Chief on the Vibe of the Barstool Chicago After Changes to the Chicago Crew - Inside Barstool

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and then they had an agreement where they would punch each other in the stomach and take a shot after every round until somebody puked and then Dave lost Dave puked and then they were friends after that this is like it's just like a construction zone because now everybody's here and I guess the new office isn't going to be ready until who knows mid-october so it was supposed to be bro what I'm gonna hear people about this for eight this is a Chicago thing probably not a bar stool thing I don't know if you've heard of this we had this big fire like a hundred years ago now like they take construction and all regulations like very seriously the whole city burned down so like there's all these like old laws like you can't have like there's if you're gonna like build a house you're like oh it'd be nice to have a fire pit they're like you have to have this fire pit in this location otherwise and it's this type of fire otherwise you're out so one little fire in the whole city because that happens again Boston drowned in maple syrup we still let everyone have all the maple syrup they want yeah so you're telling me everybody's in your office now so like our big studio right the ones that you see us where you do all the shows um that's been like I don't know it's like under plastic bags or just paint everywhere Stefan's been like working non-stop uh like getting other capabilities for live streams to come out of there I don't know what's going on uh so that's separate from the new [ __ ] yeah so like we have that new office that's being built on like the west side of town okay I didn't know that you guys were keeping your thing I thought it was all going to go into there yeah well they have to because everybody moved here and it was like I'd only be a couple weeks where we overlap and now it's like when Pete was here for I think it was the barcel uh the the corn fairy thing he's like yeah we actually extended the lease on this to the end of the year I'm like what are you not saying what are you not telling us that's not a good indication Mr September 15th so we'll see this for a company that overall is wildly incompetent just in every facet construction wise when they tell that when it was the churning office the new office New Studios etc etc when they tell me a date and they usually nail it and I'm always like yeah [ __ ] right that's six weeks away that's one week or what whatever it is and they usually nail it so maybe it is the Chicago difference I don't know but uh I know there is also like some pipe that was running underneath the basketball court that they like that failed an inspection of some kind and it's like well see you in 2024. I was gonna say uh the Fantasy Factory is you know it might be a real fantasy yeah well Kevin do you see what's happening is everybody works from home there is no office anywhere do you see what's happening in New York today Kevin I did not in the office yeah what bro I actually I I'd like to see you uh go to it's my go I I quote tweeted Jack Mack um I don't know who would be the easier way to find it me or Jack Mac okay oh that's not great I perhaps spoke too soon what is even going on there no one knows they didn't tell anybody anything it looks like they're rebuilding desks for whatever [ __ ] reason that is everything and put it in the middle of the room I mean well this is probably because of the the outlets I I would I would imagine so I think uh I think people would have liked maybe a heads up that's right this is gonna happen sort of thing yeah wow that is uh the new office I I you know it's uh I would say hq2 was Far and Away the most successful new office we ever had yes like like it was still we were still such pieces of [ __ ] that we were excited for that you know and it was like still kind of a small group so it was like this is cool is there's a bar there's enough space two Studios were good and then within like 35 seconds it was like get me out of this [ __ ] closet dude I still and I I think this is I I said it about when we built a new office which no one beats a dead horse like parcel Sports we've talked about new offices for two years now um but the what do you think we do more talk about new offices or celebrate anniversaries every every month my 13th month anniversaries my 14 month anniversary it's my 15th anniversary of arson Sports the the I I do I think it's dead horses man I think it's dead horses I think we need to chill out of them but let me get in my licks real quick and I got [Laughter] when we had the quote unquote new office in New York that is now being destroyed already um that like all you can do is make cool [ __ ] because I still remember like you're saying like within 35 seconds we were like ah [ __ ] this place I still love page no yeah I shouldn't say that I just meant we outgrew it right away but yes yeah yeah yeah that is so true what whatever you're making in that spot is what makes it good or not I I still have nothing but fond memories for HQ too I do not have them yet for hq3 I um I had fond memories up until a certain point and then and then it turns out but after but before that it was it was all good it was just like uh because you know what it was there was still and I I'm interested to hear where you where you think uh what you think on this Jeep because Chicago is still like it's almost like Chicago is like ghosts of Christmas Past for Barstool because you guys still are like a small group that kind of keeps it real and keeps it partial but everybody got like you know [ __ ] entitled and like expectations were high and all sorts of [ __ ] going into that first Studio I mean very quickly every celebrity that came through was like this [ __ ] Studio sucks and I remember nardini saying to me that she was like looking through the glass watching me record and she was like you are just like beaming like you're so happy to have your own place and it was a white four white walls with a strip of noise canceling uh insulation and that was it and I was like oh because at that point I was either recording in like my kid's Nursery or rented space in Hell's Kitchen or a basement in my mom's house and all that [ __ ] so it was like this is amazing then you know you get used to that and all of a sudden it's like I want my studio to look like this and I want to have this painting and this statue and these you know features and all that so you know everybody got to uh too cocky about it but I feel like you guys the Chicago office uh that you guys are in now not the new new one but the one that you're talking about now I think has hq2 vibes yeah I think so and I think that H2 real quick on h2q hq2 well that was a hard thing for me to say for some reason but I was working my old job and I had like a customer out there so I went and did my meeting and then I'm like I don't want to sit in a Starbucks so I just like texted Dan like can I just come and use the Wi-Fi and work and I think that office had been open for maybe a month and Riggs like got up to go to the bathroom and I just walked in and stole his seat it was the only seat available it was like after a month so like that place was never big enough from the word go and then yeah like this office like I have no complaints about this office I think it's you know served it's served us well I remember when we had the shared space like that famous Portnoy video where he's like what are you doing like we're a billion dollar company yeah that one the room that he walked into I remember like because we just had the smaller room in the way back and Ed was like we should get that space too and I was like that's too expensive it's like another 400 a month like they'll never go before like don't ask for that like I thought that was like too much to ask like we could all just work in this eight by eight room and it'll be fine like shut up and uh so yeah so now like when we walked into this place I was like oh [ __ ] well I think that right there what you just said might be the delineation like the line that I can tell if you're like a real one or not from barstool's point of view if you worry about spending the company's money you're probably from the old era like you're probably I probably respect you like if you're like oh 400 a month yeah I might we might they might fire us we might lose our job over that you're probably uh you know an early early day guy well that and then the the company I was working for immediately before we went full time went bankrupt so I was always that too that too because you know what I don't need to eat food today I was a lot skinnier back then that's another thing too though is you know most people were like signing now or like they've never had another job or never had any other sort of life so if you have a previous life and you and you actually uh probably to a fault worry about money then uh you know I I Feel Like Chief and the Chicago guys are like um it's funny because now you guys are like oh gee guys you know like I mean you apparently when did you sign up well 2012 then you fired me and then I came back and then I came back uh like April of 13 but it was it was super part-time like I do like a like during the hockey playoffs when the Hawks were great I would probably write every day but then the rest of the year it might be like I don't know once or twice a week something like that so well that's that's a full that's what you're talking about as a full-time job now I feel like you know you're not like uh once once enough time goes by you kind of get grandfathered in as you're not you're not like original six but you're you're like uh the Predators you're an expansion team but now you're like fully entrenched in the league that's great news because my contract's up November 1st and no one said thanks you'll probably work with that one until like January 1st because I don't think this company realizes that people's contracts expire and you have to sign them to new ones I should just go on strike work and just just get paid for doing nothing let me tell you something when that whole uh when that whole Union thing went down and we were all laughing about it and then uh and Dave was kind of like what the [ __ ] would these people need a union like they've got the cushiest job