Inside Filipino village home 🇵🇭

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welcome to the greatest village in the world this is where Chrissy grew up we're talking with a local cobra man okay I asked if he's a fisherman and he told me he's a Cobra man and he's very camera shy just like Chrissy why are Filipinos so shy about camera are you are you guys try to not really all right what's your name mark all right I'm Harold nice to meet you is it safe for swimming here do you like to swim not really but in Philippines you have that the best beaches in the world why don't you swim too much son all right well I will go and try and swim them until you want to have the white skin what about you maybe but the dark skin is so beautiful what what do you guys think if a woman have a white skin or dark skin what is more beautiful depends good answer this man has a great future in politics vote for this man well I mean the only thing missing here is of course a sandy beach but this is exactly like the beach at a hotel water is perfect not too many not too wavy and so on Tim told me he comes here during what four months ago and it was very windy a lot of waves and so on but anyway we are about to do a little tour of the village and we are going to check out Kristen's home they last when I asked about that because I believe that they think that this is a very modest way to live and of course is modest but you know what this village is it's it's so picturesque I mean it's like heaven there is the coconut hill that we went up trekked up on and uh hello people waving at me well we can see what they're making over there okay see you guys I think this looks like a fantastic place to live absolutely fantastic they have Kristin's family does not have a boat but there are two boats here that are used for fishing I'd love to go out in one of these hey I recognize this man how's it going are you gonna swim okay [Applause] what's up guys what are you doing are you fishing okay let's go and see I think they're they're eating fish or fishing wow that's the beauty let me have a look all right it looks like it has seen better days so what's happening you eating it now you just caught it you're drinking coconut wine oh my god can I try some coconut one yeah Wow local moonshine okay okay so I'd love to try some coconut wine okay well can I have a seat yeah okay oh there's more fish a little bit little bit little bit I'll try the coconut wine okay it's very good for my health all right here we go okay wow that is good yes yes I told you it would be very strong it's not too strong no more awesome thank you I'm touring your village I'm making a making a video about the village it's so beautiful here thank you guys good luck with the fish yeah see you then thank you thank you yeah thank you this okay oh it's your kitchen what are you cooking fish fresh fish from the ocean special and vegetables fish soup awesome I love this I love this this is what I like guys to see how people live hey Tim he wants a coconut wine okay that's what they're drinking it's pretty cool yeah I tried some coconut wine okay I'll be can we continue on to do the house tour all right the highlights the highlight of the holiday come on doggy so how okay she has five sisters and brothers right yeah Jesus Christ you have to think about that what kind of husband is this five in total sis yeah okay seven people living in this house okay is she in there okay let's continue then hello guys this is this is their home hello how's it going this is the kitchen this is where you make barbecue well well well it's never you're never easy to do home invasion you always feel a bit uncomfortable but this is how you get things done I wonder if this is the sewer running through air just a little River hey how are you here we have the house bird Hey you see there protector of the home okay and here we have our laundry motorbike Honda alright and then we have inside hopefully the shoes I'm a guest it says welcome home thank you okay hello what's your name hm what's your name Angelique Angelique nice to meet you I'm touring your home does anyone want to be my guides I don't walk around and maybe you can show me your house yeah yes where do we start I want to start here so this is your living room because you have a television here and then you have a kitchen back there yeah can we see the kitchen this is awesome did did your father build this himself how so you grew up here yeah okay so this is your new house fifteen years ten years does it get very hot like right now I am I am sweating so much in here no stereo and here oh you have even upstairs this is the bathroom yeah another kitchen our kitchen before but you said Tim told me that you really like to cook yeah this is where you cook you cook outside okay and here is the toilet am I allowed to look okay all right toilet and shower this is the shower are you used to bucket yeah okay you actually have a two-story house you have two floors can I look really yeah do you want to check first I don't care if it's dirty I'm just maybe yeah it's so messy yeah I can see it yes I am too messy yeah I will look but like not film for the camera okay okay I will Oh oh my god you don't want to see that guy trust me he's too dirty it's too much and then where's your room can we have a look at your room wait it's all so messy okay I'll get I'll give you some time I'll give you some time haha although I didn't come I did tell them I was gonna come but I guess they're a little shocked at how thorough I investigate houses when I do investigate them here is some guest dzasta the Korean Backstreet