Private Jet Adventure | Gulfstream LA to Texas

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welcome back easy flight today we're going SoCal to Houston Texas in the G4 I'm going to go to the plane a little bit early so I can show you guys how to service the engine oil now more importantly if you look behind me the back seat of my Rolls-Royce is completely full with orders that you guys place at shop gear good news is flight bags are back in stock I have over a thousand in stock of each color watch this whole video I'm going to put a code in here somewhere for 10% off anything in the store for the next week see you guys from the jet go ahead and file up this flight plan all set there you go everything is good to go person's on board call it 10 and let's file it all right guys made it out to the jet I'm in here right now updating the navigation database so you guys take a look at that 60% now let's go in the hanger um I want you guys to meet a buddy of mine Brett I talk about Brett's company shiny Jets all the time um for those of you that watch the live stream I talk about Brett's company all the time on the live he does training to teach people how to detail aircraft and how to get contact and it's a great way uh if you're looking to finance your training and network with a lot of Pilots aircraft managers stuff like that detailing is a way to go you make a ton of money and you're constantly dealing with people that do stuff like this so let's uh go see what Brett's doing I'm here in the hanger right now and I just caught up with Brett looks like he's getting ready to do some bright work on this awesome G5 that actually we were thinking about flying crazy thing about this plane is when I was doing my stuff for the government I used to fly this plane and uh turned out it came up for sale and I missed uh I I missed a couple phone calls and didn't know otherwise if I would have known uh we would have bought this plane but this is Brett like I said I talk to you guys all the time on the live about him if you're looking to figure out how to get his into this industry Finance some of the training Brett's the way to do it Brett what are you working on over here today we're just uh polishing up the uh I'm just prepping all the bright work today come in early tomorrow start polishing so we got to do probably a two three step on some areas and then we'll coat it with the granitize coating so we're supposed to do this every six month on golf streams so all my trainings and stuff actually go over all this stuff and uh it's pretty cool too stay tuned uh I'm sure Thomas will share it but we got a product line coming out for aircraft specifically and uh we're super excited but um follow us on shiny Jets all over the social media shiny so we got our our uh trainings on there we've got online in person all that stuff so all right you guys heard it right there so I'll link the website down below shiny Brett's a really good friend of mine um I don't let out of all the years I've been owning airplanes I have never let anybody else touch them unless it's just a quick um like a pressure wash to R rinse the plane off but nobody touches my planes except for Brett um the reason my citation and my go stream looks so good 100% down to him so there you go you guys quick little insight for that but let's go back get back to the task at hand and that's getting my goldf stream ready to fly all right Brad I'll see you in a bit yeah later [Music] [Music] bro okay while we're waiting for the line guys to bring me out a ladder looks like our transfer is complete so that looks good now we can go over here call it good now we're all set up to uh Get Ready To Fly let's go check the oil oh uh quick note on checking the oil it's going to be really loud back there so um I'm probably going to show you guys how to do this but I'll tell you how to do it uh with a voice over so you guys don't have to listen to the Apu all right so we're going to start at the AFT end of the aircraft and open up the hell hole and unfortunately it's just super loud in here I do have my earplugs in right now but uh we're going to pull the pins out of the ladder drop that sucker down and up we go into the hell hole here um there's our big toe you never want to take one of those suckers out or put it back in it's a complete pain in the ass um that being said the oil tank filler is back here which you guys will see in a second there it is so reposition the camera a little bit you see that says engine Oiler we're going to flip that sucker to on there's the instructions on what to do in case you guys are interested all right so now that this guy is coming on I'm going to go ahead back down the stairs here and and luckily we've got a ladder brought out by the line guys the thing that sucks about the G4 is um there's no way to store or bring a ladder with you so you're always dependent on um on a line guy or wherever you're at to give you uh ladder check the oil now standard procedure on this is to check the oil 15 minutes after engine shut down but I've been flying this plane for so many years that I know what it is from checking um after shutdown versus cold I know what it equates to so this is the fill Port here and this hose comes from that Oiler in the back so I'm going to connect that to the filler Port sorry it's kind of hard to do this one-handed but we've got it connected now and that's our level So This Plane likes to be right about 3 and 1 half on the cold when it's hot it'll come right up to about 1 maybe just under one that little switch down there in the bottom right that's uh the lever that you used to push oil into the engine so I'm replacing the oiler hose back on covering up the fill Port cap we'll shut this sucker down and we'll go check the other engine the right engine now the big difference between the right and the left engines is um they're the exact same Engine with the exact same oil tank so the right side engine is caned um what that means it's it's off to an angle so