Inside a starship, a tour of the Rogue Star

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greetings I am shad and welcome to the tour of the rogue star before we board the starship there is some information I would like to cover first of all as you probably have figured out the rogue star is the starship that you see before you it is a 3d model that I have put together in Sketchup and I have done it for many reasons one big reason of course is that I'm a huge fan of science fiction and I'm a bits of well know I say a bit of a nerd but judging by what you see before you I think that's evidence to say that I am a huge nerd I'm very very big nerd and so yes I love spaceships I love science fiction and so because I have an artistic streak in me I like to design starships well when I say that I actually have a writer's streak in me far more than an artist streak but when I create stories I write them I get a big desire to envision them visually and so I do that with drawing or 3d models as you see here and this is just one of the many manifestations of my literary side as an extension to my love for storytelling and also many things nerdy and geeky related is role-playing I love role-playing games when I say role-playing games I love video role-playing games video game role-playing games and I also love first and foremost tabletop pen-and-paper role-playing games and I am currently I call it war the group I play with we call it narrating I'm currently narrating the role-playing group that I'm playing at the moment I'm narrating the game and you might know it as a dungeon mastering or game mastering we call it narrating and so I've created a science-fiction universe for the players to go on many grand adventures and escapades on and the starship that I get to traverse the galaxy in is the rogue side is this starship before you but that you see before you my love for literature and storytelling obviously transfers in a big way to pen and paper tabletop role-playing games and so I go a bit crazy with the world-building and I put it as much effort into the world-building as I would if I was writing one of my books and it's a bit of a win-win for me because not only do I get a rich and vivid world that the players get to traverse but I also have a science-fiction setting that I could use for any of my literary escapades down the track because I do fully intend to write a science fiction story in the future so part of the extra effort that I love to put in in role-playing games my world settings my writing is I like to visualize things a lot more and so this isn't just that the 3d model you see before you isn't just a 3d model shell this is actually a full deck for deck starship with all the components inside every single room is in and if you don't believe me well let's just take a look you see I did promise you a tour of the rogue star and that is exactly what you will get we will get to explore every single nook and cranny of this spaceship now for those of you who would like to slow down and take even a more detailed look of the rogue star its individual decks you can spin by my deviantART page a links below and I have posted on my deviantART page high-res high-resolution isometric images of each deck of the rogue star and in addition to that I've also marked the rooms what rooms are what so even though you're here we're going to have a tour of the office our ship you might forget what rooms are what or you might like to look back for reference for your own science fiction things in the future and so those those pictures are available on my deviantART page and you'll be our to remember what room is what where does tui who is the robot in the roleplay campaign setting which is his room and stuff like that it's all a bit of fun it's just you know it's Adam or it's true you add a bit more realism and immersion for the game that we get to play and say yeah it's all for fun and it just increases the fun forming the crew compliments of the rogue star is a maximum of 50 people 50 individuals and so that's it's maxing well actually can go you know a couple even more than that more a little over 50 crewmen on the rogue star it's a comfortable number is between 20 and 30 full crewman on the ship within the campaign sitting that way that we're playing in that are that you know with the characters and players they get to be award the rogue star there is currently 679 there is currently nine primary main a crewman on the rogue star and that's really enough to get their ship working up to full capacity it can run on a skeleton crew or it can have a whole you know fully decked out stocked a crew of up to 50 crewmen um so there you go yeah you see it's a multi-purpose ship I designed the rogue star to be a very multi-purpose starship it it can function as a full-fledged military vessel kind of like it's on a destroyer level because it does have some pretty big firepower and it could also have a fairly large crew complements arm and so they'll be you know you could have marine scientists you know multiple different people feeling different roles prospectors and stuff and so it can land on a planetary surface to get some ground troops there on a surrogate ground ground troops onto a planet I'm across our exploration ok compras prospect new plan and stuff it's got sensory equipment everything so it's a very very multi-purpose ship there good old rogue star so there you go now in this video like I said it's a tour I promise you a tour and you will get a full tour of the rogue star but we're not going to be looking at the external design as to why I place the thrusters where they are why it has this specific layout or design not going to be looking at that that's going to be in