Inkscape for Beginners: Bicycle Icon

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be showing you how to create this very simple bicycle graphic using Inkscape and at any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left hand left hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes I'm using so we'll minimize this and get started here at Inkscape the first thing I'm going to do is set the view to custom I've been zoom in at 1 to 1 and then I'm going to open up the align and distribute menu and we're going to want last selecting chosen from that drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button so the first thing I'm going to do is create a circle I'm going to grab the circles and ellipses tool and hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and click and drag to create a perfectly round circle like that then I'll bring the opacity down about in half I'll come up here to the select tool and I'm going to turn on the lock icon and where it says W for the width whatever that number is just erase the all of that and type in 200 we want to make that 200 by 200 pixels and then I'll right click that and go to duplicate I'll turn that red and I'll change the width of this to 170 hit enter I'll click and drag over both of those and I'm going to Center them on the vertical and horizontal axis and then we'll go to path difference and what I'm going to do now is this is going to represent a wheel the back wheel here so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to turn on I'm going to put an outline going around this otherwise known as a stroke hold shift in the keyboard and click on the color black right here and then I'll click on the X a let go of shift and then click on the X to get rid of the fill color and I'll bring the opacity up and there's our outlined bicycle tire and the next thing I'm going to do is create a another circle so let's come back to the circles and ellipses tool and I'll hold ctrl and shift and click and drag to create a circle we want this one to be considerably bigger than then the circle that we just drew and then let's come over here to the select we'll actually forgot something let's come back to this and let's go over to the stroke style tab and we want to make sure that the width of this is set to seven you want that to be a seven pixel stroke and after that come up here to where it says effect and make sure you have this first button turned off when scaling objects scale the stroke width by the same proportion you don't want that on we want that uncheck that turned off like that now we could take this circle and again just make sure you have this set to this circle set to a seven-point stroke as well now once you do that just hold shift and click on the other pair of circles and we'll Center that on the vertical and horizontal axis and then click off of it deselect so we can select just this other circle that we just created hold ctrl and shift and scale it in like that maybe about that much maybe a little put a little more padding in there that's pretty good and then I'm going to create a square so we'll come over to the squares and rectangles tool and I'm going to hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and just click and drag to create a big square like that I'll come over to the Select tool click on this a second time to get the rotation handles hold ctrl on the keyboard and just click and drag this around so the corners are going up right like that and then I'm going to take this and put this I'd say right about here you know what I'll put that there I'm going to hold shift and I'll click on this object and I'll Center that on the vertical axis and then align the bottom edges and then what I'm going to do now is I'm going to click and drag over that whole thing to duplicate to select it all and then we'll right-click it and go to duplicate and then hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag this off to the right then we're going to take this square right here and then hold shift and click on this outer stroke right there that outer outline that outer circle and we'll go to path cut path that we can click off of that deselect and we can take this bottom piece of the circle and just press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and there we have it's kind of like a I guess it's called a mud guard or a rain guard or something like that that sits over the wheel of a bicycle we're going to do the same thing to this to this tire as well only it's going to be positioned so we'll take this square click on it and then click on it a second time to get back to the rotation handles and hold ctrl in the keyboard we'll rotate this back around so it's sitting upright like that what I'm going to do now is I'm going to come up here to where it says snap the custom nodes I'm going to turn that on and I'm going to turn on this box that says snap from into an item's rotation Center and turn that on as well then we're going to grab this box near the bottom right corner and we're going to snap the bottom right corner into the center of that circle and that's what that tool does that snaps objects to the center point of an object so I want to snap it right to the center point that's pretty good and then we'll hold shift in the keyboard and click on this outer circle right there and again we'll go to path cut path click off of it to deselect we could take this little object and just press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that so we have our two wheels here the next step would be to create some spokes to put in