INSANE 200% Attack-Speed Monk Class! | Tiny Rogues

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hello everybody s here again with another tiny roges run the best action Rog light currently out there and today I'm going to play with the mon which is pretty much Goku I would say hits with body damage which are punches Grant a key charge dashing consumes all key charges to Grant you key flow you cannot gain key charges while you have key flow what is that what is this we're going to run into this and I'm going to explain as is uh I am starting with dice and I'm also playing out Cinder level eight let's see how this going to go and um yeah our starting weapon is trh wooden bow minus one to all scaling very nice it's an e weapon otherwise we have Grant 30% increased body attack speed which is punches by the way and then grants 25 inre body damage body damage refers to explicitly stated body damage Trigg and your punch attacks while unarmed so if I let's let's go for the a bunch of bombs so if I'm punching here we're gaining the one stack just to be clear it's this thing here adds 30 to 60 damage to body damage and increase movement speed that's the buff we're gaining obviously we're going to go dexterity if I can again and then if I Dash here I gain crazy attack speed you see F we're attacking pretty fast here for a moment 140% more attack speed more more is multiplicative and it's the fast the best most scaling in the game uh what is this blue green and red mushroom boys we're going to talk to Green as I am a dexterity build welcome darling Explorer will you offer a marvelous adventure you take my Offspring on marvelous adventure yes okay uh you oh I seen you decided for another that is fine okay so I guess I chose correctly what does this do green cap does some damage per second each shroom GS plus five dexterity nice so it was the correct Deion so I just got plus five decks for free as a pet and do I want to go into the shop without money I don't think so we're going to stick to punches as I believe it does more damage uh the mushroom seems to just be sticking above my head hopefully it's some kind of crazy awesome event where this slowly levels up that would be insanely uh insane and awesome let's go keys of course without that much money there is no reason to go to the tavern once again we continue with punches only 400 damage there accessory are all onc common items let's go with all onomon items or just accessories the same thing let's go H let's go un common we're fighting with the good Goblin King it's going to jump and we're going to be like oh whoop who wrong attack spe Madness attack spe Madness let's go on before we lose the buff let's run away Corner play Corner play punch him punch them punch them punch him punch him punch them power up my key charges I mean I only have one right now and the thing is I cannot Dash right if I Dash then we use those said charges actually just Dash and go with attack speed now got him nice it's a weird play style not I really stick to it I will go with punches though def in the shadows activated so we're going to have a higher chance here through all some rare things all of this should be uncommon but maybe one rare would be nice rare boom nope didn't so I think this is Souls give you money uh one armor that's nice once per room on spending tools gain gold yep block and heart that's an off hand is this a two-handed weapon this is a stupid 200 weapon one block and one's good three dexterity we're going to go three dexterity why not let's continue with punches I mean we are already uh this is a dexterity scaling punch weapon so right now my punches are pretty powerful is what I would say of course I would like to do a punch build I would also like to do any weon build I'm not going to go get cursed that's stupid let's go bombs uh I would like to find some kind of weapon that I can use for the we gain attack speed part of this thing right and I want to get attack speed in general uncommons or just lock things I'm not going to go with uncommon weapons as of this moment we have a decent weapon like my punches are pretty powerful as of this very specific moment bombs keys keys keys keys keys okay that High Roll bombs and money let's go with attack speed and decks scaling pretty much punches and also fling attacks strength is also pretty much worthwhile I mean we're mainly a strength deck build is what I would say that's I think the Best of Both Worlds nice this H roll into two keys two keys or event I mean event is always a yes so event we shall go although two keys is really good uh this event is pull the lever and then oh Dwarven weapons is this event which Dwarven mean plus one on all scaling let's hope we're going to find some rare legendary yes we found a rare weapon nice B so all of these are going to be Dwarven this is a blue one this is a grass blade blue the prop knife blue and the Dwarven saw blade glaive we're going to go with this s on strength s on dexterity this is literally Godlike for us primary attacks that deal amount of damage hit multiple times inflict bleed uh perfect I don't care about the de anymore so this is my weapon so now for example I can punch punch punch punch let's go with the nonlocked things I can punch punch punch punch and then if I now dash it's going to be like and we attack extremely fast for a couple of seconds and this my noral attack spit again let's go back to punches companions we do have a companion helmet is something we don't have might as well go for it no reason to really roll also no reason to really use the mechanic of the character as of this moment we can just use the buz sauce There is no real reason as to why I should do that H dash again oh zigzag oh come on man I thought I had a dash I I forgot that I have the that's on me that's on me we didn't lose life but I lost the perfect so we're going to have only three pedals and also less chance of finding things I wanted to mention that my mistake was I I forgot that the dash has a huge cool down early game that's it on entering a boss room if you don't have soul Hearts already gain one that's nice plus five strength for the strength build I'm not going to go strength build we 10% lucky hit chance with ranged weapons I'm not sure if it will be a ranged weapons build let's go with um off hand giving us a block and also a soul heart and let's continue with the punches up the little mushroom guy there let's go into dexterity obviously let's rotate keep the weapons as we have them why not use them nice although I still believe punches do more damage right now let's see what build we're going to go to forwards you increase that from your companions based on how many companions you have I have right now one so that would pretty much give us 20 dexterity this year would make my companion give us dexterity your crits have a your crit hit chance is zero but you have hars and crit hit chance uh crushing hit chance that's a completely different build crushing hit is the you do High Roll damage that's what it is on completing a combat encounter room raise