another video to come so I stick around to see yeah it'll be entitled proper starship design and that's not to say that I think I know what proper starship design is but I know you know one or two things that certainly don't hurt in making a starship design that is at least mildly realistic so we'll be going into that in our later video but just to get a quick idea of the rogue stars size from end to end it is a hundred and twenty seven point two eight meters long and from side to side it is 67 meters wide and so without further ado let us board the starship so I welcome you aboard the rogue star to begin with we shall start on the lowest deck we will start on the going down we start with the shuttle bay yes the shuttle bay deck and so - of course aboard the starship we are going to need the shuttle bay doors to open so there we have they have opened and we can now enter the rogue star but of course I'm gonna go back up so we can see it from above bird's-eye view it's always good sorry to begin with the shuttle bay doors are a two-stage airlock mechanism with a kind of a lowering platform because there the smoke star is capable of landing on a planetary surface and so as you see here the door lowers to ground level so you have a ramp to be able to go down and board and then you have a secondary door that's kind of made out of panels and so when they're the shuttle bay doors closed that's what they look like the panel's spread out and then move in and then you have a double stage airlock right there and so the other features of the shuttle bay is an access to the well I call it a space bridge I'm sure there's a technical word for it but it's the extending kind of hallway that allows docking with other ships or space stations and to get a look of what that is on the outside right here this is what it would look like and it would then connect with other ones or other ships and the great thing about having a space ship is that you have artificial gravity and so gravity doesn't always need to point in one direction now of course I have done that or on the starship because the rogue star is capable of flying within a planetary atmosphere and once you do that you're under the influence of that planet's gravity and so all the dicks are in line with one another and with the floors just like you would have on a building but with the space bridge you have a gravity the floor actually turns downwards and then you are walking going down if you can kind of see that there and so that's the other that's the other feature with the shuttle bay and then you of course you have a storage now this is kind of you know thing cargo transportation things that don't need our oxygen of course it's going to be mostly pressurized but for any anytime where you need to launch a s one of the docked space ships from the docking bay of course it's going to depressurize for that to happen and so the things that will be stored here are mainly mechanical things things that have our incur in self pressurized containers and how that their their tie it off by ropes and nets and all tied in and tightly here but it's a decent amount of storage now what you'll see here these um these shelves shows these controls can actually move up and down to accommodate the size of the cargo that you're trying to put in and so if it's really big cargo all the shelves can move all the way down and that big thing can fit right in there or they can move up you know to get multi layers so you can fit more things in so that's all for versatility and then of course you have the pathway the ramp up through the middle and so the docking bay storage the smaller aircraft spaceships will be dock docked here and then of course you have the elevator or whatever your whatever you call them Star Trek calls them turbolifts but you can hold whatever you want but it's really just an elevator Freight lift and such and of course then you also have stairs going to the NICS levels and that this is kind of a funny thing stairs are very efficient there's a reason why we invented stairs and something that I find odd is that you don't see stairs many stairs in many science fiction shows and of course the one I'm thinking of is Star Trek I there's no stairs in Star Trek when their power goes out and their turbolift stonework they can't get from deck to deck what they after well they can but they have to use the mini out what are they called Jefferies tubes I have to use these small Jefferies tubes that have ladders they're like ventilation shafts they're terribly inconvenient and it's just that you know I do not understand like why you wouldn't use stairs even though that you have advanced technology it does not render stairs obsolete stairs still a very effective at getting from point A to point B deck-by-deck transportation yeah you see this is one of the kind of hallmarks that I have used in the internal and all the external design of the rogue star is that what you use you need to be practical about things you what you need to use the most efficient and effective means to achieve whatever you're trying to achieve within the starship benefits to get from one floor to the other the most efficient effective way of stairs you need self-contained parts of the ship that don't all rely on electricity and power so when power goes the ship is still going to be functional to a certain extent and so of course so it's a very bad design to have everything working off electricity to only be out is shut the airlocks on the ship through electricity or only having you know electronic shields to put up a an airlock is a terrible idea I mean what happens if you lose power that means decompression very very bad no yes terrible terrible idea you want something