INSANE REACTION TIME... | Hypixel Bedwars

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24. oh well i meant 24. no no dude what why why would i guess 245 why it can only be one through six needed also blue disconnected gosh darn no what was the point of that you stopped your defense just to yep you stopped your defense just to walk in the gym so i can't get it you think you're funny remember that scream totally don't save it then buddy buddy you think you're funny this can ruin our game this can ruin our game they just they just come to our base oh i can't get to them all right that's gone oh well who's pause yours oh look at that he passed me i hope my bed doesn't get destroyed you think you're clever oh wait shoot our bed actually might be gone oh well look where he mined it from the side oh my god there's two pinks coming this guy he's he's running to blue oh that's gone is it an actress yeah it's over shoots try your best to run around the side no i can't i'm dead all right thanks a lot maflia no dude that's not why we they're coming to you they're coming one of them he's uh five hearts should come before the other one comes coming okay anyways i just want to say that is not why we lost our bed at all that is not going to count because pink would have came anyways no it didn't really affect anyway it did not really affect anything listen the grey guy was distracting me right yeah you wouldn't have been able to go home i listened no no i could have killed them if there wasn't blocks in the way that's what they all that's what they all say it's one fell the other one's our base go to green or yellow green or yellow but yellow is there no yellow or can i go to aqua actually yeah you can oh yeah but when aqua's gonna die right now okay i don't really care don't need that final oh i already gotta kill him it's leather pink though is sarako i mean white my fault one white's coming to watch out fireball yeah okay he's right there right now does he have another one i don't know but i'm mad okay he's just happy right now i have tons of parts by the way okay good uh there's a nada bridge yeah you have a red dragon yeah i have two yeah i'm just gonna end this yes you have milk i'll tell you before it's he's not voting oh true okay well i don't need to go for that he's leaving as he should rubble behind him no is it missing going to aqua what where did it go okay i shouldn't even go for that honestly yeah i just shouldn't yes i'm sorry dude i should have killed him there let me know if he's not maybe he's going mid he has um he's on the mid bridge he's that midfielder he's just now going okay yeah he's going up the stairs right now he's going towards you the end he's in the uh he's in the leaves right now the the one towards close to the bridge dude i don't even know what you're saying is he at the base no he's on the middle island ah oh yeah where the tree is he's you can go you can go he's going on the bridge right now i don't know fargo's right oh he's going diamonds he's spotting again he invests he's gonna die he has jumped by the way he's on the bridge right now at the green bridge to the green bridge yep on the aqua blocks the grey blocks the dirt he's going up where you are he's on the very top very top your hands behind you behind you like right next to you right next he's right still on the very top you see him right don't worry about me you're trash buddy yeah you me anyways i'm 23 stars yep wait who 15 i'm closer i'm 14 away you're 15. anyways okay oh he wants a team dude oh sorry i'm sorry about that man but uh no cross teaming oh my god i'm so happy right now what is it oh my god i'll go try and get the blue one go go go took another fight you don't take that for me this is mine guys probably so confused i just pulled up to his diamond and hit him once and leave i was pink coming the did you buy the diamonds oh sharp i didn't buy with the diamonds oh see that's why you don't blame me buster i'm going for pink at this point bro what it doesn't matter i bridge all the way over so i bridge to the other way as well and they're easier dude blue and green are literally the easier side to rush right now pinky sweaty there's no reason to be upset buster oh it's epic all jen's i'm so happy i'm starting to think you're slightly bipolar but all good oh my god i hate this game okay it's just a theory let me see blue is coming by the way yeah no bro we took our diamonds and dipped what's wrong with them oh pink just deceived cool should i go to man yeah go to midbrain what i just fell with all the gifts no okay did you get yellow no i didn't okay but i'll get it since you can't do anything i can do a lot of things oh [Laughter] i know what you said i know what you said oh wait maybe they didn't take reds it looked like the team that would take red they do look like the team that would stick around let's see if your hypothesis is correct they did uh my conclusion was right it was what are you doing dude wait kitty what how did he just not move dude you know much stuff i had so much a little too much i had like two jumpers 14 t's uh i thought it was like materials i'd already used them all they're just goods mother what if i had a more black spur i only had one so i couldn't clutch i'll jam it yo dude this guy is so laggy where it's not dude like what i dude you're so bad you're literally so bad like how do you die you want to have me off yeah so bad i can imagine one time no no i'm pretty sure it did no dude where's nuts dude like what i sasuke