Inis - GameNight! Se4 Ep23 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] game night tonight on Game Night Nikki Lincoln Stephanie and myself Dave are going to play inish a game for two four players published by Mato and designed by Christian Martinez so are you Outi or are you inish hey Dave hey Lincoln will you teach us inish yes is okay in inish we all represent Clans and we are trying to become the new High King of this land of ours okay uh the way the game is set up you draw uh a territory for each player in the game so four and a four player game we actually did not Shuffle and draw we took the suggested first game setup from the rules and chose these four lands each territory in this stack has with it an advantage card like here's the cove and here's the advantage card for the Cove so if and when we add more territories to the board we will also look through this over here and find whatever that card is and lay that out when you add a territory to the board it must touch two other territories so uh here here here here that's the only place that a territory can be added uh let's see we at this point correct we um we also randomly assigned this token over here called the Bren to Stephanie Stephanie is actually I fought everyone for it okay bar Knuck Stephanie is the Bren and uh as the Bren for the startup of the game you will place this Capital City Citadel somewhere on the board so just put it on a territory somewhere I hear the sound of music no The Hills right be alive and that also comes this is a citadel and it also comes with a sanctuary the significance of this is simply that Stephanie will remain the Bren until another player becomes Chieftain of this territory if you are Chieftain of this territory of where the capital city is then you are the new brand I'm kind of getting ahead of myself so let me say that the game is played in two phases each turn starts with an assembly phase and then what the game calls a season phase and once that is played out we then will just keep doing that until someone uh reaches Victory conditions and wins the game the assembly phase uh goes like this the first thing that we do is we see if someone is the chieftain of the capital city and if they are they become the Bren so what does chieftain mean Chieftain means that you have more of your guys in a region where other people are so in this case I have two to Nikki's one so I am Chieftain of the valley that doesn't matter of course for my being the Bren because this is where the capital city is if we were tied to two then neither of us is Chieftain there is no tiebreaker for chief then you just have to have a plurality of your people there if during the assembly phase it looked like this I have two Nikki has two so there's a tie and no Chieftain and even though Stephanie is not even in that region she would still stay the Bren because no one became the new Chie so even though we're tied Stephanie and even though I'm sorry so even though Stephanie is not even in that region she would still maintain the Bren because no one took that from her if I had a plurality in there then at this part this is the assembly phase the first thing you would do is check to see who the new Bren is right so in this case it would be me but you are the Bren for the start of the game so after we do the Bren we now check to see if has won the game in order to win the game at this point you have to not only have met uh one two or three of the victory conditions but you must also have a pretender token in front of you so if we were to check right now and I had a pretender token in front of me and no one else did and I currently as of right now meet at least one of the victory conditions then the game is over and I would have won if Lincoln also had a pretender to token in front of him then it would be of the three Victory conditions which one of us has met more of them if he had two and I only had one then he would win if we are tied then no one wins if he had two and I had two hey the game continues and these would go back the one exception to that is the Bren can break that tie for themselves so if Stephanie and I had a pretender token and we each met one Victory condition she would win the game because she breaks the T the Bren breaks that tie can confirm okay so that's the second thing we do in the assembly phase the third thing we do in the assembly phase is if you are the chieftain of any territory on the board you will pick up the appropriate Advantage card and you will put that in your hand all right then you can have more than one of those depending on how many places you are achiev in or you might not have any of them the next thing we do in this phase is the Bren will take the flock of crows token and flip it like a coin all right counter so that determines the direction of how everything happens for the rest of this entire round so for this round everything is going to happen counterclockwise all right and then last but not least the Bren is going to take these 17 action cards shuffle them remove one face down and then give us each four all right we are now going to draft cards from the the deck and when we're done drafting we will end up with four action cards if you have played games that have this drafting mechanic in it then you are familiar with this there is one little cool wrinkle to this one however which is I'm going to take a card and I'm going to pass we're going to counterclockwise so I would pass them this way which means Nikki would give me three cards this way when I get these cards I will then add the card I drafted and put it here and I now take two cards from this set of four they can be any two cards that you not have to keep the one I initially drafted so I'm going to take these two and then I would do this Stephanie would I mean uh n would pass me this and I would take these two and now I'm going to take three of these cards I'm going to take this one that I took from before but you know what I like these two better and then I would hand this over and when the last card comes in this is now my hand okay having done the drafting we are now done with the assembly phase and we move to the season phase in the season phase we are going to play some of these cards maybe all of them and the cards that you will have in your hand at this point will be the four action card you drafted any of these Advantage cards if you picked any of them up and some of these epic tail cards which you are going to get through play of other cards okay the season phase you can do one of three things and again we will start sorry I didn't say this not again we start with the Bren the Bren is always the start player and in this case we're going counterclockwise so the three things you can do is you can play a season card a season card action card is one that has this little season icon on it um of course I thought I had one all right there we go the other icon that can be on these action cards is I always say Triscuit but it's trisc and a trisc action is sort of a reaction it has a little lightning bolt and it tells you when you can play it in this case when an opponent plays an action card so you'll be playing this one on someone else's turn but some of them can be on your turn this card has both that means you can do it either or it's not it's not you're going to get both of those actions if you play this as a season card then that would allow you to draw an epic tail card and if you saved it as a trisc after one of your Maneuvers remove one or more opponent Clans and gain a deed we haven't discussed Maneuvers yet but this would be a card you would play on your turn cuz one of your Maneuvers would trigger that effect all right so the one thing you can do is you can play a card the next thing the other thing you can do is you can take a pretender token you can only take this if when you take the token you are currently meeting one of the three Victory conditions which I have not explained yet it doesn't matter by the way if you don't meet those conditions later which is to say you can have this in front of you but then things can change and that is by the way people change and that is by the way how you will not win during the next assembly phase because remember you're only checking for victory during the next assembly phase so even though I'm taking this now I I need to be able to still meet at least one of those conditions by the next assembly phase you cannot take more than one of these by the way so once you take one of these during this round you cannot do that action again all right the third thing you can do is you can pass if you pass you're not out you can still come back in next time it's your turn however when all four of us have passed that end this phase so you run a slight risk of passing if you don't if you think people might not take actions on their turn if you want to pass for Tempo because you want to see you want to stall and see what someone else does there obviously at the beginning of the phase that's less of a risk than in the middle of it but you don't know what people are going to do okay having fulfilled the season phase we nope I'm mean to done that because one of the things you can do in the season phase is movement M and movement is where clashes happen and and here's how a clash works when you move your people into a territory where there are other players that causes a clash even in this case even if I'm outnumbered like Nikki has three and I only have two but that doesn't matter it's a fight regardless so I'm coming in here and I'm causing a clash the first thing that happens when a when there is a clash is called the citadel's phase and that is all players in turn order can jump to a citadel if they want to in this case we are going counterclockwise so Stephanie if we wanted to could jump to this Citadel each Citadel only holds one player the instigator does not get to do that right correct yeah uh Nikki could jump to this and now the citadels are all filled and so now we have a clash The Clash only occurs between people who are out in the open so you are no longer in this fight Stephanie because you are in a citadel and by the way yes if it looked like this then Nikki could jump to this one I cannot cuz I'm the instigator and then Nikki could jump to this one if she wanted to well you can't get in at all the instigator is not allowed to get into a citadel okay so all right now we're in a clash we've done with the Citadel phase and now we're into I forget what they call it it's called The Resolution phase starting now with the instigator and going in turn order even though it's just me and Nikki so it doesn't really matter but it's still going to be counterclockwise if there were multiple people here mhm I can now do one of two things I can sorry one of three things I can attack and by attacking I basically say I attack you Nikki okay that's you just have to say it I'm attacking essentially one of her pieces as a response to her attack Nikki can do two things she can either discard an action card an unplayed action card if she has one in her hand still and she just discards it and that ends the attack or she can take this piece voluntarily off the board and just put it back into her stash in her Supply I guess if she has no action cards then she must do that all right that's my maneuver for this turn if you had one of these uh um what are these called again Advantage card advant cards if you were to uh can you discard that as um you cannot it must be an action card okay but you can use that action card for example this hill says when an attack maneuver is performed against you in the Hills ignore the attack you do not remove a clan or discard an action card oh okay so that's your advantage if you are the chieftain of the hills correct and you are also will be the Bren now it's Nikki's turn she can choose to attack me if she wants and again same thing for me it doesn't matter that I instigated I have to now discard a card or now so one of things you can do is attack another thing you can do is you can withdraw so let's say I ATT attack Nikki and she has an action card and she discards it and now she has her two people and she's like I don't want to fight you anymore I'm going to withdraw when you withdraw you can move as many of your pieces as you want to a neighboring territory in which you are the chieftain so in this case Nikki could withdraw to The Cove but not the Plains and not the hills and she could withdraw one of those pieces or both of them if she wanted to and is that assessed at the time of return let's say she's she is the chieftain she moves two over here she is no longer the chief of the C that's what I'm saying okay there we go perfect um okay so instead of attack she can withdraw and the third thing you can do is you can play one of these epic Tales cards all right again it's All or Nothing though when you go if you potentially on that right unless you you can't withdraw if you don't have a place to withdraw to then you cannot withdraw that is correct you can go I would like to not fight yeah I haven't got I haven't gotten there yet so the so you can either attack you can withdraw or you can play