Announcement on New Project | Coastal Harvest NZ Pipis

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welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life I'm taku and today I just woke up on the beach in New Zealand at this free campsite behind me look at this what a beautiful day couldn't be better I want to check out the tide pool today because I haven't done any of that here in New Zealand just check out what's out there but before I do I have a call to take so I'm gonna set up the star link really quick and take that call and we'll get out there [Music] thank you yeah so I just been pretty much working on the outline so far how the book's gonna go and trying to figure out the flow of the book and so a little bit in detail as well in like the specific recipes that that might go in there I just got off the call and I just signed with the publisher and I'll tell you what that means but I need some breakfast foreign a cookbook I don't actually know if I'm supposed to be sharing anything yet but oh well there it is it's not gonna be done for a while it's gonna be coming out 2025 so it's gonna um be a while and we're gonna be working on it basically for the next entire year and we're gonna have to put a lot of work into it that's for sure but should be amazing uh it's gonna be great you heard it here first I'm just making a pot of rice Johnson's here chilling with a nice view we got sunshine for now but we might have rain coming in soon it does mean a couple things though one we're gonna have to go back to the states to work on this cookbook we're gonna have to do a ton of photos and all kind of recipe working so I'm gonna have to need a home base to kind of do all of that and also go do a bunch of um outdoor photography over there as well because I want to include a lot of the West Coast my rice is bubbling I'm gonna turn that down what are you doing today like I can't see the fire [Applause] foreign I like my eggs a bit undercooked a little bit runnier anyways another thing it might mean that I might not be able to post every single week if I get too busy working on the book I'm going to try my best to keep posting every week but I'm just giving you a fair warning a heads up if I don't post every week you know why and this breakfast is so good this is something I just make all the time at home but not as much in the van because we don't have a microwave and it takes a little bit more time to make fresh rice in the morning if you guys still haven't tried the chili crisp got to give it a try I'm telling you links in the description it's delicious on everything especially meat actually like a steak it goes really well on there all right we're starting to get some rain so I gotta switch over to the GoPro uh let's just go check out the typo it's not gonna take anything just see what it looks like I just had a piece on the van break not the actual van but the uh but the sink that we have in there the drain just the drain pipe actually broke and it's leaking so I'm gonna have to fix that and might ruin our plans of uh of doing some Coastal foraging but I'll still go and take a look I was wondering if it's possible to do some poke polling kind of uh clam shells I mean that's good clams would be good I love that and obviously these are all dead ones but if there's dead ones there's live ones somewhere all right there's a Welk oh there's nothing in there but that's a Welk shell pretty cool everything here is extremely slippery I'm thinking if we had a poke pole and just poke right underneath these rocks who knows what we'll catch who knows maybe nothing lives in there but maybe something does it there's some good looking holes in there where if I was in the Bay Area I'd be like yeah there's going to be a needle in that hole right there so let's just go let's give it a shot I'm gonna go get my rod I don't have like a poke pole that I usually use I'll just use a regular rod that's already kind of has a broken tip anyways and um I don't have any bait but I saw a ton of limpets could use that for bait give it a shot might as well it's a technique that nobody does out here but what if what if right let's try to apply our techniques back home somewhere else and see if they produce if you've never seen me poke pole before generally I just have a bamboo just to pull and then on the end of it I'll have a coat hanger attached to a hook and that's it takes not much uh not much gear so it's a really nice you know cheap and effective fishing method it's hard to believe there's nothing in these cracks and crevices it's a perfect place for something to hide well that was unsuccessful ah I guess uh guess there's no fish in there anyways I was looking at the map and there's an estuary right by here less than a mile away and maybe that's where all the clams are they get kind of washed up uh in the surf once they're dead and then they come onto the beach just like this so we're gonna go check the Estuary for some Clans now only finding like tiny ones like this oh that's a there's a crab in that one but yeah these tiny ones hmm Tide's coming in now so then we're gonna have to try again um tomorrow maybe well that was unfortunate but we gotta fix this sink situation uh before we do anything else so we can actually use the sink let me show you what I'm talking about here okay so our sink is just right here got my leftover rice we're gonna make some fried rice and it drains into here and it's supposed to drain into the container but right there there's a crack in the in the tube there and it's actually pretty big too so everything just leaks out and just doesn't go in the container instead just goes into the van and kind of gets puddled up right there so we're gonna have to fix that let's see I'm just gonna get this off first I think there's a flat head a little screw in here got it off that was easy just one screw and there it is real broken I think all I have to do is find another piece of tube that's the same size and I can just probably just screw it on yeah that's it pretty simple this would be a pretty simple fix as long as I can find the same exact size well this is taking a different turn to the video than I anticipated but uh it's all right it's too windy to go fishing anyways let's just fix our van okay so I went to a couple stores but no luck on the piece we're in like a really small