Inside a Tiny Japanese Camper Van - Kei Wagon Tour!

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just pulling up to the campsite now it is that time of year again already and with our next big adventure around the corner i thought it might be fun to rent a camper car this year but seeing as we're in japan i figured it'd be best to do with a little bit of a twist and so i've rented a k it's a game [Music] and if you don't know what a k car is it's basically a type of tiny japanese car the engines are limited to 660cc and 64 horsepower and you can't put more than four people in this well legally this car is actually so small that i don't think i'm gonna be able to maneuver my whole camera rig around inside to give you an idea of how big the camera rig is yeah so we're gonna shoot a lot of today on action cams because that's just easier just like that let's take a look inside this car now for about a day and i still don't think that i found all of its cool secrets first things first let me clear this out and open the doors [Music] i guess the first really obvious feature would be this little table it's removable so obviously you can take it out and it can actually be set up outside as well let's clear it out and make some space all right now that we have it cleared out let's take a peek so this is a gasoline powered car but there are solar panels up on the roof and tucked in here is a 2000 watt power inverter usb and everything it's charging from the solar panel right now one of my favorite things that i have not had a chance to try out yet is the microwave there's a microwave in here you gotta press this button here and the microwave turns on and i have you know what let's coffee pizza you know coffee start it runs but i want to get a bit more light in here so let's open up the pop top is that what it's called let's call it a pop top you know what i've got this here i think this just sticks to stuff we go that works stick it right up it doesn't come off easy not super easy we'll figure that out later that's future enormous problem i've been getting a lot of questions lately like how did you get this shot how did you get this shot like here we go and so today i thought that it might be fun to share a little bit behind the scenes as we do it and show you how i get some of these shots a lot of the tricky shots are just done with tiny cameras like this one like there is no way we would get shots into tiny little spaces like this otherwise cameras just aren't gonna fit like this and on that note before we get into the pop-up top which i don't know if i love or if i'm terrified of i'm actually impressed with how much storage space is just distributed throughout throughout this entire thing it is plentiful but let's head up here duh the pop-up top so when i first found this i thought okay it's just so you can stand and have a little bit of extra space it is not you can if you wanted to should you be so inclined you could actually sleep up here check this out okay that was the wrong way you take this board thing here you lay it on there we go to be a tight fit but in a pinch if you really needed to or really wanted to you could sleep up here i also get the feeling that it would probably be a better fit for short people also do not mistakenly go to use these to pull yourself up otherwise you'll close the whole thing on yourself not saying that i've done it also this might be my favorite shot so far you know let me show you this i've used the insta 360 go to sticky mount to just like stick it to the side of the tent let's put it anywhere i wasn't kidding when i say i love this little camera let's head back down also a fun little feature that you don't really expect to see in a k car is this yes that is a shower head i don't think it's really meant to be properly used as a shower actually this right here which i opened completely and properly is a sink so you could like wash your hands and everything and i guess in a pinch you could probably use this for a shower i haven't used it yet you may have also noticed this right here and this is a bit of a fan for at night when the air can get all stuffy mind you these help a lot actually it got kind of cold last night but it's got the battery meter and everything here and quite a bit of air can get pumped out of here and there's an awning this this i love this saved me last night you've gotta grab this pole out of here hook that into there and then if you've ever set up an awning it's a pretty standard story and you're done it started raining really bad after i got here and i wanted to set up a fire and do a live stream and everything like that and thanks to the awning we could and i'm sure you're wondering how comfortable it is to actually sleep in i slept in it last night and it was it was a lot of fun i enjoyed it night time in this thing can be pretty cool because these are my own nights by the way there's a light up here but if you want privacy which obviously you're gonna want especially if you're sleeping at like a parking area or something you can just close these up and just button them right to the wall like that and you're good then as for sleeping space i would say there's just enough space to lay down diagonally i could probably go straight like this if i put my legs between the seats and was okay with hitting my head or or if you're the kind of person who like sleeps kind of curled up definitely definitely enough space also i just kind of like this angle let's check up honestly this was a lot cooler during the daytime at night you become very aware that a is it's just pure darkness out there you can't see anything and b if you have to go to the washroom and there's somebody sleeping right below you it's really not an ideal situation especially if you've got like a pad and a sleeping blanket and everything like that and you can really feel it moving up here okay we're uh we're gonna go ahead you can seriously feel everything shaking i'm also yet to figure out how to get this tv to work probably have to run the i wonder can i reach right now okay started the engine tv works fine ish no that's off does it figure that out later when i look through this thing today i was like nah there's there's no way there's gonna be enough space for me to actually sleep in that especially with my baggage but you move your bags up to the front seat and this thing actually feels