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[Music] hi friends so you're probably wondering where I'm standing right now because I am not standing in my kitchen obviously so I'm actually in Florida right now if you don't know I'm from central Pennsylvania and my parents parents just moved in to this house and as you can see behind me it is a bit dated so I'm going to have some fun while I'm here visiting for a few weeks really making over this kitchen on a budget and we're going to do some DIY projects make it very simple in case maybe your kitchen needs a little facelift as well I'm going to give you a lot of ideas that can make a huge impact and completely change the look of a space like this without without spending a whole lot I'm going to get in some paint clothes and flip the camera around and show you all this kitchen layout I really really love the layout of this kitchen it's very spacious and open nothing is too much of a tight squeeze the walkway over here is rather large it's just very very nice and especially from somebody that likes to cook it just is a good space to be able to cook in so one thing that we want to do is to deal with this area up here above the stove it just makes it look very dated so I have some ideas of what we can do with that this space over here I believe was a desk at one point of some kind my mom has a few ideas of what we could do with that either a coffee bar or maybe make it into like a baking station of some kind so we'll be working with that one benefit that we have with this kitchen that I did not know in coming down here to work on this project is someone in the recent years actually painted the inside of all of these cabinets so they have fresh paint inside so I am not going to be doing anything to the inside we're just going to be working on the outside so that was a big relief that I that part of the project is not going to take as much time the other thing that is a big relief is that the hinges are an interior hinge so as you can see with the cabinets you don't see a hinge sticking out on the outside which means we can very easily leave these on their hinges to paint them which again saves so much time and I don't have to take all of the doors off of the hinges I did that in my kitchen and it just is an extra project plus you need the space to set up all the doors on saw horses and whatnot so this is going to have a lot of simple components and I am so excited to get started a question I get every single time I am painting something that is not real wood like these cabinets are not real wood just like whenever I made over the RV I was living in for a while they a lot of people want to know what primer and what paint so this is what I'm using this time around I have done other primers as well so this is from valbar it is a stained blocking bonding primer and sealer it is a high bind primer essentially when you put this stuff on it's a little bit like glue in the sense that it's going to stick to whatever you get this on so as I'm working if I get any on the counter I'm going to want to wipe it up immediately um it is just a very high bind primer so you can find this at Lowe's I will try to leave a link below for it as well and then I'm going to just be using the valpar 2000 interior plus primer because we're really covering up a lot especially even on the walls in here and this is just high hiide white we're doing white on the walls and white on the cabinets as well so I decided to go with something that was easily accessible if we need more or if my mom needs to touch up paint in the future the first thing that I did was take off all of the old Hardware it just was very beat up a lot of it was discolored and scratched up plus I was able to find a really great great pack of knobs since this whole kitchen actually had knobs and no handles so I could just get one large mega pack on Amazon and I think it was around $20 which is such a great price whenever it comes to this many knobs somewhere between $ 20 and $30 and I think that there was around 25 knobs in this kitchen so a really budget friendly way to get knobs is get to get them on Amazon they definitely beat out all of the other prices when it comes to Lowe's and Hobby Lobby and Walmart in places like that plus you can order them in the pack size that you actually need and you're not being wasteful or having to order extra um because there's a lot of different variety size packs so here I'm popping off all of this decorative I don't even know what to call this it looks like miniature railing but it just comes right off I just took a miniature hammer and pried it all up and it was just tacked down with really small trim nails so I was able to just pull it all up and after I removed as much of the little decorative pieces that we wanted to take out of there I went around with a rag and some dish soap specifically dish soap or anything that's going to cut grease I also used a little scrubby on it you just want to make sure that there's no grease on the cabinets because wherever there's Grease the paint is not going to adhere and you're going to have a lot of problems now I did not sand these cabinets as far as the majority of them I did take a sanding block around where the most wear and tear will happen basically around where the handles are and just kind of scuffed it up because this is not real wood it's not like you're going to be able to sand down to the wood you're basically scratching up the the coating that's over top of this fake wood and then I went ahead and started to apply this primer now I cannot say enough good things about this primer I have used primer that's actually much more expensive than this from Sheran Williams and this stuff beats it out like 10 out of 10 I cannot recommend this enough my dad has been a contractor since I was born and even he was is Thoroughly impressed with this stuff it creates such a high bind like it says right on the label but also you can even see it in this video look how white these cabinets are getting with just one coat of this primer like it's unreal a lot of other primers you would have to do at least two coats of primer just to get this pigmentation and I just really can't say enough good things I'm going to be using this from now on anytime I have something that needs to be primed that is dark or that has a more smooth surface it does say right on the bucket that it can be applied to things like concrete walls and metal and things like that but you don't have that really terrible smell like whenever you're using spray paint or something like that it doesn't have a high odor which I also appreciate so it's basically the best of all worlds when it comes to primers and paints and it's also a super great price compared to somewhere like Sherin Williams so as you can see