without getting damage gain damage boost 10% so this is a 10% damage boost that scales up to 100 but if you get hit you lose all of it uh I would like to go with the I have one companion and that one companion gives me decent stats like right now it's 20 decks this is straight up 20 decks and this can become a lot of things there are companions that give you decent stuff so I think we're going to go here one companion gives me the crazy buff I want is that true that I want that let's do it why not I just got 15 yeah 20 decks out of one companion I enjoy this uh let's go with the money honestly I only have one key and I don't want to waste it right now on a reward room the main reason why I believe keys are useful let's go punches that was a nice hit there the main reason here we go by the way content rewards I like decks but obviously we're going to go with the good old mimics as these are literally free stuff look at all this madness and also two weapons of choice burning axe or Morning Star Morning Star is whatever burning ax is also whatever I think we're going to stick to the Dwarven saw blade of Madness uh money against shop I would say let's go shop we have 84 coins in the first place and we found strength and decks guaranteed double key is guaranteed Doo stash this is an accessory which I don't have Grant 75% increase primary attack damage but it reduces secondary attack damage well guess what I don't have secondary attacks red scarf 80% increased gold damage I mean I'm assuming this already pre counts the fact that I only have one pet right this this should be 20 and it's 80 it's not that it's 80 and it's going to become 150,000 11 coins for this is decent yeah might as well let's go Pawn Shop sell some stuff like pretty much everything uh I'm not going to go Tavern with actually yes I will go Tavern with 67 nice we roll on the curse for 10 coins I'm most likely going to go Angel path anyway now this cost five because I'm now with the good guys 52 you know what I can roll twice I'm going to try to spend my money here for the dice boy dice boy is the best one and he already is here and another dice boy sift dice boy even so so this is my event I'm a knight of the order of the silver plank Dragon which is US show me a weapon traveler and if you give him a rare or higher which I have he gives you something based on how your Cinder level is my Cinder level is eight so he giving me I guess a dice or a dice I faith in you little token of gratitude add dice this event needs fixing uh let's go with 20 coins here for dice and I think we're good to go we keep my money Dex and strength really nice roll here oh nice yeah we're doing a lot of damage rotate back to punches I'm so stupid did you see what I did I was walking with the shot until it hit me I'm not sure what I'm doing man let's stick to weapon let's stick to weapon forget that this character has an ability for a moment uh this guy's dead nice got him stack and bleed would be nice try to have him at the perfect spot he's trying to curse us and poison us at the same time and I think we got him I wouldn't say we do a lot of damage I wouldn't say we do a lot of damage and I got hit for no reason as we said but it's okay this is going to get fixed here next turn I just will only have three pedal Stills uh obviously this would be nice to be a good shop uh Marksman gloves the grand HS increase chance for range attacks to repeat this is really good range attacks get har sent uh no repeated attacks hars crit chance that's nice this is the same thing with melee though so this is the melee idea this is range idea and this is rank code which is drizz grants drizzle whenever you make a drain drizzle is a stuff a buff that grants 50% increase Stam recovery and we're not going to play that okay so the question is do I go doom and melee or do I go ranged and repeating attacks I think doom and melee is the play because otherwise I don't have a passive yeah let's go as as melee as possible 50% increase damage dealt at close range in against body damage yeah we're going to go with 3 increase damage and a good shop obviously we're going to go good as I said plus three strength that's also a yes for us and this is plus one luck after 20 turns I'm going to buy both of these and now I got this thing so this is a tuning that yoube will solve it and as I said that's plus one luck luck is always Godlike now I think the dev forgot that you can attune in the fire flames and this 20 atunement doesn't make sense atune items done so now this is oh no it's not well I guess I take my words back I was wrong instantly instantly proven wrong punch Punch or bu through the opponent's War Dash My attack speed no I want to actually play melee I want to play harson melee let's find rare melee weapon although I am seeing the heart but obviously ah I'm going to go hard I'm going to go hard I have a decent weapon as of this time and I don't want to waste my Plus One max heart here for no reason pop it boom get the money dexterity for sure B all them down you know what I don't need to specifically stick to the fact that this attack speed thing makes us a Super Saiyan and maybe I can do it here for example Super Saiyan is ready switch weapons and go I mean that's why I want the melee weapon because I wanted to be like okay hopefully it's going to be hit him both boom boom got him nice got my keys intelligence exterity obviously definitely not going to get cursed I'm not sure if there is another body team type like if there is some kind of way of doing body damage without actually dashing or punching for that matter because this here says hits with body damage does not mean I'm forced to specifically use punches body damage might be something else too I definitely know that there are boots that say that you kick but that's when you Dash when you dash you kick or something quench holy explosions that do damage let's actually test this out wait what melee mace oh that's actually oh that's actually perfect this is a purple weapon that's exactly what I wanted to be triggers an explosion on hit that deals explosion damage and it's a on strength scaling strength scaling though I'm mainly dexterity yeah mainly dexterity can I try this though I can have this out one Tavern against manaar uh Tavern hoping for a high roll into dice guy dice guy isn't here and I'm going to roll here we only have one chance and we failed at it we're going to go uh strengthen decks let's try this I mean it's a fun weapon and all obviously I want to find uh try the attack speed version of it so I'm ready let's go okay this is nice I I definitely want to find a better weapon like this so we can do exactly this move during combat periodically gain a stack of precision slashing damage inflicts rupture rupture is that the opponent take more physical damage your in combat practically trigger your on bomb effects and throw a grenade at the nearest enemy that explosion on impact this every 2.5 seconds uh this doesn't really what none of these really fit what I'm doing slashing also doesn't fit this roll them