INSIDE an Airstream Bought for $1,000

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you want to buy a brand new Airstream it could cost you over two hundred thousand dollars we're gonna show your family they bought an Airstream for a thousand dollars and they went on to remodel this Airstream from the ground up into their dream home to travel the country includes everything from a Chef's Kitchen a movie theater massive shower there is so much room for activities in here okay it's an Airstream it's not it does have a seat how much did they spend renovating this Airstream how long did it take do they love their new home on wheels or do they regret this entire decision you won't want to miss today's tour oh wow super shy super clean we were in Mexico Quick specs on this RV 27 feet three feet of that is actually the hitch so it's really only like 24 feet weighs about 7 500 pounds and one advantage of these they're very low to the ground nine and a half feet I think how long have you lived in this we've been in this for about a year what was the status of this at a thousand dollars we've literally done every well I say we beef stew is what we're gonna refer to in the rest of the video is apparently that's what he was called in high school it's true it's factual thing it was an empty shell no interior skins and just the plywood like subfloor there's some wires hanging composting toilet you bought the composting toy and it came with an Airstream it's a deal this is the easy way to put it the only things in here that you can see that I didn't replace is the windows I think I noticed all the aluminum in here you know ours had a white ceiling and I know you kept an aluminum ceiling which I think is super cool this is all storage underneath the entire thing a lot of camera equipment some winter clothes and whatnot biggest thing under here though is our second fridge you know we've caravanned a lot with these guys because it's the cow as well and they'll be like hey I need pickles out of the fridge and you're like okay so we have a Dometic you know fridge freezer underneath the bed so Cubby's the whole way across yeah my clothing goes to here and then Stewart has these four bins you get four bins those are literally 11 by 11. it's not even a square foot you got four cubbies you just got three hangers they don't have any hangers you get three it's true we have no hair I don't like hangers that has storage or printer and stuff is stored in there some extra blankets and then we have bins underneath here that uh store extra shoes off season clothing as well what's going on here that is our TV we didn't want to dedicate an entire wall to a TV so we already had a projector that we would use outside so I came up with the idea of like why not use it inside then you can see these hooks we have a five foot screen that will hang up that becomes our you know TV room that one sacrifice that Marissa and I have had a hard time making to take our sleeping space and make that also convertible or something in the living room space that opens up a lot of room I think you're looking at what your priorities are so damn they're like we're gonna sacrifice our sleeping space for they love to cook so this is a convertible space well we're not using the table we can see people here and kind of create a conversational space so that's like homeschool desk slash you know eating dust what we wanted at least to have seating for our kids to sit down and eat meals honestly it stays up most of the time I don't think we put it down all that often this back section back here but then you went ahead and made this front what's in that front section there oh so it's full of spices are these real yes [Laughter] you could have put a cabinet there no part of the reason we chose to include our bed bedroom in our living space was so we could get this space and also all of this kitchen space I know for Lindsay and Stewart that love to cook like you're not gonna see a kitchen like this in a stock Airstream plus we've got so much cabinet storage these are residential cabinets so they're full extension don't [Laughter] it's the southern it's hard to hear most people don't even use this space of storage here oh cool and there's tons oh yeah no no no no no we also have acuva water which helped us drink water in Mexico this is the best we could figure out for now the original would have gone to about here you know perspex on the manufacturer's website and when we got it it was six or seven inches taller than seven inches what the specs said you got this curve of the ceiling which then brings it out it would have been all the way out here in order to be able to put in the space because this is still over the wheel well of you know the trailer yeah on a typical build because they're higher off the ground you're going to be over the wheel well and have like a flat space the whole way across the airstreams are low to the ground as you're building around the wheel wells because the wheel wells are inside the space it's not just the square footage in here you're considering it's it's all these curves even if you had cabinets up on the top you're losing like a third or a fourth of your storage around the curves which is why we elected when you come into the Airstream it doesn't feel closed off because we left all of that space open this fridge is its drawers I don't know what this looks like it's not not too bad it's just shy of six cubic feet so it's a decent sized fridge for what it is and be in drawers you can it Stacks pretty well I see that you've taken out ten percent of your space in here yeah we obviously love good coffee and we say it all the time when you shrink your space and you're getting rid of everything there's only those handful of things like if you truly truly like it or love it keep it so coffee was one of our things we enjoy making coffee for ourselves making coffee for everybody else I killed a four foot counter with coffee once you have the counters and the cabinets in place I mean we have probably a total of 140 to maybe 150 square feet total I mean this thing is just an open tube with no walls no cabinets or anything it's 198 square feet it's a fun space to design when you are thinking of it try to get multiple people to sleep get a full-size bathroom and a kitchen and everything so it's it's a lot to think about if you're building out an RV or buying an RV and sometimes you see them designed this way too like they think like a house you've just got tons of walls and separation and doors for Savannah and RV I mean you need to like each other anyways or probably don't be doing this the more you can open it up and the less you're putting up the walls and the doors the bigger the space is going to feel oh wow this is where that is cool my Vitamix goes and my food processor couldn't make room for my juicer but sorry and then pots and pans here no juicer and 27 feet do what you got to do we survived somehow and this is our pantry so this is all the same thing all pull outs pull out draws are from Lowe's you'll see another one of those pull out things actually in the closet around the corner so making our way to the back they might look really small but they actually they go back super far here