their little range hood here was just looking a little bit rough and my dad was looking at it and he made the suggestion to use this primer on it because it is meant for metal as well as wood and other things like I just said so we decided to go ahead and to paint this along with the cabinets and you guys it worked out perfectly one thing that I did do and I would highly recommend this is I did allow a day or two for this primer to really cure and dry and make sure that it was just very stuck to this metal before I put on any coats of paint um on top of it so I would recommend recommend that that's another thing that a lot of people don't understand when it comes to painting giving your paint coats time to dry and cure is very important so sometimes you can be adding too many layers too quickly and that's why it kind of ends up getting scratched up or gummy if that makes sense so once I had the primer on I went around and I used some paintable caul because these cabinets are old and once I had created the whiteness you could see all the little cracks and things that needed to be filled next I wanted to focus on that area above the stove that just was making the kitchen look a little extra dated so I went over to the gator boy camp where my dad works and we use the shop there to cut a piece of what we call luon it's just a very very thin type of a plywood that you can use in spaces like this especially when you don't want something thick or really heavy you just want to be able to tack up something small this works out perfectly we also cut a couple pieces of um I think it was like a one by or my dad ripped it down to like a 1x two 2 by one I don't know if that even makes sense but it's more of a small block of wood to help stick the lon too which you're going to see in this next clip that I'm just using a simple stapler to put all of this up but I jokingly told my dad when he was cutting these pieces that I probably could have super glued this together and you actually could um I've used super glue for all kinds of things but because he had a nice little stapler for me to put this together I just went ahead and took advantage of that so I just put those little like 1in blocks inside of there to help give extra support and so it wouldn't bow and you know Wile around in there and then I just tacked it all in and I went ahead and used caul to fill in the staple holes and all of the edges and just let that dry while I was doing some other things and went over it with the primer as well and you're going to see again with this primer how good it covers like this little piece in the middle of all of this white really shows it how quickly it covers and Luan is very porous so a lot of times you have to prime it almost twice for it to be covered well and I didn't have to do that at all with this primer so shout out to vpar for coming up with an amazing primer so to keep this budget friendly but to give it a little facelift we have these two bar stool chairs that um were with this house whenever my parents moved into it and so my mom made the suggestion if we were to to paint them black and just kind of bring more of the modern Farmhouse kind of feel to this kitchen so I went ahead and just took a trash bag to cover the seats cuz we thought we' just leave the seats um the way that they are and then I took some painters tape and ripped a lot of little pieces to line up around the bottom of the spindles and then I took this satin spray paint this is a primer and paint in one and I went over the chairs now one thing I did do again is I allowed time to dry I did thinner coats so that there wouldn't be runs because if you put spray paint on too quickly and too thick you're going to end up with things running down the legs and all of that so I just kind of would take breaks and go back outside and put another thin coat on and you are going to love the finished product whenever it comes to these chairs so here you're seeing me do the around that top part of the little vent Hood area and I can't believe how elevated this makes this whole entire area of the kitchen look it just looked very dated with that little shelf thing they tried to create in there and it's just amazing how different it made the whole kitchen feel just covering that up once the paint had completely dried and I actually let them dry overnight um in the shed here I just just felt like it would be good to do that just because paint spray paint really can have a strong smell and so just letting them kind of air out once they were done really helped them not make my mom's house smell badly if you've ever spray painted a piece of furniture then you know that sometimes those fumes can really hang around for a while so letting them sit outside somewhere is very helpful to let them aate and all of that so once the cabinets were completely painted and I did paint the walls the same color I did want to mention that I went ahead and put on all of this Hardware from Amazon I will leave them linked below and anything else that I can from this video I have these in my kitchen and love them okay friends so we have made it a long way into this project I'm so happy with where things are at and now we get to the fun part where we get to kind of decorate and pull bits and pieces together so my mom and I actually went shopping and we went to Hobby Lobby and found this perfect perfect piece to go into this funny little inset area here but I know that a lot of us struggle with using command strip which is how we're going to hang this piece and this piece in particular is a little on the bigger side so being able to keep it on the wall and keep it from falling off is obviously really important so one thing I've discovered discovered When Things fall off the wall with command strips a lot of times they fall off the wall not because the command strip isn't sticking to the wall but because the command strip isn't sticking to your photo frame your piece of art and whatnot whether it's a wooden frame whether it has a brown sort of backing on it like this one does so a little trick that I have figured out is I take if you don't know what command strips are how they work essentially they're two pieces they are velcroed together one piece will stick to the wall the other will is supposed to stick to your frame and then they are supposed to come together and hold everything on the wall well because the frame often falls off and this isn't sticky enough what I've learned to do is take the one that is supposed to go on the frame and I put super glue on it and I super glue this strip to the back of the frame so you're not putting any super glue on the wall don't worry you're not damaging your wall cuz that's the whole point of using these um and you're still able to make these come apart whenever you are lifting