INSIDE an EMIRATES FLIGHT as CABIN CREW - Things you DON'T see as a passenger

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Have you ever wondered how is to be an  Emirates cabin crew? Do we sleep on board? What do we do on the flights? Do we have access  to special areas in the airports? Well, buckle up because you are about to come with us in our  duty flight from Dubai to Copenhagen. coming up that's the good morning Thank you amore Packing the last necessary things like duty-free  pouch and our food we prepared the day before You thought our ties were real? Well look  at this, for safety in case some crazy   people will pull us from the tie or that  we will get stuck somewhere. Two remaining.. Did you take the breakfast and stuff? -yeah sure.  -We have to go in like yeah 10 minutes And this one? That's my whipped cream. Do you think they're gonna let us take this? Otherwise I'll eat it. Let me wash the strawberries already.. so three  strawberries and whipped cream. I wanted to wash   them so at least if the security takes away the  cream, I can eat the strawberries there. Should i put this in the bag as well? this one here.. tetris time and this one here We made it Going to the Emirates crew bus that stops  right outside each crew accommodation   and that passes approximately every 20 minutes. You wanna go first The bus drops us off at our headquarter  which is just right opposite of the airport   We need to be here two hours before the  flight's departure time to do our check-in   We make sure we have our documents, print the tag  for our bag, and send it off to our destination. There are about 40 different  briefing rooms where we get to   meet our colleagues of the day, introduce  ourselves, and have the flight briefing. After all of this, the whole crew make  the way to the bus that's waiting for us   to take us directly to the aircraft. Once we arrive on board we put away our stuff we get changed, perform security procedures and then we wait for people to board Once you get on board you  hear a PA from the captain,   the Purser, in Arabic and then from the crew  speaking the destination's language to welcome you on board. We then give out amenities, like  toys for our younger passengers. After playing the safety video and making sure  everyone is buckled up it is time for takeoff. When the captain gives us the clear sign that we  can move around, we begin the work in the cabin. Many of our flights are very busy, we keep  a high standard and we have long services. But sometimes, especially during  Covid, we got flights like this one   super calm where we had a lot of  spare time to have a tea and a chat. After the service and clearance  is done, we usually get a little   break ourselves to have something to eat. About 45 minutes before landing we start preparing  the cabin, clearing and securing everything. and..we arrived! Once everyone has disembarked, including us  we take our belongings and go through the   airport to find the bus that's  going to take us to the hotel. perfect We have the luxury to stay in very nice  hotels and this is right in the city of   Copenhagen which is so convenient. Once we get  inside we get our room key and a welcome letter with some information about our stay. Before  we used to get our allowance in the local currency along with the key but now we get it  on our salary at the end of the month instead. The feeling sometimes of entering your hotel  room after a long flight is indescribable. That was that, so now you have been with us on  board and see how it is to operate the flight   In the next video we're gonna show how is a layover,  do we get to see the places that we go to (?) and   we're gonna show you the way back to Dubai So we  hope you enjoyed this one and we hope you'll enjoy the next one. Subscribe to the channel, comment, like  below and we'll see you in the next one see ya ciao I hope you enjoyed the little sing of her Yes, very funny hihi.
Channel: Sense the Lens
Views: 8,998,497
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Keywords: emirates flight attendant, emirates, inside an emirates flight as crew, how to be emirates cabin crew, how to be emirates flight attendant, cabin crew life, things you don't on board emirates flight, red hat, crew accommodations in dubai, emirates uniform, getting ready for a flight as crew, behind the scenes, FLIGHT ATTENDANT VLOG 2022, flight attendant commuting, life of a flight attendant, flight attendant reserve life, travel 2022, sensethelens, stl, Stefano and Nathalie
Id: lhVEddhkLbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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