practical you want something tangible and so of course with it with the shuttle bay doors they can be shut manually without power if you if needs be and opened without power as well of course okay so that's really the the first floor but you also have this part from the shuttle bay doors which go into the beginnings of the engineering deck but the engineering deck really starts on the next level up but on this lower half level you have access through here to this sucker right here going out and so that there is an area of the ship that has huge amounts of radiation it's actually the spatial integrity shield generator but we'll come to that we'll come to that when we get to the next level on the starship and so next level up going up we have the munitions deck this is the primary munitions at deck and also engineering level 1 now the munitions is probably quite self-explanatory it's where you have the munitions of the starship the weaponry and so let's say let me show you what we have here these are two big devices you see on either side of the ship are the rod it launches rod launches are a type of weapon that exists in my science fiction sitting if you want a more detailed explanation of how they work please feel free to watch my sci-fi RPG sci-fi tech videos where I talk about the weapons of my science fiction setting but essentially they just Lord and I've modified them they're not metal rods they're tungsten rods now tungsten because they are able to survive much higher Lara heat much higher levels of temperature and such the rods get stored in this conveyor belt as you kind of see here and the actual base moves forward moves the rods into this section here which then gets loaded in there in the cannon then the mass is reduced in those rods and then it's launched out at near light speed and so there are two of them and the rods are young and and you can get an idea of their diameter by seeing the size you know of this section where they go in and so this entire you know you could almost call it a magazine if you would as like a magazine for a really really big powerful gun but you can see how many rods could get stored here and this I think is the min as as they reduce as they get used and size of thousands are able to get stored there and also on this one and each one has the more destructive power than several nuclear bombs and so there's some big firepower on this beauty and also on this shipper talking about weapons the is the torpedo tube and the torpedo tube comes out here the torpedoes I get okay now they are loaded here and here I'm stored on the side part then they get loaded in the central chamber and gets shot out now torpedoes they're kind of a specialized weapon within the scientism my science fiction setting and they're there I'm not always needed very rarely needed as a matter of fact I rods do a much better job they're more efficient and more cost-effective but for the rare occasion when you need torpedoes this one will have it and it can hold up to what about eight torpedoes and stuff and that's only here and you could start you could have more in there in cargo bays and and so on and so forth okay what you see here this part here this is the water storage for the ship and of course water to be used for the toilets the showers and other you know technical more technical parts of the ship like the food resynthesize --is life-support and so on this black box kind of thing is actually kind of like a it's a basically a big tank that's hold this is though it's the waste storage tank all the waste that is produced on the ship and when I say waste it's the organic waste and so you know what goes in the toy in the toilet ends up here which will then be sent to the resynthesizer and also food scraps and stuff are all all stored here and much of it will be re you know purified into water and then be stored there next up is the ship's vault and these are kind of panels they're like the library kind of storage panels or what you have in a museum where they get moved up and down and then you get access to the compartments inside there and this is actually a vault and so I haven't put any of the doors on because I guess I'm lazy but there'll be really big secure doors there I'm next up weapons Locker it looks a bit weird I bear with me you'll see with a logic of what happens here and so see these rectangle kind of things each one has a mirror one on the other end and they actually hold the weapon whether it be a rifle or handgun in you know inside a magnetic containment thing but really that there would be a there's a rack there's a metal rack that you just hook it on but I deleted the metal racks because I had all those so much detail that my computer was struggling with them and so anyway you just put them on the rack and they are a rotating system and so they can rotate the back ones will rotate forward and and they're all there and there's actually not one here which means the back ones can rotate forward and then move down and they spin up and down and stuff and you might be thinking well hang on that's a lot of weapons well it has the capability of so many weapons because it's crew complement like we mentioned before can get up to over 50 people and if I'm and if a good you know function of a good number of those are Marines or whatever or they want you know good weaponry armor and stuff that it's all stocked here and it's it's able to stock enough weaponry to you know give every single person if it's got a full crew complement of up to 50 or a little over 50 people it's got a knife stock here to be outer arm every single one of them next up we have the brig or the prison of the ship and so very very strong walls here it's got all the proper