Inside The Abandoned 19th Century Home Of An American Piano Legend!

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Deep in the heart of rural Georgia, shrouded by time and forgotten by the world, an old plantation farmhouse stands as a testament to the past. Dating back to the mid-1800s, this captivating relic once belonged to Mr. Omer Jones, a man who raised his family within its walls and filled it with laughter and memories. Over a decade ago, the last known owner left the farmhouse to move to Florida, closer to the embrace of family. Since then, the house has remained untouched, frozen in time, its once-thriving interior now fully furnished with echoes of a bygone era. One thing that stands out in the farmhouse is the Grand Piano in the living room, this piece was installed due to the skill of his youngest son Thomas. His piano performances filled the living room with mesmerising melodies. As his skills gained recognition, Thomas became a local sensation, celebrated throughout the region for his exceptional artistic abilities. So, join us as we delve into the heart of this historical gem, to uncover its hidden treasures and the captivating tales of those who once called it home. Ah, welcome back, everybody, to the Bros of Decay. I'm Lesley, and today, I've got another special episode for you coming from the United States. We're still in the state of Georgia, and today, we've got a traditional American farmhouse to show you. This place has been abandoned since 2009, but unfortunately, not much is known about the people who lived here. There's not much of a story or insight. We also didn't find much yet, but together, of course, we're going to go through this place and see if we can find anything of interest that can lead us to the story of these people and why they left it behind in 2009. Twelve years of abandonment, and now it's already showing. I'm going to show you today how this place looks like, so let's go. Everything has already overgrown over the years that it got abandoned, and you can definitely see from the style of building, the woodwork on the side, and everything, and how the pillars look over there - there's definitely an American place, and the style comes back everywhere. Later on in the video, I'm also going to show you the front of the place, but you have to wait for that one. First, we're going to venture through this place and see what's on the inside. Let me show you a few things here on the outside. I think this over here used to be a well. Yes, most definitely. Can we look in there? It's pretty dark. Okay, but this was a well where the former owners could get water from to use inside of the household. I love the style of these wooden pillars that we have over here, supporting the roof above this cozy little patio that we have in front of us. There are even still some pillars laying on the floor, okay, and some glass bottles and other things outside, but not much of interest. So, let's hop inside, and I'll show you what this place looks like. In my opinion, it's definitely a true time capsule, and we're going to have a blast in there for sure. So, let's waste no more time. Let's open these doors and reveal this place. There's a little latch here on the fly window. Then, we have the main door that will lead us inside of their household. Welcome, everybody, to this place. [Music] Let's close the doorway behind us and start exploring this gem. Okay, I'm going to lock it up. I don't want anybody coming in here while we're exploring. The first room that we've entered into is actually the dining area. Looking at the setup of the table, we see six chairs around it. So, most likely, a family of four to six would have lived in this place - not more, maybe also not less. It's a wonderful room that we've entered into. Wow, this is typical American style, and that's actually why I love to explore around the world and in all these different countries. Because to me, every single country has its own interests and style of building, and the residential places in these countries truly show it. There are also some antique furniture left behind, here in the corner. I got this mirror with a drawer desk combination, with lovely carvings at the top. Hello, everybody. What's inside here? We've got some wool, some ribbons, and stuff like that. Nothing of much interest. Then, right next to the drawer, you can actually see a very unique piece of this house - a rocking chair. This is something that comes up a lot in the United States and Europe. I've only ever seen one rocking chair, and that was in the country of Portugal, I believe, in an abandoned palace. Yes, I'll link it up here, so you can see that video as well. But rocking chairs seem to be very common in the United States. Almost every single place I've explored so far in this country has at least one rocking chair on the porch or inside of the house. It's a very interesting piece of furniture to me because I'm not very used to seeing this in Europe, but here in the United States, it's so common. It's actually a very nice piece of furniture as well. You can relax in it. I was sitting in one a few days ago, reading a book. It was quite lovely. The dining table is set up wonderfully, with the cloth still on top of it. Even the plants are still untouched. These are, nevertheless, fake plants, but you can see they're still very lovely. This house actually shows minor signs of decay. I've been in places that have been abandoned for less than this one, and they are totally collapsing. But this one, with some renovation, is still liveable. There's some stuff left behind from the former owners. I'm calling it junk, but it's actually not junk. Let me see what kind of device we're dealing with here. Some sort of motor to spin something around, probably for a barbecue. You can use it to grill a turkey or another piece of meat. This one slowly spins it around. I think we have an air conditioning unit here to the side. Very interesting. What do we have over here? It seems to be a calendar. Oh yeah, this one's from 2008, with African-American art on it. It's very interesting. I don't know