range attacks crashing hit at close range oh range damage is always close range oh both of these you know what let's let's do this range attacks do crushing hits close range and then I'm going to try to find Advanced ballistics later because I mean obviously this makes sense first as this does not do anything let's try this I'm going to play M Mele arranged character if that even makes sense as an idea let's go with off hand boots let's go with boots this guy's the one that needs to fall first punch punch punch punch yeah I know I do less damage now switch weapons and go got him now it's your turn to go down bleed him to death fire I got my I got hit block block saved us again nice it's going to get fixed obviously in the exact next room once again we are losing the meta progression we have graded but that does not matter nice found a rare one let's see what this boots are your modifies to movement speed also appli damage dealt by your companion okay 17% might as well gr less Cur chance based on how evil you are I'm not even evil gr want stamina but that's um yeah no we're going to go here increase damage dealt at close range well this is irrelevant because all my range attacks are close range attacks nope that's not yet the thing the opposite right now I have that close range or crossing hits dexterity yeah we continue on do I not have a head piece no I don't queni I think this continues doing more damage let's go quench uh let's let's try this no I wouldn't see I wouldn't really say that this does more I think basa does more plus bleed is really good yeah we're playing with basa dexterities here nice Dex and strength bar oh secret secret is the chance of Lock and C taking effect both are zero so that's only useful if you're cursed which I'm not and I won't be because I have two times Sun curse okay obviously I'm doing more damage when I'm close obviously it's crashing hits after all let's go Dex this is going really well it seems like we're going to be leveling up pretty fast I just hit my block that's nice did I get cursed no but I did get hit my block dexterity against strength I'm going to say yes obviously bomb this I don't want to lose life for no reason I avoided my poison there nice got him bleeding opponent stacking forever would be nice uh you know what am I lucky yet no I'm I'm going to go arcade though 25 coins arcade might as well High roll it I mean it's completely RNG here nice we got I don't know why I got out of that I didn't see and here we got a gift box nice drink it and a weapon upgrading and another weapon upgrading I mean might as well craft my weapon why not we H roll again okay another wow we literally got a spirit heart and weapon upgrading and uh even more keys and bombs I think we're literally done with keys and bombs now yeah N9 and 10 is enough at floor five I would say okay and we got another Spirit heart okay by the way I'm going to bomb this but it's not going to give us anything I think they made it so that those never give you anything if you bomb them after you're done with them if you bomb them earlier maybe you still get something Cris bones here as always I hate the Cris mechanic but this time we do have on Chris on us so we're super safe plus one deck now I want to range attacks or here this is it during combat periodically gain crit chance Precision one second what is precision stack of precision this is the after standing Ste you gain Mark we're going to go here all range damage is always considered to be close range so now we play R close range ranged close ranged now everything should be all with the time crashing hits crashing hits means it High Rolls High Rolls by the way is a lot of damage just to be clear 282 to 682 and it always rolls to the 682 so this is a difference of triple damage or not right almost triple damage so obviously this is very important ranged weapon I would say yes honestly with nine Keys yep you get hit you get destroyed open up FBI Pap bomb Kun I might as well might as well so this is a a weapon this is still an S weapon I plus one gloves yeah I would say the increased body damage starts being useless throw some paper con this thing and then bu it I guess always bu it forget the paper n ooh ooh destroyed by the way uh just to be clear I do 50% less damage at the beginning of each phase so right now we do 50% as damage avoid get him paper kunai bombs explode them boom nice and we won very nice very nice because I have Cinder eight and one of the levels I've chosen one of the difficult settings is that opponents take 50% I do 50% less damage uh for the first 8 seconds so that the boss is some time of doing something what do we get here melee attacks get Co damage I'm not really melee build right now I'm ranged build on dash your next primary attack deals guaranteed super effective fit that's 25% more damage multiplicative one time no you're thrusting damage inflicts bleed I mean I'm already inflicting bleed thrusting is completely different I guess we're going to go here because I'm not going to go back to this ever again mushroom stays we got canoli ah this can go and I would say we take this I do have two golden dice but I'm not really sure I want them here I want to when we get something like all of them are rare I as of this specific moment I'm not even melee I want to go good right let's make sure yes we're going good so let's go into the good shop let's see if there is anything of value here a health flask not really each point of dexterity additionally grants you chance to repeat attacks this this straight up it's better than that thing Angel boots chance for CIS not work no no we're going here dexterity gives you chance to repeat attacks and this is about to give us luck but I don't care about luck when I have oh this is not at tuned right yeah it's not a tuned H let's go let's go so we have so much decks right now obviously the next thing I would like to get is decks gives you doubles the stats now that this happened Let's uh let's go so after we beat this fight we're going to tune we're going to now actually become a ranged build it's it's it's done a ranged weapon build some kind of track and bow weapon Madness I don't know so now we repeat attacks I attack once boom okay boom that was twice that was twice that was twice most of these are twice equipment might as well we do have money uh we do have keys actually money is irrelevant on this specific instance come on got him look at those High Rolls there I think it doesn't only oh we found Legendary Trigger a chain lightning that deals a lot of damage every two units moved your modifyed to Movement we also appli damage Del this is irrelevant let's sell uh the dojo wraps which is an accessory here we go equip this now uh we move and Destroy things dexterities here I mean after one turn I just got a block so once again we got it already nice and now we got electricity while moving let's go to Ponch up for a bunch of money uh I would say we sell the paper bombs I do enjoy what we already have going on for us sell the punching glove sell this sell this that was a