Inside a $50 Million Dollar Los Angeles Mansion

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hi everybody it's Ennis here thank you for clicking for this video I know it's long but I promise you it's worth it the property behind me is 277 st. Pierre located in Belle a Los Angeles California it has eight bedrooms twenty baths 36,000 square feet of interior space listed for forty nine point nine million dollars essentially fifty million dollar property I don't see this lightly but this is one of the craziest mansions I have ever toured in my life from a bowling alley interior pools overall beautiful space so why don't you guys follow me so we can check out this house together [Music] so we are at the courtyard area and throughout this home as we tour you guys are just gonna see outlandish scale of everything because again this house is 36,000 square feet so we've got a lot of expensive homes but this isn't Estate and there's a big difference in the wording and just skills of everything but let me just take you guys to the backyard so we are at the backyard area when you buy a house at this scale you have different needs at this point you want to throw a three four five hundred people party you can do that you want to have a lot of guests you want privacy well you do have that as well you want to entertaining you got it so we're gonna step over here into this little gazebo which the agent tells us is kind of an entertaining space I think it goes down into the ground I guess this is kind of like a there's a different elevation from the factory because the land is so big here sort of the home is kind of the peak of the home and as we go towards the end of the property the land kind of slopes and everything is built accordingly but we do that so basically we just came down from the courtyard and we're in the pool area I wanna say probably 40 feet by maybe 50 feet it's a good sized pool it's a good size pulling definitely deep on that wall this end seems like a 10 feet about three meters deep and then as we walk around I love this Mediterranean you know strong with the inlay design pile and remember I said entertaining right we're not joking you're throwing aboard a barbecue party here barbecues here you have your bar top here you bring in a bartender here so he can serve cocktails to people okay can I grab the camera for a second guys let me show you where Mike assists and then the view just check it out like it's palm trees it literally feels like a tropical oasis here okay it feels like like a Four Seasons Hotel Mike you take a seat if I take a picture of you right here it will look like you're at a Four Seasons Hotel vacation okay literally because yes like not eat like nothing not like the Austin Texas or season like we're talking like the Four Seasons in Rome the Orla Hawaii yeah like the real deal so guys just being in front of this entertainment space to be looking at this house remember I said this is not a house a lot of mentioned this is an estate look at the scale of this home I'm in this layer after layer I see windows it's a compound it's a compound it's a true compound with this full privacy you do not see anybody you do not see anything I could have taken a picture here I could have been like I'm in Italy everybody would bought it okay so guys we just left the outdoor space and we came to the entertainment area entertainment and building a house on its own so we're about to find out and guys this is twice the size of a mansion on its own we got we're still on the level with the ground there's a little kind of drops off here but take a look guys I don't I don't know how long this video is gonna be but stick around to the end we got a lot to do we got a lot to cover yeah we're gonna hit the entertainment space here first before we even go to the main house so y'all settle in it's gonna be a wild ride in this channel when we see a good detail we take notice and we see a custom door with a parched design and these beautiful custom wood boards we recognize it's important these are the important details people have always said that symmetry is beauty and this house is very symmetrical yeah I just felt like yeah you look like Caesar you look like just do you look like just a Turkish Caesar I'll take this oh my god Wow so guys we just came down the stairs here we're gonna take a look at this little bar entertainment space first but before we do that we have Mikey's favorite room and it's a good one I like it because it's a little bit of a different approach it's not your everyday movie theater in a mansion they've kind of made it like a big living room that happens to have a cinema vision and seating kind of but at the same time it's really lush and actually really cozy it's a really authentic Roman theatre that has been modernized which is you know I just kind of made that up I feel like it kind of works also like if you look at all the wood paneling and stuff its layers of detail in it generally Romans tend to have those finishes everything like the hardwood floors that they did the air fees are paying but the truly install it's a combination of herringbone wood inlays I mean there's an incredible amount of detail just in this room alone indeed all right let's step over to this little bar area theater over here