if these people were African-American or not. In the region of Georgia that we're in right now, 80% of the people are African-American. We also find a calendar from 2011 over here. I thought this place was abandoned in 2009. Okay, that's interesting. So, it might have been abandoned from 2011 onwards. There are some things up here, a display cabinet with a few glasses still in there. I love these kinds of jars. They used them to make their own food and conserve it over time. It's a very common thing to do back in the day. There's also a couch standing here in the middle of the dining area, and there are even some shoes left on it. These are some ladies' shoes. Now, onto the interesting stuff. We also have a fireplace behind here, but it's completely boarded up. There's some sort of plate in front of it, and they closed the hole that goes into the chimney. I see from the imprint on the wall here that a painting of some sort must have hung here at one point, but it's now been taken out. Behind the dining area, we have the kitchen area, but everything is still left in there, as you can see. There's a wonderful green display cabinet, and all their bug spray and everything is still in there. Let's see if there's still something left in the cabinets. Nope, maybe down below here. Nope. Look at this pot of jam that we have standing here. This is what I told you about - the jars of food that people used to make back in the day. Over here, we see one still completely full, probably from peaches or something else that they had on the farm. It seems like everything in here is loose, and all the dishes are still standing around. As you can see, there's a pan and a pot left on the drying rack. They probably washed them and left them here without putting them back in the cabinets. Even the towel for drying dishes is still here. There are utensils in the kitchen too. These are definitely religious people, as there's a little kitchen prayer hanging on the wall with a verse that was probably said when they were cooking food. The oven down below looks very nice. There's a fridge to the side. Back here, I believe we have their laundry area and bathroom combined into one. This was their wash-up/shower area, with their shampoos still left in the corner and a little towel lying here. It's quite fascinating. Here we also see another calendar from the year 2009. So, I suppose this place has been abandoned since then. There are some signs of DK on the ceiling where they tried to patch it up. This cabinet is full of blankets, towels, and stuff like that. Then, we find ourselves back in the dining area. I think this is one of the nicest places in a house, where the family came together and had dinner. Dinner is something that brings people together, and I'm a big fan of good food. Probably a lot of people are too. I love these places inside a house. Lots of people also ask me why I love abandoned houses so much. They don't understand why I like castles, grand amusement parks, and stuff like that. But, I'm like a house shows the true value of people, shows how people live and spend their private time. They decorate it in their own taste, and I love to see that. Houses also hold stories. Those are some of the reasons why I love abandoned houses so much. We're going to see it again with the room in front of us. When you enter a room like this, you can immediately feel the atmosphere of the family. The beauty in this room is just stunning, with the piano standing here to the left. Probably, somebody played a verse or some music on it, while people were sitting on the couch, enjoying it, having a nice conversation. That's what I love about abandoned houses. They have character, they have meaning. A factory or an amusement park is something else to me, also still cool, but houses are something else. I'm going to stop rambling about houses. I just love them, and you probably do as well if you're watching my videos. We have a few more rocking chairs in this room. This one is actually very unique, as you can see. It's completely a pearl street and yellow letter. It's a very nice one, and I've never seen a rocking chair like that before. There are also wood carvings in there. There's a little stand behind it to put some ornaments on. The wallpaper, however, is slowly peeling off, but that can be replaced, of course. This home could be made into something once more if people care about it. Fake flowers above the piano, lovely fake flowers, and then we have a York piano. Wonderful piece here in the corner of the room. Probably hundreds of songs have been played on this one. You can see that the seat down below has been heavily used over the years. I can still see them sitting here in front of the piano playing a verse. Let's see if it still works. Oh, yes, of course, it still works. The York Waiver Piano Company, York, Pennsylvania. I'm not sure. I think we can even open this up and see the internal mechanism of the piano itself. Okay, I'm gonna rest this on my head. You see it still functions. Wow, that's pretty interesting. Let's close this beauty up. Some keys have already fallen off over the years, but it's still in a pristine condition. Another rocking chair here to the side. I can still see the people sitting on there, rocking their way into the evening, probably reading a nice book or something like that. This house, I was also guessing the age of it, but I think it must be at least 100 years old. It's definitely one of those old American-style houses. We have a lovely couch here in front of us with a beautiful design on there. What a piece! [Music] I feel bad in the side of the corner inside of the room. We've got multiple beds actually inside of this room, so that tells me that maybe somebody at the last time of their life slept over here and didn't want to use the upstairs anymore because they could have probably gotten old and they couldn't get up the stairs anymore back in that time. This is another rocking chair. Oh yes, it is another one standing over here, a smaller one, and then they had a fireplace right in front of us here. Beautiful piece again. Spider webs already