Inside the Apple Ecosystem

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If you’ve been involved in tech community  for any length of time, you’ve probably heard   people mention the Apple ecosystem quite  a bit. Some use the term affectionately,   while others can be quite critical. But what  is the Apple ecosystem? It’s a little complex,   since it not only refers all the products Apple  makes, but also the relationship between each   product and how they fit together into a  cohesive user experience. So in this video,   I’m going to explain why the ecosystem  approach is fairly unique to Apple,   and what that experience looks like for  users. This is Greg with Apple Explained,   and this was the first place topic in the last  voting poll. If you didn’t get to vote, make sure   you’re subscribed, and polls like this one will  begin appearing in your mobile activity feed. Alright now what exactly is the Apple  ecosystem? Well, I think it’s easiest   to compare it to a puzzle. With every product  Apple makes representing one piece. Each piece   is designed to fit perfectly with the other. And  although you don’t need all the pieces to have   something you enjoy, each piece you add tends  to make the entire experience even more magical.   And if you’re someone like me who buys every  piece and connects them all together, it creates   a beautiful experience that almost anyone can  appreciate. For example, let’s say the only Apple   product you use is an iPhone. It’s an incredible  device that certainly stands on its own. But what   if you could take a piece of that technology and  put it on your wrist? Suddenly you can make calls,   send texts, track workouts, check the weather,  and so much more in a way that’s faster and more   convenient than simply using an iPhone. You didn’t  need to put those two puzzle pieces together,   but aren’t you happy that you did? That’s exactly  what people mean when they say Apple ecosystem. Although years ago more people referred to it  as Apple’s walled garden. Which carried a more   negative connotation, since it was pretty much  unique to Apple. Before the mobile device era,   there wasn’t much of a reason for tech companies  to build their sales strategy around an ecosystem.   Since most customers just bought computers, and  maybe the occasional digital camera or MP3 player.   But Apple was focused on creating an ecosystem  from day one. The original Macintosh in 1984   featured a proprietary operating system that no  one else was allowed to use. Prompting criticism   that Apple was creating a closed system that  took control away from users. Meanwhile,   companies like Microsoft were licensing  their Windows operating system to any   hardware manufacturer that paid for it. Resulting  in dominance over the computer market and sky-high   revenue. But Apple stuck to their guns. With  Jobs insisting that Apple could only create a   superior user experience if they retained  control over the hardware and software.   Integrating the two together  in a sort’ve closed ecosystem. That philosophy, which was quite unique at the  time, is what gave Apple a huge advantage over   competitors during the mobile device era.  They already knew how to integrate hardware,   software, and services. They’d been doing  it with the Macintosh, iMac, MacBook,   and iPod. The only difference, was that the value  it offered users would become clearer than ever   before. When you own a notebook, tablet,  smartphone, and smartwatch, they’d better   work together seamlessly or else managing each  individual device could become a part time job.   The problem was most companies weren’t focused on  selling an ecosystem, they were focused on selling   individual products. Dell sold the notebooks,  Microsoft sold the tablets, and Blackberry sold   the smartphones. But once Apple entered the  smartphone market in 2007 and tablet market in   2010, you began to see these companies scrambling  to create their own ecosystems in response.   Microsoft tried creating a smartphone, along with  their computers and tablets, but it failed and   was a discontinued. Google tried creating a tablet  along with their notebooks and smartphones, but it   also failed and was discontinued. LG experienced  the same trouble with creating smartphones. Building an ecosystem, when a company’s focus has  always been to sell as many individual products   as possible with no regard to user experience,  turned out to be much more difficult than people   imagined. But that strength Apple has enjoyed for  years, is also why some people despise the brand.   Claiming their users are forced into a  closed system that takes away their power   and leaves everything up to Apple’s discretion.  And that effectively illustrates the downside   of any ecosystem. In order to enjoy the  seamless integration and conveniences,   you have to essentially go all-in on one  company. Buying their version of every product,   which limits consumer choice when shopping  for a device. To use the analogy from earlier,   two pieces from two different  puzzles won’t fit together very well.   Just like using an Apple smartphone with a Samsung  smartwatch, won’t deliver an optimal experience. But most users who do stick with products from  one company, whether it be Apple or Samsung,   tend to enjoy the extra benefits of that specific  ecosystem. So what are those benefits? And what   does the relationship between each product  look like? Well, an ecosystem tends to be   organized into a hierarchy. Like this one created  by Neil Cybart from Above Avalon. Here, he clearly   outlines the roles of each product category  and the relationship between them. Beginning   with the Mac, which handles the most intensive  and resource heavy tasks. But when users aren’t   creating 3D renders or editing 4K video, the iPad  becomes a much more convenient and enjoyable way   to experience certain tasks. Like watching YouTube  videos, replying to emails, browsing the internet,   or reading ebooks. But some experiences are  more enjoyable on an ultra-portable device.   Like using your iPhone to take photos, listening  to music on the go, responding to texts,   or making calls. And finally, wearable devices  deliver the highest level of convenience   while completing tasks like checking the  weather or tracking exercise. Each tier   of product offers a more convenient method  of completing a task than the one above it,   although the capabilities of each device  diminish slightly with each subsequent tier. But the real magic happens in the space between  the products. When you create a calendar event   on your Apple Watch, it automatically appears  on every other Apple product you own. When you   open a new pair of AirPods, you can connect them  to your iPhone with just one tap. When you want   to transfer music to your HomePod, just hold your  phone near the speaker, and the content transfers   seamlessly. Now Apple did recently discontinue  the HomePod and I’ll make an entire video   explaining why, so make sure you’re subscribed for  that. But the mini is still available, and offers   even better handoff technology. If you started  writing an email on your Mac but have to head out,   you can continue right where you left off on your  iPhone. Do you have a large file that you want   moved from your iPad to your Mac? Just send it  with AirDrop and avoid the hassle of third party   services. There’re even benefits between different  users inside the same ecosystem. Like iMessage,   which has tapback, message effects, end-to-end  encryption, a typing indicator, FaceTime,   and an entire App Store. Something Google has  been trying to replicate on Android for years. So that is the Apple ecosystem. The  reasons why many people say it’s the best,   are the same reasons others give for calling it  a trap. And both of those assertions would be   correct. Apple knows that offering an irresistibly  convenient experience across all their products   will encourage users to keep buying them  and never leave. But on the other hand,   why would you want to? Today, Apple has the  largest most enjoyable puzzle available.   And although you could try out a smaller  one that has a few missing pieces,   most people would think it isn’t worth the time,  money or trouble. Especially since almost every   company is trying to follow in Apple’s footsteps  anyway. After all, having a complete and high   functioning ecosystem is the most profitable  business model in today’s mobile device era.   So it’s almost a matter of picking your poison,  and so far the Apple flavor tastes the best. Alright guys thanks for watching till  the end, don’t forget to subscribe   to help decide which topics I cover,  and I’ll see you in the next video.
Channel: Apple Explained
Views: 612,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How does the Apple ecosystem work?, Is the Apple ecosystem worth it?, How can we benefit from Apple ecosystem?, How much does Apple ecosystem cost?, How do you get into the Apple ecosystem?, How do you make an apple ecosystem?, what is the apple ecosystem, what is in apples ecosystem, apple walled garden, what is it called apple ecosystem
Id: 73J3YW4mhSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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