look at this entertaining space they got wine cellar on the wall or wine racks on the wall temperature-controlled they have an amazing bar here yeah nice seating area you gotta have a piano you gotta know there's so much to cover in this house if we put and point out everyone I like this little I like this little glass just kind of a cool addition to it but follow me because cool stuff that like Brut what they were not joking when they said this is an entertainment section of this estate because do you have a they hold me no I like how they have the black lights so they have the cool tables that are looking at black lights they also have these obelisks that are kind of symbolic a little bit yeah I mean we're gonna go I've already seen some pyramids around we'll get into the details I mean guys sticker on this is one of the craziest mentions me and Mikey have ever been into okay guys we're gonna step out of this ridiculous bowling alley we're gonna go downstairs and take a look at the cool [Music] honestly I'm not addicted I think this house keep throwing us off and Mikey's dream for that alright so guys we're gonna finally be managed to get to the bottom level another entertainment area ping pong pool pool shuffleboard and we have a shuffleboard and we have another grant into instead of stairs follow through I mean what keeps : details keep going amazing amazing for bass what can I say [Music] so guys on the left hand side of the staircase we just came into another guest quarters this is where you have a guest that can have their own living [Music] Barack Obama's staying at your house for the weekend exactly that's pretty it comes if you have a high you know profile CEO coming this is where they stay but I mean again guys this is where we'll all fight for like the master bedroom for any mission country this would be what a $20,000 apartment if this is just yes this unit alone would be like a 15 $20,000 department a Los Angeles all right so do i and even at the guest suite they did not skip details look at that glass or it's simple design Michael admit I have to point these things out we'll get this carved marble molding one of these is our soup is kind of purplish color marble everything someone it's a marvel that imagine how much shaping they had to do to get this this smooth and install it as a door jamb I mean that's crazy so main staircase of the guests to the house can be over finally the bottom level we managed to reach it and there's a keep going get ready for this oh man would you look at it just look at it this is opulence guys I can make it twenty minute video talking about the details here alone what's the temperature of the pool like so much chilly a little bit oh it's got to be it's indoors but okay where do we start beautiful Colin work look at the intricate Howard within the pool I cannot imagine the amount of hours the craftsman had to spend handle a every single one of those to get this mural like looking this is like Hearst Castle I mean I feel like I'm in four seasons I think we mentioned it really well look at the glass detail look at the spa wrought iron detail how did they even get this did they fabricated here who knows look look at that detail like you know what is chili that inside layer the ground there that's marble this is all this is all like I can see like a lot of like Greek influence here you know very much in not to mention I got to be honest he probably spent 40 50 tons of marble alone in this house and of course one of those fountains we saw up there just working the skylight is one as a skylight [Music] and guys this is what we do for living we towards some of the best mentions LA and world has to offer so you want to see more of this you've got to subscribe to our channel because it's just cool and if you like this video so far make sure to give us a like and you have any questions drop us a comment [Music] [Applause] guys I never thought I'd apologize for like at edit taking so long and to even get to the main house but we haven't even gone inside the main house yet this is this is not what you see every day you're not gonna find an intimate tool like this yeah you probably phone Equinox if you live here alright guys we're gonna take the trek all the way up those stairs get back to the main house actually there's probably more to see we haven't even been in these rooms over here yet oh my god what's over there it's this huge humming utility room like yeah I got something better look at this okay a full racquetball court [Music] Wow this is skinny like oh don't forget the basketball Hill it's mine better as yours better better you want all right guys let's step out in the backyard so I can't guys we we just got out of the into human area and it kind of has his own backyard and I already know why they wanted to give a space like this because if you're specifically just entertaining in this unit you want to have all the overflow of people here yeah this is your house this is your Presidential Suite it's laughs game room here this whole place we just looked at don't be deceived by the size and scale of this it's just a back house basically you're having a party and President Obama wants to give a speech he just stands right there yeah like a mini White House if you have like the Count of