso otherwise it will try booting some other image you probably won't get this unless you've tried installing other operating systems in the past i'm going to hit start and that will boot our machine very much like this here let me make this a little bigger so we can see things all right so if we click inside our mouse is going to go away and we can go through the various different options here we want the very first option in order to boot into the install medium let's press enter and give it a moment to start up here if things successfully loaded up we'll see a cow with a little comment for us here congratulations you've made it into the linux console and it's ready for arch to be installed on this virtual machine alright i cleared things out so we can start the install process what i'll do is first go into full screen mode so we can see everything a little better you can do that by hitting control f that'll get you there and here we are in full screen mode i'm going to type in arch install all one word lowercase this is the new script it's a python script you can look it up that arch linux is supplying for us to make it a lot easier to install things instead of manually having to go through things i'm going to press enter and give it a few moments we see all of our options here for languages and the one i want is the very last one 21 which is the us you can also enter a question mark in to search for more languages so this will apply a language for our keyboard 21 again us is fine for me then i'll press enter next we're asked which region we're from 52 for me for the united states you can of course go through the list and figure out what region is closest to you or you're currently in again it's easiest just to select the numbers instead of typing out the regions i finished typing 52 and i'll press enter next this is great because we're being asked what disk we want to install everything on and partition for our arch linux system we're given three devices here device loop zero the current booted arch linux iso so we won't touch that two is dev sr0 that also seems like something that pertains to the image forget that so number one the dev sda that type of a label is for a storage disk so that looks right another hint here is i selected 64 gigs for my total storage space so that makes a lot of sense i'll select one and then press enter following that we're asked what type of file system do we want to create on our main partition so you have four options here you can read up on them but i'll go with the standard which is the ext4 file system if you like using another one better you can select a number and then press enter here we're asked to encrypt our disk all this does is adds a password on top of the normal user passwords in order to get in and start using your disk if you want disk encryption you can type in your paraphrase and then enter it in a second time otherwise you can just press enter and leave it blank i'll leave mine blank next i'm asked for a desired hostname for the installation i'm going to use savvy nick you can call it whatever you want this is what other computers on the network will recognize your computer as if they can see it of course so savvy nick is fine for me i'm gonna press enter next i'm asked for a root password so this is for the administrative user put in your password even though it's not typing it is taking the characters press enter when you're done and one more time for verification purposes that way you make sure you entered the password incorrectly also if you didn't want a administrative user you could have just left the last one blank and pressed enter that won't set up a root user after confirming the password press enter if all things went well it'll move on and ask us if we want to create a normal user and what that username will be i will create a normal user i'll call him savvy nick you can of course leave a blank if you want to skip right over creating a new user i'm going to press enter after that it's asking for a password at this point for that user very similar to what we did for root you can create your new password it can be different it doesn't have to be the same and it's probably best that it remains not the same but either way type in the password press enter and verify that password once more and now we're good we're being asked whether or not we want to set up this user to use sudo if we choose this option that means that the user that we just created will have super privileges so they can become an administrator so should my user be super yes i'm going to use that so i'll press y the default option is no if you press enter you won't have super privileges with that user i'll press enter after that now i'm being asked again do i want to create another user well if you have multiple users at this point you can create more of them i won't be creating any more so i'm going to just press enter with the arch linux installer script here we can select a pre-programmed profile if you want you can install basic tools for any of the following profiles if you want to use awesome desktop gnome desktop environment kd desktop environment kd with wayland support or xorg you can select one of the above but i won't mess with this because i want the absolute minimal installation of arch linux here so i'll leave this one blank because you can install everything and anything after the fact and that's kind of the purpose here anyway keeping things minimal and really customizing things to your needs from a minimal setup so i'll press enter i'm asked at this point whether i want to add additional packages to install you can if you want i'm going to add the net ctl package and dhcpcd just in case i need it for networking purposes later on i'll just put a space between those two and press enter of course if you have more packages you can keep adding men just put spaces between them maybe there's something that you like to have standard on an arch linux install of course you can put that package in here again after the fact you can install it as well so at this point i'll press enter now one of my favorite parts is this arch linux install script also can help set up your network interface it's one of the things people forget once installing arch linux is that you need packages