Boys Korea superstar in Philippines Laureano is this your poster so you liked the Korean man you want to have Korean husband and there is that Tim sighs surfboard I like your home it's very nice oh I hear frantic cleaning in there we can sit there sit here and wait guys oh but yes it is it is very hot even the dog is passing out hey doggy [Music] it's okay now really yeah it's a lot of things going on in there okay here we go guys [Music] whoa all right it's an innovative mattress again a Spartan living this is what yeah this is the upstairs so imagine again there's seven people who grew up here or some have left the house now but all right how how much did he pay to build this home 70,000 peso yeah to build that is is that expensive yeah yeah how much did that in dollars 70,000 pays off hmm it sounds like a good price to me but a lot for local money right isn't that 1500 yeah okay that was the house invasion I loved it in there can you please tell him that I love his house and thank you thank you so much for for taking us up the coconut plantation and everything that was really really awesome and we'll we will come over with some food for him today you start all right well you say all right but you didn't translate to him so later we will come over with some bids and food and so on okay all right that that's it they're people here very shy when when we talk in the even off camera so I hope you guys enjoyed this little tour of the village actually we can continue the tour down and see Tim so I'll go down and see Tim then he's on the beach he's passed out okay see you guys later bye bye see you later yeah very young there's a big big problem here in terms of translating I think a lot of things is lost in translation but I'll make sure that they know I appreciate it this tour don't you worry about that all right you look like you ready for a swim yeah at our place Richard that was awesome man I really loved their house yeah oh it's fantastic I was so funny she had to run into the room and I clean a little bit before I've never been back there so you seen things I never saw it's awesome but I couldn't I couldn't understand the price and he told me that that he that he gets paid 100 a month for the space right I think I think he built that yeah but he built the house for 70,000 he told me and I just thought that was it's actually quite nice I mean I just thought that was too cheap he's probably not talking about all the furnishings yeah just just to be able to structure a structure itself okay for the actual land yeah because they don't own the land Wow so probably the same person that owns the plantation land as well anyway this is pretty idyllic I mean I could definitely see myself living here this is this is awesome and now that I know that Filipinos love their pork chops I'm even more sold on this place so I guess I'll end end the vlog here what's that I was a good 15 minutes even included some some some coconut whiskey I might go back down there and see how they're doing so from do you know the name of this place okay from that place southern right there we're signing off see you tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm back here with it with the coconut wine because he was so good and they're they're also showing some local wine here so this is the rum he caught that now Awesome's fresh fish and fresh coconut wine awesome afternoon hey you're drinking all of it leave some whiskey for them what kind of guests are you here no modesty those Americans yeah thank you guys have a good day wow I love this place it's so cool are we gonna swing back back at our place so see you then when he wanted to try some whiskey - yeah or wine not whiskey alright we're gonna go to our place now and swim and we need sunscreen otherwise we'll be will be too red yeah laundry and rum [Applause] yeah Norway no what no American Norway I know it yes but I can't speak English at work we're sitting here hitchhiking back to the hotel go back to the hotel trying to hitchhike or get a trike whatever comes first there's that mean dog that attacked our dog this morning as we walked here from the hotel the hotel dog followed us all the way until it was attacked by five other dogs and let's hope it's okay we'll see you when we get back you think it's okay great response as usual from my vlogging compatriots to talk to me and translate make it easy to make videos yes Kristen you're gonna come swim - yeah she's got her new swim clothes she's got her board shorts and her rash guard she doesn't have to show her bikini to everyone she's gonna do it don't worry we won't film swimming American travels so light that now that tim has put his suitcase in here the whole the whole thing is cool however they sit on the freeway Chrissy I'll sit here the back there all right all right we got this [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's so camera shine every time I woke up the people Vinick camera that literally and run away it's so funny without the camera rolls I hello with the camera there tim is feeling that wine he's been coughing it up ever since you're right it's nice home sweet home now we're signing on oh the dog is fine it's there hey come to Papa you're fine what happened to you you have a big fight look he's still scared from the fight come here come here come here come here he's fine
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 639,398
Rating: 4.8794093 out of 5
Keywords: Philippines house, Home in Philippines, Family house Philippines
Id: ZWDoBTllzwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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