armor and so you can't blow blasts out of it or I even blast into it as very solid and each of these like rectangles are a bid that can fold out and I'll probably actually put some more here and probably forgot to put some more so you can actually fit in you know a decent amount of of prisoners if needs be or are people that you just don't trust in you want to keep them under walking here and look is a toilet basin for them and of course we have the elevator exit an entry and you'll probably notice here as well that there's a lot of space there's a lot of space in between the walls and other things and that's because it needs to you want a lot of room to be able to restock the rods in the rod launches and also to because you would have you know trolleys at your damn load up from the cargo bay and bring up in the elevator and then you roll them in to reload them on the conveyor belt for the rods and also torpedoes as well so you want the roll the trolleys up and then load the torpedoes there and there and so that's why there's a lot of space and room around here on on the on the munitions deck and there you go that is the munitions deck moving on say same level is an engineering level one and so there's a lot of nice kind of things here in engineering level one the first thing that you might that stands out of these big kind of you know canister type things what are they these are the primary batteries for the ship the rogue star it runs off electricity it's it's a power monger it runs off your pure power and most of its most of its armed systems run off electricity even its thrusters these are the thrusters are very advanced forms of ion thrusters which are electric bass to propulsion and all the all the electricity in power are stored in these highly highly advanced star power batteries and you know one of these will be out of power city for several hundred years or whatever and so there's a lot of juice there's a lot of juice in these suckers they they way they would weigh so much so they're very heavy oh yeah lots of power in these things so yes the power is stored in there but you might be wondering where the power comes from or the power actually comes from the hull of the ship every single surface of the hull of the ship are basically very very advanced forms of solar panels that are able to absorb photons and and convert them into electricity and then just store them as pure power which kind of it's almost an infinite source of energy so you have you never really need to refuel in that sense it's funny when I say you never need to refuel of course if you are away from sunlight for extended periods of time you wouldn't need to refuel and the primaries you know a source for faster than light travel within my setting is a thing called nano space so you jump into nano space which is a another another universe much smaller than our own but there's actually it's a void there's nothing in non air space and so there's no stars and there's no light and so you will run out of power if you spend too much time in traveling in others space so you do actually have to refuel in that sense and you refuel by jumping back into the regular universe and then you know parking near a star or something like that and just soaking it up and the power gets stored in the primary power batteries then going down we have the auxilary primary power batteries which are spaced separately to the primary ones and you never want one of these things to rupture and explode because there's so much power a ninja sword into them very very big explosion and stuff so yeah don't want them to blow up moving away from the primary power is this cool thing here I kind of mentioned it before this is the spatial integrity shield generator it runs off of a fictional substance that I called Trinitite but it isn't a fictional well it is there it's a composite substance that I made up that's made out of several other known elements and who knows maybe if those elements could be combined in under certain advanced technology it could make advanced whatever that does this thing that I say it does which is called Trinitite and yeah very very valuable a very rare stuff but very very important because this is the source of spatial integrity shields and so the rogue star has the capability there potential of having spatial integrity shields it has all the hardware you just need the Trinitite to run it Trinitite is extremely radioactive and here but you think is radioactive when it's in its quote-unquote stable condition when you bombard it with energy and releasing the to release of the exotic particles that give you the spatial integrity shield radiation levels skyrocket guys like crazy levels so that's why it's completely sealed off in that containment area there and the levels and rig you know can be monitored and everything on the console here but yes that's what this is that's the spatial integrity shielded generator the the next thing here this is the primary life-support system and and that's really kind of it but what are the other things you have here of course storage because they're you know for the spatial integrity shield generator also if you were to drain one of these batteries and open them up and get in there to tweak and fix things and just to do regular maintenance and also for the life-support and of course everything else because or you have massive conduits that are running all through the floor and in the walls where they can fit and stuff and so to be able to get the ship to have maintenance running up to par to scratch on the ship you need parts and tools and they are all stored within right here and so these would what these do look like kind of regular storage compartments or cabinets