as well as setting up those packages to run networking post install this script makes it very easy i'm just going to select option 0 which is going to copy the current network configuration onto installed arch linux setup so 0 and then i'll press enter here we can enter in a valid time zone by putting in our continent followed by a major city on one of those continents for example they gave us europe and then stockholm another example would have been america's and then slash new york city either way you can look up valid time zones and put yours in as necessary or something at least close by you that's in the same time zone i'll just use the example and press enter if you want to look above you'll get to review all the setup that's going to happen after you press enter it will begin the installation i know everything looks all right for me so i'm going to continue the installation by pressing enter it'll take about five seconds to start formatting things and then it will install some basic packages here it's installing the base package the base development package the linux kernel and firmware package and efi boot manager since this is an efi based virtual machine and lastly it says nano as well which is just a text editor making things a little easier whenever you're finally installed to edit your text files we'll give this a few minutes in order to finish up the installation process and then after this we should be very close to being able to reboot into our brand new arch linux set up on a virtual machine inside of virtualbox at this point smash that like button if you haven't already because we're almost done and once things have finished installing you'll see this installation completed without errors in green for you and that you can now reboot that's great it did also say a few things above such as it enabled our network for us added a bootloader systemd bootctl onto the newly created efi partition and installed a couple extra packages the netctl and dhcpd package created our user made our user sudo and put our password in for root okay quite exciting so instead of rebooting i like to shut things down so i'll do sudo shut down now there's a reason for this so i'm shutting down and once things are shut down i'll be back to my virtual box software where i can manage things i'll go back into settings because i want to remove in the storage the disk that i currently have in otherwise will boot right back into the installer so i can click on this cd here and hit remove disk from virtual drive once it says empty i can hit ok and now i'm ready to start my virtual machine again with arch linux on it let's hit the start button and give it a few moments to start right back up very good i'm now welcomed by a login screen here and it says arch linux 5.11.13 so i can type in my username that i created during the install process of mine savvynic type in my password for savvynic and look at that i am greeted by savvynick at savvynick congratulations if you made it this far you've successfully installed arch linux in a virtual machine using virtualbox on windows 10. quite a mouthful but very rewarding once you've done this and the arch linux new install script has made life easier for us it's awesome that they've added that in let's check a couple things in this environment before we end things here first thing i want to make sure that i can ping something so i'll try this will confirm that i actually have an internet connection which will help me install packages otherwise it's not going to be good because i'm then unable to get any kind of packages which will help customize my system here sure enough i can ping things out so that looks good you can end things by hitting control c use the right control and then press c that'll make things easier for you i'll clear things out again that's a very good sign if you have network access that really allows you to do most things that are necessary like installing our first package but before we do that let's do sudo su just to see if we can log in as root you might be asked for a password type that in it's your normal user's password and let's download that first package right away and that's if we can elevate our privileges to the super user with the normal user here and if we can actually install a package from the arch linux repo so i'll do sudo pacman dash capital s and then y u which will get the repos cincum as well as upgrade things and then i'll type neofetch it's asking me if i want to install neofetch sure and it looks like everything is finished now and if i type neofetch as my new package we can see here that we have arch linux x86 64-bit running on virtual box 1.2 with kernel version 5.11.13 it's been up for a few minutes and things are looking great the best part of it it's only using 72 megabytes out of the eight gigs available which is pretty wild to think about of course as a virtual machine you will need to install some guest utilities in order to make sure that things get rendered properly and work even better in your virtual machine you can do that by typing in sudo space pac-man space dash syu and we'll do the virtual box dash guest utils and if you don't want that with xsupport you can throw in no x at the end otherwise just keep it like this this is fine for me i want x support so i'll press enter and let these libraries as well as the utility install on my computer well that should be it you can check out the rest of my videos to help you get set up in arch linux and start moving around as well as fix the linux console resolution and set the font like i did here to be able to see it a lot easier also a few more tips and tricks as well as an awesome x monad window manager setup if you want to check that out search for it on the channel i'll put a link in the description below if you have any questions comments or suggestions please make sure to post them in the comments section below also make sure to subscribe for future videos and make sure to like the video catch me in a great community on discord and i'll catch you in another video thanks for watching
Channel: SavvyNik
Views: 21,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nx5qAUtytW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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