Monte Cristo over for dinner like he can stay somewhere [Music] anything that's some skilled craftsmanship okay okay guys so that was it for the entertaining space now we're gonna go look at this beast right here stick around this is where we just were over here this is the entertainment space and we were kind of back at the courtyard area I kind of feel like a pub let's go by here just like the tile roof do we know that we were awful English landscaping I don't know I feel guys I don't know what do you guys think but this literally feels like a luxury hotel tiny it was like the SLS so let's take let's step over into the kitchen see what they're working with in here Wow when I walked in here my first reaction Wow why wouldn't it be amazing double bubble weird really modern Ship Island dad look at the same as st. Kitts you know what I like about this kitchen too for such a ridiculous house they still take into consideration that a family's gonna live here this is where people this is where people really spend most of their time in the mornings you know you sit here you have breakfast you have your coffee here with your wife or your kids you know maybe you watch the news you put some music on speaker its kind of get everybody's they start it yeah most of these mega mansions really neglect like the functional living dining space you know me and I don't like it it's gonna sound a bit odd that a little low here it makes it kind of cozy and warm here but I want to briefly talk about the entire kitchen because we have to open your espresso maker you gotta have that your microwave detailer and again this isn't to lose it this goes all the way here yeah so you can put all your stuff and look at these refrigerators these panels your hydraulic cabinetry you know those are gonna have soft clothes yeah and okay preachers gotta be pretty thick it's 90 degrees in LA right now I kind of want to live here look at these look at these curved drawers out have tougher these two making us these are nightmare this isn't made in wherever they're producing this cabinetry in the factory look at that beautiful detail I love it into the oven and then of course you have a meal a meal a everything burner gas Oh guys look it like the commercial unit vent system that they have me like vents great another event because you just cut a lot of things imagine like a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner in this house how that goes okay guys we're stepping out of this kitchen [Music] very classy classy this is what is this carpet remind you of Turkey what a month doesn't yeah it kind of it kind of reminds me of like Versailles like that kind of French green I'm pretty sure just probably like at $50,000 car yeah and like honestly one thing that I'm so shocked and we toured this property is how cozy it felt yeah it does let's go to H wow this is Grandma and Grandpa I guess HS here maybe : G - alright guys so we're going somewhere I mean it's just an idea but knows where we're gonna find who knows and guys we may overlook a certain detail this is a pretty famous house so if you do please excuse us we only there's only so much time in the day yeah and like I know me and Mikey look you're getting a little anxiety can you imagine getting Sun again I wouldn't care yeah oh oh how did we get here wait we just took this is the elevator from the main house unless we just move laterally oh my god all right I'm shocked right now so essentially they've dug underneath the entire backyard and essentially they've connected this entertainment area all the way to the house through elevator they're actually somewhat linked so yeah you don't even have to walk through the backyard to get to your entertaining space you take your elevator let's go to see yeah Alice guys probably I'm gonna I'm going to try to keep a little but this foundation alone on this house is probably worth five to six million dollars it's not what guys there's so many details in this house that we can showcase but briefly touch it of course to have a garage this is one of the other devices that they have hopefully we find them because they said they have a ten parking spot here covered so that's moving on so we just stepped into the office here and like you know I feel out of place I feel like I kind of look at a place I have a black t-shirt on but look at my little key out there out of place does that Kia Optima Hybrid look as a lift sticker on and guys I said it once I'll say it again you're borderline King so in a house like this and working or queen sorry yeah you're Yas Queen yeah but look at the woodwork detail here like I'm but just can you imagine sitting here to do actual work actual work I'll freak out you can actually feel the texture of the painting like the amount of time does that imagine somebody hand painting all these leaves God knows how many hours they spend I'm gonna give you guys another detail Rolls Royce actually does this it is called pinstriping you hold a specific paintbrush this style and then you put your head on whatever you're painting to get the school inlaid is that it's actually not a paint Rolls Royce has it on their doors sure little voices or if they order only the best ones only the best one and in this case this is actually pinstriping gold Wow let's see