and and and like 99 of the way he's correct that like like these 80 of the company gets paid for free like to not do anything why would you ever want to unionize and fight back but I do remember this a couple of times where like we're talking about contracts and money and and and profits and all that [ __ ] and I was like man I wish that we could like come together and kind of like negotiate this all at once as one team uh yeah that's that's right I heard I heard Nikki smokes talking about that [Laughter] this [ __ ] guy he's the bait of my existence man he smokes well every time I come in they go did you see do you see Nick's video I'm like I'm thinking of my neck there's like 50 Nicks and the last one on the list in my life is Nikki smokes I thought he was Nikki when I call him the other day Nikki Sweets I was calling Nikki Sweets I I he he makes videos responding to or or video our uh segment we did the other day talking about his salary I'm like I can't even he did dollars yes uh he apparently he um that's his full-time job is responding to Kevin yeah what did we say uh we were saying how like he's you know fell ass backwards into a hundred thousand dollar salary and we were saying how you know it was it was it was more like we were talking about the company I was like I do not begrudge this guy at all for taking this contract but it's [ __ ] that there are guys who worked here for like 10 years before they got to that level and while he you know has every right to absolutely take the to contract maybe just do one or two things so I can gratiate yourself to the guys who made it literally possible for you to just drop like a hundred thousand dollars out of the sky into your pocket and um I didn't listen to it with the sound on I I he was like filming so far I don't think we overstepped yet but I've made a mistake with that before so I mean he he posted it like uh KFC's talking about my contract again and I didn't listen to what he I didn't have the sound on I guess he was talking over it but I um I was like yeah well you know don't worry in six more months no one will talk about your contract ever again dude so we'll we'll oh you said that yeah yeah oh all right now I think Nikki smokes has Fair B yeah well now yeah well now it's on what are you talking about here um but he so he's in Chicago too yeah he's uh oh yeah yeah he was doing he was doing that completely fake segment on your show the other day where you pretended not to know anybody he I I was astounded but he keeps that going like off camera too like he just I'm like I had to ask him if he knew who Leonardo DiCaprio was because I was like not sure like did you see that fights no he was like he didn't know he said he didn't know who Blake Lively was Nicole Kidman uh uh like a bunch of other like we don't play for the Dolphins he's never heard of you like that he's also he has called me Beast every day he's like oh what's up Beast yeah I'm like I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm Barstool Beast anything this is an act right I don't well like you have to be we were talking about this on our show the other day like if it's like a satirical Miami guy like we were like what is satire like nobody really knows that was like a fighterberg thing but it was like the only person who I think actually does it is probably PFT if this kid is like some sneaky comedic genius and he he's doing method acting about how to be like a Miami douchebag then yeah yeah 20 more contracts maybe we're underpaying I feel like we do that a lot with new employees and I finally come to terms with just the fact that people are weird man like I feel like every time there's a new employee a Barcelo who's like a little eccentric we're always like they're faking it they're putting it on they're doing something different and and I think Marty was the one where I was like nah he's just wrong a lot I think like if Frank Fleming told me he's never heard of Blake Lively I'd be like that's entirely possible like right you know for up until recently was like living in that basement getting pizzas slid through the window while he does nothing but watch Mets baseball it just from from the outside looking in like judging a book by its cover he doesn't seem like a guy who would be you know like I don't know who the most famous actresses in the world are but yeah and I like with that doesn't I can't do the celebrity mashup but I'll like recognize their faces or if somebody says their name I'll be like oh yeah but like I just like I have kind of like a pop culture blind spot for celebrities I I thought until I met Nikki smokes this guy dude my the most embarrassing thing about me is I'm good at celebrity mashup there are times I don't want to get it right I'm like oh [ __ ] that's you know that's Drew Barrymore and uh and Jon Hammer whatever I'm like damn it I got another one it's like all the questions I can answer on the Dozen are the same things that all the girls are good at [ __ ] that's like we had to go get Kelly keakes I'm like this is this is the only thing that we're missing is somebody couldn't do all the music without having to call somebody because Dave has a guy that he does Dave thinks like he's the best music guy in the world but we just use his Lifeline he's like another point a music podcaster he's got to know everything right that was the uh that was the Henry Ford right was it Henry Ford who like had that famous thing where he was like you come in I can get you the answer I can't answer it I'll get you the answer to any question you want yeah it's like you ask a question you just make a phone call yeah I got it I nailed it and if you can do that Henry Ford got pretty rich pretty famous doing that uh if Dave can do that and I tip my cap to him I've never had heard that story but I I had like a big time imposter syndrome in my my last job and in this job too but especially in the last job where people would ask me these questions like like I don't know like engineering things like I don't [ __ ] know give me 24 hours and I'll get back to you and I'll have somebody like like write this as detailed as you can so I an idiot could read it and then I would just call him back the next day with an answer so that's a skill in and of itself though like that is a little bit snake until you make it and a little bit like I will just find the person or the thing or the whatever you need to get this [ __ ] done I mean if you if you want you can do anything thing in the world at this point and just watch YouTube and learn how to do it like I think I could fix a car maybe build a car I could I could [ __ ] maybe us uh getting building a boat to sail across the sea John is not that far it's just about whether you're willing to do it because it's like there's entire entire College curriculums basically on you know YouTube you just have to [ __ ] sit there and go through it but you can do it all it's just a matter of time I would just need all the videos to be like six minutes or less yeah and it's 12 minutes to learn how to build a car sorry why do you say that because I there was a there was a period of time where one minute man was like you know well longer than one minute and then uh now it's like never over 90 seconds so that it can fit on Instagram reels but when it was a bigger story or more details I would you know go for five six minutes and yet every single time I myself would open up a video if it was five or six minutes I'd be like Jesus [ __ ] Christ I don't got time for this like give me one or two minutes and that's it but when I make them I was like I gotta fit this other minute in and I need this segment and how can I forget about that so make it nine minutes long I will say oh with those I remember those longer ones obviously too there was something about there was some magic that you're doing with like the editing or the Cadence or something it was like it was almost like it felt like five more minute videos in one like I never I don't know it wasn't like I swiped this out here you know that's that yes kind of what it what the you know it's it's it was early uh Tick Tock days where you know we were still we weren't on Tick Tock and doing long we were doing longer videos but it was always a jump cut and me changing my voice or changing the topic that I'm talking about so it was always just like oh I got it I gotta know this part I gotta know that part and I gotta you know keep it going now it's like man I don't know I I I almost think we've come all the way back around that long-form stuff is almost getting to be appreciated more because some of this like micro content is is like boy I'm almost starting to get nervous like geez we are getting like collectively stupid here by by watching all this [ __ ] it is like I I think there's kind of a place for everything in a way like you know I'll listen to like a three-hour podcast like not all at once but if I'm over the course of a day like if it's like an interesting gaster pod you know guest subject whatever uh walk the dog with it in I'll make dinner with it in I'll you know like and I'll just over the course maybe two days like I'll finish the the three hours on doing all like the other mundane things I have to do I just have headphones in and I feel like I'd probably do that more than actually never mind I fall into Tick Tock before Texas all the time or it's like oh you'll be sitting there watching the baseball game it's all of a sudden it's like the seventh inning you're like I saw nothing except for those time holes man like they they just go the only thing I found worse is video games uh that I started playing video games again in my later years I'm like six hours go by like that I'm like oh my God I'm one of those [ __ ] guys those are the ones I never fell into it I I thought I was gonna like on that path where I was gonna get shorter and shorter and shorter I never got shorter than TV I like I don't watch like 10 minute videos not that that's too long it's just that that's I don't want that's I almost like that's too short like I watch a TV show is the show I've never like done a tick tock hole I've never done like I've never like opened Instagram reels I've watched a reel on my feed but then you're [ __ ] amazing you you we need make sure when you inevitably kill yourself you know straight to the chest Junior Seau style so we can study that brain because