you could fit like a full-size adult we have these pull outs for their their clothing storage Stuart built them a little closet back here oh it's got to pull up and in addition to that they've got this little seat that's like the timeout chair tons of storage for there toys and stuff so you have six kids right no it might feel like seven four sewer Built This Barn Door for the bathroom that way we don't have to worry about a swing door at all I really like this rack because oh wow we have a massive shower in here sure why don't you go stand in the shower there is so much room for activities in here picture elf how tall are you Stuart I am six foot 230 pounds so I'm not a small individual the bench I was like man that's killing so much floor space now granted my hot water Tank's under there so I kind of needed it but I sit down a lot of the times and like our last rig didn't have a seat I love a seat it's a man who enjoyed a bath too I know you know another manly manly feature of beef stew here so yeah I sit in the shower as well it is very hard to get up when you do not have a seat I'm probably like a beach well trying to get it it's very big yeah she brushes her teeth in the shower I brush my teeth but it makes the most sense no it doesn't make sense when you're married to someone and they're looking for the toothpaste well no I'll look where it should be first he started getting his own toothpaste material here is the same epoxy material we use in the counters and in the kitchen and then we did the same with the shower this vanity we added some legs to give it lift over the again we've got that wheel well here composting toilet how do you feel about the composting toilet yeah there's a little thing there for sure it's really freeing to have to worry about your black tanks but there are design flaws in this toilet for sure it's like ventilation designs definitely ventilation design flaws and it's so much it doesn't need to be as massive as it is it's your tour man I guess Nathan and I lived in an Airstream for three years and we were so close to pulling the trigger on a composting toilet because we were boondocking a ton in the Airstream because it's set up to be adventurous to to travel more to move fast but when you're doing more RV parks or less boondocking then you're like okay no no I can't do that seems so frustrating when we have hookups and we have to deal with this sounds like that's a big question you are in hookups or are you running around Adventure Adventures now that you've been in this Airstream for almost a year how has this space been for your family honestly I would say that the way that it's laid out and how we've really worked out that Kingston our full-time RV lifestyle I don't have any complaints my biggest issues would be morning just because I'm the only one that gets up early because of that sometimes I just kind of have to lay around in bed almost hope that it's nice enough outside that I can go outside and you know get some work done I would get out of better here you would make me a cup of coffee no no no you wouldn't they figure out what style of travel they they like what's important to them in their living space and then the fact that you could cater a space to your needs and could live smaller because you got rid of the extra fluff of the stuff you didn't need that's definitely the luxury of being able to build this to exactly what our needs were versus getting something off of the manufacturer line and then trying to figure out how that's going to work so this was a pretty extensive renovation y'all did so how long did it take you three months we took it so it was a full-time job for three months he was doing 12 hour days by the end of it I was like put some duct tape on it we've seen people online who do shell off renovation three months is very very fast I've seen people take it one to two years kudos to use here you act like you do as far as the outside how many watts of solar Stewart 1200 watts I like these where'd you get these so that is like Marine decking I got it off of Amazon this is cool I got a blank camera here at the front and then this is actually one of my favorite things you've done behind this door right here the rivet mountain range so I wanted to surprise Lizzy because this was where the old furnace opening was I could have just put like a square patch on it and called it but just thought it would be cool to do a mountain range these are all Buck rivets too so that took three hours to do they got their hooks out here too so that's multi-use I know we love having our hooks outside our rig yeah we have a 12 foot screen that will use that same projector from inside and for out here now one advantage of Towing an Airstream or really any travel trailer is what you get to tow this with and how you get to set that up [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] like you got to tell me about what's going on here man if you're like me you're probably thinking this guy is way overweight he is not overweight because even though this is a 2500 3700 pounds in payload because I'm from up in Cleveland area a lot of stuff comes with like snow prep and snow plow packages and things like that and with that they'll usually upgrade the springs and stuff like that to deal with the snowplow equipment and that UPS the payload so they consider this a three-quarter ton and a half or something these pull out oh my goodness but this whole thing pulls out locks into place I can just flip them up and usually I can it's enough to be able to get to them but if I have to I can you know unlock them and pull them out this is the side that people probably consider me ridiculous for I like oh I knew it I like to keep things clean you know everything for detailing that's all work I'm an RV Tech and I do solar and all that other stuff all of this is the fun stuff so in this case is tent camping stuff this big clam inflatable paddle boards my backpacking backpack life jackets full set of golf clubs it is like an endless Cavern and then this long case mostly my fishing equipment really slacking Stewart you still got a spot that's empty here and so how much did living small dreaming big spend on this Airstream Stewart said including the solar and the cost of the Airstream they spent twenty two thousand dollars now if you want to see an Airstream remodel that um wasn't bought for a thousand dollars but at the same time wasn't as extensive of a renovation is what Stuart Lindsay did you'll definitely want to check out our tour of our Airstream we lived in for three years
Channel: Less Junk, More Journey
Views: 81,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full time rv, rv, rv living, rving, hensley and jj, how to rv, camping, camper, full time rving, rv life, rving with kids, travel vlog, 5th wheel, fifth wheel, less junk more journey, less junk more travel, best rv youtube channel, rv living with kids, rv life full time, airstream trailers, airstream travel trailer, airstream trailers renovation, airstream living, airstream trailers tour, airstream remodel, airstream remodel cost, airstream remodel ideas
Id: zprJG9dBcmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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