INSTA360 One X2 Full in Depth Review | SO MUCH FUN!

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[Music] everything that you just saw of course was filmed on this little guy which is the insta360 one x2 it's a handful to say but it's quite a capable little camera and i'm calling it i'm saying that this thing is the coolest and the funnest camera that i have ever used hands down and it's amazing maybe i'm late to the party this is my first 360 camera it does require a little bit more work than your typical camera footage but man is it worth it and it's a lot of fun to use so we're gonna break this thing down today everything that you need to know about it as usual to figure out whether or not it's for you or not i'm loving this thing and i gotta say i am definitely one to suffer a little bit from some seasonal depression out here in the west coast it rains a lot it's dark very early and man this thing came just in time to get me out of a funk thank you so much insta360 for sending me this bad boy for review but always like everything that i review it's completely my own opinion and they have absolutely no input on this video so i'm gonna break it down and tell you the good and the bad and hopefully figure out whether or not you should be considering this guy so let's dive right in and check out this thing physically it is pretty small as you can see here fits in your pocket and it does a pretty good job at being discreet you will notice that the lenses here do protrude on both sides and that is a little bit worrisome because if it falls over yeah you got some issues so that's one thing that you must really realize when you're investing in a 360 camera it's kind of inevitable but there are some ways to protect against that because you don't want to have that scratched i imagine it's probably pretty expensive to replace so that's one negative of a 360 camera luckily there are things like this little rubber cap here you throw it on when you're not using it and i leave this thing on all the time unless i'm filming and the second i'm ready to film i take it off and when i'm done i put it back on i'm not gonna lie there has been a few close calls but it's pretty beefy this thing it stands up to a lot but you do have to be aware and be a little bit careful so it's got a great rubberized build it's very grippy it's waterproof completely which is amazing which means you can throw it under water it can be rained on mud it doesn't matter that's a really good thing for any action cam an absolute must if you ask me the battery life is incredible over two hours in my experience which is great and these are things that i'm going to throw out there right away because these are the most important things for me battery life yeah you can replace the battery but honestly you're not going to really film more than two hours a day with this thing probably so that's ample for everything that i've gone out and shot and i think they've done a great job i never owned the original one the first version of this camera but i will say if you don't know that the battery life has been drastically approved so that's pretty cool it does shoot up to 5.7 k at 30 frames per second and that might sound impressive but there is a caveat with that now with any 360 camera you might know that you're actually filming in 360 degrees all around you at all times so that 5.7 k is everything so if you do want to focus on one thing and that's really what you're going to do with your footage eventually is actually choose where you want to be looking later in post it's not really going to be 5.7 k anymore so the more that you zoom in the more that you really dial in where your subject is the more that that footage is going to be compromised so do keep that in mind but absolutely you can still get some amazing looking footage is it an a-roll is it amazing cinematography camera absolutely not it's not going to take the place of your full frame mirrorless or something like that for filmmaking no but it is a fantastic action camera it's going to be great for b-roll and i'm just having a heck of a time it's super creative and i can't wait to show you what this thing can do so do be aware that with any small or action camera they are limited by their sensor size and that means it's not going to have absolutely amazing low-light capabilities it is what it is but it does hold its own but for best results you're definitely gonna want to use it in good light and that's not really not a problem when it comes to most action stuff because you're probably outside midday are you gonna take this thing out at night probably not but you still can and get some decent results so what about the stabilization of this thing gopro's got some pretty sick stabilization these days and so does the pocket 2 by dji so how does this thing stack up well it's actually insanely good and here's a comparison showing you the footage of my pocket 2 which is a gimbal camera and this insta 360. it's absolutely incredible so it really doesn't matter what you're doing if you're doing snowboarding high-speed sports on a motorcycle and a car it doesn't matter you're gonna get some great stable footage great job on the stabilization another thing to note is that this is a very beginner friendly camera this thing is gonna be fantastic if you love to use your phone and you're reliant on apps to use things maybe you don't have a crazy good editing rig computer well insta360 has done a insane job at giving you the ability to edit and to throw things up on social or export them for other uses really really easily through the app it's probably one of the best apps that i've actually seen i gotta say and utilizing their shot labs you can get some of the most amazing mind-blowing creative things that i've ever seen and they're constantly adding more and new things so if you are just getting into camera stuff and you might not know a heck of a lot about it or have many expertise well just the auto settings gonna do you fine and in the app you're going to be able to take care of a lot of things to get some really really great footage really quickly so if you're a creator like me or you just want to maybe use some 360 footage do be aware that there is pretty much an extra step involved rather than just importing your stuff right into your editor and going from there there are some plugins that you can use in premiere pro but you can use the app like i said export it out and then throw it into your project it's really one extra step but in a lot of cases it's totally worth it so for me the best thing about this camera and really all 360 cameras is that you hit the record button and it's recording everything you shoot then and then you go ahead and post later and choose what you want to focus on and that's the beauty of this thing and where it really shines you can do incredible things like split screen like you see here then you can dive into the app using your phone screen as a viewfinder to get the perfect shot that you're looking for as you're probably aware a lot of the action usually comes from the direction that you're not pointing the camera in and in this case it doesn't matter you're covered no matter what of course you can also zoom in and out freely to get some really creative and different perspectives how cool is that you can take the same footage and edit it in several different ways to get completely different looking effects and here's a perfect example of that here's some standard footage using some tracking which also happens to be very good as you'll see in a second but a very standard clip here's the exact same clip just fooling around in post and really taking advantage of capturing that 360 degree footage this time i opted for a rotating tiny planet effect pretty awesome stuff three