Inside Designer Private Jet All-Matte Black Gulfstream G450

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- For me, it's a Lamborghini under the private jet, but I think it's the most expensive paintjop that was ever done on the G450. (rhythmic hip hop instrumental music) - This is the unique all matte black Gulfstream G450, and today, we're gonna have an exclusive look inside and meet the owner, Sandra, who is already waiting. But first, let's take off your shoes. We are sitting in probably the most stunning Gulfstream jet you have ever seen, or at least, I've ever seen. And today, we're gonna give you an exclusive look inside with Sandra, the owner. (chill music) Sandra, what made you decide to buy this particular jet? - I decided to buy a Gulfstream jet, because for me, it's a Lamborghini under the private jet, and the G450 is to my liking, the best for Europe. Size-wise and also the range, it's great. You can also fly it to the US. - So this is your private jet, and it's actually your company, SCK Aviation. Could you quickly talk us through what you do? - Yeah, it's my company, exactly. And I want to guide my clients through the whole process of finding the right aircraft and the refurbishment and also finding the right operator. - [Akash] So similar to your process you had when buying this jet? - Exactly, completely the same. - [Akash] Yeah, what made you choose for a complete refurbishment with all the special things you have in this jet? - The thing is, of course, black is my favorite color, so that's where everything starts. But yeah, for example, the fabric seats I prefer way more than leather. I find leather very boring and old-fashioned. I find, also, the normal way of private flying, the white airplanes with stripes and beige inside, yeah, that's not what I would call flying style or private flying. So that was my idea behind it. Yeah, you see everything we turned into black, the metal, everywhere. And also, the carpet is very special. It's a custom-designed carpet by myself with the Tai Ping Company. So what's not special? What do you want to know? Let's start there. - Otherwise, I won't stop talking for the next five hours. (chuckles) - [Narrator] 5 hours later... - [Akash] Please talk us through the details. I see some marble, I think. - Yeah. That's a very special one, even. It's black Portoro marble. It's my favorite one. The original one, like the gold one, is also very nice, but of course, because of the color, it doesn't fit in the plane, so I choose the black one. We worked with our designers from M&R, but of course, I had a very, very, very direct and clear vision how I want the jet to look like. And they brought it on paper, and then also guide the people who had to build everything, of course, yeah, to finish it like that. Also, because the outside is, of course, also very special, but I think it's the most expensive paint job that was ever done on the G450. We did it with the guys from General Atomics. They are great. The idea was to make it matte, matte black, because I find matte always cooler than shiny. I wanted shiny details. That's how we ended up with the stripes. So it gives it a little bit of a cooler look and feel. Therefore, also, the matte on the inside again, with the shiny elements. That's paint, like on the tables and on the wood. Wood, the next thing, I really do not like in private jets. You know, of course, it's a personal decision, but for me, I find it old-fashioned. - [Akash] I think we can stand behind that position. (Akash laughs) (Sandra chuckles) - [Remo] But how much was the painting? - [Akash] Yeah. - Well, it was about half a million. (register ca-chings) And the whole refurbishment? - All in total, five, a little bit less. - [Akash] How old was the plane in general? - 11 years. - [Akash] What was your first Gulfstream experience that made you fall in love with Gulfstream? - I got a call from Gulfstream that they found my Instagram profile, and they found it so cool that they want to get to know me. And that was, yeah, how we really started, also, our relationship with Gulfstream. - [Akash] So you're almost a Gulfstream ambassador. - The thing is, I do not want to reveal the whole secret, but definitely, we have a lot of things planned together. (upbeat electronic music) - If you had a private jet, what color would you paint it? Comment down below. If you liked this video, make sure you like and subscribe, and don't miss our next one.
Channel: Prop Clear
Views: 444,872
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Keywords: private jet, gulfstream, g450, ebace
Id: 8tSdICIugts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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