Insta360 GO 2 | TINY Camera with major upgrades!

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- Good morning, check this out Institute 360 GO 2 is what we're talking about today. Sorry about the kind of crappy lighting. It's still like 4:30 AM. You know, getting an early start to the day as usual, because that's what it's about. If you're trying to get stuff done we wanna be successful. You gotta wake up early (laughing) I'm just kidding, dude. I'd never wake up this early. I had trouble sleeping. It's actually kind of nice. Like check it out. It's empty here. It's never empty here. I've never seen this. I've never been up before 8:00 AM before. We have Storyblocks, sponsoring today's episode. So we are doing a giveaway with three of these and not gonna lie. My expectations for this camera wasn't that high, 'cause look how dinky it is. How good could it really be? But I'm actually pretty impressed. Let me go ahead and fire this up while I tell you about our sponsor. Storyblocks is the place to go get access to over a million stock assets, including royalty-free videos, music, sound effects, after effects, templates before you even get an account you can actually go and see if they have what you need, because you can just go to their website type in whatever you're looking for and see if it pops up. I'm gonna throw a link down there in the description so you can go check them out. And if you think that date can provide value to your projects and your videos which you can use them for, you know commercials or home videos, or I don't know whatever videos you're making, go ahead, use it. And we personally use the unlimited all access plan which gives us access to unlimited downloads. So all the things you see on there you can download a million things if you want in one month. Use it. Thanks again to Storyblocks for sponsoring this episode links down there in the description and we are starting to get some sunrise. So let's head over to the beach. Action cameras has never been that good in low light but this might be a good chance for me to compare this low-light capability to the original GO. I imagine the image quality being quite a bit better. And also here's the sound. I believe there's been improvements as well. So far, we've been using the audio from this microphone but here I'm gonna switch over to beat Mike from the GO 2. So here it is, here is how I sound when I'm recording with this camera. And now let's switch over to the original GO. And here's how the audio here sounds now in terms of image quality. I imagine it being quite a bit better, especially in dimly lit situations like this, because there is a much bigger sensor in the GO 2. Let me show you the size difference. The GO 2 is slightly bigger than the original one but compared to the Hero 9, check out the difference in size there. So if this can get similar image quality to this 9 I mean, that'd be pretty impressive, right. I'm not bashing the GoPro by the way I love this camera right here. Just check out the size difference though, with the case and everything it's still a little bit smaller. This might be a kind of a cool time lapse right here. Should we do it all right, let's go. (gentle wistful music) Not gonna lie though, this whole waking up burly thing is actually pretty nice. I kind of wanna try it doing this regularly, but I hate waking up early, I don't know. Right, so now looking at some more low-light footage it definitely is solid for an action camera of this size but there was something kind of weird going on in the background of this shot where almost looks like the texture doesn't necessarily line up with the stabilization of the shot. I don't really know what's going on there but I have noticed it in a few other shots that I shot when it was really dark. And there's a lot of pavement. I think it has something to do with that specific color not processing perfectly. I'm not sure. I just sent it over to Insta360 and they're having their engineers look at it right now. And they say it's possible that they might be able to fix it in a firmware update. But of course, action cameras aren't really designed for low light. And I noticed as soon as I got a little bit of light coming in, I didn't notice any more of that weird wobbly background effect. And when you compare it to the first Insta 360 GO it is significantly better, not just in low light but highlight retention is so much better. We can shoot law, which gives us so much more dynamic range and it's just overall a significantly better picture. I always thought the GO was cool because of how small it was and you can get a stabilized image out of it but I never considered the image quality to be that good. But now with this upgrade the footage out of here it's not looking bad actually but the reason why I'm so excited about this GO 2 is the weight and how I can mount it onto different FPV drones. So this GoPro hero 9 is about 158 grams for a pretty powerful