From hoard to home. Insane home makeover. The Collectors House Part 1.

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[Music] so [Music] my mission today is to try and find out whether there's going to be items of value here for them they've been collecting for many years now and it's gotten obviously out of hand hopefully there's gonna be enough value here for it to make sense for all the effort we're gonna put in but uh more than anything we're gonna try very hard to come up with a good game plan to get them their house back um i think i'm just about there so once we're inside we'll do a tour and see what there is and start putting a plan into place for getting this place cleaned up melissa has come with me today to help out and i guess we'll do i don't know if we'll do any sorting today but we'll have a look around and at least see what there is so you ready for it yeah i'm looking forward to it all right let's go check it out before we go in i was noticing i remember these used to be like if you went to um uh the zoo or something and your kid was too uh too little you could push them around in that there's not that much for clutter on the outside of the house a couple little things like an old store display some sort of i think that's for um if it's a horse head i think that you grow a hedge or something through it right or vines okay let's go in there is a little bit of debris around the yard but not terrible okay sort of a back porch area here got all sorts of wicker baskets tonka fire truck some old wooden chairs what's underneath here now we've been given permission to basically root around the house and anything like this it's piled up everything's got to go everything has to go this is the 1970s fisher price airport an old tonka truck and it even has its uh spare tires still on the back there's piles of old life magazines your dad would've liked that didn't your dad like was it life magazine that your dad liked or was it uh reader's digest readers oh yeah he'd like life as well any time we found stuff like that melissa's dad dave would be interested oh look here's an old hall stand oak and little little golden books and of course old little golden books can be quite valuable and collectible okay i'm seeing some good stuff on the surface so far but we'll come back out here and we'll go we'll look in the garage after let's go in the house first uh do you want to grab the door yeah okay okay we're gonna go up and to the right hang on it's gonna get some lights on in here so more magazines in the little porch area here and they said a lot of this antique furniture like this this is kind of an interesting little side border shelf it's got all these little pockets in here for filing and it's almost like um maybe a bureau shelf almost something would have been in an office it's much different lots of ornate little work up there okay there's artwork i've asked the family to mark anything they might want to hang on to with tape so if there's no tape on it it can go if there's tape on it those are things they want to keep uh okay let's see if there's some other light so we can see what else is happening in here yeah that's kind of neat little die cast truck i don't know would that be meant to pick up model kits oh look at this right on the shelf here do you see this melissa do you know what that is i'm going to take it out very here you hold it i'm going to hand that to you keep it careful because the top comes off yeah i can see it okay any guesses what that is i know it's a container it's yeah it's austrian no surprise they like their creepy black forest kind of stuff in germany and austria but if you flip it around it's like it looks like a gourd that's actually um for tobacco that's a humidor 1800s austrian devil's face humidor really really neat piece if we if we can it was just on the shelf over there for the time being we'll just poke around and see what there is inside the house for now and then we'll come back with the crew and we'll start sorting and organizing later it looks like there's kind of a combination of antiques and collectibles there's a phrenology head you know it's the science of you know what parts of your brain you see the little hill right there yeah um there are actually antique ones there's a lot of replicas out there though but there's um some jars of stuff oh these are mid-century modern those are like your typical sort of uh little statues that you would have had back in the 50s they had lamps like that too chalkware uh what's in there animal vet equipment little uh bar keeper sets buttons military buttons maybe closures for cabinets and garage pez dispensers but look before we get too deep into this look what we have to deal with there are mountains and mountains and mountains of stuff this is just the main floor here but if we are finding some things that are somewhat collectible this might end up being a good venture i don't know just yet okay i can see why this has been a problem getting around in because there's just little walkways really to kind of get you can barely even get to the front door uh but there is you know amongst all the the clutter the bones of the house actually look pretty decent like the walls are fairly clean they're not all dusty like there is you know there is a little bit of dust going on up here and that's it's good that we're catching it now because another year or two and it would have gotten probably quite full snowplow model kits is there a light switch from here did that one over there