the picture frame Off the Wall then you're left with this and then you can just do that classic uh pull down and it just releases from the wall so that's what I'm going to go ahead and do is actually super glue this side to the back of this Frame so we know it's not going to fall off the wall it's not going anywhere wear and it won't fall and break this trick with the superglue is something that I wish I would have discovered a long time ago I've had many things fall off the wall and it's generally like I said due to whatever it's stuck to and this worked out perfectly for this piece of art and we were so thrilled when we found this piece of art I just think it fits the whole kitchen so well we weren't sure what to do with this odd little Nook and I would love to hear in the comments if you had any ideas of what you would have done with this funny little kind of desk area my mom does cook a lot if you've been around for a while you know that we've done some videos together even on my main Channel and so it doesn't really make sense for her to have a desk in the middle of her kitchen whenever you cook a lot you want all the space all the counter space every area kind of freed up you don't want to be stumbling over a chair which is really what would happen if a chair was put up to this and used as a desk so it just worked out great to kind of make this a little coffee Nook and I added in this gorgeous posth my mom has it is so long and just so drapey and pretty this is like pathos goals like this is the way I want mine in my sun room at home to grow it's just so beautiful I'm sure it loves all of that Florida Sun for sure and has grown so well and then I popped in a little bit of terracotta up here and some lighter woven basket box type things my mom um definitely wants to continue to incorporate terracotta it goes so well with the tile that's along the backsplash of this kitchen and the area that they live in is very kind of Southern but almost has a Southwest feel cuz there is a lot of cattle ranches and things like that close to where they live and so kind of giving a little hint of that here in her kitchen fits her home so well and then I put this cart underneath of here just because it's a great place to store all of her odds and ends when it comes to Coffee making she has certain ways she likes to make her coffee and if you've been around a long time you know I've inherited that very well and also she loves to host so this gives her such a great place to make people hot drinks when they're over and or have them make their own so she has these little tin boxes these are from Ikea I think they're so cute and I've eyed them up myself different times but they work great to store her loose leaf tea and her little tea bags so she can pull them out whenever she wants to make tea or make tea for someone else there was this little drawer area that she liked to keep her coffee filters in so I I went ahead and put them back in there and a few to go cups these chairs just work perfectly with the black accents that we've pulled into this room my mom still wants to play around with some of the decor but we've given it a fresh new start this little coffee Nook area that we've created over here is just perfect this little cart she did already have she's going to keep an eye out maybe at some anque stores thrift stores secondhand shops or possibly just search on Amazon for a while to find something that she would prefer in this little space right here but this is what she had on hand and in the time frame that I'm here and working with everything we just decided to go ahead and use what she had and she can find something that is possibly more down the line of this dish color or these baskets a little bit of a lighter wood color we will see what we can find and possibly maybe when I come again we can even build shelves down there so we'll see how that goes but we just brought some green plants into this space and her vining plant that is just gorgeous up there on top of the cabinets pulls in such a fun fresh pop of color she also wants to pull in a bit more of the Terracotta look so as she finds pieces to put in here I know she's going to enjoy that as well it works great with that countertop and back backsplash and it's just amazing to me what you can accomplish with such a small budget really in reality we used about $30 worth of premixed white paint from Lowe's and then of course the primer as well and then the spray paint for the chairs and the new hardware all in we are definitely under $100 for this makeover which is just wild with the fact that the change is so completely drastic I love that primer it is amazing this was my first time using it I've used other bonding primers before cannot recommend it enough if you are doing cabinets without sanding for sure finding this piece over here above the coffee Nook at Hobby Lobby we were able to get it I think it was 40% off so we paid a fraction of the regular price for that as well and of course that is a major focal piece of the kitchen here and just brings about the style that my mom was looking for adding in some black accents and just kind of modernizing this kitchen just a bit on this side of the kitchen we have this doorway that leads to the laundry room that's going to be another project that I will do possibly on my next trip down here but this side just is her sink area and it all ties together so nicely we took the blind down that was in this window we really contemplated putting some like tea tow curtains up or something like that but there's actually a pretty large uh tree that covers this window on the outside and she feels like it's private enough right where the house is situated to just simply leave everything off of that window and it brings in some fresh Light into the kitchen thank you guys so much for watching today definitely hit that subscribe button if you are new let me know in the comments what you thought about this before and after this was such a fun budget friendly little face lift or big face lift really to this kitchen thanks so much for joining me today and I'll see you all in the next [Music] one [Music] he
Channel: Adaline's Home
Views: 345,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plant filled apartment, boho home, boho home style, home tour, boho home tour, diy boho, diy boho decor, decorate with me, kitchen makeover, apartment kitchen makeover, renter kitchen makeover, renter friendly hacks, renter friendly decor, cottage kitchen, kitchen organization, home organization, diy cottage decor, diy kitchen, kitchen make over, easy home makeover, diy home makeover, cheap kitchen makeover, budget home decor, budget kitchen makeover
Id: PGTWy4lz-ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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