innocent boat captain harassed by road pirates

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Without narration if anyone wants it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LSxN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly this dipshit should have been, tazed, arrested and already in jail by 1/4 of the way through this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mtodd88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The constant pausing of the video to 'translate' is fucking ridiculous. Couldn't make it past like 20 seconds

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/uGotWooshedGud πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Annoying β€œnarrator” aside, how in the fuck did the cops let this guy hold up traffic and just sit there and argue for that long? He was very obviously impaired. He would have been snatched out of the car as soon as they got that door open.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScrappyOtter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nothing more appealing than watching a guy spit sunflower seed hulls into a cup on camera.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gredr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good ole Donut Operator.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SammyLuke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why do we keep getting videos with people narrating these videos?

We don't need you to pause the video every 15 seconds to put in your joke/commentary. Please just leave the video be. It's not even worth watching now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SEND_ME_SPIDERMAN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn, people really don't like me here lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BaconOpinion πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"This sounds like the title to a donut video"



πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blacktiger811 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everyone donut here today we're gonna watch an incident together that took place in Euclid Ohio where a man had passed out inside of his vehicle at an intersection this man is hammered drunk and I'm gonna try my best to translate for you find people out there hey honestly honestly the [ __ ] are you honestly are you a police officer you're a child I'm a police officer are you crazy now did you sleep in this intersect how did you create that situation you see me parked in front of the guy so the guy can't take off and you know kill a family a field of green he says I'm walking I'm walking I know above my ride's I'm glad we know that he's walking now we can just pack it up and go home it's clear that he is walking right what are you drinking today right they tried to do that to me I over stand everything and I'm understanding worried cuz you're sleeping in this intersection you tired that's embarrassing that I never have I want you to do that anything that only brings you behalf you capitalized upon it you have your ID on you you have your ID on you let me see it you're sleeping an intersection of Mayfield and Greene it's not a crime ladies and gentlemen do you that it's not a crime to sleep passed out drunk in your car in the middle of an intersection on a busy road that's not a crime it's a [ __ ] crime dude it is a crime you're holding up traffic look at all the cars behind you let me see your I haven't committed an emergency ID can I see your ID please as soon as you commit me with an investigation this who thinks he is being so smart right now cars parked in the intersection Mayfield and Greene they're moving you're parked I was gonna move you you stop it okay do me a favor and let me see the keys of the car real quick okay I'm telling you the reason why I'm stopping who took a minute took him a minute he had to remember those big words probable cause he said as soon as you present me with probable cause does he really not think that he was passed out slumped over in his car that's the hell of a probable cause right there you're sleeping in their section I just want to make sure you're okay I just moved up here to like I just came up here like five hours my mom's house 14 801 I'm going there right now 14:08 where you're de Avenue where's that at even though how you sleep because I literally just landed okay AdWords go to freedom okay yeah just let me see your ID I told you the reason why I'm stopped you yes you're sleeping in the middle of the intersection you're holding up traffic and you're not wearing your seatbelt oh I'm not arguing at you okay let me see your ID I have probable cause to get your identification what is it you're sleeping in the intersection you're impeding traffic oh yes impeding traffic no wait he's being very patient with him I would have already pepper-sprayed his feet or or tased his it's car tires I loved his logic behind this sleeping is illegal that's what you're telling me mr. policeman huh sleeping is not illegal but didn't he just say he wasn't sleeping can I have the keys to your car [Applause] I haven't anything wrong I'm doing I'm doing like I'm going to to pick up my kids like I have not I'm not gonna cry there's no one in injury there's no damage according to Black's Law Dictionary there needs to be an injured party what is your corpus delicti next thing you know he's gonna bust out maritime law as was I just watching this you know they sure committee you're committing crime right now I need you to step out of the vehicle right now I'm not that forward in the back of the car oh man they didn't opened his vessel up I don't know what's gonna happen now that's why they call him Road pirates this bucket road pirate right here is harassing this innocent man in his vessel trying to seize its booty come on I have the right whose authority are you charging me with no crew right so I just want to have your ID I don't answer questions only only if he really really is committed to this and he really really think it's gonna work I want save you call for someone listen to her real quick when I'm not cause he's a perfect sir okay 69 17 radio okay so when you get in trouble you start yelling Obama Obama he says do you know Obama and she said no I don't know a mom he said well whatever it is excellent argument you have there sir next time I got pulled over I'm just gonna start yelling Obama when he walks up to the window see what happens [Music] all right so far we have your public servant under whose authority I'm driving a vessel and I'm also walking also I'm thinking he he's pretty sure a maritime law works here while he's walking his boat down the road to sleep [Music] why didn't they just shoot him in the leg that's what I'm wondering for the stop your sleeping your proper cross proper cause what's your proper calls big words are getting harder you're impeding for your you are you are public official so what is your problem cause for this public infraction you're impeding got you