if we can find a bedroom or a bathroom another great bath but wait there's better bathrooms to come if you're wondering just a full layout of this house take a look at this model so we didn't even see this gazebo this is the entertaining space the pool area the two fountains and the main compound I guess let's get our drone photography out of the way real quick great job so this is the actual office guys and I mean you know sometimes in life you're trying to understand what it feels like to manage a billion dollar company or have a wealth that most people cannot even imagine like how the person sitting in this desk that owns this house actually thinks exactly but you know what I can see myself managing a billion-dollar business here this room makes you believe in yourself look at this detail this is welded brass inlaid into the door jambs just a classy little detail I mean Wow so guys here we are in the entrance and the second floor now and we'll look at it this crazy hallway French doors just opening up to your backyard it's beautiful full of lights and we're gonna basically go into the other bedrooms guys love is all we have so I love you guys and if you do love me make sure to hit that subscribe button give us a like YouTube needs it most importantly we need it and we appreciate your support and even if you don't like it can't give us a dislike give us this like this yeah just let us know so for this house I'd say this is a pretty standard bedroom you know this is the size of the apartment I live in this is the bathroom for this little little apartment size bedroom bedroom this is okay so leaving this bedroom we're gonna step across the hall we get all these beautiful windows it just brings so much hair okay guys Los Angeles what is beautiful here and you will not benefit from that well that's a little warm today but you can't expect them to turn the air on in this place very showing we should I guess the brokers off home will cost them like a thousand dollars yeah this is actually second master next biggest bedroom after the master bedroom a good sized closing for me I like the positioning of it basically guys all that beautiful stuff we toured it's right here and guys if you're wondering how much this house lease actually need you lease it's 100 to $75,000 a month well that's easy so if you all want to lease this place maybe you even want to buy it all those rich people out there watching it give in us a call cuz you'll not only make his day but you'll make his career this with every power that is the size of my body so yeah we got this shower here this is also a little a little mini master nice little vanity under lit in guys I get this question a question asked all the time a lot of people ask me like if you sell a house like this how much you make if I do represent either buyer or the seller of this home my commission would be 1 million dollars it's 2 percent of the sales price so assuming you chase 450 million dollars Commission with me 1 million dollars so guys let's making us a millionaire huh yeah you know who ever thought they try not only look not only that but since I film this channel I'm sure I'd get a little bonus too oh you will if you sell I'll get a little 5 $10,000 bonus all right guys we're gonna we're gonna step off this this wing and we're gonna take a look at the master wing which is over there first let's peek in here this this is more of a mini master I think I think there's multiple masses because like everybody's seeing in this house and look at this look at this closet though I feel like I'm like at a tailor yeah you know custom fitting my clothes yeah I'm sure this bed is the most comfortable bed you've ever slept on you can you can be yours today I mean the freestanding colors everything but most importantly I at top filling this extravagant in my life guys he's a saltpeter this is actually cone plated and I've been in the business where I know how much certain products cost this is easily five to six thousand dollar tough to let alone this that's right this assembly it actually not only works as a faucet if you look it also works as a drain all the top this is stuff that you custom order it takes you a month to get it to your class pure class look at look at the shower depth these are true design and finishes I don't even want to know how much these fixtures cost because they cost a lot now we're going to the area that you guys been waiting for it the master bedroom hey guys welcome to the master so we're the master wait before we go to the actual side of the master bedroom you have another room yeah might be guess why they have this room in case you snore and everybody hates you it was work is that what actually knows if you have like a young kid or you want to sleep you want to have someone sleeping really close to you in case something happens this is where they sleep and of course they have their own closet of course they have their own amazing more whole bathroom I mean it's marble or marble or with these designer finished shower heads against the earth again marble countertops look I've never seen this look at this faucet but the built in marble handles I don't even want to know how much those cost I really don't and before we go to the actual Mitcham remember guys isn't go straight