Japanese Seabass Catch and Cook - Carpaccio and Grilled Fish

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[Music] Hey good morning guys welcome  back to another episode of fishing   life Awaji so today I'm going to start  off chasing some flounder cuz I caught   some small mackerel yesterday so I'm  going to use them for live bait fishing so here's a rig it's a single hook and the  length of the leader is a little shorter today   cuz it's got a rough bottom around here so it's  a jack mackerel small Jack mackerel it's about   I don't know 15 cm maybe flounder prefers  uh even smaller but yeah I have no choice   because this size is only what I got this  is how I hook the bait nose holes that's it [Music]   you see some 3 m rocks underneath  and some big fish at the foot of   the rock chasing the small bait above[Music] so I'm going to let the boat drift along  that rock okay so put it in the water[Music] [Music] so the boat is drifting from north to  south and there are some huge rocks underneath   it's about I don't know 3 m M to 5 m rocks  so you got to be careful of getting snagged [Music] oh no snack here's a little tip when you  get snacked on the boat fishing you move   your boat to the opposite direction and  keep bouncing a rod if you still cannot   to get it off you hold your spool and run  your boat to several different directions and I lost it this time now I have to make another  rig so this is the hook for live bait fishing so let's pick up another bait  small one this one looks good I go with this one okay so we are ready for  another chance there you go I want to let the boat drift about 0.5 knot or 0.6 knot so that the flounder will be able to catch up another rock I can feel it oh scary scary now it's 13 m deep it's quite shallow here  compared with other spots I usually fish   13 M by the way is around 40 ft no my bait is very quiet so I got to go back to the spot again and give it another drift you know  when the big fish are around the bait would go panic and keep running around so that's going  to be a good sign when the flounder is around all right ready oh no it came off came off that was a  flounder that was a little too early let's   do that again at exact the same spot so as for  flounder it is said that you have to wait about   40 seconds from The Flounder start eating  40 seconds seconds it's quite a long time   that's because the flounder eat very slowly  maybe for the first 10 or 20 seconds they're   just checking the bait whether it's okay  to eat or not so let's give it another shot come on flounder is it biting or just  the rough bottom I feel something it's quite heavy it's quite heavy  quite heavy right what's going   on what's going on is it just snacked  or what snacked or what all right all   right all right all right all right wait  wait wait I'll wait I'll wait this time I'm not going to hook I'll wait this time   wait wait wait okay maybe okay  is it okay are ready ready ready? all right fish on hooked the small very small nope that wasn't a flounder see it's a lizard  fish so we don't eat this one so I'm going to   just uh Let It Go release it goodbye and  I have to check the leader because they   got really sharp teeth see it's Boro  Boro here I have to tie it up again and about four turns or five guys look at the tip of the rod  it's shaking okay something is   biting something is biting for sure  for sure for sure all right all right oh no it's a lizard fish again lizard fish again oh shoot what's this? back okay come on come on huge huge seabass huge all right huge seabass not the flounder but it's okay okay all right Nana is so excited  to see the fish huge seabass okay so now I'm going to fillet this up the scales are not very hard it's quite  easy to come off separate the gills cut the belly skin from the  butt to take out the guts this part is quite hard it take out the gills and guts and clean up the  blood line now the fish is completely clean now   start filleting up first cut off the head  from the body cut along the pectoral fins   for both sides and finally cut off the spine  it's quite easy to cut it off if you can find   the joint you can just cut off the joint  to fillet the fish you just cut the skin first and then go deeper and deeper along  the bones then you finally hit the spine [Music] then separate the rib cage from the spine now the fish is filleted and do  the same thing to the other side [Music] now you scrape off the rib cage [Music] [Music] [Music] so I cut it into two pieces  today one for sashimi and the other for Grill [Music] [Music] now I'm going to make carpaccio of seabass [Music] so as for seabass you can  see the line along its back and the meat   can be separated easily so I like to cut  it in to three pieces back center and the belly and cut off the pin bones now you peel off the skin and slice it for carpaccio [Music] [Music] basil salt and olive oil [Music] [Music] you sprinkle some barbecue spice on a fillet [Music] carve some lines on the skin to prevent  from being bent over when it's grilled [Music]   microwave the potato for  5 minutes and peel off the skin cut it into bite-sized pieces [Music]   put on the potato starch on the skin  to make it a crispy texture when it's grilled now it's time to grill  with butter brown the skin first [Music]   and finally do that to all sides[Music] take them out from the pan now it's a turn   for vegetables and  add some sake to steam it [Music]   it's done grilled sea bass meat is tender and juicy and a skin is crispy  it tastes good and sweet
Channel: Fishing Life Awaji
Views: 631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, cooking
Id: f67u9IJfQmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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