do anything the one on the wall there's no light in here i don't think okay there's no light hanging on i'm gonna uh i'm gonna try and turn the light on the camera okay there's some new stuff a little child's typewriter i think that the owner of the house would go garage sailing or go to estate sales and so who knows what's in here it looks like they bought just a little bit of everything and the intention was to resell these items at some point but it just never happened that's a these are kind of fun you know what this is yeah see he's got his leg up like he's uh marking his territory and that holds your door that's an old scotty dog doorstop um that looks like a chalet glass voz behind it or a similar sort of mid-century kind of oz hey look that clock it's a dalek from doctor who and i can see those price tags on here some things are from uh goodwill or value village little statues i remember we had stock thief when i was a kid look at all these old model kits or uh board games and things do you ever have stop thief no i had payday oh you had payday oh we're gonna have to get a crew in here basically to sort well i'll have to come in on wednesday i guess and start sorting nice little uh inlaid box and then i don't want to be packing this stuff twice so anything that can go to charity will just take straight to charity anything that can go uh for sale will go for sale and if there's anything that's garbage it'll just go we'll get a dump bin this is a cool tin box yeah that looks like a poochy sort of design actually really cool there was a uh airline back in the 60s and they actually the stewardesses had uh flight uniforms that were in that sort of pattern but the i think was it antonio pucci i can never remember his name but poochie was a very famous horde designer back in the day and that kind of has that sort of feel it's probably not a poochie but it's definitely got that uh mod kind of vibe oh look there's the old barbie oh yeah kit what else is going on i mean there's so much stuff everywhere i i mean i shouldn't be surprised i'm in these sort of situations often oh look there's another fisher-price house i used to have that we're gonna be trying to build a house pretty soon we should just give this to the drafter and say just build us the fisher-price house but life size concentration game there's also i have to be careful cause there's little folk art statues and mixed in here coat racks that's kind of an eat piece that looks like a big um like an antique uh bronze door knocker off of a big door that they have framed like an asian bronze door knocker okay look mickey mouse kick man this is a quite a bit of stuff um let's continue oh i didn't even notice i was standing right over here i didn't even see there was an antique picture in a frame did you see it yeah did i yeah this is an original this isn't a print i mean it it could be a copy of a dutch painter or let's see if i can move that that's an original oil painting ah find out there's like an actual rem branch or something in here is there a name on this i think i got it oh the name is a little hard to read something may it looks dutch it does have those sort of umlauts over there could be german interesting do you think we actually need to worry about that we should get one that says beware of doug i think that was a far side cartoon i don't forget i think it was right okay but there's a uh apparently a bedroom down the hall that we've gotta look at clearing out too maybe the old metal lunch kit everyone needs a sugar daddy uh okay it's good sound advice hey that looks like a ninja turtle mask yep i can't remember who it is leonardo i can't i remember who orange was but it looks like a talking ninja turtle mask or it does something kind of neat okay and these piles of stuff just kind of continue all over the place there's another painting there almost looks like queen elizabeth doesn't it if the queen was out hunting with a shotgun she's got that sort of uh regal look a better okay there's another room here well boy underneath that pile is a bed and i can't even i can't even walk in here right now so i can't get in there to show you what there is but look busy b game from marx that's gotta be from the 50s i would say little things that uh you know a person thought was collectible look at the old flashlight look at this that's cool yeah it's like your 50s kind of flashlight there's artwork little bits of jewelry lying around i think that once we start going through and emptying out these rooms we'll have a few surprises all the old suitcases there's a duck head over there like an actual duck head no oh oh yeah that's kind of cool yeah i like that very folk art um okay so we've got on the main floor we can actually we can walk in this hallway so this isn't all that bad and these look like pieces that they want to use so far in this uh in the upstairs it looks like just the living room and kitchen in this bedroom needs some tlc let's go look in the basement see what there is yeah i'm coming you got the light yeah okay trying to start just in this front entrance like um sure is this sort of a hallway down here um the like the design of the house looks like it was renovated not that long ago this is interesting oh this sort of statue it has ear on the side and the talk talk eat talk blurb yeah this is either this reminds me something you'd see it like the you know science to teach kids about your you know that's what it reminded me of too but obviously this is uh it's clay sort of a pyramid with