Inkscape for Beginners: Layered Sphere Icon

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this very simple layered sphere icon using Inkscape and this is similar to another tutorial I did a while back but this one is a little different it's a little more simplified and it's a quite easier to create it requires a little less time so let me minimize this and we'll get started here in Inkscape and if you want to make Inkscape appear dark and with these custom icons like I have here on my screen I'll have a link to that information in the description so the first thing I'm going to do an escape is make sure that the view is set to custom and I'm going to zoom in at a hundred percent zoom one two one and then I'm going to open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button right there and the first thing I'm going to do is create a wireframe severe and we could do that by going to extensions render and down here wireframe sphere and let's go ahead and click a live preview so we could see what that looks like and for the input the lines of latitude we want six lines of longitude 14 well this doesn't really matter but I just have it at 14 you can leave yours whatever it set at tilt 25 degrees rotation 120 degrees and radius at a hundred pixels and make sure you have a hide lines behind the severe check to make sure you have that box checked and once you have these parameters set you could just go ahead and click apply and then close out and there we have our sphere so let me zoom in on this a little bit so I can see a little better I'm just going to press plus in the keyboard a few times and what I'm gonna do now is these this is actually a group of strokes of Bezier like like a Bezier strokes grouped together so I'm gonna ungroup this I'll click the button that says ungroup selected objects and I'm gonna have to click it again because it seems to be grouped twice so let me click it again and now you see we have ungrouped a bunch of different lines here let me click off of it deselect everything and you'll see all these separate lines here like that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and delete all of the lines of longitude I believe it is it's these vertical lines right here you can just click on it and press Delete to get rid of them like that and then there's this other line down here that doesn't look like it belongs there I'm gonna get rid of that as well you should press Delete and once it looks like this we can click and drag over all of this and we can convert this from a stroke to a path by going to path stroke the path and then we're gonna unify it all together by going to path Union and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the opacity and bring this down about in half and then I'm gonna go to path break apart and it's gonna break it up into all these little individual pieces and we can click off of the graphic to deselect everything what I want to do now is I want to grab the giant I mean the the the big circle that's in the background here if you notice this is all separate pieces I want to grab this one right here so let me put those back I'm gonna zoom in on this by pressing plus in the keyboard of a few times just so I can see it I want to grab this big circle back here in the background then I want to turn that red and then I want to raise that to the top with this button right here this is race selection to the top and I'll press 1 on the keyboard to zoom out and I'm gonna hold ctrl on the keyboard and just click and drag this off to the left for now we're going to put that aside for now we're going to come back to that shortly and what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna click on this little ellipse here up top and just delete that press Delete on the keyboard and then I'm gonna leave the next shape where it is and then I'll go to the next one click on that press delete get rid of that and then we'll get rid of this one down here press delete get rid of that and so we have these three shapes right here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click and drag over those three shapes and unify them all together by going to path Union and I'll bring the opacity all the way up and I'm gonna make this a shade of yellow I'm gonna go with this shade down here the ffcc zero zero there it is right there and then I'm gonna right click that and go to duplicate and I'm gonna come over to the fill tab and onto the HSL tab I'm gonna take the H row and slide that to the left a little bit just to make that more orange reddish color maybe like that and what I'll do is I'll flip this vertically by going to the button it says flip selected objects vertically and then I'll send that to the bottom by clicking this button it says lower selection to the bottom and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna zoom back in over this thing by pressing + on the keyboard a few times I come up here to the top of the graphic and I'm gonna hold ctrl on the keyboard and grab this orange piece and just click and drag this up until the edges are topping that the edges are touching the top of the yellow edge right here I'm gonna zoom in on this a little more by pressing + a little more and if you want to move the page around like I'm doing there should be little scroll bars here on the side but what I like to do is just press down the mouse-wheel and move the mouse so let me hold ctrl and just move this up a little more let me see if I could zoom in any further yeah and not too much just like that that's pretty good and I'll press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and you can see we pretty much have the shape here we have the icon pretty much done but I added a little bit of a touch to it I add like a little bit of a sheen right here and then right here I'll put a little bit of a shadow behind it and to do that I'm gonna click on these yellow shapes right here and then right click that and go to duplicate and I'll take the H row and slide that to the right just a little bit so that becomes like a brighter yellow then I'll take this circle I'll right click that and go to duplicate hold ctrl click and drag this off to the right until it's about maybe right about there and then hold shift on the keyboard and click on the yellow shapes and go to path difference and you notice we now have that it almost looked it looks like there's a little bit of a reflection of light but it's more of like a flat style so let's do the same thing with the orange shape now let's click on the orange shapes right click that go to duplicate I'll come over to the H row slide this one to the left a little bit to make that more red and I'll take this red shape raise that to the top with that button over there hold ctrl click and drag this over here and then hold shift and click on the red shapes and go to path difference and we could lower that one step so it goes beneath left to lower that twice actually one two and there we go now it's belief now it's beneath the yellow shapes right there we can click and drag over this whole thing and group it together and what we can do now is we can click on to another time to get our rotation handles and just hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag this around to steps like that and there we have it there we have our very simple layered sphere graphic like you see here in the thumbnail so that's pretty much it for today's tutorial if you have any questions let me know and as always thank you for watching
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 40,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners
Id: svCfkUAeOLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2016
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