mistake continue selling sell this too might as well I'm not going to use it at the end of the day the rest stays for sure now let's actually go to the shop the shop is selling three strength obviously we take this we buy a bum for for movement speed who cares let's also go to Tavern for dice most likely found the dice very nice found the dice very nice okay let's go for money 69 coins let's maybe not go for money I don't care about tipsiness right now the fact that I got a legendary boot that I just move around and it works out is really cool of course I want to also get this punching thing working which I can do if I want to Yol it very heavily but I don't think there is a real reason as to why to do that right like why why would I run in trying this madness when I have my build going on I do enjoy what we have what is this boxing shorts runs one stamina Godlike runs 10% increased stamina unarmed attack speed wait grants 10% increased unarmed attack speed from stamina you have 20% total currenty up to 50 what and this is what a glove world pants body armor okay we found a thing for the build this is 20% unarmed attack speed this fits the build we're going range weapon this fits the build punch punch punch punch punch and then switch weapons and look at this madness look at this madness I punch punch punch punch punch and then we open up the Super Saiyan mode the Kaio or whatever it's called boss appears in the middle of the room now punch punch punch punch punch punch punch switch weapons Kyo can look at this madness madness and this helps out with this stupidity I mean as of this moment might as well go for that turn increased damage we're losing 30% increased damage for attack speed on the conscious this is stupid I I should not risk this at all what do we find cross glaive the same thing as the one we have this applies judgment though why are they all ranged weapons I'm going to roll these no I'm going to keep the rolls for everything is legendary let's just buy the cross the cross is literally the same thing with the difference being that applies judgment maybe it's better leader against judgment that's the Difference Maker here dexterity for sure uh let's go back to bleed because it seems to me that bleeds better is it better judgment maybe it's not I don't know it's two times the same weapon almost got hit there at the end level up okay dexterity gives me double the stats would be the best case scenario here the depending on crushing hit grants you five bone splinters primary attack what dealing a crushing hit which I always do by the way grants you five bone splinters primary attacks consume one bone Splinter to trigger a bone spear that deals some damage you know what this really fits this really fits uh yeah this is hson crushing hit and this is everything is a crushing hit and this says dealing a crushing hit grants you bon spins we're going with this let's go with the crushing hit idea crushing hit means you always High Roll so now we want to find stuff that increases my high roll percentage let's go here though I do want this as an idea let's go rare weapons maybe I'm going to find something that I care about uh quick hell hell Slingers quick increase attack speed and this weapon has 100% ruthless hits against the fiends and enemies ruthless hit means that my high rooll is 100% more that's multiplicative this is insane insane insane insane Queen's Undead well that's pretty unlucky because we're going the hero path I will buy this though it's quick and plus three now this is guaranteed the play B on decks C on decks a on decks what is this chainsaw Katana inflicts Rapture Rapture is a stack ailment that increase physical damage taken this is also really good four attacks per second I'm going with this though the ruthless hits is what is taking it away from me and also this is a ranged weapon which guess what ranged weapons are good for us switch here oh this attacks actually pretty fast who almost got hit there is this worth it I don't think so it feels to me like my it feels to me like this the bus is better R random blessing let's go money I don't care about blessings that much Dodge as much as I can go for the super ranged weapon this time nice got him there is a secret room there let's not lose that side of the secret rooms F potions might as well drink three drink four drink two just drink them all I don't need to keep them Shar 92 coins is enough for a Shar buy baa crossbow baa damage no uh common item common item what is this unlucky hit grand thrift is not really melee weapon against armor I mean melee weapon no I'm going to just bring this baso up to a level okay Tavern is here maybe dice yes dice I really enjoy this okay and continue on this is Dwarven this is one of the highest roll can get let's go for a kill though it's pretty useless maybe should have rolled actually with so many dice that we have at this point I should always roll if I can do so where do you think you're going I need a better range weapon I need a I mean a better I mean a legendary obviously is what I want a charm against set set could H roll into pror helmet let's go set let's go set assuming a high roll 50% is damage in the beginning of the fight still two shot them no not two shot them but did enough damage here this is a COR play you just stay in the corner and you dash through and win easy enough easy enough and we have so much life I think we got this easily with Goku who isn't actually Goku I mean we're going to become Goku when we get a weapon of choice I don't enjoy this for machine gun Madness this is cool for machine gun Madness but I wouldn't say the weapon itself is good I want something that covers the whole screen and it's tracking and whatnot okay first of all none of these is the petor helmet uh just to run through this tipsiness what is this haste whenever you make it yeah the rain boy Elden Shield rolling boys R them the other dice is the other D I'm going to keep Forever Until I find a legendary pedal thing I don't want to waste it this is not it I think it's not it no it's not it Thunder Mask Thunder God Zeal Grant plus five Stacks to lightning T lightning damage hard when revived increase attack speed what and then on dash gain Rhythm rhythm is yeah the thing no who cares increased chance against enemies affected by damage over time effects that's assassin thing no I guess increase lightning damage I guess increase lightning damage and then there are also gauntlets so we might get the set going there is no downside to this I'm at exactly 100 equipment load we need to increase my equipment load or I'm going to just get that dexterity give usually double the stats and then my whole build is not going to be working are we already good enough to actually YOLO into this yes we're at plus five let's YOLO our stats away our our souls away obviously we're going to get one more Dash here come on use that plus one stamina so now this these pens give us even more attack speed which I'm not really using though wh run away run away all the time from everything laser boys got them got