in turn us there the only way to go keycards you have to have your keycard that's right people don't have access and then do more testing towards right here little why are you live I love this person it's a can beat it yeah I'll be seen it's like a steel drum voila they don't actually have a mattress here right now but you can imagine if they did yeah I'll light it on top of this beautifully four sided book match marble on the gas fireplace built-in TV I can't be easy to flow Canada no I mean just just to get this installed here that's probably a nightmare how much how much do you think just this piece costs you mean the marble the marble and the construction construction every think that's the $50,000 piece right there easy hey guys every once in a while you want to check out your kingdom yeah don't forget like out here everything the light touches is yours but kidding aside you know it's really important in my opinion when you buy a seat like this that from your master bedroom when you wake up in the morning you want to just take a look you want to take a look at what you invested in what do you bought and what a great place that's their entrance for the entertainment area that goes four levels down runs all the way till here to meet that elevator you all right remember the skylight that was above the fountain that fountains right there let's let's wrap up this master bath so we can get you all on your way master after one side look at that oh wow look at the fixtures oh that is built into that handle so this is the first side of the bathroom beautiful shower embarrasses she's gonna love it check this out toilet I'm sure opens automatically yeah no not these things always scare me and then a beautiful closet space that looks like a luxury designer storefront this looks like a small scale which is so right here yeah guys as we tour these properties you're probably blown away by scale if you have any construction questions but it comes to how much it takes to build these ask me a question on the comment section below I'll answer that how cool is this pretty pretty awesome low key me and my afraid the whole time that we made break something yeah yeah we haven't so far it's good Ennis has a bad habit of opening shower dirt doors and all that's really bad so we haven't let in a touch any shower doors since we've been here mikey has 15 minutes of me just almost breaking things so soon we'll drop an edit of just me be an idiot let's step over to his side yeah Mikey just mentioned the music here sounded like blade yeah like I can see Wesley enough Wesley Snipes just killing some vampires to this you know [Music] very cool and his side closet built in safe because you know you want some cash let's let's step out to the front real quick take a look at that motor cord I get beautiful motor corn to get people in and out it's a great space it's definitely private but most importantly I think these trees are at least more than hundred youth and it doesn't really come out on camera will you clog one of these trees to show guys these trees are absolutely massive meanwhile these luxury real estate agents are probably inside like the who are these idiots out here hugging trees yeah alright guys so we just finished this absolutely incredible house if y'all made it to the end of this at it then good for you I mean we appreciate the support and not even that but like y'all just like I'm blown away by the scale it finishes everything in this house and it seems like we want like a world class home absolutely I mean this is a true estate this is a true house that justifies this value in my opinion this is bel-air this is one of the most exclusive communities in the country if not in the world so we got innocence douche-mobile right here s550 and we got my keys electric lovely bird over there that's right that's right with the lift stickers in this we had I had to park it like a hidden from the rest of the cars just because I don't I don't want any judgment but yeah guys this was a truly an amazing property me and Mikey are just we were just shocked the whole time but uh what an estate I hope we cover some of the features if you've missed any details if you have a specific question about any part of it just leave me a comment below I'll respond to that comment but with that said think you might be for shooting this whole content and editing yet you're welcome and thank you guys for sticking around watching this make sure to hit the subscribe button so you can see more of these mentions leave us a comment if you have any questions otherwise we'll see you guys on the next video [Music]
Channel: Enes Yilmazer
Views: 2,379,469
Rating: 4.9023337 out of 5
Keywords: Los angeles, los angeles mansion, los angeles mansion tour, Los Angeles house tour, los angeles estate, mansion, mansion tour, Beverly Hills real estate, Beverly Hills mansion tour, expensive house, luxury house, mega mansion, mega mansion tour, giga mansion, expensive mansion tour, california mansion, california mansion tour, expensive houses in the world, bel air mansion, bel air, bel air mansion tour, luxury house tour, luxury houses in california, mansion estate tour
Id: JomdgbVlX7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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