but you know it is the future so there are some fancy things that work here are they have their internals scanners and sensors that are able to do a 3d mapping of whatever is stored inside them and then log them on the computer and so when you want where is that special phase inducing whatever tool you can just look it up on the console and say computer find me this part of this tool and I'll say it is located I'm sorry it's sometimes hard to navigate within within Sketchup by toto it is stored in whatever whatever cabinets shelf number whatever near towards the back buried under something and so that's kind of useful you'll never lose the part you need and things like that and so this area the main engineering area is CAI if you're a familiar with tabletop time which is the livestream of the RPG that are on where this is all Basin you'll be familiar with the characters and Tooey which is a player character and played by our good friend Rob this is kind of his domain he is a lead engineer this is this is where he hangs out and so of course you've got stairs going up to the engineering level the second engineering level stairs going down to get access within the spatial integrity she would generate a chamber you would of course clean it from all the radiation and things like that and then if you go down the stairs you will go down and get into the shuttle bay and here we have if we can kind of see see that here we're now in the shuttle bay area looking around so yes this is the shuttle bay on the looking on the inside so that's the munitions dick and engineering level one going up we will go up the stairs go up the elevator to the next deck up and this is the habitation deck where everyone lives and hangs out and also engineering deck 2 or level 2 so we'll start with engineering this time because there isn't as much to go through but of course you have more storage the same electronic catalog system as mentioned before but you have these two kind of things here and so what these are these are supercomputers this one is the inertial regulator and so it regulates the inertial dampeners and initiators of the ship because it takes astronomically astronomically yah my tongue is getting twisted I'm really really really fine calculations very very complex stuff to get things right because the ship can fly out at huge speeds and accelerating and slow down very very fast and so the the inertial zon bore the ship have to match those things and I have to calculate the forces associated from all the inertia that's getting thrown around and then get the the inertial z' which are our pulse field generators which generate gravity which are in the floor walls and roof because that's how that's how my inertial dampeners what my inertial Devon is actually gravity generation and so when the ship flies left and you're standing stationary and you getting regularly at pancaked into the wall the pulse will generators in this wall produce a very powerful graph we filled that poor you in the direction of the movement of the ship which cancels out the inertia because that gravity pulls on every single cell of your body and literally cancels out the inertial for you and you feel like you're not even moving a very very nice you know a comfortable moving on the ship now all thanks to the inertial regulate a very important component on the ship and if that goes well there the ship suddenly cannot move really anywhere at all very fast for a gas to go very slowly without this device here the next device device over is the gravity regulator of course and that's just hand this is the second part of their calculations needed because as this regulator is calculating all the calculations in regard to the movement of the ship this is then doing additional calculations to get the gravity on the floor to still work in relation to the gravity that's pulling you here in the direction of the ship so you don't feel inertia so you still are getting pulled towards the ground and it also can do you either back up you know calculations it also handle power distribution and other things like that and so that's this regulator here so that's kind of in the secondary part primary regulator for handles gravity and other things like that and then you have a consoles there as well moving down and of course map you have full access from engineering to the habit all section and of course there'll be doors all along here that are capable of doing airlock tight seals in case there's a hull breach and there's a massive decompression on the ship and so they will all be out of clothes so now we move into the habitable section of the ship and the images on my deviantart will will be marking who's rumors who where does riot live where does to live and everything like that so first thing I'll introduce you to is what these are what these are bunks these rooms these quarters that can look like ammo if you have if you were to have a full crew complement it would look like what you see here and so it is a very militaristic kind of bunks and so there's three bunks here and whoever has a bunk they can store their personal items here there's the steps to get up to their levels and within the bunk you have regularly looks like this what you see that wall here it's all flat but are the storage compartments and so they move out and then they can move down to floor level so you don't because it's pretty high this is above head high here so that'll move down and each each crewman you know has one of these storage compartments to themselves and they can store whatever they need in their uniforms and everything and that'll go up and go in and sorry if the rogue styles to have a full crew complement every single room would look like this