him plus three decks and a secret and a bomb I would say key nice Definitely bomb now hit however many Opps we can as fast as we can in the beginning good thing we have three dashes otherwise guaranteed getting hit there flask that's useless that's completely useless plus intelligent strength perfect I mean not perfect best casear would be strength and dexterity but uh strength is good got it punch shop let's sell one two most likely definitely one dexterity there definitely two and my question is should I sell this it fits the build increased unarmed attack unarmed attack speed right I think this really fits man this here but at the same time I also believe it's stupid so let's let's sell the stupid I can still do the meme anyway I don't need to specifically have a build for that very thing I don't need to specifically have attack speed on my gloves I can still try to YOLO punch five times and then get the attack speed multiplier uh I would say money I would say roll strength yes once again we will have inventory management issues anyway I mean once again if I get the Double Dash I will invest into the Double Dash uh not Double Dash double uh decks come on double decks let's go when you inflict bleed you also inflict the stack of poison based on the same infliction damage I mean this works right now on combat start taking damage perform war cry taunts all enemies in the room on combat start and on taking damage taunt is is 35% more damage on close range I mean I'm always close range this is for the first 8 seconds do 35% more damage that's what this is and I think this is good after not attacking no I think this is good the war cry really feels good because 35% more damage otherwise Roll n I think the idea is we run in a room and highroll crushing hit just everything to death within seconds that's what I think my plan is that includes bosses like we smash him in the face magic damage armor D and 8 seconds is not a little right it's it's not like oh we have only 8 seconds go go go go no 8 seconds is a lot of time I would say key for a set item yeah this here for example was less than 8 seconds so I cleared the whole room within the time frame Halloween Cape periodically fear all enemies in the room fear is 50% to minimum damage roll I this is useless to us because I always always uh high damage because that's literally what the build is and we're going to roll into dice again nope no no no no no no no no no no no that's not the roll this is the roll dice dice dice dice Kaboom nope uh we got antic curse useless though nice nice nice nice nice nice C boom nope let's go again nice C boom well that's us wasting money let's actually go with lucky potions yes we got two let's drink one and I'm I'm going to get three let's get them all and I don't have money so let's go get some money nice almost got hit by the laser there but we got wow that was a high roll there let's see how much we're going to get safe bet almost nothing range weapon guaranteed yes let's see how much this boss is going to survive I don't think it's going to survive that much boss is toast uh it is getting blood to death though but it is still still host nice now it's good chance to punch him and now I got some stacks of punchiness and now we're going to go with Bas Madness appear man disappear whoops still alive still alive he's bleeding to death we got him so I think this is how we play this at the start of the fight I can run in punch him I mean look how fast we're punching without any Buffs and punches whatsoever so I just run in P punch and then switch weapons and dead let's see what we rolled into this here first of all a pineapple Cannon let's go armor break explosions no harp we deck nope this is decent maybe quick bazooka increase attack speed attacks very slowly though actually this attack slowly is not bad because we can give it attack speed it's a two-handed weapon though which is not good ballista construction manual what thrusting ballistas with their primary attack but let's actually try this for a moment can I be like boom boom I can have up to two okay oh I can just set them up and then be okay okay okay got it let's go good shop I would say not that we're going to find anything here 10% increase damage based on how good you are I mean I don't have 23 Souls that's Godlike also I don't have 15 souls and I also don't have 26 hes very very sad but let's go on uh it is what it is we got three God Ralls there me without us having the ability to get them so we run in set up the ballistas boom boom and then just attack b style almost got hit there the ballista seem to stay for the whole fight I guess so that's no they don't epic weapons yes the time has come for us to get a Godlike weapon at long last Chlor blast plus three quick insane this is perfect for us I would say this is nature damage I don't know why that matters I don't think it matters that this nature damage boom a rank and this is also a ranged weapon which uh primary attacks deal less amount of damage and triggers an explosion so this obviously a boomerang and this is Happy trinker drop crossbo the lucky hit chance dealing damage crit hits with this weapon cause the next attack of this weapon to repeat repeat attacks of this weapon the en lucky hit chance uh which is all the attacks because I always repeat I have repeating from this from from something I have repeating attacks from this thing so we have repeating attacks anyway we are already in this repeating part build the crit hits repeat is irrelevant to us because we mainly care about the repeat attacks have and lucky hit I think we're going to go with this twinker trap chloro blast blow plus three this is also cool this is definitely good 6.48 attacks per second s on scaling a on scaling this is on Lucky hits what do I want to go lucky hits I mean lucky hits are double rolling crits and my crits are 8% you know what I'm I'm going with a Chlor blast blow bow let's go with this that's what I want to try that's what we're going with oh look at how this fires does this have piercing shots I don't know uh the ballistas do I care about the ballistas that's a good question you know what let's send this off and I guess we can care for the ballistas set items o yes we might roll the pror go set these up and then are these tracking they're not tracking that's good to know oh they are they seem to be going a bit sideways maybe they are a bit tracking wedding dress n might as well for the money this is a nice little chesty boy uh yeah they are TR no no they are tracking I just saw it I'm trying to miss on purpose and they all go exactly On Target rically Mark all enemies with a hun Mark alus quiver we found the legendary nice that's really nice we found legendary and hun Mark is that we gain 25% like hit chance and guaranteed luck hit on the mark every 4 seconds the whole map it says so this this is off hand which guess what Quivers are the only off hand you actually can have when you have a bow care gaves one armor against lightning when you move no I do enjoy my liting when I move two stamina I mean no 