it feels like nobody is immune to it but I think you are whatever John has he's the Cure like we need to like study his blood and mass produce it so that we can get off of this [ __ ] because it's it's part like it's part I'm not interested in it like if someone shows me someone sends me a tick tock it's a pain in my goddamn ass because I don't have the app so I'll have to open it in [ __ ] whatever but I'll watch it but I I'm not like I gotta see more of these it's I'm not huh what do you do on your phone what do I do on my phone uh are you on Twitter scroll Instagram stories I don't watch them but I just tap through them um and then uh I'll do I never scroll like the Grid on Instagram uh like that down like I don't do that um I do Twitter a good amount and then I guess not much I guess uh I do a little doing with your day I do the New York Times mini I do lingo um and that's about a 40 minutes that's 40 minutes to start my day and then uh that's about it so you're you're more likely to do 24 hours of Fast and Furious than a 90 second reel like that I guess I just like I don't know it is I I almost like instinctively joined the conversation there I was like oh yeah definitely me too but as I think about it like not I don't really do the short cut if I if someone sends me a YouTube and it's six minutes long I'm like ugh but yeah I'm not doing the shorter stuff I basically just watch TV and movies am I mistaken or do you read books too I feel like you do I I read I go through phases I go through phases of like I'm reading books right now um but then I'll probably read 10 to 15 books a year I feel like that's top one percent in them that's so [ __ ] many you can read 15 books a year you like 15 is probably high but a month uh-huh yeah one of them's probably high but I I hit 10 at least okay well we won't belabor the point but I'm throwing the challenge I'm on so I guess it depends on on on annual per I'm on a pace right now of like I'm probably on my fourth fifth book this summer but summer I read a little more yeah it's it's a very I I think Ten's a fair number I I've done a bunch of like audio books I've been doing that like the last couple years too and I feel like this is so like stupid in vain but I feel like I want to buy the hardcover books just to like have them on a shelf so when people come over like yeah I read that yeah one one of the uh what I I think one of like life's great not Mysteries but like uh something like that's like a commonality throughout like for whatever reason owning a book maybe because you feel smarter maybe because you like the cover art but whatever it is like almost everybody in the world would say they like that better than a Kindle or a audiobook or 100 it was from their shelf like it's it is you know I I consume them like you do but if you ask me like do I like the way a book is like absolutely I don't know why there's some because it's it shouldn't necessarily be something like everybody agrees on but there's just something it makes me think that like reading will just never disappear no matter how advanced we get because it's just like something about it in the human mind you just want your book I I I have some old soul stuff about me I guess is I don't do Tick Tock and I would never consider reading an ebook yeah or I wouldn't do an audiobook either if I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I would definitely listen to it but I would never like you know you're you like click the screen to turn on the page like that's I mean jillions of people do it so I can't be like that's so weird but to me that's like if you if you have to click something to turn the page you might as well just have the real things yeah I did I went to somebody's house one time and they just had like these stacks of books on their mantle and you opened them up and it was blank pages they they were just decorative books but they were like different sizes and it was like but that's your trying way too long nothing in there like titles like they had like uh like uh yeah they would look like a hardcover book without like the paper jacket yeah and then you would just open it I'm like is this like a journal and they're like no it's a it's just like a standard decoration like why wouldn't you just I was like I started to ask a question I'm like never mind never mind yeah yeah I can I can't do it I personally have to thank hellofresh because without hellofresh my esteemed colleague and co-host John fidelberg would probably be dead by now he's been on his own a Drifter a grifter and he probably would never eat if it wasn't for hellofresh that's the only meals he eats and not only does it keep him alive it actually it gets him to be up and awake and healthy and happy well not happy let's be honest he's not even hell fresh could change that but through their meal prep John is able to feed himself and be a great part of KFC radio every single day and uh if you know John you know that they have to make it as simple as possible for a [ __ ] like him to be able to do it so John fidelberg is the proof that uh hellofresh is idiot proof it's the best meal prep kit in America where they send you all the ingredients and all the spices and everything you need everything pre-portioned with a recipe card so all you got to do is throw it in mix it up cook it for 20 maybe 30 minutes max and you have yourself a freshly prepared meal that uh tastes better than your soggy takeout it costs less than your delivery fees and it's all with Organic and fresh material delivered right to your door right now go to 50 KFC that's five zero KFC and get 50 off plus free shipping that's 50kfc promo code 50 KFC for half off your first box at I am I'm reading a book right now that has never made me feel Dumber it is it's uh Blood Meridian uh because Cormac McCarthy who first of all I just read Sam talent's book which is great but on the back of it is someone says like just as brutal as anything corporate McCarthy ever wrote and I love Sam talent's book and then Cormac McCarthy just died and was considered like the last great American writer so I was like [ __ ] it might as well go with Blood Meridian I'm like 50 pages in I couldn't tell you [ __ ] this happened [Laughter] it's crazy but I'm gonna push through because he has one of the when he died they were interviewing uh they were like you know quotes coming out from wives and a couple of his Ex-Wives and stuff like that and one of the dopest quotes I've ever read was that he was the last real writer because his second ex-wife this is he I think he'd already written Blood Meridian um he wrote like No Country for Old Men he wrote a bunch okay and uh the book not the movie um and uh they said he's the last real he was the last real writer we ever had because his wife I forget after what hit book it was but it was after one of his hit books and she was like we lived in a shed on a farm we had to bathe in a river and we ate cans of beans because we were so poor and schools would call like colleges would call and offer to pay ten thousand dollars for him to come talk about X book for an hour and he would reply anything I had to say about the book I said in the book you would just continue living for I was like that's gangster that's a [ __ ] artist right there man I can't I was about to say before you told that story and I and I think Chief is a good person to have on for this discussion I do think there's something gangster about being one of one of those writers like yeah you know uh I mean obviously like a Hemingway or a you know JD Salander or something but even like Hunter S Thompson and those guys who like they're all a little crazy they're all like addicts and abusive and wild and weird I will say that might be that might be my line literally like a caveman when you could just you know live normal by just talking about you know the book you love the book you wrote yeah but anything I had to say about the book I said in the book yeah the lion is eating beans for a meal yeah if you are eating beans like a hobo under a bridge like tomorrow I'm not going that far but the even you know and to draw comparisons is is silly because we were never like writers blogging is its own unique thing that I do think is a talent and I do think deserves you know some respect but I would never compare it to like writing great novels and [ __ ] like that but I liked myself better when I was like I'm a writer you know even like even when uh you know when I was like single and you're messing around with chicks like tell a girl you're a writer versus like I'm a podcaster or like I'm an influencer or whatever like no I right it was always like oh you right you know like that is true there is uh I don't think I I don't know what I ever said we always talk about that that there is like the the most difficult part of working at bar stool for as long as we have has been just describing what we do in different ways like you got to use some kind of word and I I think I'd always be like I kind of like you're saying like I wouldn't I would never say I'm a writer but I'm like I write like stuff on it I wouldn't say articles but I didn't want to say blogs either so I'm like I write things on the internet I understand I'm in media I'm like I'm in media yeah that's a catch-all yeah I mean that's that's how you know I when I what I think is really cool uh for all of us is when you know we're on our deathbed we uh we were like are still but definitely were in the infancy of all this [ __ ] you know and that's basically the evidence you need right there when you're doing something and there's not a name for it yet but you're just like nobody's really just like like coined the phrase for what I do that's how you know you're you're uh either very early on or you're just being an [ __ ] by by not saying what you are but like you know when you look at you know all this [ __ ] like we were early early early you know like podcasting vlogging even if there was a couple people that predate you it's just a couple people like that's it you know you get kind of just you guys for us it's kind of just you guys that predate us yeah you were like you know to me it's like uh Bill Simmons was kind of blogging and podcasting first Joe Rogan Kevin Smith Bobby Kelly uh the Nerdist guys I'm sure what Tyler Durden Tyler Durden yeah yeah yeah yeah well that was yeah that was blogging for