one of your uh epic Tales cards however before before each maneuver happens all players involved in The Clash which is to say Nikki and myself and not Stephanie in this case can just say hey do you want to end this fight now and as long as everyone agrees it ends the fight ends everybody would come out of their place like so there'd be peace in the world and that would be that now that can happen right away that can happen after a couple of fights I can attack Mi and she can say lose that attack and now she can say to me hey I don't want to fight you anymore and are you okay with that do you want to stop attacking me and in fact it might be an advantage for me to go okay maybe I only wanted one of her pieces gone and I'm fine with having this two two Tai now or whatever my goal is or maybe she attacks me instead and I like lose a piece and I think okay how about this you want to be and she can go fine but if she withdraws let's say she withdraws it's now back to me the attack is The Clash is not over until everybody involved in it says it's over right now I'm the only one involved in it and the reason that I might not say it's over is If This Were the situation I could now choose to withdraw this piece Here and Now end the fight M once The Clash is over everybody pops back out of their cadel and that's that when you withdraw to some place let's say it looks like this and I have someone here and I'm allowed to withdraw to here cuz I am the chieftain when you withdraw to a place you do not cause a clash to happen in that place you withdraw okay yes sir all right so that is The Clash anyone anyone no should I go there you go okay that works perfect I tried to lob you like a nice little softball okay so let's talk about Victory conditions there are three different Victory conditions the first is if you are chieftain in a region in which there are six other players pieces there not individuals just if Lincoln had three pieces well if Lincoln had here if Lincoln had three pieces there then I am now chiefed in over a region in which there are six other pieces that are not mine that is one Victory condition six or more the magic number for all these is six if you have presence in a if you have presence in enough regions that in which there are six sanctuaries there's noctuary there is so in this case I'm only I only have presents where there are four because there aren't six on the board mhm but note I'm not the chief in here that doesn't matter you just have to have just presence in territories in which there are six total sanctuaries when you add them up cool and then the last victory condition is if you just have presence on six territories any six territories so presence with six sanctuaries yep presence in any six territories yep and then presence Chie of an area with with six other pawns correct six that are not yours and if any of those things and if any of those things happened during the season phase I could instead of playing a card or passing take a pretender token to say I've achieved a victory condition and by the way it doesn't matter how many I've achieved if I've achieved one Victory condition I can take that token and I can still try to get two more before the next assembly phase because the person with the most victory conditions right will win the the not a tie but um okay I think that's everything ah Deeds I did not explain Deeds thank you indeed actually this is the perfect time to explain them so thank you um a deed is picked up via cards and what a deed is is it is a wild card towards Victory conditions so if this looked like this and I am Chie in where there are five people I can say hey I'm going to put this deed here and now I'm Chieftain where there are six and you can make it I can make it a sanctuary so that deed can be a a sixth a wild card for sixth territory yes it can it can add it can add one to any of the victory conditions that you need it's a one-time use I mean it's not a one time use but it it can only be used for one of them those so if you had two Deeds you could use one as a sanctuary and one as an extra person correct but if I used say two of them as sanctuaries I couldn't use another one as something else oh I see so you if there were four on the board you could it could be the additional two sanctuaries uh necessary to to hold that Victory condition in this specific situation yep there's one more thing that I actually forgot and then we can go and that is the action card s that you acquire whether you use them all or not you will lose them at the end of every season phase because the beginning of the next assembly phase is we're going to shuffle them all again take one out and draft them so you're going to see a lot of these over and over and over again um the advantage cards at the end of the season phase whether you've used them or not you're going to have to check again to see if you are the chieftain of that area so if you have the Cove card and you're still the Chie of the Cove then obviously you're going to keep that card but but if I am the Chie of the cove and I lose chieftainship during the season phase I don't lose the card it's still mine till the next assembly phase till we check to see who gets it all right and then finally the um epic tail cards are those hold over from round to round you just keep them till you use them they're all onetime use cards right so that's the that's the one card you don't get out of your hand at the end of each uh season phase okay all right let's clear all these off okay and now we do our special startup what's this thing that is the festival token it relates to one of the cards and when the card comes up we'll figure it out yeah that's fine all right yeah that stays there those all come off all right so F of us starting this is how the game starts the brand randomly assigned you have flipped the thing you you've assigned this now starting with the Bren and moving in player order we are you're going to place one of your guys then Lincoln Nicki me then you're going to place a second then Lincoln Nicki me and then the game starts okay so we will each have two we all people two on the board before and they will be anywhere anywhere you want man um I'm going to put uh someone strong here so not these flimsy spear people the flimsy spear people I'm going to put uh axe wielder yeah I'm going to put I'm G to put her right there okay link don't you do it what are your intentions Nikki are they honorable no look you got his ax yeah look she's unarmed she got two arms I see she she'll be even more unarmed when that axe comes down yeah you don't know should be s's an arm uh I knew that we're going to be doubling up so it's like there's we're all going to be doubled up someplace you got to do it right away no not necessarily you could become chief of the Hill take that right off the bat spear guys going in might it is Lincoln I thought we were bro it's going to suck I'm telling you I want to be look at that why did you want to just cuz I'm I'm the chief of the valley but my one guy well we'll see about that all right BR we're about to clash MH all right Bren yeah Shuffle those up okay how how would you like me to shuffle since this is your game do you want me to do quickly what do you want me to do Dave was going to make a joke like like the rules explanation I'm just kidding that's fine I can take it I can take it can you though I can okay so they're shuffled okay one comes out one's out yep and then I'll do let's just start let's be official counterclockwise oh I have to I have to deal that way no but we're going counterclockwise you can just probably just give us four cards no that's not what Fate has decided on this day in inish I like it in inish all right here we go hey okay I got all the cards that I want Lincoln yeah Hills Lincoln Hills Nikki Cove Dave Valley Dave Valley Valley D nothing for Stephanie he's a valley d none for you Glen Coco none for you good these are all the cards that I wanted so um we're going to pick one right I don't know any of these oh come on just pick some wow these are all good I know right I know like I want that and I want that and I want that I can't believe I'm getting rid of these did you pick the valley card cuz you had read all those cheater no I went where I went where things were empty all right so we are going this way so well I I know what it is now actually just changed all right are you ready yep okay let's go to you thank you okay now remember you're just going to take two of these four which means you don't have to keep that first one right Dave let that one go right there's so many good ones though Dave I know there's so many good ones oh I like that that's good too I know which two I know they're all so good okay they're both so good they're both so good be beti I didn't say it wait actually oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I know they're both so good gosh it has not been played yep uh so this is you played during that thing okay well that's probably better that's probably better this is terrible there's two for you we'll pick three y of the Y I keep putting them down like I'm done with them but I'm not this right now well you're just this is a this is an interesting like drafting mechanism not doing it right okay I want this one right I wants this one for you it seems like the only reason you wouldn't keep your first one is if you just didn't get anything you like want that one did you just get nothing you liked in your first or I gave you too much no you gave me hands and you said that was better yeah I guess I just gave you some information there Dave I can't believe you gave me that Festival card that was the one I picked first okay but why would you pick that one wellever cuz there are better cards l so that one is yours for sure the festival card absolutely have no choice now this is my four I want to know what card is out of the game I know I know here you go we'll see it eventually I guess there's also you could you could keep a card just to stop someone from getting it oh that's really funny the problem is if you swap it out then you will be giv does this count as a discarded action card as I understand it no okay because when you play these action cards it says to put them face down in a discard pile I think this card is just out of the round for the round I mean it will come back in when we reshuffle no because it'll come back in kidding maybe maybe in inish Legacy you can do that don't think that's actually really pretty Perfect all right Rob we now have all of our cards right yep all right I think we do Bren oh my gosh what what do I so start us up you play a card okay so I'm going to play a card or take a pretender marker or pass or pass or move nope cards are what make you move cards are what make you move okay play a card take a pretender Mark or pass those are your three options um okay okay okay okay okay um no way okay let's do let's do this let's not and say we did I am going to choose an opponent with two or more Clans in this territory and replace one of their Clans with mine oh you're cruel right so that goes over here that works that's the what does it say choose an opponent with two or more Clans in this territory and replace one of their Clans with yours okay nothing on the bottom of that NOP okay it's it's an ore I can basically Place one y or I can replace someone else did I pass that to you uh you did I don't even remember that you oh so this is discarded so this is put it here I'm going to and it's a face down Discord pile face up the face down Discord pile but it said you can only check whenever you have something that allows you to do so correct I'm in the I'm playing the festival card that Stephanie knows well and I'm going it has a sanctuary and I can place one of my Clans and the festival token there mhm ah and cool comes up right away a player who initiates a class in that ter territory removes one of his Clans from there at the end of that season remove the festival to so it's basically like defense so basically no one can move in here no they can they can but they would have to REM they would have to lose one of their anybody that initiates A A Clash which anytime you move in there you would initiate exactly correct so that's basically protected now kind of it depends we'll see chili bean I have a question about one of my cards sure can I only play this when I am a brand the brand chooses an empty location or I can say I can play it and she has to do that correct now is she going to be putting her own people in there or do I get to put my people on what she chooses nope it's you it's me yep okay that's what I want to do then okay just want to make sure okay what are you doing I'm making you work all right what does it say I'll help you if you help me the BR the brand chooses an empty location adjacent to two territories we're adding this yes draw one new ter territory and place it there then place a clan in this new territory so first I need to choose a location to place a thing right yeah and then Nikki is going to put a clan on it okay yeah I would like to choose this one okay okay planes oh Flip It Up assult mine Assa mine and I get to put a guy