How To Get Followers on Instagram When Starting From Zero

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chris i'm not sure what to post on social media what's your advice so the first thing that people need to know when they're creating content is who am i serving who am i trying to help because you're asking from them something super valuable you're asking for their time and and their energy and attention and really we have so little of it to give right because everybody's screaming at us pay attention to me so my my view on this is that for them to pay attention to give me their time and energy i need to give them something more than what they gave i need to educate them in some way teach them something that's of value to them not to myself but to them so showing pictures of things that interest me unless you're like setting trends is really not interesting to people so once i learned that i was able to grow an audience and the other thing your audience needs to know is that when a platform rolls at new features they want you to use those features and if you do that the algorithm excuse towards you so once i figured out that they're really trying to get more attention around these 10 slide carousels and my friend michael janda showed me that you could teach using this thing all the things lined up for me because i'm a teacher i'm passionate about education like i mentioned before i've been doing it for over 15 years teaching traditional uh private art schools and i like i found this thing like create mini decks teach somebody one lesson per carousel and hopefully they'll show up for that and they have been and it's been pretty wonderful chris i want you to pretend you're starting over on instagram you have zero followers what are you gonna do okay that's a complicated question and i i dread the thought of starting over i was like oh my god my worst possible nightmare okay let's start over what's the game plan for starting on instagram today from zero there's a couple things you need to do the first thing i want you to do is have the right mindset that this is a long game it's not a game of instant gratification if you're in it for that just i'm gonna tell you right now just stop people share posts with me like chris i did everything you said and i'm just not growing and then i go on their feed and literally they've posted three things it's like that's not enough at least do the minimum the minimum is to do 12 posts because at least then you fill up the entire grid with 12 things that are consistent because you have to remember something if somebody sees one of your posts they're not going to insta follow you they're going to see what else you're doing and it needs to be now consistent consistent meaning that you're focused on one one specific topic so they're they're going to say look i really love uh toy cars and everything you post is about toy cars but then there's just one about an action figure now you can say they're kind of related maybe they are but i'm not really interested in that so i'm not going to follow you or i'm going to unfollow if you keep posting that and this happens all the time i see this so don't don't do what i do personally but what you want to do is be very narrow and to focus on one topic and that's going to lead to the next question what the heck am i going to write about there's two ways to do this you could write about things that you're very passionate about or you could think about a specific audience member in benji you talked about this before to imagine somebody that you're speaking to it could be your younger self it could be a cousin a sister a brother a mom or a dad or a classmate and speak to them and try to help them and you have to approach this with the mindset and the spirit of generosity to help other people without strings attached that's it you need to give with no expectations and if you do that and you do it consistently enough you're on the right path the next thing i would advise you to do is to pick out maybe three colors that you're gonna use in combination of not all the same time but three colors so that when somebody sees your feed they get a feeling like oh there's some intention behind this i want you to pick one maybe two fonts at the most and just use those two fonts and the last thing i want to say is this is that people who don't have a background design they're naturally insecure about their design skills so when they have a layout and it's just really simple they feel like that's not enough so what do they do they start adding more and more stuff to it making it worse and worse so i recently did a carousel clinic a workshop and i asked people basically if your design isn't better than this generic design i put together which is basically one typeface one weight one color if you can't do better than that then don't do it and it's really that simple chris what do you think the secrets to growing on instagram are if you really want to grow anywhere you have to assume nobody knows you and you have to create something that a stranger would feel so compelled to share on their timeline like you or i we might see a post and we might like it and if it doesn't really tickle us we're not going to like it but for us to go out of our way to then go and hit that share button and to say something about it like you guys need to stop what you're doing and look at this it has to be super valuable to them and that's one of the ways that i've been able to grow because when i post something thankfully people like to share those things on other platforms and on instagram itself so it helps to bring in their friends and their family and so that's how i've been able to grow now the structure that i use on this self-contained story is using something that's been used in marketing for quite some time it's called the ida aida which is you need to start with something that grabs people's attention and usually use something that is of a benefit to them there's a formula to this too it's called the rot form rot so the rot formula goes like this you promise a result that they're looking for you identify an objection they might have and you talk about time as well so an example of this is learn how to speak spanish which is a result in two weeks which is time even if you don't know how to speak a foreign