it's the exact same fill port in here but you can see one side is red and one side is blue and the blue has different numbers also this side is good our left engine Burns a little bit more than the right but the right side being blue it's just telling you that um it's just a reminder to let you know that the numbers are actually greater on the right side than they are on the left and it's just due to the to the CED the rotation of that engine it's not um straight up and down just like the left engine is so with all this stuff done now we just run back up I'm going to shut that Oiler down close up the hell hole and uh get up and that's it that's how you check the oil on a Gulf Stream G4 I should say check and service but we're all done here now it's time to put the ladder away with one hand which absolutely sucks all right there it is that's how we check the engines the engine oil on the Gulf Stream um you're supposed to check it 15 minutes after shutdown but I've been flying this plane for she going on 4 years now and I know um where it is cold versus hot so at 3 and 1/2 3 and 1/2 cold will put it ideally to where it is hot and that's it so got two hour I got I have two hours until passengers are going to be here so I'm actually going to shut everything down for now so we're not wasting gas and making noise and uh that's it Kyle should be here in about 35 minutes and uh we'll part this thing back up in about another hour and 20 and you get ready to fly so I'll see you guys uh when we're taxiing [Music] out [Music] need a copy y good clear the from H Airport via the Chino Runway 26 obstacle to pressure receiver L Turn 2 Paradise Victor 1 E6 nickel November India kilo kilo Lima Victor 64 thermal Tango r m maintain 5,000 expect flight level 410 one0 minutes after departure soal departure frequency 125.5 clock 150 [Music] okay 370 R Miss is clear to Houston Hobby Airport be the Sho Runway 26 obstacle departure procedure then left turn direct Paradise Victor uh 186 nickel Victor 64 thermal then is f CL maintain 5000 41 and 10 125m 515 ADV taxi thank you all right there you go clearance up [Music] [Music] all right am I clear on the right right side clear cool I start the other side number two for that side it's okay just wait for this side all right we got start valve and ignition waiting on some oil pressure let's get a little oil pressure as LP there we go we got oil pressure Runway 26 right approach all right looking for 3.2 L discretion contact soal departure there we go fire in the hoe in the ho ho ho I got some carnate assada to eat I got a carrot cake awesome I like it uh can you turn all the digits up on all this stuff down here please all right she's rolling rolling rolling going to make poor Brett go deaf all right here we go all right 0330 going on the left here we go start valve in ignition HPS turn in oil pressure pressure waiting on some LP there we go there's LP hello LP what's up buddy howdy howdy howy howy [Music] ho 2.9 3.0 here we go fire in the hole all righty time to go flying um that obstacle departure procedure left turn R pdz up to 5,000 okay 5,000 same as normal all right she's coming up every is good that the right squawk it's not it's not 1060 for the squawk 1056 for the squawk please all right that's two good engines all right here we go you said 1050 1056 all right start Master's off left power's on right power's on Ox is coming down check the left check the right back to essential AP is going off it started with crossbleed because we were unbalanced now we're going back to balance everything's on up here bleeds are set we are going into flight Boom 1 2 3 4 5 six flaps at 20 watch your knees please look good there one two 3 4 5 six 78 anti-skid test is good ground spoilers there up they're down still down still down coming that's a good test Afters please after start checkl start Master is off electrical left and right power switches external Electric Power air not used electrical auxilary electric power Apu secure battery and meters Fair checked Central DC bus power source uh left Auto main emergency power doors armed closed anti I heaters and switches all on cow and Wing anti- I uh not needed cabin pressurization control is set flight Auto dc1 I see flight fuel boost pumps all on ground spoilers uh checked stall barrier flight controls free ya damper on nose steering on hydraulic pump armed break an skid and seat belts no smoking tested and on have start check complete cool let them know we're going what's Grand 216 uh yeah I think they're doing everything combined on Tower right now all right Rome be ready at the end ready ready to go yep hey perative r r hope for release short of two six left for r what's departure frequency 2585 it is 255 255 yep all right clear my side clear your side Here Comes TR check looks good taxi checks traffic 2 miles west of the field continuing westbound Cherokee 1,500 Runway 26 left clear for takeoff look for traffic clear for takeoff 26 left 37 is here complete that checklist guidance man takeoff briefing is standard yes sir after view one we're taking the air come back here this final clear take off take I see two six left two six left is confirmed all right everybody seated here we go all right is checked I do not take a t V1 rotate to V2 Gear Up gear is selected up all right flaps up man speed 200 flight levelo main 7000 Victor 186 7,000 Paradise Victor 183 Rome 186 186 copy that 186 fly besides the autopilot have a good night 07 price approach Pro no separate service provide to maintain ation is in flight and building contact 134 34 z r good day thanks good day all right autopilot fing the plane here we go we're up we're flying [Music] 27.0 all righty we are 16,000 climbing up to flight level 230 now just dim these down a little bit you guys aren't going to be able to see too much outside cuz it's going to be dark here shortly and when that happens these videos get super boring not that they're already boring as it is but is what it is so we are on the way to Houston