covering it, the wallpaper peeling off, and we can see a rip in the walls over here. That's not a good sign for the home. Yeah, it's ripped all the way through, a crack going from the ceiling all the way down. That's very expensive to repair. The plants, the vegetation is already growing inside of this home, taking it back over. Nature always does its job, taking back these places. Oh, when I'm here on the field bed, we got like this box where painting equipment is inside. See some paints still in there, some brushes, so maybe somebody in the house loved painting. Okay, and these are some keys that came from the piano. Very interesting. One last overview of this room before we go further. [Music] From this lovely sitting area, living room, we're going to go further into the house and see the other rooms, what it has to hold more for us. And here we come into the hallway of the place where the guests would be let in, where the people came inside of the house. You can see that they tried to have boarded up at some point or maybe the window broke behind it. They tried to fix that up in some way because this is not a window that somebody could get into the house from. It's very small. But actually, the front door is just opened. Later on, we can go onto the porch, show you everything. I'm gonna just do it right now. I'm gonna go give you a full perspective of the house later. But here you can see the porch of the place where people could sit outside and enjoy themselves in the evening. Fascinating! Let's go back inside. Let's close this front door. Use some gardening equipment in the front here. Now, with this little knob, you can just close it like that. It doesn't want to close anymore. Okay, there we go. And then we have the hallway with the staircase leading upstairs behind us, and even the chair here in the middle of the hallway. Okay, they used to have wallpaper on the underside of the stairway, but that has completely fallen off over the years that it was abandoned. And there you can see as well, here in the hallway, there is some equipment for renovations, so they might have considered renovating this place at some point, but they never got to it, and now probably money problems or something else, maybe a family dispute, and now it's just withering away. Let's go here to the right, now the last room on the downstairs before we go to the upstairs floors. Okay, and we just entered inside of a lovely bedroom. I can see two beds in here, so maybe two people slept in this room, and those are some lovely beds, as you can see. Blanket still on there, still made after all these years of abandonment. I just love to see it when everything is very pristine, and people had respect for the abandoned location. Probably some explorers have been inside of here, but they left it like they should have left it, just in a pristine condition. Towel neatly still on the front of the bed, slowly falling apart, a pillow underneath the blanket. Here, there's nothing in there anymore. Some more fake plants above here to decide. We got another bed also still lovely made. Okay, now for this side of the room, we have a drawer, actually, pretty big drawer. There are some things in there. "Magazine New Easy," completely falling apart. This seems to be some sort of a map of somewhere. Okay, there's some sort of a road map. I'm not sure exactly what this is. He was pretty old. Places back nicely. And up here, we've got some sort of drawing, and it seems to be that this drawing was made by a child that most likely lived in this place. You can see some grass up here, a tree to the side, and then the sun in the background. That's wonderful, actually. And here, to the corner of the room, we have a wonderful American vanity, a round mirror above it, and even the jewelry boxes of the lady that left in this place still in here. This was probably the store necklace. "Leo glass," it says on there. See if there's anything still in the drawers. Some bug spray. A lot of workspring is scattered throughout this house. We got a newspaper lying on the floor. Wednesday, the 19th of 2007. Wow! Wednesday, the 19th of 2007. They also had a television here standing in a room that they could watch some television late at night before going to bed, lovely Samsung television. Then, also a fireplace used to be behind there to heat up this lovely room. Spider webs above here. This looks like a bird's nest. There's some sort of bird that might have made its nest inside of the household. Wow! Beautiful curtains, and lots of windows have actually also broken in this place. And here again, we see another rocking chair, of course, left behind. Some beautiful upholstery on there as well. I never expected places in the United States to be this beautiful. These places truly show the culture of the United States and how it has evolved over the years, and that's what I love to see in abandoned buildings. I was looking at the hallway, how it's constructed completely from root. It's so different from the European Union. Okay, we got another big batch of paint buckets over here, so this might have also been for the renovation that they were planning at some point. Unused paintbrushes and used ones right next to it, so probably halfway to renovation, they quit and never started again. The lovely stairway that's going to lead us upstairs. Okay, up there. Oh... I also really like that the whole house has been constructed from wood. A little library standing here from the first in the hallway. Alright, massive book that's now completely falling apart. Be careful, place it back nicely. And then, some encyclopaedias. It says over there, let's see what we have on this one. "Britain Junior capitals of the world," probably a history book as you can see. Look how this woman is handling this child inside the book. She's literally dumping him into the river, "the bat in the river of death," it says over here. Crazy! It's probably all about history and how we evolved as humankind. Okay, this book is back nicely into the library, and let's move further on these upper floors. The countryside behind this house is also