language which is the objection so if you use that to grab their attention they're gonna stop now i know it's a little clickbaity but the youtube video says how to grow 10 000 followers a week which is exactly what i was doing employing this strategy now of course that's full-time effort i'm not doing that anymore but i get about six and a half thousand a week without working that hard okay the next thing is interest you have to build somebody's interest so you got my attention give me a little bit more so i keep reading so i keep moving forward sorry the next one is d desire and i've changed desire to detail in instagram carousel this is where you have to deliver the goods you got me with a hook you you've teased me as to what the answer is going to be you better give it to me otherwise i'll be really angry that i've swiped through seven slides to get to this point and you've not paid it up so that's that's details for me and the last one is action a so that's a i d a action is for a call to action tell me one thing you'd like me to do do you want me to like this do you want me to share it don't tell me to do 45 different things if you want me to check the link in the bio tell me to do that and that's it [Music] and finally chris do you have any more tips for us today here are my four additional tips i'm gonna drop on you right now it's very hard to write these carousels it really is and i have just kind of a weird balancing act that it needs to be light but satisfying if it's too heavy i don't think you understand the subject well enough to explain it simply and you've heard this expression before but sometimes people just give me a very light frothy thing and it's all foam and there's really no beverage in there so you need to be able to make sure that somebody has a good takeaway that isn't 100 completely obvious if you go through it's like you know if you breathe more you'll be alive longer yeah i know that so that's really not light but satisfying that's just light so how do we do this there's a game we call heads or tails you flip a coin heads write 10 headlines the same idea just try to find the best way to phrase it so you start with the headline and then you build the rest of the carousel to deliver on that headline it's a promise that you made you better deliver on you flip the coin again it's tails focus on the key takeaways and if you start there you know it's going to be nuggets of wisdom or gold as they like to say on the internet so if the key takeaway slide eight or nine isn't meaningful to anybody isn't insightful is it personal is not relevant to them then you've got nothing it's all garbage so what i would do is start heads or tails if you get stuck and start there and sometimes trying to write the headline for me is horrible because then i don't know what else to write so i start tales like what are the key takeaways and i go backwards from there next you have to learn how to use hashtags for sure because hashtags teach the algorithm what the heck you're talking about a lot of strategies on how to do this all you have to do is google it you'll find some hashtag strategies use any of them use all of them give it a shot okay that's really important next a really great way to grow your audience is this is once you've met the minimum of posting 12 pieces of content consistently about one topic or one subject matter write a guest post find somebody that you look up to that's in your space and spend an inordinate amount of time creating a super valuable piece of content design the heck out of it give them your best posts ever share that with them and if if they like it they'll post it on their feed for free and they'll send perhaps hundreds or maybe thousands of followers for you a couple of people in my community have done this and they have grown by twenty to thirty thousand based on the kickstart that they got from me sending eyeballs to them the key point here is this is that their account was already good they just didn't have eyeballs on it the ones that don't have a good account i could do a guest post they only pick up a few hundred not good for them necessarily still pretty good relatively but not the maximum value so make sure that's there now if nobody's willing to do a guest post for you and it's understandable you can also pay for shout outs this is something that happens and it doesn't cost that much you look at people who post other people's content you just dm them and say look how much do you charge for a shout out i will write the content i'll write it and design it in the style so it's consistent with your feed and then i will mention myself very briefly at the end and if you could do that it's a very inexpensive way to jump start i personally have not done this but i know people who have who've really been able to grow literally from zero to now 100 000 followers in less than a year that's it thanks for watching everyone that does it for today's video i hope you found these tips to be helpful if you like what you heard and still want more i have a few seats available for my instagram workshop this thursday november 5th during this live virtual workshop i'll show you how i'm able to write and design carousels that connect i'll share tips and tricks on how to write more engaging copy find just the right colors and typefaces to make your brand stand out and how to optimize your workflow so you can spend more time being creative and less time fighting the tools click the link in the description below and join me in class we only have a little less than 25 seats open so sign up today to reserve your spot before it's sold out thanks for watching and i'll see you in the future
Channel: The Futur
Views: 169,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the futur, how to, graphic design, strategy, pricing, design, entrepreneurship, business of design, business, mindset, instagram tips, how to get followers on instagram, starting over on instagram, gain followers on instagram, how to get more followers on instagram, how do i get more instagram followers?, how to grow my instagram, how to grow my social media, how to gain social media followers, starting over on social media, Instagram, Gram, IG
Id: R-EyTBRgZh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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