on there get the salt mine card there it is that's not really in case anyone's interested the salt mine the salt mine is a trisal card after you play after you play a season card randomly take one action card from an opponent and then give that player one of your action cards now I helped you out yeah helped her out what do you mean she so you put her so she's not adjacent to herself no but this is good she needs to spread out help her out at all she needs to spread out all right I put her next to me cuz we're friends we're allies I'm gonna We this what you played nothing bad here yet I'm going to play new clans that's place two clans in our territories where you're present both Clans can be placed either in the same territory or different territories so I'm going to put one here I'm going to put one here lightning bolt guys when an opponent plays an action card ignore the effect on the action card just played and discarded okay so these come off correct mhm I'm still gonna play my Valley card did you techn because you technically still played it right correct after you play a season card yeah Place one clan in a territory where you are present and I'm going to put that here cool yeah it it even refers to it that's just played yep okay end of turn uh that's me y yes um I'm going to cast some little nature magic here the Drew if the Dru is the Last Action card in your hand you cannot play it which it is not um so I'm going to look at the discarded action cards and add one to my hand cool that's going to be great that's huge that's huge huge yep huge tracks of land I'm realizing right now I should have passed really yeah oh in other words hold that off uhhuh ah cuz there's no way you guys aren't going to play cards that's true but I didn't want to I just want to do stuff of course it's no fun if you can't do stuff okay can there be more than one sanctuary in or Citadel in space Oh wow indeed there can indeed there can okay she is done so big bro I'm going to uh I'm going to do the place sanctuary in a territory where I'm present which there's only one o got another sanctuary in there and I get an epic tail card please Don I'm so excited what that epic tail card's going to mean now remember you we can um take a pretender marker yeah or pass you can't take a pretender marker unless you unless you are meeting one of the wind conditions correct one of the three go for it Nick yeah choose one territory move uh one or more of your Clans from The Chosen territory to one or more adjacent territories all right well that means you're going to be yep could be clashing yep want to clash here well she can't cuz she no I'm GNA move around here okay Clash you can also do this over here nikk you can move one or more yeah yeah but can I play another one of these cards cuz now does it have a lightning bolt yes and does it say play it now it says during a clash after you have performed you haven't performed you have not performed an attack yet all right well I can do this it's not your turn yet it's we have now instigated a clash okay so the first thing that happens is did you want to move both or just one one okay so the first thing that happens is I can jump into citadels if there are any and there aren't any right now it's your turn Okay that was I moved though right so now it's your turn you have to choose whether you want to attack withdraw or decide not to have a clash okay those are your three options if you had after you have performed Haven you haven't attacked yet that's are you attacking me is the question you don't have to is my point no let's not can say we did so but I I do want to use my Cove card okay but are you ask Hang on we're not there yet are you asking me to not have a clash oh can we not have a clash Dave I agree yes yeah but I didn't have to as my point right I could say no we're gonna fight because I actually have decent cards mhm and that's but I don't want to do that okay now you can use your Cove card wonderful wonderful Cove card after playing a season card y take an action the action card that was set aside during the assembly phase add it to your hand then set aside one action card from your hand but you have to still get rid of an action card from your hand yes and by the way uh add it to your hand that action card you set aside can be the one you just drew yeah okay you don't have to take it and you you are not forced to keep it but you do get to see the 17 if any people enter this area at all is that a clash is it only if they move or is it you just add is that adding is not cuz yeah okay it's when you move into a territory that causes a clash they're making babies over there full grown houses I'm like I'm like over I'm like over here which discarding discard hey look that now goes in the discard pile that card that could have moved that oh if only you had the Druid still uh I don't need that Druid I think I got a good card I pass you pass yep okay um I am going to uh new clans place two clans in any territories where you are present both Clans can be placed in either the same territory or different territory hey I know that card so I'm going to do this yep I think does anyone have the salt mines no one has the salt mine you can't get it till the assembly phase ah okay what does the assault mine say can I actually it's not the assault mine said what does the salt mine say after you play a season card you take an action card from an opponent but then you give them an action card back so it's a swap well you can give him the same card back but yeah but it's a steel Nikki I'm choosing not to be Chie of this area I I want you to remember I can't I can place these two here pres yeah that's right so you're magnanimous your magnanimity means nothing well I could do here but I don't need to you could you could place two there I don't need to I said okay so I think linkoln could it's some stinky cards here uh they do smell uh okay well I'll do this one deal Place one Citadel in a territory where you're present that's all I'm going to do in this game okay and if if that territories Advantage card has not play been played did you Pi the building faction the build I just I acquired the buildings but that one was intriguing wait if that advanced card is not played which I have it it's there okay then play it out of your hand just says add it to your hand it to your hand to your got it niiki PE I'm passing okay I am going to go to Paris France I'm going to play this master Craftsman I'm going to discard a card and then draw an epic tail card I'm going discard this card I'm going draw that done my turn yep big sigh uh I am going to sing a song for you all all right card The Bard um and since we're playing it in during the season phase I'm going to draw one Epic tail card there you go I could have if I played the trisal after one of my Maneuvers removes one or more opposing Clans gain one deed which how do you remove two clans is that with a card I'm assuming during a clash because normally after one of your Maneuvers remove moves one or more opposing CL well you keep battling you can keep battling so that you have you remove one of your Maneuvers would have to remove but it says yeah that's true so I was just yep huh I don't know epic tail cards maybe oh that could be cuz the Epic tail is considered a maneuver yeah I do not know if I want to do that I'll pass for now okay I'm still passing all right I pass I also pass all right end round so action cards come in that you didn't play didn't want to play that darn card anyway right um all right now we're on to the assembly phase so the first thing we do is we check there is no new no new Bren do we flip the tile the disc yep fli the disc she heating it up yeah supposed to breathe the counterclockwise again you're welcome kind of it should be a little tinier go ahead and take one of those out and do that and while you do that Nikki gets the salt mine in the Cove I get the valley the hill must return yeah and the hills returns you can leave it over there I guess okay since we're going this way since day will yell at me I if we don't I just like it think it's yell I'm just kidding okay I like that oh this comes out now too doesn't it yes oh yes it said that it did yes which if you have that card then you would know that also uh let's see here dang wow these are all good I know these are not I want all of these I'm not passing any of these is that all right that's fine yeah this is my hand well the terrible thing is is there's a great card I I have two great cards Yep this is one that nobody played oh I hate is that the one that Nikki probably saw then I don't know or it could have been discarded I discard as well here um well two of them I ended up not using so was just too dang powerful ah okay to dang too dang powerful I hate giving you these cards okay take them give me all these cards all right just in case I don't want to my orinal Lincoln's thinking does this count as a citadel yeah okay did you give me some great stuff there's a great one right there you're going to love it but maybe maybe not yeah how could you give up any of these I know this is terrible I know Dave starts with all of the best cards weed anything horrible if we've learned anything from this game and this encounter so the hills are unclaimed they are alive though with the sound of music oh yeah I get one more don't I yeah what did you give me what did you give me wow there's some pretty neat ones in here didn't really read them all I just read the first half I'm like oh wow the second oh wow I know okay so I I will go first yes is this correct yes let's do come on Bren oh my gosh I would like to explore yeah explore I will choose location two teritories and then draw a new territory and place aan in that territory it can go here or here it can go anywhere or here you can go anywhere yeah where you want to put it I'm going to put it here okay that's before I looked at it so which one is it do you have to decide before you look at it does say that you need to choose an empty location this comes with a sanctuary there is no Sanctuary Stone Circle there is because it's been placed there Stone Circle card is after you play an epic tail card you may remove one Clan from the Stone Circle to take that epic tail card from the discard pile and back into your hand oh remove one of my Clans yes I would assume that's what it means you don't get it oh that's right but it's not until the assembly phase wow okay this is crazy talk but it is there so that was my turn so now it is Lincoln's turn I can't wait to see the card you have all the stuff you you passed me so many great cards I'm like what is going on well did you think that was a good card that is neat card I I didn't see that card though I know one of the cards she has that's why one reason why I kept it obviously cuz it's cool I mean i' I've not seen any of the exploring type stuff so I'm going to play the festival again hey it's a festival I get to put another dude in there um dang yep and then uh that's a discard that card your turn Nick okay shoot I'll just do it Citadel Place one Citadel in a territory where you are present if the territory's advantage card has not been played add it to your hand Okie do so I'm going to put a citadel out here Okie do and that was a tree one right no that was a season card a season it is a tree if you look at that Dave Co so I I will play my Cove card sure after you play season card taking the action card that was just not in the mix yep and then discard one and then you discard that card Oh Nicole what did I do changed it up I guess you did I'm not looking at your cards don't worry about brother Lincoln I really don't care cuz I can't read them like I don't think I'm going to read it whose turn is it it's Nikki still it is she has to just yeah you have to discard a card oh I thought you well okay I'm holding you up then I'm waiting well he could be taking an action that lets him do do stuff with the discards got it okay no Sanctuary there is no Sanctuary placing a sanctuary in where I am present and drawing an epic tail card okay and now I will play my Valley which allows me to place another guy here done scary um let's do this let's play a game shall we play a game new clans place two clans in uh any territories where you are present both Clans can be placed either in the same or different territories so I will place them both here you're just piling it up I like being it's good to be the Bren okay yeah you're not going to like it though you passed me cards that that will change that do I want to with that did I though oh yeah M are we're no we're there together no no no they're scared mine are scared they scared you're behind the buildings is it my turn it is you're not going to see this okay Craftsmen and peasants in a territory where you're present you may Place one clan for each Citadel in that territory no kidding no you won't okay oh my gosh lightning bolt that's fine body blow body blow wow I'm going to pray the Brandon I did pass I considered there's another there's another card it's a down it's it's going to be you're not going to stop it it sucks cuz this is the only place I'm at I'm trying to get out of there but