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here we go [Music] what's up posted homies it's huge man homestead time yeah it is a blustery day outside and I can't believe it we have not been any rocking chairs for a long time I really missed it you gotta miss it yeah fresh off the tiny-house Jamboree I'm working on the video for that I'm gonna have a great big massive video with all kinds of information I'm not gonna break it up I don't think maybe I will maybe I won't - haven't really dove into it you have to just see what we have accumulated so I'm gonna have that up for you guys I'm just gonna give you a little rundown real quick then we're gonna have a I have two videos left ones from the Curtis Stone workshop and then one was a very interesting man that we met in Topeka Kansas I'm gonna try to put those up for you this week and then we leave Thursday because we're going to layman so I hope you guys are gonna come no matter how far the drive is if you ever wanted to have an excuse to go to laymen's on the non-electric store in Kidron Ohio this would be it will be there the third and the fourth it's a Friday this Saturday pretty much all day both days and we're gonna be hanging out well you know if you guys have small YouTube channels or big YouTube channels and you want to shoot video ask us questions you could do that for your channel you guys could come and just hang out there going out food and door prizes and shopping totally free event so we really hope to see you there Kidron Ohio at Lehman's in the heart an Amish country yeah so today we're going to be talking about castor oil because I got back this day she's like I wanted to do this video I thought man this will be a good one to slip in real quick while I work on the other stuff we we always like to talk about things that you can get a lot of uses for and I love castor oil it is is a plant and it's pretty much negative of Africa or India but it is a plant when you extract the oil and when you do use castor oil you want to get a cold-pressed right you know people let's talk about cold press real quick you know you when we talked about getting oils and things you want them cold-pressed and people are like what the heck is call press coal press means it's it's cold-pressed and it's treated when it's extracted it's not high heat the stuff that patients like smashed as all the juice comes out versus like a boiling or something and then what happens when you do something with heat you lose all the benefits you know we always talk about candy goes out bidding is it when you do food you don't want to go higher that like 118 degrees because you're gonna start losing the nutrients so the same thing when you're getting these oils you want to keep them as good as you can right so you want them cold pressed and you also want the castor oil when you buy it to be hexane free and hexane say who's that yeah hexane is kind of like a petroleum product and it's a chemical so you don't want any of that stuff so you're gonna utilize any of these things and what I'm talking about today is for your skin and your hair yeah you definitely don't want to have any chemical stuff like that no label they'll actually see it'll say that's a Gris yeah okay for sure you're wondering so here's the main reason I wanted to do this video all right cuz I do experiments on myself all the time to see if things work and I started doing this it's been going on a couple years and I would stop just to see if what was happening you know was real and I started using it to take my eye makeup off originally and from that I noticed that and I had I didn't I hardly have any eyelashes are very thin and I noticed my answers were getting thicker they're getting a little longer and I was even my dark circles under my eyes were fading so I knew that something must be going on you know so I definitely can say they are using castor oil from my opinion works for strengthening and my eyelash is making them thicker and longer and then also I would use a little and I put it on my eyebrows so if you guys are having thinning eyebrows and they have anything like that by putting on it's really helpful too okay now one thing about castor oil it is an antibacterial it's at nanny and it's an anti-inflammatory so it was hypoallergenic yeah it is it's definitelya so if you have sensitive skin you may notice hey this works pretty good for me and it's very thick that's why a lot of people are like oh my gosh because it's very very very very very thick so you might even want to use it when you are like mixing it with other oils so if you want to put it with a coco coconut oil or jojoba oil or grapeseed oil or something if you're mixing it and you may want to put it on if you want to use that for your eye makeup remover or however but before you do anything always test it on to catch the skin to see if you do have any sensitivities but the people generally don't have sensitive skin can tolerate this I like to mix and I a lot of times I might put it in my soaps that I make because it emulsifies very good with other oils and it is just wonderful for let's say you have like blemishes or age spots or scars it's really good to kind of help them and help to fade them and another thing that I like to talk about is if you have a scar let's say you had a cesarean section or let's say you had a heart surgery or something like that or you haven't have a big scar but yourself of Bob wire yeah and it's a and there's a scar and even if it's a scar that's 20 years old you can get some of the oil and catch up and then wherever the scar is and what you're gonna do is you're just gonna kind of massage it every day with it and the scar hopefully can go away or you know some of the age spots or however the scars could kind of definitely fade over time so that's pretty neat to do so if you get blemishes on your face maybe you put a little dab there it's also really good like if you have acne believe it or not I was like actually and be happy that work because it's so thick but you know if you put some on there and then see what happens I mean you know a lot of this stuff is you know use it and I use this for if I get little scratches on my hand I like to put it on my fingernails because it's very thick so I