30% increase damage Out close render is good and also Clos range Critical Hits Grant you berserk is going to be very nice when I find my helmet that I'm still waiting for so let's go uh is there anything that I don't care about here I guess I would like to get rid of any set items so that I don't find the set items when I find set items uh let's go not with 16 let's go inventory yeah these are hars and tracking so that's nice to see oh I got hit blindness nice see what we get I would like you know what I need to set these up dexterity intelligence yes set these up and then go yeah yeah yeah yeah and now we're going to also have my pet on the ground my machine gun pettiness set up my ballistas nice nice nice Mele weapon or set item I would say set item we still are searching for those two set items we have attack ballistas I wouldn't say we do that much damage though that's definitely something I wouldn't really say okay we found increased damage at close range isn't this the RS in the ruthless head ruthless H is highend wow so we're going for prior which is helmet and armor and this is belts and Boots which is the full set of what I'm trying to create this is the repeat attacks though I'm only going to wear this accessory if slash when I get my um the the other one if I get the boots if I get the boots I'm going to switch to the war belt because 100% ruthless hit means 100% more multiplicatively top end damage and I always hit Top End damage so everything binds together we're going to go where are we stat wise I would say let's try to get the level uh we're about to fight the Slime boss okay so I'm ready for this come on give me set items no no let's go Keys obviously maybe you should have roll those I'm going to guaranteed roll everything on the boss fight here uh dexterity against strength I would say no because we're going to have no I would say yes I do have an anti curse I have two antic curse I I would have preferred if it was plus one plus one instead of plus one minus one also drink five and now we want set items I would say trying to either roll the pator armor or roll the even the Thunder Mask or the warlord belt like we have so many choices here as to we have three set items that if I get any of these it's going to help us so let's do that let's go set items let's also drink luck P which I forgot nice I wouldn't say we have the highest damage we ever had but it is something who let's also set up the ballistas here so that we start having some DPS buddies nice let's set up new ballistas in the middle of the map nope stop setting up ballista buddies whoop stay away stay away stay away Dash through for safeness dash through for safety come on Das through for safety machine gun us set up some more ballistas run away and we got them and we got them nice nice I think the main big bosses are the ones that I'm going to punch down and then machine gun Madness to death let's see how a triple choice is going to be this is a moon this is I think one of the ones that but prer is here so crit hit chance at close range and crit hits gives us berserk and berserk is 20% multiply out of attack speed and movement speed and we also found the boots equipment load and ruthless hits I mean obviously the helmet is a play here because the Thunder helmet does nothing while if I switch into this the boots do something right also equipment load is such a weird thing so this is this is going to give us ruthless hits now if I take it 100% ruthless that's it and this is going to give us 20% crit chance and berserk so we go with this and now I'm literally only missing the boots for the war belt thing nice so now every time my crit which is 28% as of this moment I don't have the thing that says I can't crit right I don't have the thing that says I can't crit so right now my crit is 10% and in close range which all my attacks are close range is 30% and when I crit I get berserk berserk gives multiplicative attack speed and everything within everything Madness should enso at least that's what I think here yeah look at how fast we're attacking not really sure if it's visible how fast this madness is going on we got a level and now I want to get the exter gives you double the stats and then we won unlucky hit cheap shot increase secondary attack while you have Mark which I always have by the way your primary attacks at far range which none of them are okay this is useless trigger lightning effect grants you increase fire damage fire increases you increase coold damage cold increasing go um lightning draining accumulated magic no no no roll the way T of 10 primary attacks get trigger Mania trigger Mania is wait what trigger Mania is a motion buff that grants arms to increase trigger damage and last for 4 seconds I mean 10 primary attacks is a joke trigger damage is things that say when XYZ happens for example this trigger a chain lightning whenever you attack uh that's it actually I don't have that much trigger damage these are not trigger damages oh this is also trigger damage dealing crushing hits grants you five primary attacks consume one bones to trigger a bone uh I don't think I want any of these let's roll one more time when you taunt or Charm enemies gain arrogance I am taunting them the moment I enter the room arrogance is is an emotion buff thats increased damage with non crits I'm almost I'm not always critting on the tal five primary attacks that's nice your next primary attack deals a guaranteed crit and triggers your on dash not that good after standing still Mark the enemies each point of Mana okay I mean only these two are the choice so either I go with this HS increase damage with non- crits which is nice because I do 30% crit chance so I'm not always critting anyway and this is on T your five primary attacks your next attack is a crit my crits are double damage right yeah my crits are double damage I don't have any on dash effects going on I think we go with this one second cool on when you taunt or Charm an enemy this lasts for 8 seconds I taunt everybody when I go into the room right War CR that tauns all enemies I think we're going with this I think we're going with the we open the room with explosions you run in a room and just everything dies which is not actually what's happening so that's not good who let's go on two SW Hearts definitely my high damage is definitely the beginning of the fight though that's that's definitely sure which is not really that good because bosses are going to have the opposite effect going on for us like when a boss fight starts for 8 seconds we do half damage and that's pretty much when my damage is the highest one Shop sell this I don't want the ballistas anymore I want to be able to punch sell this this definitely stays sell this uh do we have a luck potion active that's a Lu potion right yep so the bus saw and I think we're ready still waiting for the belt plus boot combo and I don't have gloves Tavern off we go maybe even more dice nope Underground Market how good am I am I good enough to be allowed to go down there I'm at plus five so I am allowed to go