you won't let me get out of there well he's trying to move I'm trying to do that well then don't do that well no but that's just so that I can add another you know well you can move I want to add people but you need to just you can just move all right are you guys done over there Nikki what are you doing uh Bard so give me an epic card there you go Bard listen Nikki changed everything okay listen I had to do that cuz you were going to play both of those in there and you're were going to really worse than that that's you're going to really get in there you're going to really get in there uh can I see the backs of your cards please one of each baby okay I am going to I'm going to Scout and spy I'm going to look into the action cards of an opponent's hand that's just this one and then I can move one or more of my Clans from one territory to you're assuming it's her yeah no he's just looking he asked about the back of my cards you really should have picked someone that had more action cards though nope I wanted to see what yours was I'm going to move here now I mean it's a terrible one that's right I'm going to move here now and I'm gonna fight you okay let's fight okay I will attack okay I will discard okay now I will attack all right I will discard and now I will attack oh my y still to make him lose it though yeah the end the end okay is it my turn M don't hit your microphone move one or more of your Clans from the plains to one or more adjacent territories ah uh and I will attack um okay I'll withdraw her okay perfect Yik PL kind of goes over there but wait hang on you're going to attack yes I oh yeah you have to lose hang on I have two you have to lose your discard no no no you had one you had one I had one you're right I had one I don't have this I can discard and attack you back you can't discard you correct and then I will just attack you back and then I will still have majority and we will both be one for one down I might do that just give me a second okay wow this is vicious all of a no I won't I'll do this you can't do that you have to lose a person or I I attacked you oh I see you're saying I got you're right I have to discarded a card and then now you would like to withdraw no I would like to ask you if we can peacefully coexist if you promis not to add more people there can't round I'm just saying you I'm I'm just that is not within the rules what I can't just say that there's no bargaining it's just then no I would like to attack I do not want to have a peaceful resolution no I'm saying I don't have any more cards I know and I do not want to stop clashing I would like to continue to clash okay okay o all right so now I would like to you're done no The Clash ends when I decide that's correct thank you very much very much oh that's perfect but I can't do anything because I'm not Chief in here so I can't withdraw but um that's true I will remain okay so now the Clash is done yep you are correct me is that what's happening now y uh uh didn't work out how you thought that was going to work out did it I totally forgot about the and the thing is I knew the yellow card you had I just forgot about it I'm going to play new alliance uh and I choose an opponent with two or more Clans in this territory and replace one of his Clans with yours and that is that your turn Nikki P okay look at the discarded action cards yeah you're playing the Druid add one to your hand here you go um I pass can you play one of the red cards as an action card yeah okay cool if it has that SYM if it has the season symbol on it yeah mine's mine's not that kind of cod though wow she's got a lot of cards to look at she does have a lot of cards to look at this is totally a tug-of war game you one thing very it's very difficult to play yeah but it's interesting and there's the deal is is you you can build up like these card combinations that can do something cuz you know you only have to have one of the victory conditions right I do want to get out of there you got to stop doing this to me I mean I'm just easing you can add Clans to other places that was not what that card did though no no no I know not that one but there are other cards right right are there card they initiate clashes that's the other problem no is there one that lets you just add them without you being present maybe there isn't nope yeah nothing that I know of put it this way I haven't seen no there's one where what's that one that you used with as long as someone has two people you can replace someone there right or do you have to also be one I just did that's where I'm at you have to also be present believe me I don't want to be yeah can CL I can play the salt mine as well I have to yep happen okay yep so I'm playing my salt mine yep I can randomly take one action card from an opponent that would be a link and only okay we don't have them well I need to use it now you have to give them one back okay yeah it could be the one you gave me or another one right yeah but I mean she might as well use it if she can it depends on what it is well I'm saying she might as well use that salt mine card I would agree I thought I wasn't going to use that planes card until you pulled that woohoo down there I thought you were going to the salt mine I don't want to fight Nikki because she's got two of these Advantage cards to each of our one yeah but you have three next to a sanctuary and you were going to have two next to a sanctuary it doesn't matter how many I have I could still just be here you need to be by six of them though right you need to be in present with six yeah yeah okay um I think that's all I can do all right I pass I would like to pass as well all right Lincoln I will pass Nikki's back to you sure oh yeah she might want to she's got another card new clans yep so place two yep and it can be it doesn't have to be two one can be mixy matchy so we're going to go here and put some in the salt mines and that's that turn okay I pass I knew you were going to do that I pass I pass back to you all right um I think I'm going to pass so okay that end the round this action card goes away goes away all right so hey new Bren Lincoln is now the new I would like to play a card if I may play a Triscuit or two at the start of the assembly phase choose the action card to be set aside for the assembly phase at the end of this phase add that action card to your hand then set aside one action card from your hand oh so that's why it's confusing y look through the deck and let me have that card oh okay so I am choosing which one of these is to be set aside correct and then at the end I can replace one of my cards with that card correct right okay so I'm basically choosing what card I for sure want yep or that you want or that you want or that you want no one to have or that I want no one to have yeah that's true cuz you can throw out the same card right she can take that card in and just toss it back out totally uh okay I will try to be very quick about this that's all right while you're doing that yes uh Nikki gets the cove and the salt mine I get the valley I get the stone Lincoln you get the hills nobody gets the planes uh take the breno token oh flip the shangy flip the shy flock of crows clockwise clockwise I'm returning the favor uh okay uh uhhuh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yep yep yep yep yep yep yep okay it's hot in here give this a Lincoln shuffle them up and deal which card did you pull out I don't know I won't know which one I won't until you tell you take it and maybe play it it was a card that said um whatever Lincoln wins the game I said it decide darn it I wanted that card I did want it I don't know what going on here I thought Dave might want it so we are going clockwise clockwise so I get to do Nikki gets all Dave's good cards this time that probably changed too oh man I don't know what to why I'm doing this there you go I don't know why what giving you that card God I don't like any I don't even know what that card would be that card Woo finally okay or do I want to do that I don't know I know it's tough it is tough it's tough it's rough it was this one though this Conquest card that was my chance to maybe move into the hills no no no sorry it's okay it's complete it's a common here you go it's an easy mistake to make I had not yet passed got [Laughter] it here you go really yes you're laughing about it I am for reasons you will understand when you see it jeez okay okay it's really funny should have played that out a little bit better but that's all right Bren Bren oh that's right what do I do I don't I never got to do it Bren Bren Bren I just start yep I will and I flipped so that was the other exciting thing wait did you do your thing oh yeah oh good call oh that's switched out right didn't not want that card all right now go ahead cool get rid of something you really don't want glad we remembered I am G to play a children of Dana so I get to place one client in any territory well that do I have the other things to make that even happen what what what's going on he's placing a clan in a new territory that's what I'll do see hey that card lets you do that does that say new it does in any territory but I the problem is it does a clash and I only only one dude right so do that it doesn't oh okay then only moving does a clash but you're not moving you're just adding correct did you had you already added one okay yeah why do you want to go to the planes U I want to try to get that card I think that was a pretty good card wasn't it this one move one or more of your Clans from the plains terit I prefer adding oh maybe that wasn't it whatever might have been the salt mes where do you want to go had just do that you going to leave it there yeah even though you would have majority you would be Chief he's leaving it there okay take your turn I'd have majority wear yeah you would you'd still be chiefed in there take your turn I'm taking my turn she just letting me know dude Dave is getting salty and he's not even in the salt mines it's true [Music] uh okay then let's do salty he is salt is salty um I would like to explore Bren if you would please choose an empty location adjacent to two territories and then if you would draw a new territory and place it there and then I will the Lost Veil The Lost Veil The Mystic Veil which is it the Lost Veil Veil lost Veil after you play a season card move any one clan from a territory adjacent to the Lost Veil into it this move does not initiate a clash oh and put it there if you want it is your turn sir look at you and four areas all you need all you need is two more Dave is attacking me no he's just at you in four areas it's exciting personally attacking me I am going to place a sanctuary in a territory where I am present there's no Sanctuary Dave that's going to be here EP sexy and then after I play a season card I can place a clan where I am present maybe it's the valley was the one I wanted and I am done okie dokie I'm not gonna be able to get the valley yeah the valley is the valley is the best place really so far if the cards revealed you mean yeah yeah I like Nikki I think the Cove has done her very nicely I think that's why he picked Valley he was like I had read the cards yet I hadn't I believe him picked Valley because it was empty there were several empty you could have gone there on your second move you could second I went first you went second so of course it was empty I went fourth and you could have going this and you could have placed your second placement there to stop me from being Chieftain I placed it here because there was no one else there you stopped me from being CH that's right and thus the fight that allowed Lincoln or Nikki to win I don't know about that yeah quit going after me you mean the person in four territories right now that is not how this is working that's not that's not what this is about it's okay you got to be in six territories during next assembly phase I I know whose turn is it nikk all right Emissary uh move one of my Clans to any adjacent territory this does not initiate a clash W I like to see some of those cards I've had that card almost every time and it is just one yep one dude yep I've had that card almost every time I haven't able to use it just hasn't worked out take random hey look Nikki's in for to take action card I'm in one I'm in two I don't know if this is going to do me any good but oddly enough you and I are tied for number of take the action card that was set aside yep there you go add it to your hand and set aside an action card yep so yeah see that cve one I like in this case you happen to know what that is but it's normally random you don't like that card I had a feeling it was going to be a one cuz you already did your thing but let's see maybe it might be better than one of these that I don't like I can't believe I got that card it's not on the cards it's not on the cards right now okay um done done I'm going to uh I'm going to Festival it up gosh I don't what I want to do let me see he likes that Festival FES of us for the rest of us for the rest of us you need a card that sucks people towards you yeah just get six other well if she just added three more and I was somehow