completely different edits same exact footage so i did want to touch on the amazing tracking that this thing's capable of as well as the ai editing abilities you've seen that it can create some amazing things in shot lab like the clone trail and whatnot but check out this clip right here this entire clip was edited from the apps ai it decided everything the composition the speed it even added the music absolutely incredible honestly one of the only limiting factors of this camera is your creativity it's capable of so much so just be creative and have fun with it i sure am okay so let's go over a few more things i'm going to power it on here and start filming and then we can see the difference in real time it powers on as you saw in just a few seconds so pretty quick to get up and running and let's hit that button to have it start recording now it does take a second to actually get going but now it's recording and here's what the a7 3 looks like from sony which is a full frame mirrorless camera and this is what the insta 360 looks like in real time here now again the benefit of this thing is that it's filming everything always which is great because things happen not in the direction that you're pointing the camera more often than not so it's really cool to be able to shoot now and then pick whatever you want to look at later so another big important factor these days is the audio performance so how do you perform when it comes to audio well this is how it sounds this is exactly what the audio sounds like about a foot away and there is no external audio capabilities like something in the pocket too from dji i do love that vlogging feature where you can step back and have this thing filming you and still be able to talk and have good audio so do be aware that you are a little bit limited from your audio in this thing but you be the judge how does it sound the audio come out of this thing right now for me it's nothing groundbreaking and it's not the worst but i don't know if i'd use it for like a year old type of stuff what do you think now i think primarily this is a video camera but of course it can do photography as well i'm not gonna focus on it in this video because well we don't have time to cover all the things that this thing can do here's a few shots that i did take you can get some really creative shots easy and quick panoramas and you can use voice control to take photos as well as videos there are a ton of features that i can't possibly cover in this video without it being an hour but you can also go live in 360 have meetings with everybody in the room they really did pack a ton of stuff into this little camera so let's talk about accessories luckily there are a ton of accessories it's got a great convenient quarter inch mount and honestly the accessories that they thought up of are phenomenal this is just the telescoping handle here almost like a selfie stick but this one actually converts into a little tripod really quickly so you can throw this thing down and utilize a lot of their shot lab stuff or just film yourself or run around it or do whatever you want to do really quickly really simply it's also really great for if you're in real estate or if you want to do maybe like an open house or a tour or something you can run through the house or if you are maybe on vacation and really take advantage of the simple easy to use shoot now edit later and just get some great awesome shots so there are a ton of accessories like i said this one i totally recommend definitely pick up this tripod slash selfie stick kind of thing absolute must have but there are some other ones that i opted to get as well this is a selfie stick but a much bigger one it telescopes out to almost 10 feet to get some really cool shots and i personally didn't opt for the insta 360 version well mainly because of its price and the availability where i live this thing was only about 30 bucks on amazon i'll throw links in the description of all this stuff but definitely worth picking up to get some crazy insane drone looking shots check that out for sure this is another must-have in my opinion this is a big magnet base so you can go ahead and just slam that thing on the side of your car the top of your car or anything that's metal and it's going to sit there really really well it's got a ball head on top and also it does come with a little strap looking thing so that you can tie it to your mirror if you're going fast just for some extra security as well but this thing also is going to double as a pretty secure base so if you just wanted to you know talk to it or selfie yourself or whatever then you got a base as well so another great accessory and there are literally a ton of other ones these are just the three that i find myself using the most just because of their versatility and their low cost and i definitely couldn't forget the awesome bullet time cord attach this thing to your camera in a couple seconds spin it around you and get some insane shots at the 3k 100 frames per second slow motion this thing offers it's tiny it fits in your pocket it's a definite must-have so before we wrap up let's talk about some of the pros and cons of this little guy one con like i said is that the lenses do protrude out and that you are at risk if this does fall over of needing a costly repair so that's kind of a negative that's inevitable when it comes to 360 cameras as far as i'm aware of but it is what it is so other than that it is a fantastic and very easy to use and very fun camera so it does have that going for it as far as its capabilities shooting 5.7 k is pretty darn impressive it's not a huge huge upgrade in terms of resolution but it does have a higher megabits per second or overall image quality over the last version so it does have that going forward as well as you saw it's got different modes like time lapse like time shift like all sorts of crazy stuff more coming out all the time it's got a ton of different accessories and it's a great size and weight that you can throw in your bag and totally forget about another thing that i love about it is just it's sheer ease of use you shoot now and you edit later because you can be confident it captured literally everything going on around you and that's amazing because things don't always happen just where you're pointing the camera a lot of the time so love that aspect of it completely as well another negative because i'm trying to come up with a few of them is that it does take an extra step of editing and if you are a beginner it might be just a little bit daunting to you but don't be scared it's super easy to use in the app and you'll learn really really quickly so let's leave it at that that's my experience with the insta360 one x2 loving this thing so far and let me know what you want to see me do with this thing and any tutorials or other videos on it and i will be sure to give you what you want to the best of my ability if you like this video guys make sure you hit that like and subscribe button join the community and like always make mistakes be yourself and get out there and take some more pictures see you next time
Channel: Stefan Malloch
Views: 19,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stefan malloch, insta 360, insta360, insta 360 review, insta360 review, insta 360 one x2, insta360 one x2 review, insta360 one x2, insta360 one x2 footage, insta360 one x2 vlog, insta 360 tips, insta360 accessories, insta 360 accessories, insta360 one x2 stabilization, gopro vs insta 360, insta360 1 x2, insta 360 1 x2 review, insta 360 one x2 review, best action camera, 360 camera, best 360 camera, action camera, best action camera 2021, insta360 review 2021
Id: 2xNai8C-rUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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