the is sight on the other side yep there's a big eyeball there that's pretty cool and there's some artwork on the wall more piles of boxes and bags and who knows what uh okay this room's looking pretty full down here a little sideboard it needs new glass but that's not a big deal well these are kind of cool they're old store displays for putting gloves on or rings like that could have been in a jewelry store and you'd put the the ring on the finger or you know if you had a bracelet or something or even a glove holding it yeah pretty neat butter turns glass churns uh patchwork quilts and i'll have to find out from them what clothing because sometimes vintage clothing as we know can be collectible oh i don't know exactly how much of this they want to sell or not you know there's a little room hidden around the corner there should we go check it out there's uh [Music] hang on there's a room here too i didn't even see this was a door here the glass knob see if i can't can i fit in here if i can even get my foot through oh okay i am in i have made it old pillows careful of the glass too cool christmas pillows oh yeah there's a lot of glassware in here a lot of old glassware 50s kind of shot glasses and what else is in here oh look there's just randomly like a sculpture of a head a little wooden dude hanging out he looks like he's leave me alone i've been here for ages it actually looks like he's using the bathroom in the corner you're like hey you done grandpa's not done yet okay oh my goodness um desk lamps that's um probably had uh smoked salmon in it at one point so some of these these things are gonna be collectible and desirable and others aren't but um i can see we're gonna need an awful lot of boxes because all of this is gonna have to get transported these um these stools are these yeah these little stools could be quite old with the uh uh woven seats it's woven seat cushions um there's a picture that um i think was van gogh did vincent's chair with pipe and the chair that his pipe is sitting on is one of these woven style antique dutch kind of chairs okay without doing that like we're just scratching the surface here today there's tea there's old you know tins candelabras there's clocks it is starting to feel like a lot of stuff isn't it yeah it's i i like the pot hanging from the oh yeah well actually those enamelware pots are pretty desirable there are lots of people who collect and buy i don't blame them and i'm aware you like enamel wear stuff okay look there's rotisserie still in the box okay let's go check out the rest of the basement oh look worn air that's an airline doesn't exist anymore actually there's another bag inside of it but the water air bag is pretty cool old travel bags are kind of back in fashion now people are replicating them new to look like they're old you got it okay my button got caught can you can you squeeze your way over that other door yeah that one over there uh through here maybe well hang on maybe we can get to it from the other side because this basement oh well let's see if i mean maybe we can walk around that side of the wall and we don't have to open the door like maybe it doesn't go anywhere we'll find out we'll we'll explore there's a door right there that we're trying to see if we can access but i think it does join okay i peeked early that's a nice suitcase actually even this little stand that this piece of art is on oh look this stuff in the drawers that's a nice little uh you know what that almost reminds me of like um an ambarola uh gramophone stand that you put your gramophone on top of and then you put your amber roller reels in the drawers might be what that's for oh did you find the light switch i was watching for it to turn on here so i was flicking it off and on okay oh boy this basement's pretty packed oh my goodness we have to deal with all this stuff down i here it's as much work as it is it's kind of exciting as well it's like a treasure hunt it is a treasure hunt it is yeah okay let's let me get around these little barricades here oh yeah there's stuff more stuff those are kind of neat i think the family said that they they were stationed in uh doha for a bit and i think that's where those would be from i kind of like the little uh the bag that's sitting there even with the dominion auto association the giant stp logo on it oh yeah if somebody might have had that with their car paperwork in it or something at some point okay so over the next few days we basically get to start digging through all this and seeing what's in there um i'm gonna go this way oh well this i can actually walk in this area this little desk and computer and stuff i like the uh i like the little old 40s kind of hawaiian girl is she uh yeah that's a dashboard that's an early dashboard um hula dancer pretty cool if you had an old surf and hot rod or something that'd be pretty neat oh some old phones oh there's a bottle if i can get it out of the box there we go tab maybe not that terribly old but 60s 70s maybe some records there's more records arlo guthrie kenny loggins okay here's a light switch yup i didn't even see in this one yet see look i think this goes behind where that other door oh yeah you're right there's the other side of the door but forget the door look at all the records that is a lot of records holy cow there's a lot of records oh look old christmas ornaments the glass ones these are all antique christmas ornaments what is over here anything at tinker toys yeah that's probably not that old because it's it's marked