five inch drone. You won't even notice it's on there but I fly some lighter drones. So what I do is I actually pull out the battery and this is the hero 8 because it is lighter and i'll just use this cable and power this off the drone just to get a little bit of that weight down and now we are looking at about 94 grams so we actually shaved off what like a third of the weight. Now some of you may remember when we stripped down the GoPro hero 6 to make it a naked GoPro just to get the weight as light as possible especially for a smaller drones, every gram counts. So this brings it down to about 26 grams which is great that's very very little weight but at the same time you have to figure out how to power it's not the most reliable or most user-friendly camera to use. Now this GO 2 is the same weight as Naked GoPro but it already has a built-in battery so you don't have to worry about how to power it it's very user friendly and the image quality out of it is pretty solid. I wouldn't say the footage is as good as GoPro for FPV because GoPros just have more power in the camera and also I like to use real steady which is some really crazy good stabilization but this is so much simpler all I have to do is just figure out how to mount it, I hit record I don't have to worry about powering it with extra cables or soldering anything like that I just hit record and take off. Now the image quality out of this GO 2 is surprisingly good I just had an opportunity to fly through this big house, I put it into 50 frames per second and I slowed it down a little bit just to extra smoothen it out a little bit but it really didn't look bad some of these rooms weren't even that bright but we were still able to get a pretty clean image out of it and the stabilization is very easy to do because you could just do it all from your phone so you don't even have to send any of the footage to computer if you don't want to. This is light enough to be able to mount on this little FPV this is what I'm working on right now. Just to give you perspective this is the DJI FPV drone that everyone's talking about right now and check it out, this thing is the size of one little propeller so I want this to be my super tiny quad with (beep) load of power. Now I used to mount the original GO to this but the image quality just wasn't doing it for me, the highlights were just way too blown out all the time and the image quality just, ah, not a fan. Winston knows how to fly an FPV drone properly what do you think of my little setup that I got going right here. - That looks like fun. (drone whirring) Oh wow, this thing's quick. - It's not bad huh. - [Winston] I know, that's yeah... - [Gene] (laughing) Better than you were expecting. - Much yeah. (upbeat rousing music) - All right so Winston's gonna fly the five inch with a GoPro on there just so we can compare the two. - [Winston] Okay cool, ready? - [Gene] All right. (bright energetic music) Wow, you're really smooth with it. - [Winston] Yes, that's always- - [Gene] That takes a lot of practice huh. - [Winston] Practice and muscle memory with your terrain. - Oh wow okay that's pretty good. All right so now we're gonna try this again but we have the GO 2 on the five-inch drone. I put some rubber bands on here because I know this is gonna fling out it's just magnetically in there so a little safety measure. - I never said I wouldn't wreck (laughing) Oh wow yes definitely noticeable! - [Gene] You feel it? - [Winston] Oh yes. - [Gene] I thought since the five inch was so powerful you wouldn't even notice but you do huh. - [Winston] Yes no I noticed I mean just coming off the ground there was definitely noticeable. (playful upbeat music) (Gene jeering) Oh yeah you get down in there. - [Gene] Oh man you make that look so easy. Also it's nice that I can just go ahead and download this footage now before we send it back out because it's the worst when you send out a drone and you crash it or lose it and you're like man I wish I had that memory card still. - Losing the footage hurts more than losing the drone. - Sometimes yeah (laughing) I do actually want to try one flight without the pro mode so this is gonna be stabilized footage just straight out of the camera and if this works well that'll even save you more time because I literally just download the file and we're good to go. Oh you're right! - [Winston] Yeah. - [Gene] It's way lighter. - So the throttle is gonna be touchier down in the lower range. - I did not expect it to make that much of a difference but no I feel it. Man this thing moves without that weight. - [Winston] Oh look at that, look at that, oooh. (both laughing) - When you do it there's just so much flow. When I do it I'm just like oh oh okay this way okay man it's just dude that that takes off like it hangs a lot longer without that weight I feel like it's just so... - [Winston] It's definitely floating now, one thing about hang time though is the more mass you have is you can