dude why is he so quick oh what do you mean oh wow look this at you team you struggle with what's the team you're struggling with you had diamond numbers didn't you i did what third so 11 11 stars e2 but you're two one one one yeah i know so it really isn't make a thing behind so you don't fall you can go to red by the way they're both agree right now one more man okay good he's not following him you got the bed they're both uh they're stupid they're stupid they're going back to their base with a lot of m's they're getting obvious oh my god once i met low going up they still have a they still don't have alvin they're not getting obvious they're not getting obvious okay um uh he's on the white block right now he's at mid following he's following you you see the steps i don't know is he behind me he's right here we got him fail okay okay so they don't have obviously they don't have enough all right let me get some moms they're going mid no not yet okay they're going to lock one of them one saw their base all right what's that yellow one that meant they saw oh yeah they didn't see me i don't think i don't think so she's gonna understand isn't it oh you know see nothing else who knows who knows behind you you got the best one you don't invited but you can get the best yeah they have iron golems oh shoot they think you're on top of their base earlier do you think they're brought as like part two for one uh one's going mid they have a compass on you by the way oh are they both going good uh no just one what's that diamond in right now he's that's the one with the campus on him one's still like other base he's coming mid i'm destroying him this is risky i'm sorry they're going to blue i'm not blue yeah they know yeah they have a truck on the island on the bridge right now the pink bridge to below one of them the other one is sad top mid he dumped again no wait what where'd that thing go what is he okay cool what's he doing where's the other one uh does he have a compass no no he's just the other one had a compass this teammate knows that so he knows he's looking at the wrong stair oh he's iron arms oh my that was a little too close dude that oh my god that one clutch when he fireballed yeah that's nice oh my god i recorded that nice little oh my god oh man that was not even close technically technically speaking that was not even close 5 stars 2 star and yours is 23 meaning if we join together it makes 25 therefore i win because i guess your star now then we'd both be two apart i guess this would both be two apart meaning it would result in a tone oh i almost hit the craziest quintuple extinction you won bro you placed two blocks right you said you just don't have division i was above the blocks though i'm not spacing them shut the up no no like you need to stop with this you need to stop with that you think you did something you didn't i really did okay i think that i saw i'm dead don't worry man i got you dude he's a god yo i had a dream in this map i'm not gonna lie what you're gonna dream about nutcracker but it was weird it wasn't me oh what it was the end of the world ice age right the ice age yes it was weird so the beginning of the yeah okay we had to like uh scrap for like materials right and like we needed fire and stuff it was crazy it was crazy what does that have to do with this map at the end at the end because it was like this map i was in i was inside oh okay anyways uh the um there was this person who came in right and he like explored the whole map and it like it was weird it was like so weird and i and i had a pearl too i had a pearl and then i uh on this one right but then the black like disappeared i swear to god it was crazy i don't know why i had that dream but it's just it was crazy oh my god you had to clutch dude i had to like it's so weird so all that actually happened in your chest yes okay just to recap the dream right so um you were it was in the ice age right and you were like so snowy and it was so snowy it was so snug and you were in this map right yeah and you had to make fire and then some dude he came in here it was like i just shopped right oh you owned it it was like uh they had to like you know it was like scrap metals and stuff like that it's so weird dude i don't know i don't know how the i ended up in the dream okay and then after that happened some guy was trying to why is this guy doing this what anyways so after that some dude the sky's lily what it's literally blinking right now are we we're in the dream dude wait he can jump over a box dude why is my sky blinking okay that fixed it okay so so after that you had a you had a um shop right and some guy was trying to explode it yes i'm like exploded at the whole shop and then and then after that you you have a pearl you had a pearl and then your blo your blocks your blocks are disappearing so you have to clutch dude i'm serious that's a scary dream it's scary oh wait i forgot diamonds by the way dude so you had a clutch i think i'm joking i'm scared how is that really i don't know if it's like a like a a sign or something coming maybe we never know he's not read by that right i was actually crying dude i have weird dreams man dude you play this game a little too much if you're dreaming about nutcracker i dream a lot about a lot of things too okay whoa whoa relax easy you
Channel: meflio
Views: 3,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f-K40Kp1NZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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