still in the lead but that's not going to happen um that'd be foolish uh I will Festival it for now um I get uh party another woohoo you like to party he does I like to have a festival that's insane okay me yep it didn't hit that card actually I think about it uh let's do place two clans in territories where you are present so I am actually going to do there guys uh you guys have got to be kidding she passed it to me she passed it to me soan you guys have got to be kidding right all right all right I'm going to play this epic taale card in each territory where you are chief in you may Place one clan for each opponent who is present in that territory so that be one here jeez and one here you are building up now it's not going to matter but if it were this is that one or two you would oh it says for each opponents I would assume it's one right that's one opponent opponent one correct it would have said Clan I think so yeah I agree yeah anything else nope okay I'm placing a citadel in Lost Valley if that card is not being used I get it lost Veil yeah lost Veil look at that Tada okay and that was if it hasn't been played so you can snatch that card from somebody if you do that oh like from someone hand oh you're right o nice I passed that card but now I realized how exciting it CL from a adjacent to the last Veil okay I'm good okay Lincoln yep I think I'm going to put my my next play this is what I'm going to do and this means that I'm automatically chiefed into this area that's fine with me man I'll tell you this is terrible i've got a really bad hand these earrings this is probably all my fault n made powerful I think they should be used as no it wasn't I remember had several Bad Card Trump meeples Trum I'll just do um I got to get some movement though so I will uh well you've had options yeah no I mean I have had a couple choices this is dumb okay uh but I will I'm going to just Place one clamp in a territory I want more dudes on the board I don't want to well it gives me more dudes doesn't it m yeah let's just do that well it's the same place a CL me more dude yeah exactly but it removes one of yours yeah okay well I'm it's not lovely I'm I'm yeah you're not in each territory where you are present you may Place one clan for each sadel so that's two here and one here nice good thing he swapped with you no that has I would have five in here if he hadn't well would have had still would have had it migration choose a territory move one or more of your Clans from that territory to an adjacent territory I'm going to move two of these into here Clash what are you doing the first step is a citadel step would you like to jump into the Citadel yes sure okay now there's no fight right correct he didn't want to get rid of and now I will choose to end the clash and we are done okay and you're back out him I hopped right out all right want to see if that would work attacked him you should have attacked it she should have maybe she doesn't want to discard the cards in her hand also she doesn't know what I have here okay going to play My Epic de Bop epic de Bop move up to three of your Clans from one te territory to another territory anywhere in play and and so I'm just going to hop around can I move one two over here just one is it a Jason or anywhere anywhere anywhere where she isopo then yep my lightning lightning after you play an epic tail card instead of discarding it give it to another player and gain one deed there you go indeed indeed so I get this yes and and this can be wild for anything wild for anything y this I have to give to someone which is kind of and there's going to be a clash here right nope no no it doesn't oh wait hang on does that have to happen first it doesn't say whe it say well it would happen icon it could be a fight so this has not happened fight fight this has actually not happened yet well I don't know what the order of that is but is not it is The Clash happens first exactly all right so this instigates A Clash sure I will jump into here and now you have to decide whether you want to fight or not fight okay and in order to fight what do I do you you have to card you just say attack me and I either discard a card disc there or I withdraw discard an action card let's fight okay why not I haven't fought I withdraw you don't get to withdraw you have to discard thank you an action card or a person this guy comes off the board every time thank you I always forget that every time he wants to withraw off yeah I off the board oh okay yeah I lose them but this person is safe it still hurts and now you're done yeah and now you're done she would be able to choose if she wanted to withdraw but she has not chiefed in either of those areas so that ends this fight now play your other card my other card so now you'll have to get rid of that now I'm playing my master Craftsman yep and I play the napic cards so yep I uh get a deed yep and I have to hand this to someone else that's kind of I don't know who to give it to seems obviously me since I lost a guy I do no he what you talking about I have two cards and I lost a guy give it to Lincoln the guy who's not going to win you can take one move and attack four areas at once I can how can I do that there are cards that let you do that okay I guess I haven't seen those there are cards that allow you to move to multiple territories from one territory it is your turn is that right I well I have a question can I continue on if I wanted to because I played a tree deal no I play play it as a lightning bolt I played it as a lightning bolt so the answer is no done okay I'm going to what are these tree cards you guys all have that's the symbol the season I'm going to play the Druid stack it's kind of hard to see there you go what I said nice yeah let's hope I do something interesting here you should that card I have is is good you have a lot of guys on the board not so great for me but yeah I don't know what you guys are thinking about what do you mean I the way I see this right now I see myself as in last place right now even though even though you feel like you're in last place no I just I'm in one place with two CIT not even remely then you don't know me these people are worthless they are not I mean they are not worthless as long as I have one it's fine I guess but they can also go here to fight and still leave yourself with some presents they're not worthless at all yeah well I mean they're not I see myself as in last place well you're not at I see myself in the last place but make iten but I don't see myself unless you're playing a lightning bolt card no no I would like to pass I'm going to play The Bard and draw an epic tail card he's going to sing I think you have to actually sing got to sound a little more Irish than that we know how was that not Irish they they don't law go ahead sure they in Ireland I think where are the laws from the a lot of say where are the laws there's no law in Ireland flawless flawless we know that now I pass okay so I'm actually going to get into another area by exploring so uh I will choose an empty location I'm going do it over here okay right here yeah okay I will flip that over hey be something Neato it's the more o inish more I get to place a dude there at any time look at the Epic tail cards in an opponent's hand oh wow that's what the more power is that's interesting more power more power more power terrible and there's that your turn uh I would like to pass pass uh oh I think I'm still passing yes then it's to Lincoln yeah I'm thinking Lincoln's thinking thinking Lincoln that's what they always call you know these are great God it seems like you're never going to get a victory condition right it's all here's the deal if Lincoln was smart he would allow me to put more people here because then he would get a victory condition yeah that's true that's actually I'm dumb but it doesn't matter I mean six is where I'm at the minute the minute he claim that no no no all you have to do is be Chieftain and then six he's exactly right but claims that then you no you just move one out yeah and then in the assembly phase he doesn't have it but you have to have a card that allows you to move a a person out right the trick to this game is remembering that the victory condition doesn't matter when you claim you I have not for everybody knows then it becomes that same tug no one is even close to a victory condition at this point like I will tell you right now I have a I have a card in my hand that when any one of you claim a victory condition I can remove it from you how do you remove it from us I'm not going to tell you until I play my card but I can I can likely let me rephrase that I can likely do that okay I'm going to I'm going to I don't want to do that that necessarily cuz it's that tugar thing again right I'm going to try this make the let's me move three that's the card that Nikki had she gave to me move up to three of your Clans from one territory to any other territory ini A A Clash it will initiate a clash so let's just go there well let it's a sec it's essentially the same 1 two 3 4 One Two Three Nikki I'll do this one okay okay she's going to escape I will do that okay and Nikki cannot Escape no what do I have to do he will choose to attack either myself or you I'll Attack Nikki doesn't have any cards right she does okay you can you can discard it you're going attacking Nikki I I'll Attack I'll Attack Stephanie first she's got a card too right it's yeah we both do doesn't matter she's going to discard to stay y now it's Stephanie's turn right I will attack Lincoln okay okay now it's Nikki's turn yeah so you can choose to attack myself or Lincoln H but Lincoln's the reason that we're in this mess I agree so it's not great but I was hoping you spend any carard to do it you can just do it or not oh wait actually well I'm not going to win it so why would I do well you can propose no more attack it just changes the balance of that that's all I'm trying to do right you can no more attack no more attack okay she has to agree she has to and if she doesn't then yeah look at um she says nay she's thinking I feel like I feel like we're we we should do this this is the Lost Veil all right Nikki you have to either now attack or withdraw all right you can withdraw mhm what happens if I attack then you attack one of them and if they either discard a green card or they lose a person spoilers I don't have any green cards nether neither of them have green so he would automatically lose a person or I would automatically lose a person you're too nice and I guess we're done right no it's on you no it's on you or you can choose you attack or choose to be peaceful so I'd get her down one more yep but she's still in four territories I mean this person would still be I guess Nikki was in four too they were both in four yeah um I'll I'll go peaceful if you go peaceful okay I'm not really trying to allowed to say that is that Katan out of at this point I don't care so the tack is over pull one out all right and now uh it is your turn Okay uh I'll pass pass all right what you going to do um be mean uh no be mean do it okay Conquest okay so I can choose uh one territory and move any number any number from that to adjacent yeah okay so I'm marching here okay and this does cause there's no Citadel so that doesn't happen and you're attacking she tries to theu are you attacking me do you have cards that even affect that stuff no I don't okay so you're attacking him yeah oh no she doesn't have to that's why I'm asking are you attacking but if she doesn't then you attack her right he could okay wait no that's true you age she wants to ask no the way it works is you ask if you want a peacefully before the maneuver before anything happens so if he says no she could then attack correct so the question is it starts with you asking if you if you want or if you want to attack me then do it do you want to fight no mhm I want to peacefully coexist no he wants to take his Valley back over I don't at some point I don't you're telling me that you're never going to take that Valley back over we might I don't think I don't think so I really don't she attacks this one this one would just go away yeah right and then I would just move to here I would withdraw and I would just give it over to her and then I would never get the valley again yeah maybe you can move from the planes if you have the planes card which you will next turn you don't have it this turn you are not there yet I saw that I saw you all right I lose that and then go nikk for me I am going to go back here I withdraw to there you okay okay I pass you are soul you are the Lily sorry not my turn we're going clockwise pass uh I would like to pass pass back to you all right end of phase here we go this is Festival token goes away either this is the attack the hills Festival token goes away Okie doie the Bren stays with you cuz no one is the new Chie Stone Circle stays with me you get the planes these all go to you does anyone have any before assembly face cards that they would like could be oh the more goes to you no one gets the Cove you get get the saline he gets lost Veil I get PLS salt mine lost Veil that's it Yep this is the worst one