store up more inertia going upwards- - [Gene] Oh I see. - [Winston] And it holds that inertia going upward longer. - I see. - You do get more hang time but to me anyway I feel like it's more floaty. - Yeah, exactly, it feels like I'm a bubble coming down - Yes. - Opposed to like a rock. - But in the same respect if you throw a bubble up it doesn't go as quick right as far versus a rock. - [Gene] Exactly. - [Winston] So there's a trade-off so there are definitely- - [Gene] Ooh, okay, okay that's my limit right there that's that's my signal to put this thing down and let's wrap up this video. (both laughing) Check this out, we have our USB-C down here on the bottom and we have our quarter inch so we can put our tripod. It also turns into a tiny little tripod. It's actually really well thought out isn't it. Look at that, yeah, now look when I'm done with it boom, close put it in the pocket, done. - [Gene] Overall thoughts on the new GO 2. - It's pretty good, really good improvement. - [Gene] Yes. - Yeah I'll take it. - [Gene] This one's for you. all right let's see what's inside because I actually haven't seen what it comes with- - Oh snap that looks awesome, (GO 2 Cam *) - [Gene] Oh my, oh, did you, Samuel. Aha so you got a case, a little swivelly thing. - [Samuel] Swivelly thing. - [Gene] All right, so this one just clips onto like a hat or whatever. - [Samuel] Charging in your case. - [Gene] Yeah and the magnetic pendant thingy. - [Samuel] Oh that's back here, well I hope I didn't break it already. - [Gene] This one right here I'm kind of curious about because you slide it out and it's kind of like some sticky material yeah so I think it might be one of those ones that you can reuse a couple times. - [Samuel] Oh! - [Gene] Is it removable now or is it permanently on there? - It sticks really good on this. - [Gene] It sticks pretty good. - Yeah. - [Gene] Okay but it comes off try washing it real quick (water dripping) Okay and then I kind of dry it off and see if it sticks again. - Cool is- - [Gene] It kind of nice. - Yeah. - [Gene] Because like you don't have to commit- - [Samuel] Security camera on. - [Gene] Yeah I wonder if it'll ever fall though. - It's not that much weight feel like it should stick on pretty good. - [Gene] That's kind of nice actually having it reusable, what is that face? On top of the improved image quality there's a huge improvement in the overall design and usability of this. This is the original one you have to pull off this cap and one of the things I complained about in the original review is I wish it had hinges also this one it's easy to put on the wrong way but of course on this new GO 2 we have a hinge and also the way the magnets are set up you can't actually put it in the wrong way it wants to pop back out, it only goes in one way. And having the controller down here is genius now if you're not familiar with how this works it's kind of like air pods where you can take it out of here and use a standalone which has limited battery life but then you put it back here and it charges while it's in the case but now you can also use it while it's in the case which is awesome that's gonna extend the battery life and it's just kind of a nice little grip and you can control the camera from here so you know what the status of the camera is that's huge because before we were just looking at a little light and you're trying to figure out is it recording is it taking a picture is it taking a time lapse? This is actually a wireless controller so if you have this mounted somewhere where it's not easy to access then you can still hit record from here and change all the settings. It really makes a big difference on understanding what the camera is doing. Also a replaceable lens a necessity for any sort of action camera. The original one didn't have it so you could actually see some of the scuff marks from when I crashed it on the FPV drone it's also waterproof now up to 13 feet you can't bring this case in with you but you can go ahead and take this. Now the back here is still magnetic just like the previous one. So a lot of these accessories is gonna magnetically attach to and this has gotta be my favorite accessory because you can just wear it underneath your shirt and you can clip it in just like that it's not in the way you don't have to put on any sort of chest harness. You definitely have to be careful with this because it is very easy to lose because a lot of times you forget you're even wearing it and all it takes is for you to just you know swipe it and it flies off oops. Last year when we went to Thailand Insta360 was nice enough to gift everyone a little GO, the original one and my favorite part of everyone having one of these was that it's very unobtrusive. You can still go and enjoy whatever you're doing and you don't have to constantly think oh how am I gonna mount this, am I gonna put on the harness, am I gonna mount it on something it's very easy to just put it on