that is a big crowd but hey if you're on a military vessel that's what you've got to put up with but at the moment the rogue star only has one room decked out like this and this is for the random passenger that wants to you know purchase transport on the rogue style out of scattered they get thrown in one of these rooms because the the regular crew they basically get one of these rooms each they just have been nice isn't it they get storage and everything and I haven't put any furniture in because each individual crewman would furnish it however the heck they want they might have posters on the wall I love the bed and you know whatever their heck and you can kind of imagine what it look like like you know Riots room will be strewn with alcohol and atlases room would probably have heaps of candy stored every we are hidden everywhere and right ulcer and Chewie probably you know mechanical gadgets know part spare parts for himself is addicted to collecting spare parts so that all be everywhere and so each everyone's room would be individual to themselves and so you have there one two three four five six seven additional crew quarters and of course there's the NPCs and the campaign as well and so you have that view this room here is to store the disassembled bunks because these bunks gamma can be fully disassembled and then they are chucked in storage here and they can be brought out and just reassemble them if you're a crew complement increases if you pick up a new crewman or just refugees or who knows whatever and so as the habitable wood section toilets you need toilets on a spaceship sorry you do business there and have your basin to wash and you know the locks and everything like that and what you might be noticing here is I try to stick make things practical you stick with practicality I mean yes technology might be out there have a more advanced toilet or whatever but if you lose power suddenly your toilet doesn't work and sorry the best way to have a toilet to work is to have one that functions on its own self-contained system and so and I have a this can function on being gravity fed and you can flush it and other things and and so there are also separate power sources so several the separate parts of the ship can now function independent of the main power source but they can be recharged and so on and so forth because the key is you need redundancies that's the ones that's there's a very big thing that you need with spaceships if you lose power you want a redundancy and so there you have backup power right here if you lose life-support remember the primary life support unit you want a redundancy you want to backup life support unit and look exhilarating life support unit right there see this is this is the kind of thing that you need to pay attention to and remember when you're on a spaceship or starship there are things yeah you just want to be aware of sorry redundancies very important one always have redundancies on it on a splat on a starship another thing is like automatic airlocks I haven't done the doors again as you notice but the automatic car sorry if there was a whole breach and there the doors need to shut having them being force fields is stupid in my opinion because what if you lose power I like yeah the whole breach is going to cause damage and so you might lose there's a good chance you'll lose power because of that and so every door is capable of that being shut based on compressed air they have compressed air valves that with an internal sensor that has a siren power source that can that can detect decompression when it detects that it'll trigger our compressed air things I don't slam the door shut which is very reliable and even if the compressed air tanks rupture they don't work you can shut them manually of course as well because basically you want as many things to be out of function manually without power in case something goes wrong so moving along what you'll have here this see here is the medbay or the medical babe first-aid whatever now you'll notice it's a bit different because they it's the future and if you're away with some of the technologies the medical technologies run off something that I call biochem biochem of these devices and basically they can repair anything as long as you have the right amounts of cells which is kind of the fuel or energy that they they run off originally the rogue star is capable of house seeing seven of these but the crew comments board they all need to and so Alabama the captain of the ship probably sold off the other ones and so they only need to functioning at the moment but that's the medical Bay this central part here is exercise recreation it's the gym and so you would have exercise equipment there'll be a big part of the floor with nothing on it for you know training martial arts or whatever you know you probably have mirrors on the walls and things like that but that's a primary exercising you know a bit of recreation but there's other recreation facilities now we have the the showers this is the shower room and so each shower room has an individual changing room and then you can go and have a shower and look as eio there's even two baths it's two bars for people who want to have bars and then you have the showers as well and again there's there's a lot of them because it's to account for of the the maximum crew compliment that the rogue star can handle and as mentioned before exhilarated life support and so what we have over here this is the briefing room and so again it's a military kind of feature and so for new new missions that are arise and stuff like that you can all pile in here you got the I'm risk to be out of make your notes and things like that but of course digital screens