too I don't I don't know I don't think they're they're they're all kind of like meant to be May and discards get rid of a CL to take the Epic tail card back are you still I think the valley is theep ones I've seen the valley is the exciting one oh we have to flip that yes and you're still the dude yeah because that's why I took three I was it left me in the same position right won't be necessarily that way next time and it goes to Nikki this time count a little bit I like that I like it you get to be last to think again and you can be at the last player yeah I like being the last player I think that is good in this game this game is similar to Kemet in that nature in my I've never played Kemet if you're if we're talking about where at the end end of the round there's going to be a win condition and you've got to have this then I think that you I think that you've got to be last because otherwise someone can just change it if you think you're winning true it's last as last that doesn't seem right I think I have too many one I got did you you didn't discard I did I passed it oh you know I didn't discard dump would matter anyway yeah I forgot to do that done Stephanie's on it this is a DQ what is the deal counterclockwise right yeah yeah correct there you go uh there you go yeah hold on yeah I finally have crap to pass you crap is that what you're saying the cards are junk finally have crap no they're not complete junk do is jum a lot of it just depends on your position on the board right are we going the right way yeah it's counterclockwise to you oh God these wow that was fast I guess they were crap Yeah well yeah some of these are obviously once you get to know the game more it will be uh you'll the the the subtleties of these cards will be I keep having to reread reread because and that's definitely slowing me down H interesting oh and all right here you go now I got good stuff to do you I'm assuming when you run out of Clans to place wait wait two minutes back did you hand her the wrong group give this back the wrong pile no never mind keep it done never mind I forgot that I didn't have to I to keep my or right right right that's okay that's okay they're good that happens all the time Lincoln yeah don't worry well You' looked at him too I don't I don't want him to get him back in other words he he could choose from all four right I didn't I I was playing the crazy old rules where it's like I drafted I have to keep it but it's okay I'm happy that way don't look at that yet what passing thank you now look at that then please Dave you need chill out Stephanie okay okay yuck I don't want either one of these Yep they're fun and I like these ones so I don't want to trade them out so I'm assuming if you run out of these you can't place anymore if all your Clans are on the board then you cannot recruit and bring more on until they get attacked offes so once all 12 are on that's that all right Bren you're first I'm going to Citadel it up sweet sucks that it isn't uh oh wait I have I have those cards so it doesn't matter so uh I get to put a citel in a place where I'm at do I want to add more or put one here in the Moors I'll do that do you get to put a person too or no no no that was just the that'll be the next party place no yes yeah that would be a good one for you I don't have that though you don't you don't have a wob uh Bard I would like to draw an epic T yeah those are good I only saw those at the beginning of the game and I'm also going to play I know I will offer a counter opinion at the end of the game okay okay my very first epic tail card has just been terrible uh uh well I had one that just added a d that was I think the only one I've had which is still powerful but so I'm going to play my Valley card after you play a season card place one clan in a territory where you are present okay the valley uh no no that's what the card is the valley oh the valley yeah I thought you were saying no that's a that that's the neatest one that I I've seen of those or do I want to be there I don't know if you want to be there I don't know where people want to be well if you want to be my lover o you got to get with my friend that's right well you had the haircut you're my friend oh are you her friend that's the problem you got to be her friend is it my turn no dang cuz we're going 10 clockwise I believe oh we're not skipping over we don't go from I'm going to move one of my Clans to the Jason territory this does not initiate a clash okay done I think epic tail cards are pretty powerful though they can there are things in there that you you want to try to get at them agreed I mean I wish I knew even what they all did but you're going to see one of mine are you're going to see one of mine too okay my turn knots new clans oh yeah nucle we all know what that does you place two in a territory where you are present and I'm going to place them here two dudes oh and it's me now um hey guess what I'm going to do the festival which is in my hand again where you going to put it why do you keep drawing that I it's not like I didn't I didn't get it at first I don't think it was one of those things where it's like I wanted the dude right like I want the dude so is in a territory where you're present and has one more sanctuaries no I have one Sanctuary I need other sanctuaries uh put that there and that okay all right this lovely card draw three epic tail cards add one to your hand and discard the others there you go so epic epic epic epic proportions I wish I had drawn that one that like three Tails three epic Tails that's ridicul that's great hopefully she finds something good in there that's where and hold on cuz I got more to do on my turn okay hold the wire she's got so much stuff to do you are really getting low yeah but I know you know it's not doing you all you got to do is get a couple move cards that don't no but I'm saying you just get in the space like where you do the one where you don't hurt anybody right but you have to get them I I think I had that only card and I played it last round well does she have the uh um who is it what card is it CL no um the one that let you get a uh the druid let you draw a card I do not okay no I I I figured you he would have probably gone for that card wow but you're in four territories yeah but I need to be in six everyone's in four territories except for him except for me no nik nikk in three oh okay I'm the only one in four yeah oh yeah that's true Nikki was here I I thought she had three I was trying to like even it out a little bit but it didn't work at all she just she just bailed hm which is not it's not a foolish plan ultimately I think it just takes you out of that space this is a tough choice one two three four five so there's five uh sanctuaries on the board yep oo now I just got to get into those I feel like I've done some good deeds and I need some Harps you need some Harps mhm or deed indeed you do but I'm not I don't have any I don't have any ways to get I know I guess there's one card that does no there must be maybe some of it all the epics a lot of the epics just not all of them but yeah I had played an epic yep so I am now going to after you play an epic card um instead of discarding give it to another player so that one you you oh that was the hawk there you go the hawk uh that giving it to another person gets me another one of these wow you going to give it to you I don't know that's the giving to somebody thing which is is like H I don't have any epic cards neither does Lincoln both of those guys are ahead of me I know that's not true he already stated he has a card that can get rid of anyone's win conditions so anyone has to have two win conditions help to win though to have a chance but that doesn't help me win it just slows the game down I'm likely not going to play it because I don't actually want to slow the game right after you said that I was like please don't I really this is tough in my opinion you're all doing better than me so I'm having that's not true Nikki you have two Victory two two you're actually in the lead now actually if you go to one more territory you can claim victory win yeah okay you're closer than I am for sure you're closer than Dave is thank you I pass my turn yep I'll also pass wow okay I'm going to New Alliance it up I'm just going to place a territory a clan in here Okie do it's it is where I'm at right it's not it is it's an alliance it seems like an alliance should be in another space but it is not Nikki okay um I'm going to play the one I Destro oh this goes away by the way okay uh the stone of fall the stone of fall place two clans in the capital territory wooho so now Nikki's winning look at that okay she can get it though she has to take she get she can't take it yet how do I get that on your next turn as instead of doing something okay well we'll see if I last I'm going to play it when you pass me I'm going to draw three of these and keep one I should have done that I don't know why I didn't what's that it's too late you got to do it immediately you got to do it immediately stop the things once yeah all right well I'm not going to keep this onez two of mine were and it's not coming back in the game but let me just read it to you okay you you may flip over the flock of crows token then you may initiate a clash in any territory and then you choose the player in that territory to be the instigator wow I will not I will not be keeping that that's crazy well there might be that could be really amazing yeah there might be time that that would be wonderful to have it wouldn't be too bad for me all right I like that get rid of that done is it oh my turn M so we have to stop Nikki now huh not yet no you don't have to stop her till she claims something uh then I'll pass so she's going to go probably I'm going to pass for now yeah she's going to take a pretender probably maybe maybe she should she could just secure it even further now well she might have another thing that places something on the board if you have the like the perfect set of cards it's like boom difficult for you to do about it The Pretender when she takes it just means we check for victory conditions she can take The Pretender for a victory condition that she doesn't have yet as long as she has one so she could still have two and she could switch you don't have to wait to have two to take that is what I'm saying two Tango have to wait to have two I mean you just take it when you have meet any one right yeah well clear on that are you let's go okay she is claiming that she is has a victory condition she does have a victory condition return Dave well Harps do the do the Deeds count as having I mean that's a she doesn't have to spend them till she doesn't have to actually I know that right yes she has one two three four five six she's in six things yeah I pass she going to let her win he doesn't necessarily have anything he can do let's do this this is kind of a waste actually let's not do that one yet we'll do this one we'll have a we'll have a conquest so let's do okay that's what I would like to do all right and are you initiating a clash and are you fighting I would like to fight you all right so she attacks you Nikki P okay so you can discard a card to keep your dude there yeah either get rid of your person or get rid of a card so I discard a card to stay okay y now it's your turn and now you may attack or or call for or call for peace you can attack try for peace you cannot withdraw because you have no place to withdraw to you mhm uh uh okay during a clash after you have performed an attack maneuver okay we have to do the ATT do the attack first do the attack first all right um are you are you attacking me m okay I would like to go to Z Hotel all right now okay go ahead do it play your card playing my card yep during a clash after you have performed an attack take one random action card from the attacked player if the attacked player has zero action cards remove one of his exposed Clans instead okay so I just take this yes y yeah okay um I would like to attack you again okay do you want to discard your person or an an action card mhm looking at your action card I guess it was not a bad one this is one I've wanted to hold on to it was better for you to have that one than the other one you know what I'm going to stay so here okay okay are you attacking me her are we do you want to keep on yeah I I have I'm going to try to prevent you from winning okay so all right so she attacks you okay I would like to attack you okay can't do anything about it so there okay all right link I I'll do the I'm going to I'm basically going to just take over that territory which is sucky but that's what's going to happen migration choose one territory move one or more Clans to territory and Jason territory mhm all right that initiates a clash yeah oh are you fighting yeah I mean okay I assumed you would let me see if I uh Nick it's on you oh hey wait let me let me just look at your cards what the hell at my action cards yeah your epic tail I want to see no what does it say let me look at your epic's hand there you go just want to see what he's got that's a good idea is that the more card yeah yes yeah