here so let's go to the bezzie a pen you just click beyond you could also press B on the keyboard to get back and I'm going to zoom in on this wheel a little bit I'm going to press plus in the keyboard a few times to zoom in and you can move the page around like this by pressing down your mouse wheel and moving the mouse I'm going to put this up here and click and hold ctrl and bring that line straight down to the bottom part and then click and press ENTER to create a line like that and I'm going to make the width of this four pixels so change that to 4 and I'll press actually I'll go back to the Select tool and I'll take this object to put it out to the side and I'll press 1 on the keyboard to zoom out so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this object and I'm going to click on it a second time to get the rotation handles and I'm going to hold ctrl on the keyboard and grab one of these corner arrows and you can see we could rotate it around like this so what we're going to do is we're going to rotate it back to the upright position like this and then press the spacebar and that's going to make a copy and we can make more copies and you could just rotate this around pressing the spacebar and making copies so once we made the first copy I'm going to bring this over on a rotated two steps we're holding ctrl and left click the whole time so I'm going to rotate it two steps one two press the spacebar and then we're going to do this all around so one two space bar is another is another and as another just like that we click and drag over the whole thing group that together and then hold shift in the keyboard and click on the tire Center that on the vertical and horizontal axis and then click off of it to deselect and we'll take this those spokes that we just created right click that go to duplicate hold shift in the keyboard and click on the on the other tire Center that on the vertical and horizontal axis and then we can click off of that to deselect we can go over to the circles and ellipses tool and I'm just going to hold ctrl and shift and create another circle and we're going to come over here to the stroke style tab and change this back to 7 well press 7 go to go back to the Select tool hold shift in the keyboard and click on the tire right here and Center that on the vertical and horizontal axis and click off of it to deselect then we can take this circle right here and we could turn this we can turn the fill color white and then just hold ctrl and shift and scale it down about that much and then we could right-click that go to duplicate and hold shift click on this tire center that on the vertical and horizontal axis click off then to deselect everything so we have the two tires and the wheels and the spokes in the mudguards right here the next thing we're going to create is the frame of the bicycle so to do that I'm going to grab the squares tool squares and rectangles I'll hold ctrl and shift and click and drag to create a square about that big let me go back to the Select tool you can't see can't really tell maybe if I drag it over this object you can see there's a white fill in here we're going to get rid of that white fill by clicking on the X right here and then we're going to take this bottom corner bottom left corner and snap it to the center point of the tire right there just like that and then we'll convert this to a path by going to path object to path and I'm going to go to the Edit path by nodes tool click and drag over these two top rows of nodes and I'll hold ctrl in the keyboard and just click and drag these down so right about where they're above the the the rain guard there and then I'm going to hold ctrl and drag these over to the right maybe about that much that's pretty good just like that and then we can go back to the Select tool I'm going to take this circle right here in the middle of that tire and just raise that to the top so it's going above the frame this button right here raise selected object to the top and then let's press let's go back to our Bezier a pen we can press B on the keyboard to get that and let's snap the cursor on to this corner and click and then snap it on to that corner and click then press ENTER on the keyboard to create that line we're going to make the width of this seven just like the rest of the graphic we'll give this a rounded around to join and a rounded cap we'll go back to the Select tool and I'm going to hold ctrl and grab this top left arrow of that line and just click and drag that up maybe about that much and then we can right click that and go to duplicate and then hold ctrl on the keyboard and just click and drag this over to about here right about there right about right before the corner of the frame there and we can right click that and go to duplicate and then hold shift in the keyboard and click on the frame so we have it both selected and go to path cut path and then click off of it to deselect and we could take this object and just press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and then we could take our wheel right here let's click and drag over that entire thing and let's grab it right here in the center and put it let's snap it to the snap the center point to the end of this line that we just created click off of that to deselect we'll take this line we'll raise that to the actually know we'll take this circle right here and raise that to the top so that's going above the fork right there the fork of the bicycle click off at the deselect and let's create a seat and a handle for this thing so I'm going to zoom in by