put it on my fingernails I put it on fingernails and I push the cuticles down on it because it's a very thick oil and it really helps especially with winter coming to help with your hands and then your heels and your feet it's just really really helpful and that's going to strengthen your fingernails and the connections to your skin and everything maybe you'll grow hair on your fair nail but but for sure I'm kind of going you know kind of away from where I was starting but it's for sure it's really good for your eye lashes in your eyebrows now let's say you're having like little patchy spots in your hair and you may be losing your hair or your hair is thinning it could also help with that it also could be something having to do with maybe immune system Iowa problems or your gut health or something which is just like if you use it for like a cold sore right there's probably an underlying issue while you're getting them but it could help if you do get them when you feel it kind of coming on you just put a little on there that'll could you know help with that you're gonna start talking about the same you want to grow a beard like a boss you could start putting it on your beard Howard and then you know you might get a little thickened up a little more luxurious but you don't want to actually put it just on the beard that's it because you're gonna have that good um you know the proteins in there but what you want to do is you get a little of the castor oil put it on your fingers you don't and remember just about to do you don't need this little bitty bottle will last forever forever because you don't need that much right you're only gonna get a little you'll see when you put it on your fingers or and we rub it in so if you want to mix it with some coconut oil or just keep it like that you rub it and then you're gonna kind of get into the cheek and the chin to the deck into the where the follicle is right then see what happens you guys if you want to have your beard to start to grow yeah definitely and then when you take your shot when she comes out but it for your hair it would be the same thing so like you would put a little bit on your fingers and then you would just want to massage your scalp or maybe the patches where you're having problems and then you know if you want to go ahead and go to sleep at night and then in the morning you can wash your hair or do whatever and maybe do it once or twice a week and see what happens yeah that's you're out good stuff you know we went over not to get the certain kind yeah you want hexane cold pressing trust me make sure it's organic or sure because we want to make it as pure as we possibly can it's also good and I love it a lot because I use it for like a kind of like a fur conditioner so I'm using and I putting in my fingernails I do it for my you know eyebrows and my eyelashes but then I'll rub it in my hands and just saw a little bit of it left over and then I just do that ends of my hair and look at that stuff okay it really does help yeah no I mean I can't doubt enough of how how it's universal good product it's something that you guys can use on a lot of different things yeah and then here's the only thing on anti-aging because it got does help promote you know collagen and elastin in the skin I mean I'm 92 yeah and so who definitely you know if you want to use this if you're making your homemade beauty care products right you know it's always good to put a little bit of castor oil in with that so you know a lot of times I do I make my wet wipes and I use are the hand wipes no yeah so a lot of times I'll put a little castor oil in there I use almond oil sometimes do castor oil I like the casserole I make my lotions you can put that in there and then here's a little more me so here's one that's awesome so it comes out just I mean the little day although I'm gonna have to give them some first fingernails but like it's so thick Oh way too much lip moisturizer it is the bath mm your bare nails it would have been better if you just kiss me with you so and you just put it on and I love the stuff it really goes a long way a little bit a lot yeah and then mom violation yeah long hair hair eyebrows the eyelashes grow your beards replace pattern in your hair yeah good for your fingernails I mean this stuff is all over the place one more bone cold sores acne one more bonus bonus okay dandruff dry skin well and dandruff can help our cause people not to be able to grow their hair as much right so because it's antibacterial antiviral there's stuff going on here and you're up in your body that is causing the dandruff so what you can do is by putting a little castor oil on if you have dandruff then it can help alleviate that problem get rid of the dandruff and help your hair start wanting to come out again and grow no there was another one right there that's it so hopefully it has got some nuggets from this video she's been on me about making this casserole video yeah we're gonna try to do before I left and then when we got back this so perfect little filler for you guys until I can get these other videos edited so yeah and then I guess important stuff I use this or occasionally I'd sell organic castor oil and it's hexane free yeah so what the links will be below is on overhead amazon link and that helps the homestead so don't forget Lehman's this weekend Friday and Saturday all day both days lots of good times totally free event we're gonna be hanging out I mean we're just like you guys are come over for a backyard barbecue I know I'm really looking for so it'll be fun don't forget to check us out on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and if you guys are coming to laymen's this weekend I want to see everyone with a nice shiny lips all right we'll see you guys on the next one see ya hey guys thanks for watching our video you might want to check out these videos and if you want to become a homestead homey click the picture of us below we will see you tomorrow
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 368,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living, castor oil, growing hair, eye lashes, eyebrows
Id: qS3A7IDUY_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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