sure delisted uh um uh Mark Maron but you know so I'm up to like 10 10 people and I'm already like there's I'm sure there's a few more but when you can list individually all the people uh that uh that's it that's done it before you you know you're very very early on so I think that's cool that's a cool thing to like be a part of um it is weird like when you're dating this is like a couple years ago like you meet a girl's parents for the first time and they're like what do you do and it's like oh like how do I explain this to a 60 year old like that like and they're like so you don't have a job like no no I pay taxes I get paid like but I I definitely am self-supporting all that but they their thing is like you're on Twitter you just don't you don't have a job yeah yeah it's funny that that's like flipped in a way now where it's like for the most part it's in recent years has gotten like you know famous really Barstool and Dave and everything Pizza the fund like everybody knows one or another it's almost like I expect people to know now which is something you know like I almost am like there'll be times where if I'm meeting somebody for the first time if I'm in a weird scenario I'm I'm I'm awkward because I'm like they know who I am and they know what barcel is but I don't know them and like what do I say what do I do so and I might be wrong maybe that's narcissistic maybe they don't know more often than not I feel like they do know but that's a long cry from when it used to be like nobody's gonna even be able to understand when I explain it let alone you already already know it on your own it's worse now it's way worse now like like that experience because then you could back then it was like it's at least kind of interesting where you're like we can have a conversation about this and I can explain to you and you'll walk away either like that guy doesn't have a job or that dude's gonna die or like that dude's never gonna have any money or blah blah but like yo I mean there was some time you're like this is [ __ ] gonna die um and it's like I work in a [ __ ] repurposed dentist office and I go on a tour and drinking blood I have a Blackout Tour like yeah yeah um but now I'm now I'm like almost reluctant to even say it not because I'm embarrassed or anything like that but it's like everyone's gonna have an opinion and it's either gonna be you're either you're right now like if you're someone's like where do you do you're like I'm either gonna say something that you're gonna love so much it's gonna annoy me or you're gonna hate so much it's gonna annoy me and I don't really like [ __ ] doing that very true how much do you guys run into the they hate it so much because I I don't I haven't really experienced that too much I would say again I could count it on maybe one hand there there I mean I feel like I've um I haven't had like any any conversations about it there's definitely been like a guy comes up to me I can tell his girlfriend doesn't care for it but she just kind of ignores it stays you know just doesn't talk to me and then leaves I I'm trying to think if I had like an incident where people were like oh Barstool like [ __ ] you because that's someone throw a drink on you before so that was the one no they didn't what happened was it was before our show couple years back in um in uh grandma said it yes Grandma's here and that girl so a girl came up to me at the bar pre-show and was like are you that Barstool guy and I said yes and as we started to talk I realized she thought I was Dave I think she started talking about pizza and all this other [ __ ] and and I don't remember her being particularly nasty about it but she was a little bit like aggressive and combative kind of and I was like oh you you think I'm Dave I'm not him I'm the other guy and then she kind of like said oh okay and walked away and I didn't realize it but everybody I was with was like that girl had her drink [ __ ] ready to go it was awesome it was it was actually where I learned I was not going to take a bullet for Kevin I was like it was weird yeah it was like the hand went from here to here like the like even like the way she was holding a glass like she had her hand on top at first like when you're having a conversation and that rotated like everything's like the the tank Cannon yeah right in the face I had my phone out I was ready I mean that's where I learned about myself that I apparently have no instincts or like uh combat combat survival instincts because I I was like what are you guys talking about I was like yeah weird and like not nice and everyone was like that chick was about to spit on your face throw a drink at you and kick you in the dick she was a little weird but that was the only the only time I could think of it and then there was one time just randomly I was walking in the streets I think I had just got on a date with this chick and uh some drunk girl like pinballing her way down the block couldn't even stand up uh and it was in the like smack in the middle of tabloid days for me and she was just screaming about that stuff like right right down Fifth Avenue and I wanted to notice I like kind of first of all I'm like on a date with this chick and she knows the deal but it's also like don't love being [ __ ] publicly you know humiliated but um I wanted to be like Excuse Me Miss You are in no position right now to be throwing stones like yeah I'll take it from anybody but not from someone who's so blind drunk they can't stand up like their friends were carrying her and they were like I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I was like yeah and you're not allowed to not right now sober up and then you can talk [ __ ] to me yeah I mean you know it's it's people always say like if I ever catch you in public and I always I'm like if you catch me in public you're probably gonna buy me a beer to be honest that's usually what happens is people say can I buy you a beer so unless you're really crazy or really tough you're probably not gonna do anything dude have you have you heard the White Sox today response to that when he does to people who say that to him yeah he well he's had in two instances and they are the first one he was with so he was at some South Side Bar the White Sox and this guy was like I don't like you and Dave's like well then I don't like you either and then they had an agreement where they would punch each other in the stomach and take a shot after every round until somebody puked and then Dave lost Dave puked and then they were friends after that but he traded gut punches yeah this was like a year or two or two years ago probably he'd trade yes I thought you were gonna say like this is like 2010 nope it was it was fully full I think it was probably on his second contract with Barstool and fully probably 2021 he was like the maybe the first base real baseball season after coven and then he was just like yep I lost that one I puked outside I think I'd heard of this but I'm not in such detail I knew he did like some kind of tussle or something like that I don't think it was a gut punch oh it was like all right your turn and uh I think like maybe six rounds something like five five rounds six rounds of just ah gun punch jamo gut punches like that guy deep down actually doesn't hate him as much as you know what I mean like if you you don't do that with someone who you like actually that's like I disagree with your [ __ ] baseball opinions and and I think that you know I think I'm funnier than you and I should have your job sort of [ __ ] but not like I you know dislike you as a person because if you do some like all right let's man up and go then you know what as a matter of fact he's probably identical to White Sox well that's what it must have been like I'm looking in the mirror because how many anybody planet Earth would agree to do something like that it's probably two guys and they found each other so that's remarkable yeah to think that that like like the the the the the the the the probability of those two guys crossing paths in that exact moment and being like let's and was it his idea Dave's idea I I don't I don't remember that either but I know like they hung out like the rest of the night like just chopping it up having a good time that's the kind of thing where like they should be like best friends now like he's in my wedding he's my best man or something for punch I also KFC radio is 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Stanley Cup that was the first night I met him so what was your uh initial impression to him uh you know like that night he was a little bit quiet like nice talkative but I was like I don't know I was very on edge was game six of the Stanley Cup Final so uh but he he was fun and he was fine like I didn't I didn't like know he was how he is until like the uh you know and he's like a very different guy this was 10 years ago right so he was probably 24 but like is he that different though he he has I would say as someone who yeah I'd say he's grown like he's matured quite a bit you know uh in a lot of ways but and in other ways not at all at all you know you would think a 30 you must been 33 at the time of the gut punch off you would think you might have grown out of that but no I have not even tell you how far down on the list of things I would do the gut punch shot trade-off is yeah like I would do all sorts I would have a regular ass bare knuckle brawl I would I would get in the ring I would do a million other things before I do let you punch me while we also choke down shots to be doing that at age 33 is [ __ ] insane at all at the same time like pretty kind of cool like that's some weird also it's awesome Chris Thompson and Ernest Hemingway probably did that sitting in weird you know yeah and it's just like it was like it's like a modern day duel like they do yeah yeah so I I love that story because other one is that he will hold his hands underneath the table and like if someone's really giving them [ __ ] then I'll let you hit me as hard as you can and then it's on like so that like that's the other thing he says and he's I've seen him do that and he is not joking that's the one I've heard yeah that's a [ __ ] baller line so yeah you can hit me as hard as you can but I'm hitting back yeah and has anybody ever done it no I have I've seen him issue that challenge uh but they didn't take him up on it