as play school they used to sell those at costco there's a mix of new things and old in here like all these paintings and artwork um somewhere in here there's a whole bunch of military metals and there's a lot of artwork there's a lot of artwork i'm gonna get the the light turned on over here so we can see what's going on look at all the records somewhat organized looks like it started off organized bands female mail artwork look all these sort of old um i think those are music sheets back there military related stuff i'm gonna see if i can walk over here if i can oh what's this it's kind of a cool little thing it's like a little wooden horse toy i guess that you'd run with as a kid kingston trio and certain records can be worth quite a bit of money it will be worthwhile to go through some of the records and see what there is i mean our goal here is to try and get as much of this all of this if i can sold or donated but it all has to leave the house i'm making my way through this path mid-century wall clock ingram all sorts of other magazines going way back oh and here's more clothes some fancy sort of silk looking stuff typewriter no oh it's a portable record player it's like a little uh portable gramophone or electric uh turntable from probably the 50s neato oh a kirby vacuum it looks like those things are pricey i mean yeah there's jackets bags and bags of records there's these old cabinets down here where are you dogs kidney pills [Music] is it full or empty okay american family scale well if my dad was here he'd be going crazy about the records if my dad was still around that is that's actually not a bad turn table that's a jvc quartz lock that's a direct drive that was a high-end nicely balanced turntable this this was uh this family was serious about their music at one point maybe we'll find some audiophile albums down here too so it's a nice little setup hitachi um amplifiers jvc quartz lock that's a good piece it's helmets meat grinders i don't know what's that um like a collage yeah with like the fortune teller oh okay fortune's on it oh boy okay lots of art there's some interesting art pieces in here oh yeah so i've noticed that a lot of the artworks there's quite a few pieces that are original might be some family photos and stuff okay oh i gotta turn the light off over here eastman kodak an old film can you turn that off but this isn't it this isn't everything there's the upstairs there's the bedroom there's all this stuff in the basement but we haven't seen apparently what the actual problem is and that's the garage oh i didn't even know that okay let's go check out the garage it's uh we there's a door over here actually yeah that's a big basket it is a big basket sometimes old baseball bats can be collectible depending on whose name is on it they would have um you know certain players that they were associated with like you could get um a lou gehrig bat or a babe ruth bat and those would be worth a lot more than just a standard one okay okie dokie then it kind of feels like a little store in here almost like a really packed store i think that's because when they started collecting the intention was to actually buy and sell stuff and that just didn't happen look there's a strawberry shortcake lunch kit an original one a little silverware old suitcases jack in the box it's a hey look it's a snoopy john oh that's a bird cage i'm i'm uh i'm looking and going oh look there's an old snoopy jack in the box in there some kind of tractor oil cans i always have to look certain oil cans be pretty collectible there is stuff all up in the ceiling too look there's more old bird cages up here that's actually really cool yeah those are kind of neat you could even use them for plants and stuff scooby dooby doo oh no like hey yikes california raisins oh that would have been my lunch kit when i was in school i had i had um oh what are those called now um no no no the stickers they're uh i used to collect them oh my goodness it's going to come to me when i least expect it that you have in the binder yeah yeah uh wacky packages that's what they are yeah i used to have a ton of those there's a folk art little uh sled up top there little i'm gonna guess that there's something inside of this let's find out yep glassware i see they had the knob turned to stop the door from opening if you find anything cool let me know let's see lamps sometimes they did these oh look there's a mr peanut kind of cookie jar or peanut jar over there again a mix of all the new oh look there's the uh green giant i think oh oh green giant but that's the um that's the little guy sprout or whatever his name was found a giant tail masher giant what was this this rack sika that's an old store display rack people buy those and there's some old bottles here let's see what there is for bottles if this was a if this was a garage sale i'd be able to find something in here for sure oh mission beverages okay it's nice when there's a few um oddball bottles that you don't see too often this is kind of cool i don't know what kind of bag this is here i'm gonna come over to where you are oh there's an old rotary phone down there pool balls where are you oh what manufactured by wells and wade yeah it's probably like a um uh like a seed spreading bag you think so yeah look this stuff over here too little games what's this oh advertising sign merit low tar cigarettes melissa hates this i've scared my woman off by the sound of that what's this picture oh that's an old um uh tobacco advertisement it's keen cutter