can be projected anywhere on the ship you don't need i'm hardware to like you don't need an actual physical screen to be able to use a computer on the ship a digital screen okay kind of like a hologram can be projected anywhere but then you have whoever is doing the you know presentation here with a console a digital screen can be projected here but you know because the rokstarr isn't functioning as a military vessel and also if it was a military vessel in between the briefings and stuff this can be used as like a cinema you know a bit of a recreational area as well and so plenty of arm plenty of room and comfortable seats for people to keep back in relax more more crew compartments right there so here well this thing here is the primary food sequencer or re-sequence area dwell it recycles waste into edible and eve and yes tasty food the food tastes good and so that's all here it also purifies water as well and so that waste that you saw on the lower deck it's all pumped up here and it and it can be retrieved from the main mess hall or the canteen air or you know this is where people come to eat and so you can get food here right from the re sequencer and that's kind of gives you indefinite stores of food but also over here you have a more traditional style kitchen because people even though every sequence food has all the nutrition you need it doesn't have the texture or the flavor as full-fledged the interviewed it does taste are so but so for people who want real food you have a freezer here or at our fridge and all the food is stocked here same kind of library and museum system where things can be moved up and down these are advanced kind of ovens or and also one or two would be washing machines and things like that and these things are kind of like very advanced microwaves to put it in you press a button and the food is instantly heated or even fully cooked you can put in a steak press a button it's fully cooked you take me out and you're good date your food and then sit down wherever you want and eat your food and what's cool about here this is one of the things I don't like let's um let's go down into a floor view I'm sorry let's take a look around look at the windows what a view yeah you're gonna hate your food and how I kick back on a couch and look out the windows and get a you know five-star view of the planet you're orbiting or the stars that you're flying for when I say flying past stars well when you're in nanny's space there are no stars it's not much look I bet when you're flying around in normal space you can look at the stars and things and look at that it's um it's pretty cool so I like the Miss area you know people can sit here and they can have a game of poker or whatnot in the tables or just sit and eat their food room and I wanted the round table something so I kind of like this area this is a main mess hall so that's the habitation deck and engineering level - now let's move up again going up now first thing you'll probably notice is that there's no higher deck over here because the back part of the ship is all engineering and mechanics and so it's the engineering part of the ship is separated from the habitable section and where most of the people will be hanging out and things and so you just hit the roof of the ship now but then you come up to the command deck this is the command deck of the rogue star so you either go up what you also see here stairs these stairs run into these kind of arms that are running out to the may the main thrusters of the ship and it's not to say these these are hollow these are very strong sturdy you know engineered structures parts of the ships and so the the the axis ways that go that run along them so you can actually get to the thrusters to be maintenance and repairs they're very small though those parts are more like the Star Trek Jefferies tubes and things and so and there's also ones you know that you can get to from the engineering Bay you just go down and in and so these ones these small axis parts they are axis via if you go down on those doors there's small there's an additional that goes off sideways that goes into their small access ways that runoff on their structure arms to the major thrusters of the ship so we'll go back up now do the command deck and so yes you go up the stairs in here and the primary computer this is where the primary supercomputer of the ship is and handles basically everything that navigation the calculation to jump to nano space everything so that's all the computer and then you have a backup computer big supercomputer stuff so that's there that's what they are I'm moving up here is the primary skinning dish or whatever and so if I was to put the roof on and that's actually sitting on the outside of the ship them so you can actually get you can perform maintenance on the primary scanning dish and I mean you could call it a deflector dish but I want to separate myself from Star Trek whatever but essentially that's what it is is this is where communications are sent out and received and I'm able to do the long-range scans everything and you can get access through it through the doors and so I'll go down and have a look and say yeah that's so you can get access and do the prayers you needing stuff in that room there so we'll go back up let's have a look at some of the side rooms of go to this room here this is the captains quarters oh yes this is alabama's hi my room this is where she sleeps and everything and so of course captain's privilege it's a bit bigger suza cabin she gets that his stories and she would have a bed and you know whatever couch and and stuff and her own toilet and shower there with a washing basin you see there that's a captain set captain's