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welcome back to Outdoor Chef life I'm taku and earlier this year we were in Japan and we did something really [Music] interesting we're back in California for a short time but earlier this year in April we met up with a guy in Japan that has a unique take on seasoning fish check it out a few months ago a follower of mine on Instagram sent me this guy uh YouTube page cuz he was doing something really interesting that I had never seen before and truly it is very interesting and I think you guys would like it too so I want to do a cloud with him so I reached out and he agreed to you know hang out with us okay so this is if you guys want to check out his channel links in the description he'll have a ton more of the stuff that he's going to show us today but more in detail and today we started out by going to this fish market check it out okay here we are this fish market oh check that out there a guy up there wow there's a ton of fish tanks in here look at that more up there oh there's something big up there oh that's a blowfish we're not going to be preparing that one today you got to be specially trained for that one so today they actually don't have too much uh options because uh it's a holiday in Japan Jaan so it's a lot less um variety of fish than it normally would be and we couldn't go to the bigger one because um it was closed today because due to the holiday oh look at that oh these are the fan shell these are so good look at those big old oysters I want one of those actually this is kegani hairy crab this is is spiny Lobster here's a fish you just bought this is a hame hame is a flounder and it's in this special water patented water and he says they'll survive in this water for a long time without any kind of airator or anything like that we got a about a hour drive ahead of us here we have [Music] our [Laughter] so he's talking about this patented water that he and a friend of his created and he won't tell me what's in it cuz it's a secret for now I guess I had to grab some of these uh big oysters we taste this fresh one wo oh on let me hold it up for you oh yeah that's nice looking oyster don't like M M M my huge yeah very fresh [Music] [Laughter] oh oh I've never looked so closely in depth anatomy of of the uh the blood vessels flying fish vending machine vending machine for spe foreign spe oh so this fish is completely dead but because the nerves oh the contraction by putting in this liquid which is just dashy you could just he's been he's done soy sauce ponu anything like that so this is he's this time he's using this dashy he say it's really tasty but what's happening is first of all when when you push it in the blood circulates out U because of this dashy you saw in the beginning some of the blood coming out and then now he's replacing the entire bloodstream with the Dashi so this flavor is going to be incorporated into the fish the meat all throughout the fish which is kind of mindblowing injecting flavor into the fish I think uh m for seasoning meod so that first method is very easy anybody can do it um now he's going to show us another method this is what I saw him do initially and that got me really like Curious in what he was doing yeah I was asking him if his videos get demonetized because of this with a lot of blood and guts and things like that and he says yes definitely like half of them get demonetized so we're trying to figure out ways to so we won't get demonetized and try to show show this process [Music] I know it's a little bit hard to see from my camera angle but if you go to his channel he's got this overhead camera view you can see completely into the gills and what's going on everything every single little detail so leave his video in the description below oh okay now I'm going to fet this the first one we did so first I'm going to score all sides juice for the take and right here we're just going to follow the bones there it is we're going to do the same with the next one as well and the smell of this one is it's so nice with the pones in there you can really I this fish just smells so good it's weird so we're going to do the same thing with this one oh the inside you can already see is definitely [Music] Brown oh it smells so good first of all let's check out the difference in color so the one on my left that was the first one with Dashi you can see that it's pretty clear still pretty white but the one next to it on the right has the ponu and it's way darker a lot more Brown and you can really see that that P really went through the entire blood vessel basically the entire circulatory system it's this just PS it in there it's become one with the fish such a cool part of this technique I thought that I really wanted to share with you guys this is amazing so now I'm going to just U cut a little bit of it and we'll Place some uh on the plate over there and we'll do a taste test we're just going to do a taste test we'll just uh cut like a quarter of it off this is uh really fun it's like a little R&D day research and development for me at least okay so here's the first piece okay okay [Music] for and we also have that's really good [Music] okay okay [Music] this is the thin muscle of the flounder oh [ __ ] m that is so so good guys that's impressive literally the the flavor it's just bursting in there and it's very sweet the dushy it's really really [Music] nice m j you want to try it come in and try it dashy has a ton of flavor cuz especially because it looks plain mhm and then you eat it and it's just bursting with flavor that is incredible that's subtle subtle mhm you don't need to dip it in any so sauce oh you you should try this one she doesn't J really doesn't like liver but it doesn't really taste that much of liver this one has a lot of flavor you think so mhm I thought this one had more flavor well that was a lot of fun and he proceeded to give us other samples of uh other fish that he'd been experimenting with one week age the S oh with dry aging and things of that nature look at that that looks great so big shout outs to Papa chedu so if you guys want to check him out links in the description for his YouTube channel um yeah we've been so so busy lately we've just been non-stop at it going at it you know and uh we actually recently got back from a trip to Mexico too and all of those videos are on the second channel uh talk from the world so that'll be linked in the description as well you guys want to check that out um check it out this an awesome time down there and I was just checking the other day how many videos I've been posting on YouTube every week consecutively and today marks 208 consecutive weeks of posting to YouTube and about 65 of those weeks having two videos and uh most of them being posted on Tuesdays obviously as you know taku Tuesday um I know I missed a few times on the Tuesdays and posted on Wednesday or Thursday but yeah we po been posting for 208 weeks consecutively and today we literally hit 700,000 subscribers that is incredible uh thank you you guys so much for that still got a long ways to go to a million um I feel like this last you know 100K has been like a very slow growth but you know what do what we got to do um it's not a race to a million I know we'll get there eventually 208 weeks consecutive you guys can check double check me on on your own too uh if you go to my videos check each each every single week when I posted but yeah that's it's quite a bit I think that's exactly 4 years posting regularly every single week without a break ooh nice as amazing as that is I'm getting a little bit burnt out so we're going to take next week off and uh break that streak unfortunately and then we'll be back to it but I really appreciate you guys sticking around all these years many more years to come oh yeah che's to [Music] 700k I'm just having a little Nat toe and raw egg with some chili crisp this is um this has been my breakfast been back in California just go to the Japanese market and fill up on that to cuz we can't get that when we're in Alaska and Mexico you know so I've been craving it a lot oh yeah thank you guys all for watching another episode and we'll see you in a couple weeks peace so much needed break for me cuz I got to actually it's not even really a break I'm just got to be working on the cookbook so still got to be working all good though oh and one more thing we also have some new merch so if you want to support and rep Outdoor Chef life links in the description thanks [Music] guys
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 107,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japanese technique, New technique, sushi, sashimi
Id: GU6pzCTnU9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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