tobacco there's a little radio there too transistor radios this really is just a little bit of everything yeah it kind of makes me wonder what else is buried in here there's one of those little wooden stage coaches i've seen those before potato gun we sell replicas of these but this is the type that you uh you poke it in a potato you ever have a potato gun melissa one oh actually that's what this might be but uh it's got the good graphics on it anyway you stick this in a potato it gets wedged in there and the pressure shoots out a wedge of potato so if you ever see your kids running around the yard with a potato and a potato gun lots of pins and brooches yeah you can see some things were priced here i think it's been years since they've actually been able to do any side sort of um yard sale in here lots and lots of games look the waltons board game the these sort of games are actually a little bit more desirable that have a show attached to it dr kildare puzzle kreskins um those are all gonna be a little bit more on the collectible side i'm gonna see if i can turn my light back on it's getting dark over here where oh yeah you like the flowery bowl yeah i think i'm seeing a theme with what i like yeah you like all the uh the 60s sort of fun themed so much fun spirograph oh this is a um a cowhide doctor's bag that's pretty cool what's inside of it star trek patterns if you want to make your own star trek outfit there you go that's pretty neat but look that's uh you don't see doctor's bags or a cow i can't even really walk over here let me see if i can just point this in this direction i have a feeling that what we're gonna have to do is just get a lot of this stuff oh there's he said they wanted to keep the snow tires it's the the one thing they wanted to keep out of this garage i don't blame them okay i'm gonna come back over to you and see what we've got going on are there things in the cupboard doors yep teapots this is a uh pretty healthy pile of stuff old lamps i see a little book there cowboy sam all right how are things over in your end of the world uh let's see cigar box close oh back cabin cool that's nicely inlaid yeah it's really cool you always like the board games and the fun stuff kitchen things and the planters and the cool stuff yep containers did you uh crawl back over in the corner yet a little do you want to go or um hang on well maybe i'll trade places with you okay can you wiggle past me okay these little ride on toys that looks like another maybe a another portable record player i'm sure that's what it's going to be judging from the weight it opens on the other side that looks more 1960s kind of pattern to me this side opens and then yep silver tone that'd be a sears brand ended up picking up a silver tone guitar the other day and it ended up being a den electro from the 50s that just had the silver tone name on it oh there's lots of tins you know all things that somebody would think you know would have some value as a collector's item to some degree but when it takes over your life it's not worth it this looks like a um another store display i feel like it almost should have handcuffs or something the way that those hands are put in there mid-century lamp there's an old chair there's a bit of furniture that looks like um i see a pocket maybe there's like a little portable pool table back there okay skis just a pile of stuff this is gonna be a fair amount of work to sort and go through all this stuff i don't even know you know i think what we're gonna have to do is have a number of uh helpers on hand to give us you know some assistance here there's no way i can do this all on my own in four days you found wildlife that is not the most attractive looking little thing or is it it probably would have had ears it would have had ears it would have been cuter if it had ears hello i've been watching you all night okay it's like they're really really soft all right i need i can't even get out this is so full in here i can't even get past you okay i'm definitely it's not you it's the stuff i know you're just little but this place is so full kind of a neat little cabinet they've got salt and pepper shaker collections in there well i think this is gonna be a real challenge to get this stuff out of here in four days i'm just saying that right now i don't know how we're gonna do it do [Music] do so that's it we have four days to clear years of collecting out of this property can it be done i'm not so sure it's going to take a real group effort to make this happen um but we're going to follow this through we're going to get the property emptied out we're getting the house cleaned up we'll do the before and after and hopefully within a couple weeks time we'll be able to give the family a big check and life will be back to normal for them well at least a new normal anyway so thanks for watching today's episode guys this is just the first walk around you got to stay tuned and watch what we find and watch us clear out this home as we turn it from a stuffed warehouse full of things back into a livable residence for these people stay tuned for more adventures guys they'll be coming very soon bye for now bye good everyone [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 336,713
Rating: 4.940556 out of 5
Keywords: Hoarders, Hoarding, Buried alive, Antiques, Curiosity inc, Alex archbold, Tlc, Discovery channel, History channel, Hgtv
Id: KhtAqLs9OFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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