down there let's go down there there I might not even buy anything oan boom Bounty 10 rooms of a bunch of stats M increase lightning damage not really selfish storage for 10 rooms you gain crit chance attack this is also decent both of those Buffs are decent for 10 rooms your modifiers to movement speed also apply to stamina recovery speed at the same value uh I mean 27% movement speed that's decent burning what period nearest enemy for damage cares a pet that gives increased attack speed 20% attack speed against 20 dexterity we're going to go 20 dexterity as 20 dexterity is 20 attack speed appr the Gunner level by one not really we're not going to get any of those Hunter Mark trigger and Ma maximizes all your active T counters not really we're not playing that build jack up grants arm increase luck damage with lucky hits no okay so from all of these choices only the Buffs matter but I'm not going to become evil because of the Buffs so let's just leave and I'm going to roll into the dice as always and we're going to also sip sip sip nice here we go with dice thank you and here we're going to sip sip sip I would say let's just get the damage this is damage over time and this is attack speed uh might as well go with one attack speed attack speeds okay let's go boom boom boom boom nice let's go dexterity attack speed Madness o I don't even see the bones I think it's the bone arrows right yeah it's the bone arrows We Shoot Out secret and event obviously always event brutal tonic sickle each point of strength grants 1% crit hit chance to this weapon 11 right now flashing multiple hits what oh this looks awesome okay let's break these bunch of souls nice Soul Shop let's actually try this for one room yeah it's good but let's rotate back to the tracking shoting machine gun bows let's have this away because I want to maybe do punches nice let's go stat gain and I guess repair I guess money why would they repair punches and then Dash and oh yeah the difference is huge the difference is huge because this is multiplicative man this this thing is multiplicative and that's insane let's go with potion potions nope nobody's attacking us we are a Super Saiyan let's drink this final rest H I would say all legendary is what I would like to get here so let's try to roll into that all legendary I believe in my luck all rare or legendary easy enough always try to roll into that and let's also go with uh gain a stat gain and what stat should we gain how about dashes and let's go on and this time I really want to try this punch punch punch punch and get my stats up and then Dash and Destroy them let's go P punch got my stacks up let's go look at this madness of attack speed got him boys and now I need to I still have the buff and there Buff's running out and the buff run out nice let's go back to punches and I got hit of course I had the perfect under room and I got hit at the boss fight which makes sense because that's what is supposed to happen we're rotating back to punches go here in the middle and get my stacks up let's go machine gun Madness I think I got hit yep I got hit it's okay I'm having my fun and we're at six life six life I think is enough to continue surviving and going through the next bosses we're going to heal a bit more for sure let's see what my legendaries are we already have gotten hit before so I would have gotten three pedestals anyway this is good as I'm seeing plus one weapon damage this is plus 10% multiplicative damage that's what weapon upgrades do pratically trigger two dust devils 10 units moved who cares three armor pieces honestly 10% multiplicative damage or roll these what would the re the reroll would either go for amulet or glove or the charm we already got here I think I'm going for this we got the charm and I'm going to get another everything is legendary on the next boss fight we have 15 of these so we should be able to do that and I have four dashes and 3D spirit so that means we're going to get another Dash uh double checking that we're on the good path Plus if you're good we're on the good path off we go I mean we're Goku obviously we're going to go ahead and kill God for some reason because we're Goku I have not found a legendary weapon yet uh let's definitely go with one more of these I'm going to say dashes again nice a s heart I would say let's just Dash around until the fight's over that's why we have the dashes anyway set item I would say yes on the set item we're still waiting for that one set item we're missing my attack speed is insane and we got a tox I'm not even going to pick that up Lucky hit chance I would say yes why not avoid hits here we have dashes to make us damage immune set item highest stat of course we go with highest stat should be dexterity which should then give us attack speed and crits and whatnot two decks because I'm scaling decks right now a weapon legendary obviously uh not obviously but I'm I'm I'm believing in my ha roll abilities I roll boom easy blacksmith Hammer useless I'm not even going to pick it up might as well pick it up I don't know it's not going to make a difference random potion you know what let's go with stats lucky hit I'm going to go lucky hit I don't want to roll on my red dice away because I want to use them for all the choices are legendary when the boss comes so let's keep them for that legendary weapon let's go I mean previously it was a rare one so I'm very eager here that we're going to get legendary but who knows scar shot crossbow does it look cool I mean it definitely looks cool but it's not my choro blast let's continue with set items I'm wasting all my Dice and everything else we have obviously boom G touch does nothing unless I get a second one then I get 83% damage and it wants a crown and I have a crown we're not even going to pick it up resting place everything is legendary we somehow got it without even trying let's go so as far as I remember this Dragon you can run him down in the very beginning and then I should be afraid of him yep he goes in the corner and now I switch and we go with machine guny H stay away from the dice stay away from the Stars dashing through dashing through got him let's go back to punches or not oh we ski this phase because this phase is very easy on phase one but it's very me on Phase 2 so you know you're just in the middle very very simplistic maneuver kill him with punches rotate back to weapon do not Dash do not Dash do not Dash do not Dash do not Dash do not Dash and I got him and now I can Dash actually because I have the Ki ready let's go machine gun Godless look at all the shots going Wherever by the way if you want to avoid these just stay as far away from the line that he creates as possible Right This the sideways line he creates because those stars are the main thing that are going to get you as long as you're away from his driveby the stars are not going to get you punch punch punch punch punch punch punch and attack speed man I love it I got hit it's okay it's okay it's a bit sad because I lost the four pedestals just like this this very this very very last