so but I've seen that like in person it's kind of one of those things like I've been in one fight my whole life when I was in eighth grade everything else has been like scuffle pushing at the Barb and fighting if you are if you are calm cool and collected as that's happening you can do [ __ ] like that like 99 100 of the time no one's gonna punch you in the face but you got to be willing to do that and like keep cool and not be you know jittery and like and like you know what I mean and if you could just stay calm in those moments you probably can issue all sorts of challenges and ultimatums and ultimately the person is going to back down and you'll look at the time you always say that though and someone [ __ ] knocks you out before you finish your sentence leaves you sleeping potatoes but but you know what I don't I can't speak for Dave I don't know how many fights he's been in I would imagine once once you have been punched in the face a decent amount and you know you can take a punch like if it's like if I brace myself right now I'll be able to just eat this and and then fight back judging on the guy's size and all that [ __ ] once you know like I can do that you're probably like all right let's what's the worst that can happen I mean the [ __ ] velcro wall took him out harder than yeah not all punches are created equal and I but he does just have like even when I look at him he just has like one of those faces in one of those heads where it's just like if you don't know if you guys are Simpsons fans but it was like the whole like there's an episode where Homer was a boxer and he like could not be knocked out like so and I feel like I feel like Dave I feel like Dave could take a pawn yeah he's got like a bucket it's like a singer that could just yeah and he is like and I've seen him you know like I think he's there was that there was that line to your point it was like so remember you know the name Sonny Liston the guy who fought like Muhammad Ali and it was like the only thing Sonny Liston was afraid of was a crazy person and Muhammad Ali like made himself seem like insane so Sonny list was like I don't want nothing to do with this guy and he like so down like kind of easy it's much more of a head game than anything now I mean maybe for all I know maybe the next guy who ever takes Dave up on that would just knock him out and put him in his mashed potatoes like you said but the best thing I've ever seen was a guy who did exactly that I think I told the story on on case the radio recently it was one guy at Fordham who he used to I mean he he had a career of fighting at Fordham like we we were like he's 27-1 with like 24 Knockouts like we just he [ __ ] that often he fought that often that we would talk about like this fight and that fight the way you talk about like MMA fights you know oh that was McGregor Poirier too we'd be like it was him versus him for the third time he just always fought and always won and so he was just like this is just what I do so he was never frazzled he was never nervous and he was talking [ __ ] to some guy and he's like dude I'll take I'll I'll knock you out in two seconds and they keep they're talking [ __ ] across the street from each other and then eventually they cross and they got they come into each other and the guy goes I thought you said you'd knock me out into and he just dropped he couldn't even finish the sentence I thought you said you were gonna bam and the guy just hit the ground and we were like that's what he does the coolest it's so stupid and it's not cool but I was also like if I could do that [ __ ] I would go fight every day of my life I would pick a fight every single day if I could do that I've been lucky the the uh you know what that's what guys who can knock people out say oh I've been lucky I mean literally I've grown like five punches I just get lucky the uh if you've thrown five punches and basically knock five dudes out you're not lucky the no it's more than five the the University of Miami fight ended up with a lot more but the those stories they always like get like uh any fight story and any story really gets exaggerated but there's there's one I think it was the day I Was Born This is actually wild that my dad was out of the bar the night I was born but he was out at a bar it's a different time it sounds like you want to be at the head or the foot nah I'm at [Laughter] and and there's this fight at this bar and my uncle was like it's like John yeah like they were trying to pick a fight with my dad and my uncle's like you're not fighting the night you had it must have been me because he's like you're not fighting tonight you had your first kid and it spills out into the parking lot and my uncle's like trying to like break it up and all that and then my dad's buddy who had just been drafted yeah because my dad was like 21 22 when he had me had just been drafted by the Seattle Mariners was yelling at the two guys he goes I got two fish you'll each get one and and they they kept shot they kept chirping chirping chirping and the guy just walked up and went once two and hit him with a right and a left and knocked them both out and they just laughed like that's kind of awesome I would trade now this is stupid because part of having that story is that you're one of those guys that could do that so I would I would give up a significant sum of money to have a story like that and have it be true a stack of cash and actually one two a couple guys I would I would I would pay more than I should for them like [ __ ] yeah I did that that to me is because there's just such a like there's a very small portion of the population that gets in fights and then an even smaller portion that wins and having a story like that is I think it changes your whole life legit like if I one-tude some guys from that moment on it would be like before BC and AD my whole life would be different after that because I because I because I know that I could do that to somebody oh my god dude I had that happen to me fairly recently let's call it six years not even six years ago it's actually really emasculating now that I tell it um but I was at a wedding in Gloucester Mass and like we were talking about earlier we're like I ran into somebody who does not like Barstool and like we were at a bar it was a reception dinner and then we all went to a bar afterwards and this dude was just following me around all night chirping chirp and chirp and chirp and chirping and I was just ignoring it hanging out with my friends all this stuff and then we're in the parking lot later and we're like getting into like the boss to go back home whatever and the guy's still yelling from across the parking lot like I don't know if he's saying [ __ ] barstooler [ __ ] me but he just didn't like either me or what I do and my buddy my buddy the big dude just hands me his Blazer and goes I'll be right back and when I just [ __ ] smoked him came back on and I was like I was like what the that was really nice but what the [ __ ] man like I could I was choosing not to fight I can fight him yeah that was like sorry that's like peaky blinders [ __ ] yeah yo what I'm learning here is if you're ever about to go fight say or do something cool before if you just knock somebody out that's one thing taking the blazer off and saying I'll be right back that's what makes it quite awesome so I went through like a fight phase but like you said your buddy is like 27-1 I did not have a winning like I remember was down at Illinois State and my girlfriend at the time was going there and she was in the sorority with this kid I went to high school with and we were we were friends in high school and he was he was like Meathead like middle linebacker football team good guy but like that night we're both at the same dance and he like he we were sitting in the back of like one of those vans I take you and he kept just like punching me in the arm like hard and it [ __ ] it hurt and I'm like Joe like you better [ __ ] stop as like a as like a playful thing like I'm gonna hit you but it was like he was too drunk and I was like that's like enough like it's not [ __ ] funny like it hurts and I and I said like if you do it again like we're gonna have a problem and so we get out of the out of the van and he punches me in the arm so then we had a fight and I lost that one bad but it's like I had kind of like drawn A Line in the Sand I didn't I thought that would be enough to get him to stop it wasn't so then like I had like a contract with myself where I'm like I can't let this keep happening and it got a lot worse I didn't I didn't see him after that I bumped into him um at a bar in Chicago like three years ago and like that was the first time I had seen him since the fight and like we talked about it it was like that was like a funny story like we both well he's like my bad dude and uh I'm like yeah well look I kind of wish I had just had taken a few more punches in the arm well they they say that What's the phrase uh If You're Gonna Lose a fight make sure they don't want to fight you again and then it's kind of a wash you never fought you again yeah I'm a big believer and sometimes you just as long as you just answer the bell and you're not a [ __ ] then you're all right and if you lose like people lose fights some people lose more than others I kind of agree with that though like uh francis's Infamous story of getting beat up by the lobsterman is probably my favorite fight story ever but I know that story oh it's so good dude he like I'll I'll summarize it quickly but he he wrote A Blog about it and he also told it on Matt and Shane's secret podcast with machine guns and you gotta like get every detail because it's amazing but long story short he was in a pizza place after a bar so everyone's drunk he's with his one crew of friends he has another crew of friends let's say high school and college whatever it was he goes over just to say hi to the other crew real quick hello sits down in their booth just says what's up while he's just saying hi a fight breaks out with somebody else and he's kind of like I'm not even with these guys tonight I don't even know these girls that they're fighting over but some dude just like grabs him and clocks him and he kind of gets pulled into the scrum ends up fighting this lobsterman from like docks of Maine who uh he was like Francis like he was like six two and