there's one good one that's that one no no there's one good epic ta card yeah I just want to see I I seen one card I I should have just given it to you so you could look at some cards that's okay it's fine wow that is weird right they're some of them are some of them are really powerful and some of them aren't so great I think they're very depending on your strategy as well yeah that's true specific all right it's on you ni P yeah I'm passing I can't play this right cuz I have exploration Bren yay choose an empty location okay you go you go girl choose one nowhere near him yeah what are we going to do though I would agree near you you want to be will that be visible yeah we'll do it let's see it or next to them cuz you you shift all right it's okay it's in oh yeah that guy which one is it the forest all right the forest is after you play an epic tail card draw an epic tail card oh neat that's a better card than Stone Circle Y I haven't used it once it's on you oh I pass I'm assume if we're at a Brazilian restaurant I on the red side okay no more meat up I guess it's to me pass Nikki pass I'm passing Dave go I'm going to play the Druid and look through the deck all right done back to you Lincoln pass or no it's back to St pass pass pass I'm going to explore pick another piece of land do this okay um put it goes over here then do we need to shift the board down no I think it's okay there you go what is that that's cool though swamp and something's automatically on it it says Citadel cannot be placed in this territory okay this card has no effect cuz it'll sink but you can play it instead of passing that's what the swamp does so it's a it's a stall but it's a non-passing stall meaning yeah that's what I'm saying so you're still in it it right even yeah now move your people somewhere else I can't that's the worst part about it well then why did you even do all that cuz I'll get to make you nervous I'll get these doesn't make me nervous I'm not about to win I I don't want to get into a fight is the only way at this point unless you can somehow pick up the exploration tile again initiate a clash in territory you present I can initiate a CL the Druid then you really St I can initiate a clash when present I can move but I don't want to do that that's not going to make you that's not going to help you win I'll lose guys yeah uh the only way way that would help you win is if you got one more I'm done territory I've done my thing okay so pass pass pass cards go yep are you completely done yep okay okay we made a map long we made a map yep yep we made a game board this is just setup all right this is just a game setup uh we got the game to go Lincoln is still the Bren I am still the Stone Circle dang it Stone Circle uh the fesal goes away did we check to see if someone won more is you oh yes hold on oh my gosh the first thing we do is check for bread yeah the second thing we do is to see if anyone has Pretender tokens Bren is still linking Nikki does Nikki does Nikki are you in six territories uh not anymore 1 2 3 4 5 are you in territories with six sanctuaries and has six sanctuaries one two three four five oh you were so close uh and you are not the chieftain in a place that has four people in it no so there we go all right Tada so salt mind is mine Coen Valley for Nikki Coen Valley forest for you for and ples not for you planes are still just out here you know what the planes are not for you the planes are not the planes are not for you that token flip that token this is going to be the last round I think okay I agree woo clockwise why are you beating on my guys I was not trying to all right keep it clockwise there we go all right link make sure you discard a card yes I will well these are kind of sticky does anyone have any cards they would like to play play at the beginning of the right she had a I had one so now I'm just asking everybody cuz things happen real quick okay doesn't matter why am I looking at them if there's straight I didn't even use my gas that last game I keep forgetting too your G G gas I don't know G right you've been you had that why did you stop I'm stopped her from playing you went ahead and played you time to do it oh oh I'm sorry you just need to speak up I well I didn't want to I'm not a big turn reverser I don't want to so I was like you don't know us at this place as long as we can take it back you don't know us we've done it once it doesn't it doesn't have to be this sorry guys doesn't have to be I know that you're acting real Reckless I'm really reaching now it's like and I'm these cards are not very slick they they two rooms in a boom and uh Space Team man those are like what those cards what what oh man agreed tough choices I don't even understand this one here you go Nikki everything I give you is great uhhuh every everything I give you is great yeah which way are we going clockwise I hate it yeah you're going to hate that hand I'm about to give you what's the one you wanted here you go n why did I do that L I want two of these no uh what are you going to do I want two of them when they come for you I want two of them Bo bad boys want two of them I don't like any of these I don't like any of these that's right clearly clearly this is all three of these are going to Nikki I'm sorry Lincoln wait for what I should not give that hold up here oh no what I just got to play defensively and not give that one to you I guess I've only done one the festival it's not even going to do me any good yeah Nikki those two are yours when you're ready all right I'm not even going to look at what you pass me because I don't want this one I'm just going to take whatever these are I don't even want this one but you couldn't get it uh oh I like this Dave likes it a God these two again exactly how could Dave pass that card I don't know man which card I know I know whichard whatever hey the nope card this is exciting the lightning BL is exciting why is that exciting that's not going to help it' be cheating if I said but this excites me to no end it's not going to help you out yeah it's not going to help me out this would have excited you this is not helping me out in the least nah I just like that it's in my hand I can't tell you how much I like that it's in my hand very cool these are this is I this literally could not have made a better hand that's nice mhm I mean I'm still not going to win I kept passing you good car I win I don't have enough people I need to be like spread out with less people or something El or fewer he's right Clash or what you I'm instigating a grammar Clash what are you talking about it should be fewer people not less is what you say get out of here all right it's grammatically correct it's going to make finishing the game tough if I leave get out of here no it won't make it easier a all right link start us off start us off BR I'm going to explore okay that was the one I was wondering why you passed it on um we'll go right here why did you pass that on I didn't want it could I just literally won in the Meadows at the very end dude goes in there yep Meadows Meadows card comes out Meadows card comes out this is a big board The Meadows is when you draw an epic tail card draw one more epic tail card but then you just choose one of the two won't help me okay your turn Miss step an okay oh hold on yep uh oh are are you not done you have more askar it I don't want think about it it's I have a great as a matter of fact I should do it I've never done it the salt mine it's why it's new it's exciting do it uh randomly take an one action card from an opponent and give that player one of your action cards what would I give well you can give the one you take back as well yeah it's true hey Dave let's do that all right excellent Lincoln you why didn't you draw the festival it's the festival that's what I was very excited is that I had the festival and then Lincoln can't play the festival okay I was like that just excites me to no end okay I mean it doesn't I give you is it it's you just have it back I don't care okay thank you okay I don't really know I don't even think about it was that the one that was the one you gave me don't even remember it or not that you gave me I swiped from you yep that's actually interesting but I don't know that it really I guess it's could be important though if you have something good yep okay let's see here let's do and okay in a territory where you a present choose an opponent with two more Clans in this territory and replace their Clans with one of yours so it's the swappy one that Lincoln's been using mhm me I don't I'm not the only one that used that one have ibye that's some power mhm phenomenal power are you done yes I am done thank okay what was the Stone Circle power again uh it's right here it's after you play an epic tail card you may remove one clan from the Stone Circle to take the Epic tail card from the discard pile and add it back to your hand and we decided that that was your own Clan got it she's got it okay he's got it I'm going to play Citadel this is Citadel where I am present that's going to be here those are nice and I will get the advantage card for the Cove please that's proba Nikki it is and that was what I was going to play next well I guess you're not now I don't remember what that one is I've never seen these cards all I know is it hits her I'm not Chieftain I don't that was the one I didn't want you to steal from I don't know what it's like to be Chieftain of anything other than the stone circle it allows you it allows you to look at this it allows you to look at this two three rounds oh and in fact I'm going to play it now after you play a season card take the action card that was set aside during the assembly phase and I will get rid of this oh that's what that one does that's right yeah done oh wait I had an epic card that did that or something in the beginning it's kind of kind of silly oh but it replaced you ready yep I'm ready that is weird though I would like an EP Epic tail there is the epics most you set aside a card from your hand not discard uh take the action C that was set aside add it to your hand then set aside one and then I play my Valley card Valley after you play Zoom one clan in a territory where you are present so what you're doing over here I'm just trying to that Cove card I just was stealing the Cove card that's all that's all I was doing okay Stephanie we're gonna fight um here we're going to initiate a clash get the place where you're in that's where I'm at I'm saying read the card it's not you're not moving into the space or you're present yep with you as the instigator okay all right wait hold on okay that's yeah that's what I'm going to do cuz it Doesn't I I with me as the instigator no well I'm the instigator ins initiate a class in a territory where you're present okay so she's going to bail to there yeah hang on I'm going to play a card during a clash at the end of The Citadel step take all clans out of their Citadel in this territory that's rude it's a terrible card why would you do that to me I'm I'm not even close to winning I'm doing it to you because link has five ter I can now after you play an epic tail card draw an epic tail card so do you do you take it right now it says after The Clash after the Citadel phase is over this is the Citadel phase okay so it just comes out yep that's actually stays in stays in in the room you're just not you're here yeah you're you're you can't hide that dude oh it just unhides you oh oh okay that's all so now I'm attacking okay um oh wait do you want a piece uh no okay I was instigator I guess I can't ask that can I yes okay you absolutely can well he said last time he didn't care you absolutely can you attacked me I discarded I would like to attack you right um okay one goes off okay and now it's you're attacking me you make him have peace nope okay all right it's a tacky it's a tacky actually let's do this she's going to take it off okay I think and then I oh you playing a card I'm think no it's my turn right no not if he has a card he can play now oh okay he might have a lightning B card that has to do with you removing a piece sure I would like to attack you okay um you know what this is I'm I'm staying okay now if you want to ask for peace you have to do it first before you attack her I I'm I the downer is is I the I just discarded the card that I was trying to get a guy for that's all I wanted to do was stop but you know she wanted to keep going that's fine I totally understand I just didn't want to throw away a card that I finally got in the game I understand attacking I guess you or peace I'm I'm fine with peace I'm good with peace okay peace peace in the land okay is it my turn uh yes because we're going clockwise cool I'm gonna play Dre let me I would like that card can I use it it's any right after an action card has been resolved after it's been resolved so I will get still get to do this yep and then you just get the D Card yep lug samil danch I'll lay it lay it down but I guess okay burp burp now it burp okay I got this epic thing and it allows me to take an action card after action cards been resolved add that to your hands sweet T that's perfect I'm going to play the swamp