here like this you could go ahead and stick it on the side of a bike so I definitely think there's a benefit to having something this ridiculously small because you can really just forget about filming and you can pretty much just wear it everywhere you go. And everyone was able to get some really creative cool shots with the original GO so now if everyone had this upgraded GO 2, those shots would be so much better. Now one thing I did mention with my original review was I wish there was some sort of spot where I can feed a leash through for safety unfortunately we still don't have anything like that for the GO 2, so be careful when you have it on the shirt I think two people lost theirs in Thailand because they were wearing this and they forgot they had it on and they knocked it off somewhere in the jungle and when it comes to video modes there is a regular video mode which is gonna give you a pre-stabilized image that you can just straight up download or there's a pro video mode that's going to capture the entire lens and then later in the app you could decide if you wanna extract a 9 by 16 portrait shot or a square shot or a 16 by nine shot. Each one of those is gonna give you a different field of view of the frame now Insta360 did tell me that the sensor in here is the same size as the GoPro hero 9. I'm not exactly sure what they mean by that because to me it looks like the sensor is square so does it mean the sensor is as big but it's only using part of the sensor or are they saying when you crop in that's as much as the GoPro probably not. I'm still not sure what they mean by that but the image quality compared to the GoPro hero 9 is surprisingly close. I still think the GoPro has the advantage, it has more power it has different frame rates, it has more bitrate and all those features but I was surprised to see that even in some shots the Insta360 GO 2 actually even looked a little bit better than the hero 9 so that was not something I was expecting at all. I was expecting the difference to be much more significant so great job Insta360 for making this look so good for something this small. You probably also notice that the lens on the GO 2 is really really wide even after you extract that 16 by 9 frame out of it. We also get 1080p at 120 frames per second for those slo-mo shots and again when you just keep in mind how small this camera is it's really impressive how decent this image looks. I'm not trying to say this is the most cinematic footage I've ever seen but wow like considering the size of this thing this looks good and it's stabilized. Also when you compare to the original GO huge upgrade in audio quality especially if there's any sort of wind it sounds so much cleaner and fuller it's still not perfect, it mean no action camera has perfect audio yet but it's a huge improvement. Also a huge drawback of the original GO is that it had a one minute record time limit for video that's because it gets hot so if you actually go into FPV mode there's a lot of wind, so they actually extended that out to five minutes but you're only supposed to use that if it's on a FPV drone or else it could overheat now those limits are way better on the GO 2. Ten minutes with the pro video mode 15 minutes in regular video mode or 30 minutes in FPV, so that's way better. Of course I would have wished for no record time limit but this is definitely much more reasonable and also you're limited on space in here so you don't wanna just keep recording anyways because we have about 32 gigs in here I think they said 28 gigs of that is usable and it's not that much I definitely run out fairly fast so I'm constantly downloading but it's definitely much better than the original GO which I think was what six gigs or eight gigs something in that range. It wasn't very much head off. Now a lot of times I'm mounting action cameras onto a helmet and this also works pretty well like that the biggest downside is gonna be the battery life because when you pull it out of the case the battery life gets so much shorter so you're not gonna be able to do long rides with it mounted on your helmet but one thing i did like is that you can keep the controller in your pocket so you can actually check the status of what your helmet camera is doing while you're still wearing it and that's actually really nice because before a lot of times I would have to take off my helmet, look at the camera, make sure it's recording, cool, put it back on. And in terms of mounting, there are ways to adapt these to GoPro mounts this doesn't come in the box with the camera but it does seem like they're gonna be selling it as an accessory. You also have different picture profiles to choose from you can choose between vivid, standard and log all... Right, so let's say you're the type that just wants a good file straight out of camera you don't wanna have to stabilize the image afterwards or you don't wanna have to deal with log files and having to color