he was like he ended up kicking me in the face oh and and then later in the story he goes I mean and that guy he was like six two and very flexible and the guys were like how did you know he was flexible and he was like because he kicked me in the face oh and they were like he was standing up he gave him a boot while standing and Francis isn't a short guy either so he's getting kicked in the head and then apparently he Francis was kind of like on his hands and knees and the guy got like on top of him almost like like riding like a bro and he just boom boom and he was just wailing on him and uh out like the police comment I think it kind of breaks up and he went over to the guy and dapped it up with him and was like good scrap man like good scrap he was very proud of himself that he could like take the beating and then he was okay but he was like yo Jude like good one and he said the other guy was kind of like yeah like I beat the [ __ ] out of you there's not a scratch on me but good scrap Francis like you're good you like you know you're all set you're gonna get at it okay like it's a hockey fight that's yeah it was exactly except Francis needed like facial reconstruction surgery because he got weld on but the point was he was like I you know you're you you probably until it happens you worry about getting punched in the face yeah or more than actually you know it's like anything else in life the worry and the fear of it is way worse than the actual thing happening which I totally subscribed to that in everything whether it's fighting or whatever like going through [ __ ] is way easier than worrying about going through [ __ ] well like the the internet has made me more afraid of fighting than I used to be because now it's like you see guys get like knocked out and then they're knocked out and they just keep beating the [ __ ] out of like an unconscious body and then they like die so if there was like that we could go back to a time where it was like like France is talking about like hey like I lost and but until like everyone is effectively walking away like no like real uh you know real problems yeah little a little stitches surgery or whatever but like you're not trying to kill people like when someone's out they're out if we can just do that I feel like we'd have a better and no weapons or anything that's more of a Chicago thing and we're good the amount that people do that [ __ ] on camera or they just keep wailing and it's like bro you see that someone's filming that right like yeah you're getting murder on camera it's crazy and then of course everyone's a MMA fighter or a amateur boxer or whatever it might be now like even if you're just fighting's one of those things if you're like one percent better than the average person you have like such an advantage where everyone else is just rough and rowdy flailing and if you know how to throw a punch you know for the other guy if you're if you're a yellow belt like honestly it's all super Advanced yeah um when when uh when White Sox Dave cut his face on the velcro yeah were you there for that life oh yeah oh yeah I would have given anything I would trade a good fight story to have been there live I mean that junk he just puts his [ __ ] head right into it and then and then acts like it was the Wall's fault where he was like okay that's done we're done with this thing it's like you're the you're the one who hadn't voted the velcro dude yeah and look again I love Dave but like that I think there was like the embarrassment the blood like the whole thing but like we that was the thing with Miller Lite and they're like hey like we want we wanted this here we're gonna they're they're like the Big Bear sponsor so they're gonna have like their own miller-like tailgates at Bears games all year long we want to have this apparatus developer wall it's gonna be part of the thing like will you do it so Dave does it gets off he tells the middle right people that's the end of that like no more like this is the dumbest thing in the world and then like so he gets himself cleaned up or whatever I mean like goals over and has a couple beers and I'm kind of standing in eyesight talking to a different group of people of the apparatus the big velcro ball and I saw probably 10 12 people do it overly successful they just didn't try to head butt the the velcro wall so but he's like he was like this is they're gonna get sued over this I'm like I don't think that they are like it is a one time I saw a 50 year old guy do it no problem like basically everybody that was doing it was like at least 40 years old except for him and he just LED with his face but he thinks it's it can't be him yeah I I'm gonna I'm gonna have my boys back I've watched that video five seven times not to laugh but to figure out what he did wrong and I still can't tell it looks like a perfectly fine jump to me if I were if you were to show me that video and be like okay now you jump into the wall I would do exactly what they did I'm I'm more scared for you just being stupid then first I I get that his face hit it but like I wouldn't I wouldn't turn my head like this I wouldn't have my head back I'd just jump into the wall not even that it's down dude he like leaves with his crown of his head like you would like like a penalty in the NFL I I would probably [ __ ] my [ __ ] up on a bouncy velcro wall too that's why I don't do those things I have my rule my feet don't leave the planet Earth anymore I'm always on the ground from now on you know if you if you're not that's one of those things if you are not comfortable in it you're gonna look like a spaz you're gonna cut your face you're gonna fall over you're gonna do something you know there's there's certain things that you there's no way to look good like if you're trying to like SWAT a bee away there's like no way to make that look good yeah like the other the comment that he had like a week later because you know like we keep keeps coming up believe it or not on different shows so he was like he said that those dummies at Miller Lite you shouldn't have put like the softer Velcro on the wall and like the hooky Parts on the suit it's okay and like that I was like well they've Miller white didn't build it and the company that built it has probably built thousands of these things but I don't think that's the worst idea to that yeah that one checks out yeah so yeah all right well point for Dave yeah four one for Dave yeah still your fault but that one maybe there's something to that we talked about it on the rundown and Portnoy Dave Portnoy loves White Sox stage so much for moments like this and he he hired him after the infamous uh Walter Payton Jr TV event where he was chewing the gum and the hair and the shower that didn't take yeah and uh and I just the way they care like the way they describe it when he talked to Dan he was like what's up with this guy and he said he's the funniest guy in the world but it's all unintentional and he can't do it on demand but if you keep him around the funniest thing of the year will be from White Sox Dave so as long as he can just fill in the gaps with some some blogs and some you know podcasts and some good content four or five times a year you're gonna get a moment that the most talented blogger who can do it on on command could not you know can't recreate it's like which one do you want it's like uh in a weird way he's almost just as valuable as some of the top guys totally what was his thing he did with Dave Portnoy it's I it sounds weird to say this but it's one of my favorite things despite the fact that I can't remember exactly what it was when he Dave asked Dave invited you guys all that Elton John was it yeah yes he replied to me like so Dave sent us all an email and it was hey I got tickets to um that it was like a sweet at Soldier Field for Elton John and I had a wedding so everybody like hey thanks but I I can't go I got a wedding Carl replied to the whole group saying like you know I'm in Dave read it as there was only one ticket like there was a suite two and there was one ticket available first come first serve so he just never replied and that was his excuse but then there was like I don't know I can't remember all the details there's so many like White Sox Dave like scores like that that they kind of put together but like to your point I pitched um merch team Allison and Pilar an idea last year which was just a White Sox Dave calendar which was like you know his top 12 like most hilarious pictures and they're like that's gonna be hard to Source we have like some pixel resolution issues on some of these like I don't know if we could so we just never did it but like I think I sent that to them like last September oh let's do that no let's do that I'm so sick every one of the biggest problems with Barstool is the amount of nose that people run into I can hear from everybody and there's always some valid reason but it's like I don't know we'll have trig recreate the [ __ ] picture with the painting so that you don't have to worry about your pixels done okay I will I will fund this [ __ ] calendar myself if I have to the 12 months of of Dave the 12 months but but thank God that they said no then because I feel like there's been like three the catalogs since last year an annual thing that guy's got 12 pictures 12 months a day but I brought I said because it like died on the vine that idea I brought it up like I don't know like two weeks ago on our show Dave's like you never told me that like he's like I didn't give consent to my likeness and that was like when they asked you you would have said no I was like when they first when they first introduced merge bonuses yeah and uh the Christmas sweater Caleb just put big cat's face on and you're like can I get uh back pay for Saturday right Dave is like uh it's like Kramer and and uh Walter J Peterman selling his uh stories by the rights to your dumb pictures and sell them Dave because they are impossible to recreate what a legend he is like Kramer and Costanza like into one person yeah that's that's really how to summarize White Sox Dave so I mean there's there's worse people to be are you paying too much for your Wireless plan straight talk just introduced the new Straight Talk multi-line plan where more lines means more savings just 25 a line per month when you get four lines with unlimited data talk and text all on Nationwide 