quarters and so on the art on the mirror end is the formal dining room this is the state's dining room stateroom whatever and so what's cool what's really cool I like about the captains quarters in the formal dining room check it out out yeah the roof is just a full window and so awesome views just really really cool views on those two rooms and kind of makes sense why this is the formal dining room and it has a certain kind of food recent you know resequencing here and you can track your food waste in there and your dirty plates and things and so that's that room the next two rooms that this room here is literally identical to this room here and it's the computer lab so if you're wanting to do some really tough calculations or look over there scanning informations on the planet you've just prospect it and well if you're running experiments scientific kind of experiments these things hooked right into the main computer and so I get all the power you need of course you can access the main computer from anywhere else on the ship but this is where things really really we have a big work gets done and so that's those are MCU and so if you were to go down the hallway and it just yet just to give you the feel of Wow what that would be like I'm let's go down and all go to view and so always now we are on the bridge this is the bridge so let's move back up bird's-eye view the rogue stars bridge this is this is atlases kind of hanging out that character in tabletop time atlases the his the pilot of the rogue star and so this is his domain this is the pilots chair right here and so he there and these are all digital panels and so you can bring up anything you want on the ship and been put devices and of course digital screens will be projected above and so that's all here and what I think I think I'm going to add some manual controls as well because you need manual controls like I was talking about before because if the power goes you still want to be at access certain parts of the ship and things and of course the classic captain's chair I mean I had to do it Katniss chair captain's chairs are just awesome and I mean I didn't go for anything to your fancy I just had to make it look a bit you know special and so that's where Alabama says that's a captain's chair and then from the bridge there are two rooms here and here and the you need to access the Rose Room can you access them the bridge and so you have the captain study this is kind of Alabama's office right here and so he got chairs here I'll probably there'll be a coffee table or something here and so where she can interviewed who talks whatever and then she's got her personal kind of computer here a desk and um and so Alabama where she actually spent a decent amount of time here crunching numbers I'm calculating you know her funds and the next job and how far or how long it'll take another thing so out and say this is Alabama's domain right there and so up there that's their captains office and on the other end here this is like the council room where the you know if you had a larger crew complement the the higher ranking crewmen and the captain they would all go here to have you know just talk about things the missions what needs to get happy gets done and stuff like that and so you know you've seen the kind of things on Star Trek and stuff that's what that room functions for and yeah you kind of see that from the outside and there you have it yes there you go I you have been you were invited aboard the rogue star and you are taken on a tour on every single room room by room tour of this starship and you are as familiar with it has myself and so thank you for coming aboard the rogue star I hope you enjoyed your visit and as you as you disembark please watch your step and enjoy your own adventures across the galaxy whatever they met whatever you may be doing and if you watch our tabletop time livestream where we live streaming our tabletop role-playing sessions you will be able to picture the starship that the characters are on this is the thus a ship that you know oh this is the rogue star of the campaign session you now know what it looks like where our players live and all the funniest Capades and things that they'll be getting up to well he'll be able to envision it it's just add more realism and more realism and fun I hope you enjoyed it I certainly have had a heck of a lot of fun you know doing this modeling the starship putting it all together and I've had a blast of a time just they're just so much fun taking you on a tour showing you all through it and so you know one last time we will go through and you see the cross-sections because it looks pretty darn cool my are gonna look awesome that looks pretty Sweden so and and I failed dimensions riots domain where he hangs out right is his is their munitions and also the UM the pilot here's a small craft pile and so riot hangs out on this deck this is his kind of domain where he you know restock weapons make sure they're running all up to scratch and stuff and here's a smaller vessel is there and so there you have it the rogue star thanks for visiting
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 32,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starship, star, space, ship, vessel, cruiser, destroyer, trek, wars, Star Trek (Fictional Universe), Star Wars (Film Series), Science Fiction (TV Genre), Syfy (TV Network), science, fiction, space ship, tour, inside, detail, spaceship, bridge, deck, decks, weapons, shad, brooks, shadmbrooks, shad brooks, SketchUp (Software), 3d, model, 3d model, Rogue star, rogue, tabletop time
Id: 0dh6-0erA60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 24 2015
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