Myles Kennedy - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

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He's gotten more charismatic since Slash. He still looks uncomfortable but he makes jokes and stuff now so that's good 😂

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2016 🗫︎ replies
hey what's up I'm Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge and you are watching Loudwire hey everyone Graham from Loudwire here and it's Wikipedia factor fiction time with mr. Myles Kennedy thank you so much for joining me decided thanks for good is huge uh miles Richard bass miles Richard bass Kennedy all right right Oh best Kennedy well yeah I mean there was I guess at one point there was my my mom brought that up like you can keep bass cuz it originally was miles richer bass and then I was adopted as a Kennedy when we play my stepfather but we were trying to figure out whether to keep past in the equation I was just like that's just what does it say on your driver's license miles Richard bass okay so correct born in Boston born in Boston okay they do get that wrong sometimes so we like to check so going along checked your Wikipedia page you're gonna confirm or deny and elaborate okay if you choose I it says you started playing trumpet at age ten and you were in an air guitar band at age fifteen air guitar started even earlier air guitar started probably thirteen the craft started early crashed started early with the tennis racket in front of the mirror okay so not not a true air guitar because there was something there was more than error yes racket and then it actually evolved into a like a piece of plywood that was cut into it the shape of a guitar could I played so much that my parents still have it then it's the neck is actually kind of black from although oil Emily hands yeah because is that dress no no splinters okay and then it then it evolved to even some cooler had a there was a gentleman that was at my parents church who was really cool he and he saw my love for this and he made me a Randy Rhoads style well so ox lips polka dust no no it's the story was the stripe one kind of I'm trying to member what about but that was pretty awesome before finding success as a performer you worked as a guitar instructor at Rock City Music in Spokane Washington yes all true so far okay room uh was that like a good job for you at the time did you enjoy it or was it like how this is what I gotta do to I was awesome it was great yeah it was great the only time it wasn't great I remember once I mean it was cool if the students were excited to learn and it helped me learn cuz I don't know like if I I had student show up and she wanted to learn she was awesome she wanted to learn eruption Oh she's 14 we spent eight weeks every half hour every like Tuesday transcribing eruption and she got it down and she lit she got it down pretty impressive but then there were those moments where it was like the parent would drop their eight-year-old off and did she needs somebody to babysit their kid for half-hour not a good not a good baby so no the kid just didn't really wasn't into it didn't care and didn't want to play eruption no he didn't know after developing tinnitus in 2002 you suffered from pretty major bout of depression yeah it sounds comedy do you say so yeah that sounds pretty that's ringing in the ears if anyone doesn't know I've got that too I guess oh I know I know what you mean I like to drag it is but really at the end it's like more of a mental game didn't to get past it but yeah I got it when I was like 18 from going to too many shows that's where your plug that's right where those away and every every show beyond that I absolutely where that's good and it's funny because you know when you're young people you have the older folks and you know take care of ears and you're like oh come on yeah cuz you know what the volume it brings that of the goosebumps and it's sometimes hoarse but then you wake up one day and you're like what is this ringing why can't I hear as well what is happening here and then it makes all the things they said you you know they were right and so yeah you just have to take care of years yeah it's a bummer it'll it also like earplugs like weren't really socially acceptable back then that's like if you were earplugs you feel like a goober you feel like a goober a goober was more important to not look like a goober but nowadays put in those earplugs that's right everyone's got him although you wouldn't when you admit that that when you put in earplugs it's kind of like a sonic condom it is it kind of had the same effect you know it's like it doesn't feel it doesn't feel as good when you put well when you put it in it you know I'm saying yes it's going really south really quick yes but where are condoms where yeah what the tonight is like can you tell me how you finally got past it because it sounds like it really almost ended your career it almost did before you even hit like this huge peak that you're you're at right now what what I learned with it I'm sure you figured this out it really is kind of a game you play just learn to shut it off and I know more or less in fact I I almost find a little bit of solace in it now it's like the friend in your head they just won't shut up I'm reminding you of how much you love music exactly exactly that's true so yeah it's I and also technology has made it so that with you know those in ear monitors that we wear now they're so good they've got them dialed in to where you I don't have to turn them up nearly as loud so I don't the tinnitus doesn't get worse our lawyers keep us safe yeah very good it says alter bridge was almost called one day remains in reference to Donnie Darko hmm that's a that's a good question I don't remember that whether it was gonna be called one day I don't either either actually yeah over 12 years ago that's a mark question mark mark oh okay it is from Donnie Darko Mark Tremonti off cam thank you Mark thank you very much mark we played this with him already you should watch it it says well I'm tour for Blackbird you collaborated with members of Led Zeppelin for a project that never materialized this is true that's true this is true so are there recordings of this that just haven't gotten out er um there might be your like raw recordings I I don't think there's anything it wasn't like we are in the studio and look tracking think I've people misinterpret is like there was there were songs written in a record start it was nothing like that okay so so songs written there