5G plus no contracts no hidden fees and no compromises that's straight talk Talking from Straight Talk wireless available at Walmart and don't worry about using any of these big name big company Wireless plans they always screw you there's always additional fees and charges is they don't have good customer service uh I'm right now I'm dealing with service that just flat out doesn't work in my house and I can't get in touch with them and they're not doing anything about it so I'm gonna have to switch over to Straight Talk myself because uh I need better service with Nationwide 5G and I want to do it all for just 25 bucks a line a month uh learn more at click the link here in the description that's straight talk Talking from Straight Talk wireless available at Walmart and um how is the the Chicago Vibe these days I know that there was this you know weird breakup sort of thing that happened yeah it's a weird one that like everybody knows about it it was talked about but not really in like in depth and then it's just kind of gone away yeah and and I think that was kind of the the goal all along is that we could just look it was not it was very toxic and we were all like I thought the shows are suffering or our show is suffering uh because it was like genuine animosity and animosity is one thing but like not being able to trust somebody that's like I have if I can't trust you um and you've given me five seven ten years of examples uh then you know that that make for me personally like just makes it like an untenable situation and it was just like we could never make progress um on ideas and so and we just we were just like it's time to just make a split so we made a split and we like set it up so um everybody could kind of save face and then certain You Know Carl didn't like like live up to that contract I guess you know a verbal contract and was like spewing more lies and so we just had to address it but I really like I don't think about them you know like that's kind of what it is like we're focused on our thing I know he's doing the baseball thing like I don't I'm not like rooting for him to fail or anything um you should if I if I have beef I'm [ __ ] rooting for you to fail yeah like I just not the Fortnight level where I have like the bottle of ace of spades yeah like but that's like I think maybe because I I just feel better about what we're doing and I feel like we're kind of trending in the right direction so I think if we were really struggling maybe I would want him to struggle too yeah it's it's it's easier when you're uh you know coming out on ahead of coming out on top of the of the two sides so it's a little bit easier to just be like whatever and I feel like I've only seen him like since that whole thing or five like you know like it's just like it's almost like out of sight out of mind and uh so I just I don't know I just don't I don't really think about them and I just kind of try to focus on on what we're doing and you know and it's just like there's so much like changing and going on too that it's you know we're trying to I'm more like concerned about how we're gonna fit in or what you know like to the all the the new Dynamic and how do we how do we you know it was like like we had Kate on the other day like Kate's awesome like I love Kate like how do we like how do we like kind of um incorporate these people and do more stuff with them uh rather than focus on like the one person who we're not going to do stuff with so um what you said is is so true because like over over the years I've you know fought I battled Dave content-wise yeah almost exclusive like on every single topic we think the opposite like if he says left I say right and it's and it's just that's just the way it is but I've never once not trusted him or thought there's been times where I was like [ __ ] this guy's such an [ __ ] but if it was ever anything it's like real about my contract about my life about something personal not even like a question that he would you know handle right or do you know what I mean so like you know it's one of those things where you can hate somebody and then also ride with them like no questions asked if she goes down yeah or but once it crosses over to that like I don't think you not only like you not have my best interests in mind but like you're actively that's yeah they're more or you know only you know only yours is what matters whatever it may be that's a whole different ballgame yeah and that was the that was the thing that drove me crazy you know and he and his just like the uh the line like I just I I I have like a hard time lying about like anything I just feel like even like Dave Dave always like you're out of the like the I like we were pulling a prank on Sydney Wells like when we were doing this hunting thing and she was like calling her dad and her dad was getting pissed at her and Dave was out in the field and I was sitting shotgun and I I broke it's like so Dave's like you're not like you're in the no fun crew I'm like you didn't see like she was on the verge of tears her dad was on she called her dad like three times in 15 minutes so I feel like it won't make sense unless you're like a hunter person but they have all this land down in like Central Illinois and they have these like giant bucks and they like have them on the deer cams and they like intentionally don't shoot those so they let them get big and their antlers get bigger so when they finally do um it's like you know more of a trophy or something and so Dave uh it was a funny joke but Dave so they told him like Hey like only shoot does don't shoot any box or whatever so Dave photoshopped him given the finger over like this giant massive buck that they had been waiting and like following for like six years and so it like legitimately it was like a great prank and it was like the last buck that they had like that on their land so you know Mr Wells and like you know and he's in the hunting content thing too so like he's like I'm gonna get that block I'm gonna make contact like if Sydney gets it that's fine for Sydney and what ever but we're gonna get that buck next year one way or another film it you know do it the right way make it a big content thing and she's like Dad like he got like you know they nickname all these all these bucks and he's and he he had like that like the calm but like Furious Angry Dad reaction over the phone and then she called him back he's like what are you doing Sydney what do you know I was like okay I started to like panic and feel guilt so like as I'm like Sid like it was a joke pranks are [ __ ] up cause like in that moment if he's like this is why I love your sister better than you or you know you say I think they're crazy and then it's like sorry it was a joke but your family's Brewing now right and so it was like it was it was funny until until it wasn't until it like she was having like what I can't see especially girls but I can't can't see like people cry like yeah dude if I was pulling a prank and I was watching humans suffering yeah so so and that's just one of those things where I'm like I can't I can't lie about this anymore like this is a harmless thing and I can't [ __ ] do it and so Dave is just like well you're not a part you're in the you're not the fun crew anymore I'm like all right fine I can't be if I can't if I have to watch somebody like have a panic attack and cry and that is what I have to do is stay in the club I'm out of the club we did that to Jackie once she uh I think I could do it to Jackie he forgot to record an entire ATI and it was with Taylor Tomlinson Jackie cry over then maybe as much as anybody at this company she she is she's one of like those naturally funny things where it's not as like stupid as Dave is it's more just like natural funny from her that she can't like it's just like you gotta hopefully ask her the right question and bring up the right topic and then she says something and you're just like thank God the conversation went that direction uh I thought it was just fall asleep a lot and she's on this call and I think she's just dead asleep no I'm here I'm here I was trying to would I make you cry over with a prank didn't we do something to you it was it wasn't a prank I think it was just oh I was just like I [ __ ] up and I didn't like um I think I didn't get the podcast up on time and then you sent a text being like to the group being like uh like we can't keep doing this all that and then I fell and then I just came in I was trying not to cry and then I just that's what it was yeah it wasn't a prank it was just that she started crying and I was like it's okay it's fine don't worry about it whatever you want I don't care I got out of it though like you weren't mad at me anymore Daddy's like the Donald Trump card yeah with I I wouldn't be able to do it if I'd seen them but we did that with Hank when we found out that Hank was uh for any Lyden and and we were like we're telling Dave and and I Hank this is back at Milton and Hank sat in like the little [ __ ] cubicle or whatever the receptions desk I think it was and we're like we're talented because he obviously he'd said some pretty horrible things about Dave I think he liked K Marco that was not a fan of me um what he was with what he liked you I think I got good comments yeah he got good you got good comments uh this is a this is territory where I am okay Frank and somebody if you [ __ ] around yeah and then it's fair game but friends he had like a camera on him I think Dilo was like holding the camera on him while all day I just played [ __ ] like you're fired music where I I I just out loud on my laptop the only one I could vividly remember was I was playing Goodbye My Lover it was like and and apparently this is unbeknownst to me I I thought he was just [ __ ] wearing it on the chin and was like [ __ ] you I don't like you anyway read the comments [ __ ] and um I think as he tells it he was tearing up and had written his like resignation letter to Dave before uh I was like yo we're not it's fine like it's all good David because he did find out somehow uh but I was like yo it's all good how did he find that out I don't I guess maybe right I thought it was 20 if I ever it's like oh oh it was Hank's birthday yesterday he like he said something like you know like that was that Franny Lyden thing was crazy or whatever Dave was like wait what