Star Trek: Inside the USS Enterprise NCC-1701

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Star Trek is an American science fiction  media franchise that originated from the 1960s   television series star trek  created by Gene Roddenberry.   Star Trek has been a cult phenomenon for decades  and in many ways influenced the popular star wars   film the franchise spawned many spins up including  movies games novels toys and comics the USS   Enterprise NCC 1701 is a starship in the Star  Trek media franchise was initially a vision of the   potential for human space flight. The Enterprise  became a popular culture icon and has repeatedly   been identified as one of the best designed and  most influential science fiction spacecraft.   When it comes to scaling it was difficult to  understand how big the enterprise was without any   references on the tv series the ship was typically  in space so there isn't any object to compare to. For this example, I'll be using the Starship  SN9 which is about 50 meters in height.   Next to the USS Enterprise is  actually quite small in comparison.   The1701 is about 288 meters or 947 feet in  length and about 88 meters or 289 feet in height When comparing 1701 to the enterprise 1701d  the 1701d is much larger in size it measured   around 642 meters or 2106 feet in length and  about 137 meters all 450 feet in height next   to the 1701-D is the variant JJ verse enterprise  1701 which is slightly larger than the 1701-D. As we take a closer look at the enterprise in its  core design components a saucer-shaped primary   hull and two offset engines nacelles  on the cylindrical secondary hull.   The engine on the back wore two  propulsion units or warp drive.   These propulsion systems allow the starship and  other starcraft to travel through the universe. The sensor probe was used to refer to any devices  that were used to scan record or observe any   aspect of the environment surrounding a starship  spaceship or person the navigational deflector   also known as the main deflector. It was used to divert   asteroids, microscopic particles, and other  objects that might have collided with the ship The USS Enterprise used a duotonic sensor array.   for collecting and processing an electromagnetic or acoustic signal. The Bussard collector was a device usually  attached to the foreign of the warp nacelle.  It was used to refuel the vessel by  accumulating interstellar hydrogen atoms.   The starship has the ability to separate during an  emergency or tactical maneuver performed by some   of the federation starship involving the complete  disconnection of the primary and secondary hull. On Starfleet vessel, the bridge was usually located on deck 1   on top of the vessel. The bridge was the nerve center of every starship   and it was made by top officers of each department  except for engineering and medical, there was   typically an engineering station that the chief  engineer could use. When on the bridge as well   as the science station that the science officer  or chief medical office could use new the main   bridge was a science laboratory an area set up for  main work in experimental or observational science. Near the center of the vessel was the computer  core which housed the primary processing   equipment the computer room was based  around the system redundant computer   core that processes data of all the ship's system  every single system from life support to weapons   and shielding depends on the computer core.   The crew quarter can be found throughout the   vessel vary in size and detail but the officers  quarters were generally closer to the bridge. Right next to the sensor dome is the perishable cargo, torpedo magazine, and forward phasers. The phasers   is the direct energy weapon of choice for  the Starfleet and the federation of planets. As we head closer to the front we can find the  sickbay and the recreational deck and front the   ship was the auxiliary deflector. A deflector  beam was used to push debris out of the way The main engineering room primary purpose was to  be the center point for control of our engineering   system aboard the starship especially those  related to propulsion and power generation. Located at the bottom of the ships are the anti-matter storage pods. The pods were   used to magnetize self-contained storage  the unit which was used to fuel the starship.  Next to the pods are the tractor beam or stabilizing beam   The beam was used by the Enterprise to  control the movement of an external object At the back of the ship is the shuttle bay or the  hangar deck and the shutter craft maintenance room   the shutter bay served several important purposes  its primary function was to provide a launchpad   and a landing area for the fleet shutter  craft including the Enterprise 2 shuttle   The shuttle bay also acted as a  storage and maintenance facility   where the shutter craft could repair, refuel, and fitted. At the top of the vessel is the warped coil and the plasma injection system. This warp   coil conducts mass level plasma from the ship's  antimatter reactor which makes warp drive possible. The vessel can hold approximately 431 officers and   crew and has a warp speed of 10 or 6,395 times the speed of light. The USS Enterprise NCC 1701 was a 23rd-century  federation constitution class starship operated   by Starfleet, it was also the first ship to  bear the name enterprise with this registry.   So what are your thoughts on the USS  Enterprise NCC 1701, leave your comment below   and if you want to see more technical 3d animation  check out my playlist on the right-hand corner   thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time!
Channel: Halfscreen
Views: 570,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Enterprise, Enterprise 1701, 1701, Halfscreen, 3D, Animation, 3D animation, technical, USS Enterprise 1701, USS Enterprise NCC 1701, NCC 1701, Warp Speed
Id: qyf6auv-jMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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