town areas so I couldn't find anything but I figured out a temporary fix it's pretty simple as well so you guys so this piece that's broken right there it was connected like this going into the tank the gray water tank I'm just gonna flip it put this side on the bottom and just put this back on here but put it above that broken part basically shortening the hose but should be all right and that should go in there and I could probably get it to a point kind of like that let me make sure it reaches I don't even have a flathead screwdriver so I just use my pocket knife it works I just have to screw this side in here hopefully we're going to choose might have to elevate this just a tiny bit just Elevate this a little bit all right there you go let's test it out all good there we go it's fixed all right next day we'll give it a shot again at some cockles or pippies and we heard there is these uh this hot water beach nearby which has just hot like hot spring coming out of the sand which sounds amazing so we'll head there right after oh beautiful day leave the bucket there for now let's kind of dig around and see if we can find anything here oh here's a ton of pippy shells oh these are these are pippies right here they're just like little soft shell clams I think they are they call them pippies and is this alive no this is empty but if we dig around it might be able to find some good ones here oh yeah oh look at that oh look at that that's a live one right there that should be good looks that's alive sweet that was easy I think there's a ton of them here I just put my hand down and look at that grab three oh nice all right let me grab the bucket [Music] thank you yeah there's a ton of them you can try right there look at this you can just grab dozens of them in just one gram one handful just in five minutes or so we got plenty in the pippis so now let's go to the hot water beach actually you know what before we get going let's taste this one and we should be able to eat these Raw oh yeah oh very nice let's see they might be Sandy let's rinse that off Just Dropped In The Sand maybe I'll just take the guts off then it'll be less Sandy oh whatever um that's delicious yeah slightly Sandy but we'll leave it in this water and should be able to spit out the Sand by the time we get to the hot water beach should be tasty and I think I'm gonna cook some of them in the hot water on the beach if it's hot enough easier than yesterday you ready for the hot water beach yes more Onsen time so we ended up going to hot water beach but unfortunately the swells are too big and even though it was Peak low tide just the waves kept crashing and I was digging digging hard but we couldn't get that we couldn't get a hole going enough to make a nice hot pool but the sand was really hot and you can feel that water coming out from the sand from the hot water it's pretty cool now let's just cook these pippies right here on the beach and we let these guys sit for at least six hours in some salt water so they can spit out the sand now we'll do a simple recipe but it's going to be very very delicious ready we're gonna start off with onion and garlic foreign quickly dice some onion as well as this garlic we'll start off with a good chunk of butter onion and garlic now we're ready for the pippies throw a light on there got some white wine here I actually wanted to do sake but I couldn't find sake at the store here so we got white wine instead dab of that let that come up to a boil we're going to cover that some Dashi in here as well [Music] in just in a few minutes as it comes to the boil those pippies will open up them open there we go look at that they're quite beautiful huh they kind of have a nice orange color to them look at that puppies yeah some babies okay now I'm gonna strain all this out let me actually take the pippies themselves just out into a bowl first my pippies are getting a lot of attention the lady food surprise that we have this so I can just carry that in your car all the time just gonna strain all that because there's some sand in there so hopefully we can just avoid all the sand see that last bit and then let me just rinse this off okay that broth has a ton of Flavor now that clam juice just in there and the butter the onions the garlic it's just gonna create so much flavor so with this we're gonna make a little clam gravy oh oh my gosh that has it's packed with flavor clam juice flavor that is tasty okay bring that up to a boil actually we can just add it right now I have some cornstarch and water mixed in here just about a teaspoon of corn starch mix in a little bit of water I'm just going to dump that in and once this comes to a boil it's should thicken like nice gravy all right here we go we got our clam gravy nice and thick okay I have made some garlic ginger rice just added some salt to the rice we definitely should have grabbed more pippis look it doesn't make much you want to take them out of their shells yeah all right Pippi gravy oh yeah finish it off with some green onion a little bit of noise too there you go hippies over rice oh chili crisp save me some what's the last jar this one till I get back to the US all right bon appetit as hippie over rice with pippy gravy it's great it's good hmm could be gravy on biscuits biscuits and gravy a New Zealand New Zealand doesn't have biscuits and gravy it's very sad this is so delicious we're gonna go do another cooking segment right after this so holding off on the beer until later you know what you would have liked on this raw egg let's look at that well I wanted to do just a little video of sort of the update and what's going on and what's going to be happening in the future uh I know this wasn't the most exciting video but how to get one out there so thank you all for watching another episode and we'll continue to do our best to pump out videos every week for taco Tuesdays Tuesday if you're in the U.S it's Wednesday if you're like Australia and New Zealand and Japan uh anyways thanks for watching guys see you on the next one peace foreign
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 102,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coastal foraging, Catch and cook, clam recipe, New Zealand coast, new project
Id: QrqlwEqLDdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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