dude I forgot I figured like maybe I said something or maybe gas oh Hank [ __ ] ratted on him but that makes me think he's a good guy yeah yeah really like but he wasn't telling on himself he was like he he's like oh I think so maybe I'm misremembering but I think no no you're right like he it was definitely unintentional I don't know which way he could he confessed but it was for sure just by accident like saying he was like wait what are you talking about and it's the only the only example in my entire life pretty much anybody else who does something like that I would really be like yo you're a piece of [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] scummy move and I just don't know why with Hank I'm just like it's okay man it's okay it's just like too good of a guy otherwise but like just just knowing like the like maybe he was new in the game but like knowing now how much internet [ __ ] trolls and haters and [ __ ] can like hurt and harm to just be like I'm gonna do that and it's gonna be fun is so [ __ ] scummy but I was just like I was like anybody else in the world I would like fire this guy tomorrow today and and instead I was like that's all right the one who found it out if I remember correctly I think Don because I think I I don't I don't even like know who Franny Lyden was I think everyone hated me it was hard to say I read comments at that time it was hard to suss out who was a repeat customer and who wasn't and uh but I think he used to always comment on like the Blackout Tour mixes that Dante sucks or something and then Dante took such offense to it I think obviously as I remember things if people dispute it then that's fine too but it sounds accurate so far that Dante took such offense to it that he got the IP address and had Dilo look up the IP address and then it was like Hank's girlfriend of the times or something like that and it was and then Dilo came into the office that day and was like I know who it is and I was like who is what and he's like who is commenting on all our stuff that we suck and I was like okay he's like it's [ __ ] Hank and I was like that [ __ ] because I I obviously knew at the time that that stuff hurt I didn't know he was doing it but I was like what the [ __ ] and so I was like I was like we're telling on you we're gonna [ __ ] rat you out and and obviously I I didn't but Hank took that upon himself to do well that's like it was it was uh you know Karma or whatever destiny that he he did get caught for it because it's such a scummy [ __ ] thing to do I don't I don't know why with Hank it doesn't bother me it's the lowest of the low though he was so young at the time he's probably like 1920. I swear to God if he had if he had grown the beard by then I would I would have held him he'll had no chin and he was still eating the sandwiches sideways and he was breaking into the the garden the Boston Garden with the butter knife so I was just like ah let him live it's so funny to see like him now because it's like it breaks your brain because it's like you talk to him about like the new office or whatever plans and it's like oh like you you really know what you're talking about and then you have like a flash in your brain of like the no Chin eating sandwiches backwards and you're like how is this the same like you've grown into like a real corporate adult like this you're a very impressive young man he's like Pinocchio like you're a real boy now yeah puppet now all of a sudden you're a real human uh somehow I'm comfortable putting my future in your hands there's a couple IP address stories from the early days that are are just like you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me but Hank was the one that was just like the fact that IP addresses I don't really understand exactly what an IP address is but the fact that they can trace anything to anyone just through well it's also um I think to like really Trace people is you got to know what you're doing but like early days of Wordpress you you have like a commenter name your email address yeah and your IP address so you're just like right there so if you took the time to like cross-reference it was as easy as just like looking and and studying so probably yeah like that that hard it was just like who the [ __ ] would take the time to do that but there was a couple guys here who you know were getting crushed and eventually they do take the time and it's like oh you're you know you think just creating a burner email is like good enough it's like it's coming from inside the house yeah um I love that it was Dante I never knew that either oh that's so perfect because he's like the guy to do that [ __ ] like he's he's serving internet Justice well um dude you you have grown into a uh like I said got kind of grandfathered in as time went on to be one of the OG guys and I and I think that the stuff with Carl and uh similar to the stuff with Hank is just like even what you're describing with Sydney is like you just kind of know which which people are like the good ones which ones are the there's like good bad and ugly you know and yeah and um you know the the list for the good people isn't always the longest here but you're one of them so she's a very like I was lucky enough to spend a weekend with Chief very recently in Minnesota Chiefs Chief's a great guy I I have to I had a great time with Heidelberg in Minnesota I have to wear the fact that I fired it [Laughter] your defense I think I had written one blog so I had to suppress that and black that out because when you told me that I I truly was like I don't remember one second of that but then you dug up the email and I was like yeah there it is yeah I guess so I I gotta say I love bring it up to you that's one of my favorite things yeah all right well keep it up and like I said there is some element of that old bar stool uh that uh you know what with this show moving to Chicago just try to keep some of that old school mentality because there ain't much of that list you got to keep that alive I only know one way to be I feel like if I was like like as talented as Francis I might try more things but now I'm glad you could say just oh be the old school way all right that's why it's said than done because like sometimes the old school is not gonna you know get the most views or the most money or whatever so it's like sometimes there is a trade-off but there is like a crew of people both fans and people at the company that I think are like man it was better when it was like that and you know you guys are still doing it that way and I know we've talked a little bit about um trying to do more long-form uh you know when when I did that interview about Michael schellenberger about the aliens you know you reached out being like this is the kind of show I'd like to do and I I guess I guess we'll put it in the fans of the hand the hands of the fans like that's something that uh I've always wanted to do I kind of dabbled in doing it a little bit and it was always like there is an audience but not a huge one for at least for when I did it that it could I I could justify doing like a 10th podcast but if there is you know a big I know that you've already done a lot of that on uh on the shows in Chicago so but if there is a big fan base that really wants more of that and we can kind of figure that out ahead of time I don't know if you want to there's just a way to Garner that audience and maybe we could launch it and try to try to make a show a more formal show with all that kind of stuff I mean that's that's what podcasting the original podcasting to me was that question you know yeah and I was thinking about that too am I getting cucked right now I I am getting podcast like why don't you [ __ ] watch [ __ ] it was I was thinking about ways to do that that made sense and it's almost maybe it's better if it's like a um like a series like how Dan did the um what was that we had all like the different CEOs and people like that you release it as like a season yeah so you could you could cut three like I'd come out for like a week where we could talk about that after but yeah you know we should do let's pick like the 10 the 10 best topics yeah like the pyramids the the JFK assassination yeah you know like pick the Heavy Hitters which you know it's not like we're gonna bring new information to the table but you know hopefully people want to hear the way we talk about it you know and we can do a little bar stool series of like you know and we'll make it well produced yeah and it won't be a bad idea nobody nobody will sell it it'll just go out and be free but we'll at least pitch it to somebody in sales and they'll say yeah we'll try to sell it and it won't but yeah we can we'll pick those like 10 topics and then everybody who's interested in in whichever topic can kind of be a part of it and uh we'll do a 10 part series I think that sounds great great more work all right all right everybody go follow barcel chief on all the uh on all socials and uh make sure you keep up with Chicago the drafts the dog walks the mid-show all that um Mr Porter are on the draft next week yeah it's something else what a Duo that is oh the first 15 minutes we're just trying to turn zoom on so yeah it is it's it's things we don't understand and Mr porno had first first overall pick it's it's one of the best one ones in history let's wrap it up and then you tell me and we'll keep it out because I got it all right big thanks for watching if you made it through this whole episode that means you should be subscribed to so many of you out there who watch and don't subscribe so make sure your KFC radio subscriber make sure you 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Channel: KFC Radio
Views: 25,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kfc radio, kfc voicemail, barstool sports, barstool podcast, kfc barstool, voicemail, barstool voicemail, feitelberg, feits barstool, barstool sports podcast, kfc, radio, kevin clancy, comedy, barstool sports chicago, barstool chicago snake draft, barstool chicago stool scenes, barstool chicago office, barstool chicago carl, barstool chicago new office, barstool chicago dog walk, white sox dave, wsd, barstool wsd, wsd face
Id: VVIPt32-nwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 34sec (5554 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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