there Road pirate perfect right now oh you're failing what am i doing am i close in the woods your car is in park in the center of the intersection I'm not causing emergency it's anybody bleeding is there damage to a few there it is there it is there's got to be there's got to be an injury right there's gonna be an injured party somebody's been watching too much YouTube I don't I don't see what you just said it was a vessel don't you deny the fact that you're in your boat she's going beyond beyond her job we're just trying to get your ID that's it you're impeding the traffic got Mayfield Road and you're failing to identify your agenda let go sit straight armbar takedown oh and then taste his feet I'm just saying but if he puts his foot down on that gas and he drives over there the hibachi one in the background and kills a whole family straight to him Bart take down pepper spray his hands I think it's funny to how he's like well that traffic and if you looked when the officer was walking up to the car there was already like two miles of cars behind him Bessel's it's his logic now if my hands are not red then you cannot charge me probable cause have I committed what are you the drink I don't understand I don't understand overs hand your your laws or regulations okay so if I'm free to go no no who's good try good try authority I need you to identify yourself I just asked you you just you just you just got that I show my hands right I see your hands yes okay I need to see your ID though okay under whose authority mine who are you date of Ohio who are you I'm officer Patrick Asaf you good Police Department you are who officer Patrick with South Euclid you officer yes so I just want action under the words big words are hard I'm from the world so citizen it's just god damn it you wrote Pires he's just trying to walk his boat down the road while sleeping in the world what is your what is your part fraction who are you who are you right now I told you that we have orange orange pants of a rental car you have a rental car my keys in my police car the art police are our of them it's not a rental car is south vehicle police department he's so drunk he doesn't know it's a police officer any things that you driving a rental car around I don't I don't I don't recognize any car I don't recognize I don't recognize any no no I'm not please please don't please don't please doctor come the gloves what I'm recognizing is there's two public public officials who are forcing me into whatever they feel in their power to you know in his mind he thinks he's getting out of this right now like he thinks he's just just talking his way right out of this they're gonna bring the chief out the Chiefs gonna apologize everything's gonna be okay because it is not illegal to sleep in your boat while driving down the street in the world honest no no [ __ ] you don't many friends I can see that ice telling the truth about something something about five 11 year olds 3 10 year olds - 6 year olds and a 1 year to periodically remind these road pirates that you have a no probable cause sir behind the wheel but that's not that's that's not did you really still think that he didn't fall asleep in the car that's not the probable cause in an emergency though I am free to to to like operate operate freely its longest I'm not causing any one universe back up you're making this traffic I'm ask you it's about time to tase this vehicle [Applause] [Applause] because you already have your business let's talk business the cops are committing felonies and frauds with the red lights on their vessels while he sells down the down the world asleep your declare numbers have a committee which I have not I've not I don't I don't have any damage tonight tonight private means I have no dealings I am not stolen anything okay okay I don't know anything I am NOT robbed anyone I am NOT anything wrong honestly I have not done a wrong has had to gear identification that's all as soon as you tell me what I did wrong I don't believe in a sovereign citizen I am I am me I am me [Music] no because you're trying to you're trying to oppose authority over my person and I am NOT a person so another person I am a human flesh me but a person I'm a human flesh and being in a boat conveying myself by twelve children I know the brakes so that shuts you down because you're identifying with the person I'm not shut down take that road pirates pirates zero not a person a vessel to your right are you are you are you I don't see you I don't see this get out of your boat sir is he getting drunker I mean no no no there's the k-9 handler okay so she just acknowledged her service really something you guys know there's no one no one no one on this earth that is a police officer after 1929 now this is there anymore because that 229 stated that a police officer has to be elected 1929 stated that any person that's a police officer after 1929 is not a police officer what kind of Shortbus sovereign citizen [ __ ] is that that's the only thing I want to actually 2018 the only elected law enforcement official there's a sheriff he's the only elected official was she I'm not talking about nobody else you saw them I swear I'm tell my heart is he gonna like this I'm some water inland what is that what is the chart I just got here so you're the one that's claiming to be a song cover to be any right I really don't don't don't trust me don't trust we are Quigley with anything sir I'm a man I'm a man like you're a man like he's me so I wanna ask you a question I want to add superstar cost to publicly stopped me your sleep area in it way I do wrong it's sleeping is sleeping sleep we're back to that oh we're going in circles now is sleeping for just sleeping so guess what I'm for what crying impeding traffic and failure failing to identify yourself yes I didn't find myself what was the crime that I was committed for you guys have to commit me with the crime to commit me with a crime you're committed of being a dumbass that's what it's done anything wrong see that's the part of your job that day they didn't teach you at the academy they didn't teach you that so we have to go to him he's coming he's coming he's coming oh man I see some stripes that's who's coming he's putting his gloves on - no I'm just trying to understand why these public servants are trying to choke I know the public service oh man the headline on this one is gonna be boat captain charges public servants with felonies because he's flesh and blood anyways everyone if you're still here and actually watching this and you haven't gone crazy from having listened to the boat captain explained himself for over twenty two minutes let me know what you thought about this in the comments below everybody please have a fantastic day [Music]
Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 2,431,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donut, operator
Id: -nuzcEKR8_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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