attack by the way got the thing this very very last attack that I got hit by made us lose the pedal stals but it's okay uh let's obviously go with plus luck potion here let's see what we find when you or your companions deal melee damage on enemy you are granted the stack of Rage melee damage is not what I'm doing so that's useless for us a primary attack Circle through lucky Cris crits ruthless and crushing I'm doing half of these already so that's useless plus two weapon Dam web no no no we're going to roll these we're going to roll these let's roll again hoping into a charm or into uh gloves or Jade bracelet maybe I mean this repeating attack is really good that's nice so the choices are you gain full speed of speed boost every second speed boost at 10% increase movement speed per stack you know what would be awesome your movement speed gives you attack speed sell the Bone Crusher get your movement speed gives you attack speed how many dark dice do I have one I don't want to roll that self repairs armor on completing an encounter or gloves gr arms increase stats granted by potion buff and the one potion I have is luck right now so uh that's just one luck you know what I'm going to get speed boost and the time has come to high roll into high riness I'm going to roll this away I don't think this this is powerful Bone Crusher dealing a crushing hit grants a bone Splinter I'm going to just say this does not do that much I'm Ying into Transcendence infusion po per yooo let's go that was a very good trade off obviously it was not a good trade off but it doesn't matter I don't think that Crush those crushing bones hit were doing even that much which H they should I mean if I want to be pragmatic about the fact of how that is supposed to be working they should be helping us but yeah we're not going to go with speed boost we're going to obviously stick to the lightning around us the speed boost idea was if I could have gotten oh trade here we go the speed boost idea is if I could have gotten the attack speed your movement speed gives you attack speed that's the play Let's see un draining and accumulated amount of Mana I'm not even doing that dynamoe dur in combat parodically increment all your active tality counters by one and you partically affects by 0.25 seconds for every two units moved uh I mean I'm going to to use that because permanent diffusion is 100% worse than this so let's just take that permanent infusion is useless okay so now I'm increasing my T counter or something which is irrelevant as I don't really have t counters in this build I just got hit because I'm not using my five dashes let's get two decks with h chance what's my crit chance I 10 okay so obviously the less you have the better it is to gain some so let's just I mean that's not really true that's only true if you have mechanics that care about critting I stat obviously let's just do loops around the map and dash once in a while easy enough we're about to fight animon which is my most liked boss uh I can take one booze which is pretty much a buff this is going to be a real fight now take this what is this holy water tequila consumption crit damage nice with damage multiplier let's go here and I think we're ready to go by the way do I play with no gloves it feels like I don't have gloves I don't have gloves I'm playing this without gloves tax a set item as the time come as the time come for the set item to carry us let's see if the set item is going to be a glove it's funny that the on item I only have the the other glove I had access to was less attack speed weapon upgrade yeah that's useless resin here we go yo we found a we found an infusion man good thing we have them not permanent anymore that doesn't make sense as a sentence but also it doesn't really matter if we have them or not I don't care about the weapons leave there let's go let's go to the final fight with punches I'm going to fight you Angel nice let's run close obviously to get my Boost on the gloves and let's begin oh machine gun look at the the bows don't even are visible man the bows aren't even it's just the line it's just the line there are no more bows in reality it's just the line that's attacking and we obviously got to win here let's rotate back to punches oh she's rainbow goddess okay punches is full I didn't really line up how to play this dash dash dash machine gun Madness she's getting hit a bunch punch again and I'm ready whoa okay I I I mean I'm ready but I don't know where she is and now we go no we're not going yet punches now we go here oh here here here and here this is lining up the attack by the way and here again ooh machine gun Madness up down we won look at this laser beam I love it the Kaio of machine gun and we actually got a perfect here at the end which is a bit weird but whatever fastest attack speeding build yet 78 seconds cool down I loved it I loved it I like the idea I mean I don't enjoy the character that much because you have to do this punching punching but specifically in boss fights is where this character works because boss fights a lot of times just sit in the middle and do nothing and you can just punch him 10 times and then do a dash and get your 200% increased attack speed boost uh which once again is multiplicative so it literally gives you triple attack speed it's not like oh you already have 200 then that another 200 is almost as if it's double no no no if you have 200 it's going to make it 600 because it's more attack speed and more is always multiplicative anyway hope you guys enjoyed that was pretty much their run we won here with my um Kaioken I guess character didn't really feel like Kaioken but it was the melee shotgun blast bow build which isn't actually melee because we had 50,000 things that made everything be melee anyway you know it is what it is tomorrow uh do you want to see a new character does anybody want to see the reaper do you want to see the Ninja do you want to see the child there are so many things here different characters that we haven't played through obviously I am unlocking in the back burner my you know the more classes that you see here in the background I do want to unlock all of these secret characters so which secret character do you want to see played or maybe even unlocked in case you already know a secret character you want to see anyway hope you guys enjoyed as always thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 31,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Action, classes, Guide, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Vampire Survivors, survivors, auto battler, rogue like, tiny rogues gameplay, tiny rogues playthrough, tiny rogues guide, survivor, survival game, bullet heaven, bullet hell, tiny rogues bullet hell, tiny rogues roguelike, tiny rogues win, dungeon explorer, bullet hell roguelike, dungeon roguelike, guneon, binding of isaac, enter the gungeon
Id: wCqSfY26sNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 17sec (3617 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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