grade and doing all that stuff these are just straight out of camera files on the GO 2. I have it on vivid and on the GoPro I have it on GoPro color. So I have a little bit less flexibility with these files but they should both look pretty decent right out of camera and stabilize, so how do these look. Dylan what do you think, which camera do you like better? - That one. - [Gene] How do you know. Another feature that's kind of nice is that I can preview the footage from my phone even if the camera isn't in its case the original GO, all you could do is just start or stop recording but you couldn't get a reference view of what you're recording and of course all the settings and all that we can adjust right here. You've had a chance to play with this camera for a little bit right, the GO 2, what's your thoughts? - It's a big upgrade over the original because you have a screen to let you know what it's doing web mode and then just a little small details that they thought of it having this for a time lapse just be able to just not even think about it sit down and do a time lapse quarter 20 in there like it's the little small things they thought about is a huge improvement. - I think if someone were to ask me like oh should I get a GoPro or should I get one of these I think it really just comes down to like well what kind of uses are you gonna be using it for? Are you okay with the bigger size of a GoPro? But you get more power or do you benefit off having something this small which there are a lot of benefits to it like lighter weight on there, you could also magnetically just clip it on your shirt. - Being able to hold it out and talk to it and it doesn't matter what you're doing like if you wanna run again like vlog style stuff like you dude it's hard to beat that. - The horizon lock. - Yeah - Yeah. - You can literally turn it the whole way around. - Exactly, check it out, so we're rotating this camera here and we still look up right, so horizon lock built in, this lens is crazy wide also when it comes to the hardware I think it's really impressive. There's nothing really else like it at this size and that's one thing I really respect about Insta360 they're always kind of coming out with new things, they're not just putting out all their action cameras that everyone else has already kind of done. They really come up with new things it's so different from like a GoPro or Osmo Action or anything that's out there really like if there's anything that I think could still be improved on I would say is the App, I mean in general it works, it does what you need to do but I mean for example when you're looking through your files sometimes you have 50 different clips on here and it could be hard to know what you already downloaded or what you still need to download or which clip is which but it'd be nice if they were labeled with numbers so that you could at least be like oh that's that clip or if there was a way to see which ones have already been exported just because when i have a bunch of clips a lot of times I get lost, I go oh crap which ones did i already export out which ones have I already seen. Also by default the shot on watermark is always on so every time I install the app I render out a clip and on the bottom it's like shot the Inst360 and yeah I get it like they wanna do their branding but I don't know that's the first thing I always go. I'm always like oh come on GoPro doesn't do that DJI doesn't do that. Can we just can we just have that off on default these are easy things they're pretty minor complaints. So yeah, overall very solid camera. I'll throw links in the description and all that good stuff and sorry I'm exhausted. It's like 3 AM because I was up editing this video, this video is supposed to go live in like two hours or something like that. So yeah my sleeping schedule's been all over the place but now here is the awkward end of the video where I don't know how to do a proper outro. So in the last video I asked you guys to film an outro for me and email it to here and I'll start featuring your guys's talent and work and creativity and inspirational stuff that you guys make at the end of the video. I'm so excited to showcase how creative and talented you guys are the first submission comes to us from Julian. So let's roll the clip. - Now this might be a little weird but I'm sitting on the toilet right now and I'm supposed to do an outro for Potato Jet Uuh.
Channel: Potato Jet
Views: 301,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato jet, potatojet, filmmaker, film maker, camera, cinematography, cinematographer, videography, videographer, gene nagata, insta360, go 2, insta360 go 2, insta360 go, action camera, gopro, hero 9, hero 8, fpv, fpv drone, geprc, geprc phantom, insta360 new camera, insta360 new release, insta360 go footage, action cam, go 2 footage
Id: DBpZ4f-_gD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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