pressing plus in the keyboard a few times and I'll press B on the keyboard you get the bezzie a pen I'm going to snap to this corner right here and click and then hold control and just bring this out to the right maybe about that much and click then we get press enter I can change the width of this the stroke style we've changed that back to 7 give it a round to join in a rounded cap and I'll go to the select tool and I'm just going to hold ctrl and shift this over to the left a little bit maybe about that much and then we can come over here to the handlebars we're to create some handlebars actually and again I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse to move the page over we'll grab we'll press B on the keyboard to get the Bezier a pen will snap to this off will snap to this corner right here and click hold ctrl and bring this line out to about here and then click and then while still holding ctrl click and drag it down to about there and then click and then just press ENTER on the keyboard to create that line and again we'll change this to a seven-point stroke we'll give it a rounded cap and around to join and let's go over to the edit pads by nodes tool and let's grab this portion of the line right here and just pull that out a little bit like that and once we've done that we can click on this node and you'll see these handles pull out and what we want to do is grab that handle and just pull it out straight to the right just hold control so it's locked to go horizontally pull it out about that much and we'll do the same thing to this handle hold ctrl and pull it out about about the same distance go back to the Select tool let's press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out click off of it deselect let me see what else see what else I'm missing here all right so we're going to create the the chain wheel there so let's go back to the circles and ellipses tool and actually you know what we don't have to do that let's go to the Select tool and we could take this object and we could just duplicate that we can right click that and go to duplicate and we can grab this and snap it onto this corner right there and just hold ctrl and shift it will make that one a little bigger maybe about that much and I'm going to zoom in by pressing plus in the keyboard and we're going to create the pedals you see here I got pedals going up and down there I'll press B on the keyboard to get the back to the Bezier a pen I'll snap to the center right there and click hold control bring this line straight down and click and press enter and I'm going to make the width of this seven rounded cap and round to join go back to the Select tool we'll right-click this go to duplicate we're going to rotate this around 90 degrees clockwise or counter clockwise either one hold shift click on the the other line we just drew and we're going to align the bottom edges and click off the DES elect I'm going to the edit pads by nodes tool will click on this object hold ctrl and just click and drag this in a little bit and again hold ctrl click and drag that in a little bit I'll go back to the Select tool and again I'm just going to hold shift and click on this line just to make sure that it's still centered up on the vertical axis and then we could actually we can group that together and then we could right click that and go to duplicate and then flip that vertically and snap the object onto the center point right there but then lower that down one step lower selection one step click that a couple of times so it goes beneath the circle right there we press 1 on the keyboard to zoom out let me see what else so I'm going to put these little lines underneath the tires here just to make it look like it's riding on a surface or something and this should be pretty easy we'll just press B on the keyboard for the Bezier pen click hold ctrl bring the line straight out about that much click press Enter we're going to use our preset size of seven rounded cap and join I'll go to the select tool and I'm going to hold shift and click on the tire and make sure the bottom edges are aligned click off of it to deselect and again we'll take this one we'll right click that and go to duplicate hold control bring this over about that much I'll go to the edit pads by nodes tool and just hold ctrl and bring this node in a little bit and I'll go back to the Select tool and I'll right-click this and go to duplicate and hold ctrl and bring this over about that much and then we'll go back to the Edit path by nodes tool and hold control and take this note and just bring that over to the right about that much and there there you have it we can just click and drag over the whole thing and group it together if you notice if you go to scale it down I'm going to hold ctrl and shift if you go to scale it down like that it's going to make the lines a lot thicker but if you scale it up it's going to make the lines a lot thinner if you want to lock everything in at this size we can go and just turn this back on when scaling objects scale the stroke width by saying proportions we can just turn that back on and it will lock the stroke at whatever size it is and we could scale it up and down without any kind of distortion so that's how you can create that using Inkscape if you have any questions let me know and as always thank you for watching
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 88,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners
Id: _yb-QWsJBjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2016
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