beautiful. At some point, they also boarded this window up because probably it fell out or something like that, and they didn't want any water to come inside of the place. As you can see, we have just ended up in a very large bedroom with one bed in the middle of it. And then, a rocking chair right next to it over here, completely falling apart, withering away. How many rocking chairs did we already see in this place? Probably like six or seven. Right now, the sun is slowly setting in the background. This is the last place that I'm filming today. Got some lovely curtains hanging here. You can see the tree is already approaching the house, knocking on its windows, asking to come inside. How... There's not much more to see in this room, but the other one is still very interesting. But, I first want to show you this room. Hey, some curtains over here as well, completely torn over. If I rip on it, I'll rip a piece off. Oh my God, I shouldn't do that. Look at that rusty roof of this place. Fascinating! Okay, now let's go to the last room of this place. Maybe first, look at the upstairs hallway. As you can see, there's not much in here. What's this? Looks like the underside of a bed, so maybe this might have also been a bathroom back in the day. As you can see, these are sort of mattresses that are hanging up here. Look at this closer. Can you unfold this in any way? No, it doesn't seem to unfold, but quite strange to have this up here in the hallway. Down there, very interesting. Okay, everybody, get ready for the last bedroom of this place. Wow, and I really love this one because this actually gives me Swiss vibes. You've already seen the videos from Switzerland that I posted, of course. If not, check up here because I have a playlist of these five videos that I filmed in Switzerland. But here, you can see it sort of resembles it, from the wooden pads to the wooden vanity that we have there in the corner. Quite fascinating to see this style coming back all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. Got some drawers in here, maybe some paperwork. "The International Bible" it says over here, the New International Bible. How to church crew, of course, a very religious people of course that lived in this place. They got some sort of a scroll here that they bound up with some rope, as you can see. Hmm, and then we got this bedroom. So, we already saw four beds in this place, or we saw four beds in this place. There's one more here, so four to six people might be a good number that left in this place. Old-school double-style mattress, and we have a pillow lying here at the top, and this one also seems to be still made. Above the bed, we have this Washington DC souvenir that I probably got when I went to Washington. We have one of the presidents hanging here on the wall above the bed, just wonderful to see. And then, right in front of the bed over here, we have this treasure chest. Let's see if there's anything still in there. Most of the time, people store blankets, but this one seems to be completely empty, unfortunately. A wonderful vanity, and I think I almost saw the same one in Switzerland. Probably, they may have got some furniture from that country. Oh, some boxes for jewellery still in there, some photo frames, and some other things. We even got a fireplace in this room as well. And like I mostly say, back in the time, people had fireplaces in every single room because, back then, central heating wasn't invented yet. When this house was built, they also didn't have radiators in these rooms that you can see. So, they had to light up the fireplace to be warm at night. Wow! And then, we have this bed that's completely decayed to the side here. The mattress is slowly falling apart with the trousers of the person that lived in this room still on top of there. We got another Pirate's chest or treasure chest here in the corner of the room that's, unfortunately, also empty. What a place, but we haven't seen the outside yet. So, let's go over there right now. Let me show you that. [Music] Okay, lovely Farmhouse. Thank you very much. I loved this place, actually. So, let's now go outside, and let me show you what's over there. Okay, I'm going to close this door behind us, open the fly screen, and close this beauty. I hope it stays like this forever, and I also hope that someday somebody comes here and renovates this place. The light switch, even outside, is completely covered with spider webs. Let's have a look at the outside of this lovely place. Ah, here we have the chimney leading up to the top of the house. Wow, from the outside, it's even more beautiful than the inside. As you can see, the porch that I was just on, we have here in the front of the house. Man, I'm in love with this place, absolutely wow! And here you can get the full perspective of this lovely Farmhouse, probably a 19th-century farmhouse. Marina, can I give you the camera because I want to thank my viewers? There you go, bro. Thank you to Muareno for holding the camera, of course, and I want to thank you all for watching this video. What a lovely place, and I really enjoyed exploring this one. If you did so as well, if you loved the tour throughout this place, please like the video, subscribe down there, and hit that Bell notification button. Also, write me a nice comment in the comment section. With that said, I want to thank you very, very much, and I'll see you next time on another crazy adventure. Bye-bye. I love you.
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 48,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbanexploration, Abandoned Piano House, Abandoned Piano Mansion, Decaying Piano Mansion, Urbex USA, Abandoned USA, Abandoned America, urbex, urban exploration, abandoned, Mansion of a Piano Genius, Forgotten House in Georgia, Timecapsule House, Timecapsule farmhouse, Timecapsule USA, Everything left behind, Untouched Abandoned House, Untouched Abandoned Mansion, decaying house, urban exploration stories, urban exploration abandoned
Id: tha-G5UhVNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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