incredibly spacious i still have no idea how to use that tv by the way and you're gonna have to pack up soon and head to our next campsite i've actually rented this for a week-long adventure that's coming up in a couple weeks on the tokyo lens explorer channel where we're gonna do live streams in different cities and areas every single day for an entire week i'm lots of bugs i'm very very excited about that but before we pack up do you remember that that pelican case that i pulled out there's something i want to do with that give me a second [Music] although this looks like a toy this is one of my favorite little fpv drones from a company called beta fpv and i can put my insta 360 go to it's actually another camera but i broke it by trying to fly it clear through the v [Music] so we're gonna give it a shot again today might break another camera [Music] well that one almost went better i could play for hours but it is time to pack this up and head to our next campsite also because the go-to is magnetic and you stick it right to the side of the car don't worry about a thing here we go [Music] okay now we're on our way if you've never driven a k car by the way there's only two types you can hear the engine right now there's only two types of people either you absolutely love it or you absolutely hate it you feel every little bump and the engine has absolutely no power again it's a 64 horsepower engine at best and they're far from being a smooth and comfortable ride but i kind of enjoy the novelty of it i like them i do [Music] so i made it up to the top of a mountain in the hopes of see yes i have the drone in my hands in the hopes of seeing there was a rainbow a minute ago and i thought i could catch you with the drone and by the time i got back it was gone it was a fleeting moment that giant parking lot looking thing is gonna be my campsite for the night it looks like just a giant parking lot but actually you can use this as a free camping space which is why they have the washrooms just put that right there but the road is closed during the winter time so every other time that i've ever tried to come up here i've been very unsuccessful i'm always surprised by just how big the awning is [Music] so i was about to eat but i want to wash my hands first and i i could do it in the bathroom but all the lights are off and it's super dark i think this is a good chance to figure out how to use the sink i think i'm taking a shot in the dark there's no manual well there is a manual but it doesn't show how to put the water in so all right that doesn't work i guess we're going into the dark bathroom anyway all right that should be enough okay this goes back up here for the moment of truth nothing's happening do i need to does this switch control this as well it might it does it worked okay all right don't need all that [Music] okay then then why there's a drain here but for the life of me i i can't figure out how to get the drain to drain where's the what do we do you can't what i wonder if we can just like kind of pull it out i don't want to break it it just pulls out it was upside down someone put it in upside it's supposed to have a little thing and you should just be able to it was upside down that explains there okay and it seems like it pours out under the van it started raining now you can hear the rain and the fire it's just about good it's just coals so i should be able to have a quick bite soon and then get set up to sleep now i can close all the curtains get a good night's rest where did i put my sleeping bag there we go i'll obviously link the camper van down below in case you are interested future reference and all that and i will link all the little cameras that i played around with today from insta360 and maybe some videos if you want to check those out these ones right here the insta 360 go to i carry two of these on me at all times i just i use them so much that one just isn't enough storage or battery wise i love the fact that i can just stick it to stuff too i'll drop it all in the description box down below this camper van what do you think would would you stay in this would you sleep in this how about this part up here that's the part that i'm super super curious about i don't know if i would stay up there like maybe if i absolutely had to but if you gotta go to the bathroom in the middle of the night at least here you know you get solid walls and everything like that i should close the curtains i don't know i like it though it's still one of my favorite little feature you just sit up there and read comics or something i don't know why that came to mind but it did thank you guys so much for joining let me know what you thought about the camper van down below and you know i will see you again real soon i feel like there was some bloopers in this one sorry i just realized i never showed if the microwave works or not so i'm testing that now that's a chicken breast by the way and it's incredibly hot so it works the microwave works and [Music] i jammed my thumb into it that was very painful [Music] oh oh it's amazing i make it back from these adventures alive it's just okay try it again it just feels so awkward to do this i feel so vulnerable also the fake drone shot is by far one of my favorites i just use a really long hole look at this like like really it's a very it's a very long pole but seeing as this is japan there's a bit of a catch it's a k truck with all the curtains closed the audio in here is actually really and i could probably record podcasts in here podcasts on the road i really missed out on using this mount the last time i used this thing in a video i'm gonna use this more scared the heck out of me i had no idea what was going on okay reshooting that never did figure out how to get the tv working you
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 380,876
Rating: 4.9404693 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Vlog, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Vlog, Japan Vlog, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, camper van, japanese camper, japanese van, japan camp, camp, camping, camping in japan, camping car, japanese camping, kei, kei van, kei car, japanese kei car, kei camper van, kei camper van japan, japanese kei camper, kei wagon
Id: BNplm3Zevk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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