currently have 2 hours 17 minutes to go we have been in the air for all [Music] of 7 Minutes Seven Minutes in Heaven I will talk to you guys again probably from Cru all right welcome to Cru we're getting ready to go direct to AE on the kids for arrival into Houston Hobby so we're getting ready to start down just through the shoulder harnesses on we're going to start making the turn now which he's doing so unfortunately um not too much to see outside the window for you guys right now I'll turn the lights off so you guys can look not really much out there I'll give you guys a little out the window for the arrival but again there's not going to be too much to see um that being said we've been in the air now for oh my gosh how long have we been up here we've been up in the air for 1 hour 46 minutes and we got 39 to go pretty decent Tailwind today we saw for a little while we were seeing 575 M uh knots ground speed which wasn't too bad and uh just dropped down to 535 right now but other than that we're just cring along it's me and Kyle up here just bullshitting about nothing cuz Texas is just too damn big unfortunately Texas Texas too big takes a long time to get across Texas yeah flying across Texas sucks and unfortunately we got to do it back going the other way on Monday uh with 100 knots on the nose so that's really going to suck but I drove across Texas in two days once yeah I've done that before too it's not not not a good time I prefer to fly I've driven across Texas a bunch of times actually but that's a story for another day maybe we'll save that for the automotive Channel but um I guess now is a really good time to give you guys that 10% off code so let me reach back here real quick without yanking my headset out I'll see if I can get it oh boy all right so if you have not yet picked up a gear down flight bag awesome I don't know what should the code be let's give you guys a code for 10% off I'm going link it down below right now everything on the site for the next week so today Saturday the 2nd of March so we go for until next Saturday big TX oh no not big I thought you said big tax same thing big TX teex all right code for 10% off Main 37 down level 370 here we go down to 370 I see 37 37 set do it at 1,000 foot a minute so there you go that's code Tex teex down below here on the screen right now 10% off anything on the store for the next 7 days so if you've been waiting to pick up a bag Now's the Time I have over 1,000 in stock of every single color and uh they're live right now so go pick one up and um when you guys pick one up make sure you're tagging me on Instagram I'll tag that down below right here gear down and I'll repost it a lot of you guys have been buying them and tagging me and I love uh love posting them up so all right we'll see you guys let's get into this uh arrival and get on the ground I'm tired of being this plane right now approach ILS Runway 114 level 23 Aton Cent maintain level 3 4 final appr 041 041 and the MDA looks like 250 you agree 250 all right 250 it is all right 250 set my side all right so we got it we're gonna pop in at geoh hard six and carco 4,000 I see it in here and then Elin then we're coming on down the Miss approach climb to 1500 the climbing right turn to 3,000 inbound on the Mike Hotel foxr V radial 290 to the V and hold okay and that is all correct in here including the hold so that's what we got we got the Adis it's information mic and uh Wilson There knows we're coming you got any questions sounds good okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh all right we are 15 from now we're yeah 15 mil 4 minutes [Music] um we got [Music] time shot instead maintain 3,000 they should be able to work that out uh what's the uh what's the uh identifier ihub uh just want to make sure that's in okay good to go 65 9 you're inside the Bravo I am the Bravo n z alpha maintain VFR and I [Music] R airport 10:00 I think I got it still looking [Music] rast below 3000 we'll hang we'll let it make the turn was that lightning yeah there was something some flash over there that was bright it's the gulf though so probably some heat lightning off of it that's [Music] why right let's go flap 20 I see flash Hotel Tang airport 12:00 mil yeah I'll take the gear Gear doesn't down strobo my name U maybe one in maintain the [Applause] final Romeo it all right already 197 looks 1500 contact hobby tower on 1 18.7 18.7 Ro sir good flaps to go yeah indicating 21 inhibits there start don't need N Crackers then before letting checklist complete thank you all right I'll take full flaps flaps coming in full [Music] flaps there we go little crabby there we go there she goes looking good nice little crosswind down three verify flaps are full clear land 2.7 is ground as well all right 500 400 300 2 200 minimums minimums continuing [Music] lit up like Christmas tree oh parking Wilson going to Wilson Rome R kilo and Crossway one3 left one two right and then you're going to make the left turn at Juliet to wison all right welcome to Houston got all those bags God damn it you have they're pretty nice actually my apu's up and latched yeah okay thank [Music] you wson come on wson oh that's the end in my video 61 left Bravo and Yan the par stay with me left turn Bravo Yanke par 61 and [Applause] 64 SoCal to Houston 2 hours and 22 minutes it was nice and easy we are here thank you guys so much for watching this one make sure uh if you're not already subscribed to the Channel Please Subscribe if you're not following me on Instagram taging it down below right here it's @ gear down on Instagram definitely follow me there to see all the behind the scenes and I give away a ton of stuff so 10% off with uh promo code Tex and I will see you guys on the next one peace
Channel: Gear Down
Views: 119,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 minutes of aviation, aviation videos, caught on camera, facts, pilot
Id: FtuxQ4dHgSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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