were some jams which was there was loca there were two two tracks that they had played they were new and and I just scattered over the top and just kind of made it okay which was awesome I mean he was fun he was fun for me is pretty amazing sure is what is it that didn't allow that project to take off that's a good question because they had they it kind of that bat period started in June of 2008 and I think they kind of mold it over for a good six months as to whether they were going to do that or not with me or somebody else and then they'll find it by the end of the year decided they just weren't going to do anything then work was this going to be under the Led Zeppelin a or you know I think it was gonna be something completely different okay well regarding Led Zeppelin it says on Wikipedia at one point you were the leading candidate to replace Robert Plant for a Led Zeppelin reunion no I think you I think if you put it in those kinds of terms know that they knew you can't have let seven without Robert Plant that's that's a rough one right there even with a guy like yourself Robert no yes Robert no I wouldn't pay to see that you never know you could be Axl Rose and ac/dc I pleasant surprise well that's been great that's been awesome that's work do you never know you never know what's gonna work I suppose foot all right a little bit of fiction there a b3 you wrote the album's lyrics around the themes of faith and believing and for this reason you consider a b3 to be alter bridges darkest album yeah it's a pretty dark record it was kind of the epiphany for me at that point where's my you know I I was raised in a career in a Christian Science household and then my mom's Josiah yeah which is yeah that's heavy stuff my in fact my biological father passed away because he didn't see doctors blah blah blah and then so he was a Christian sign as well yeah yeah so that's what that and I think that's that was the beginning of my it was it that was where the seed was planted for my questioning and my frustration with with religion and then you know all through all through my youth and in early 20s I still embraced but my mom remarried a Methodist minister and I was right cool with that and and I still embraced a lot of a lot of that but then by the time I took my time we did a b3 I was really having some big questions and things weren't making sense anymore so that yeah that record it kind of documents that okay so it's a it's really at that point in your life where you or I guess turning that corner where you know maybe losing the door anyway as religion thing I mean I'm a total atheist icky than myself so no judgement for me whatsoever but it's interesting that at that point in your life is you get to document that record yeah yeah and it was and I think that was a hot not all the fans probably appreciated that because every you know that's just like religion and politics you don't talk about those things yeah its divisive but at the same time as somebody who creates and writes you kind of have to be honest about what you're feeling at that moment and so that was that kind of took a bit of uh I would say courage but it definitely wasn't something that I went into thinking it was gonna be easy yeah and it was gonna be divisive I think a lot of people did embrace that record though I think I was surprisingly like I was surprised how many people felt the same way that was what really amazed me it's like people suddenly would come up after shows and be like you know this song means this much to me because I feel the same way and that's the beauty of music totally apocalyptic love the lyrics on that record are based on some of your early experiences with drugs a little bit partying yeah partying a little bit of partying there's a song called not for me which was the Epiphany that waking up one morning and realizing okay and enough of that I don't there's a line about the dirty sunrise creeping in and that's how it felt that you there's certain things you do when you wake up the next day and you're just like that it's it was pretty it was time it was time yeah you just kind of get that moment where it's like I'm done done with this stuff I'm yeah sick and tired of feeling sick and tired that's right I mean I was never like a full-on full-blown addict or anything but I think that I I saw that the patterns that were starting to take shape because that what was funny for me is I never being the good Christian boy that I was growing up I didn't really do I didn't party much in high school even in my 20s I was is he just playing guitar time but then I suddenly did this toll about-face and my friends were like what happened you know what happened else fear it for a few years but yeah not for me was was a bad epiphany and it's time is times up for that all right so well last one uh writing on the wall from the new album the last hero is written about your frustration with people who deny climate change yeah I think um you know I once again another polarizing subject cuz they're evil who seem to think that it's not happening and it actually you know there's a there's I guess the one of the big questions is whether it's man-made or not that's I guess where some scientists are like well this is part of a natural progression this is what this is part of a cycle but there's a key line in there about the rate of change which which I learned from reading this guy or not reading but I heard an interview with a guy named Michael Eman who talks about since since uh fossil fuels were brought into the mix and how it's how rapidly and you can see the correlation with this rate of change from a climate standpoint so that's where some of that came from I mean look I'm gonna let science argue whether or not it's man-made or not regardless it something's going on sounds changing yeah in my opinions might be a crazy thing to put out there but maybe we should listen to scientists that's brilliant I like listening to elections I want my science from the scientists I grew I totally agree that's just me that that's me me too alright well I want to thank you so much for playing our game alter bridge the last hero is out October 7th pick it up Myles Kennedy everybody [Music]
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 450,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Myles Kennedy, Alter Bridge, Loudwire, Wikipedia Fact or Fiction, Wikipedia, Interview, Wiki, Slash
Id: MvinUAWZ7R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2016
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