which allows me to pass all right but as if I weren't passing done all right I really just dislike that card so I'm playing the Druid and I'm going to get rid of this card to do it because I have to if the Druid is the last card in your hand you can't play it that's fine we know that yeah so wait you you shouldn't have to get rid of a card get the discarded oh sorry you just look at this and add one yeah woo I was thinking of another card okay I'm playing the Emissary it moves one of my Clans to adjacent territory it doesn't initiate class uh I am GNA sing a song and draw an epic epically all right I'm going to place a sanctuary I'm going to play this Sanctuary card I'm going place a sanctuary in a territory where I am present that'll be here and I will draw an epic card epic tail card done okay I'm going to play my new Clans and place two dudes in the center okay I'm going to take a pretender woohoo what do you got six territories nice okay I'm going to um my turn you doing anything else no okay I'm going to draw three territories from the pile Place one of them in an empty location adjacent to whatever and this doesn't really matter I don't think but um um let's just add this one Whatever what is that one um holy moly it's got a lot going on and the other two comes with a sanctuary um our face down at the bottom of the pile if the turn direction changes during the assembly phase each player present on this territory loses one of their Clans what and draws the top epic tail card so if we go counterclockwise the next round assuming there is a next round because something happens wa that one doesn't go I move one adjacent into it really yeah I may move one of my Clans from an adjacent ter oh I see cuz this is not an exploration right uh and I can can get rid of someone in Stone Circle to take that back two three four so I will actually do that where did that card go oh it's right here so that's back in my hand all right hey I'm going to do the festival card hoay in a territory where your present has a sanary placed one of your Clans in the token there I'll do this place this token here done cool yeah your turn Nick pass you don't want to use any three of those cards you also pass for now okay okay I I pass okay um I do that thing again draw three of these um let's put this one here wow this is a big board when one or more of your Clans are moved to this territory their owner must discard an action card or lose one of their Clans from this territory so I don't know if that means I do or not I would assume it does cuz you're about to move then I'll just pick another one there Misty lands I'm not even going to draw the yellow cards for these until we have to okay I have to assume did you move from here I did okay I have to assume that means it goes away all right uh I am going to they're not quite I am going to play this epic T card that as you I'm going to add the action card that was set aside to my hand done okay Nikki yeah okay hey Dave let me look at your action cards there they go okay okay that's the one that lets you look at it and then she can then you may move one or more of your Clans she looks and then she can move but I don't take no no you just look okay but then you can move Lincoln she doesn't move a clan you can move if you want do you want to move okay I don't anything I do is going to start wars right I don't really want to fight with anybody so I'm just going to stay p she's taking a pretender token Felix now it's garbage I am going to choose a territory I'm going to choose a territory move one or more of your Clans to that to an adjacent territory so uh I will go here and initiate a clash with you okay and I will attack you okay that's fine thank you and turn pass pass uh in each terer where you a president president add one to the citadels so I'll do that hey hey guys an opponent plays a action card all right the old G trick I don't know if I ever saw that one in my hand people must like oh I want to hold that just in case one two three four five you have six you're in six yeah yeah you really just made him okay but he doesn't have a pretender yet either I am going to remove a clan from a territory just pick one of the ones where I have one that's G to be this [Music] one he's going to try and go here yep cuz he's got to get sanctuaries because he has to get at least two win conditions yep because you're the brand uh Nikki it's your turn yeah I'm I'm passing I'm out of card so I'll obviously pass all right and now I am going to move and I'm going to move here I am going to attack you great what do you want to do I'm running this dude away because I want to keep fighting okay and let's fight attacking you you're attacking me I'm attacking you okay when one of my Clans would be removed that Clan is not removed okay so that doesn't work all right so now since you've attacked you can now attacked I have this wonderful card card during a clash after you've performed in the tech maneuver take a random action card from the tech player's hand player has no action cards and this goes away done what is this action card right here by the way that's not your action card that was that was the one I played the conquest one to start and then this goes away okay well that didn't work okay okay all right awesome chili bean pass pass pass pass for the cards yeah no I'm I'm down there so now chili bean can't win either actually pass pass pass I'll take the prender to do and then pass pass pass pass pass so now you play that no I don't here we go first thing we first link first thing first Nikki is the brand well yeah the first thing you do is you check to see who's Bren okay Nikki is the Bren and that's over here yep now we check to see if anyone has won okay now Nikki has a pretender token okay you have one Victory condition only right she does not have any 1 2 3 4 five six she is Chie in a space where there are six people yeah so that's one yeah no no there's only five oh yeah six okay sweet she get CU I didn't see it and nothing else correct do that again okay so do you have you have one two three you don't have enough sanctuaries and you're not in six bases Lincoln you are in six bases 1 2 3 four five six do you have another Victory condition no that was the only thing I had okay you are I have no Victory conditions got fed out yeah I have no Victory conditions and I almost had two but I only have one right one two three four wait no I'm not I'm in six bases you're not even close to having two but yeah you're incorrect I'm in six bases and I'm on 1 2 3 four four you would have only had five five no I'm dumb yeah so that was all pointless no that's good I where did I I miscounted one somewhere yeah so tiebreaker goes to the Bren Nikki chili bean wow so there you go I know about that win but okay well it's a little it's confusing this we're trying to learn it's not yeah it's a tug of war game a tough learn game yeah I the cool thing about this game I get I win the award for being blocked the most yeah I I didn't I I did not like dealing with that over here like that tug of war there was frustrating cuz all I was trying to do is just Branch out a little bit I think this was going to be as attacking I think you have to to I think you have to you get six I'm not saying that it doesn't I'm saying I didn't think this game going to be that way and it is literally all attack it doesn't have to be we could have made made more alliances we could have we could have done a lot more moving and agreeing right away to not fight I think I think what this game really is uh like the best way to do it is where you have you try to build the situation where you're going to have a couple possibilities of moving in your next turn if you get the right set of cards yeah that you need to like Bal like this is actually spectacular here where she comes in and now becomes the Brin mhm right I I I it was like if she's able do that then she takes over the tie right so she set herself up that's the kind of thing you need to do with your cards you need to be able to have enough uh options to be able to and plus having this which is helpful the Deeds were helpful yeah totally oh they're great I would love to have gotten those attempted did you so so did you have to toss the card or something at one point I almost I had the card one time and you had to be able to use an epic tail card and I didn't have it so yeah I think I had one Epic tail card maybe well the one I said that was seems worthless is not the word but not great for me was that one where after the Citadel phase everybody pops out of the Citadel that's that's great if I havean it didn't do anything for you well it's great if I have a huge Army and I'm moving into a space with like if I moved into the middle and like two of you guys jumped to here or something or if I moved into here and Nikki put two in there I could go uhuh you got to fight me but you doing that here I just need it wasn't pointless it got the card out of my hand and and it allowed me to draw another epic tail card because I was able to play the forest after it yeah but it wasn't what I'm saying is some of those epic tail cards seem huge and that one seems mine were not good that one seemed mine was just at Aude which is good but it didn't it wasn't anything like game changing that could have been right it could have been exactly this where I was able to change the the balance of power there for that you know but it was I kept the guys were like not going anywhere and I would lose a dude and you know it was not cuz you weren't attacking me there either it n like in your best interest at least at that point in time I didn't initiate very many attacks which is why I people were everywhere well that's but that was bad that ended up being bad because I had cards that would allow me to put these on the map and I couldn't I knew I couldn't that was my issue there I tried to use the new Clans that one time and I was just trying to get one guy off so that I could do that and I him discarding the card what do you think Nikki P well it's a game with a lot of choices right a lot of thinking um I definitely this is definitely one I need to play again oh of course before I get like a totally firm opinion on it uh but it was it was all right I I don't like that I had to keep asking questions how does a battle work how does the silliest thing is is I wish that even though it's just six of this six of this or six of this I wish there was a little piece of paper that just to remind you what but it is only three things right just to remind me what the victory conditions were yeah what the victory conditions were on there it's not on the back side no it's not I look for it I'm glad but it is just three things it's sixes and they're all sixes yeah so it shouldn't be that hard other than I thought maybe citadels might have been confused in there for me too at one point I was glad that there weren't variable player Powers because this is a game that oh my God that would be horrible right hor you just you just need to have an an even playing field well so I'll tell you I love the I love the the drafting thing I love being able to put stuff back in I love pick and pass and and then being able to change your mind like based on what shows up in your hand I rarely did I actually Dave wanted to one time but he forgot but yeah but the thing is that was I did that one time somebody P I think you passed me a bunch and I was shocked I'm like wow okay then I'm going to change this now it wasn't any ground Game Changer although it might have been that thing BR the festival I just wanted to get the guys out I didn't care about the I wasn't getting attack well that too I wanted to just build these guys up just so I could try to Branch out I I wasn't trying to be I I mean I had the Emissary right that's the one where I was able to go in I had that once I wanted those I just wanted to be able to put guys they don't want to be I'm not trying to take it over I just want to be there that's what I was sh well that's what I wanted to do too which is why I rarely attacked I I never picked the move cards and I passed the attack yeah but they weren't great for me either right you said I had the opportunities which you're correct but they weren't good for me over here and po that's the I think I have the most difficult grasping of this is I think we should have attacked more and I think had we we would have been in the position to place more people yeah like I just it's funny Once those epic tail cards people started to figure out what they were they I never saw them I I couldn't or it was or I had it and I could not keep it right that type of a deal right I think I had the one where you get you could draw one or you could spend it and give it to somebody El think I had she gave that to you and I was never I'm just the cheap two I had two cards cuz she gave me one of those she gave me one of those EP I me the whole time I was CH one did probably the worst that was actually I think that's where I came over here or something like that having to lose a clan to get I mean I I mean I put you know more territories out there because of the Stone Circle it just depends on what the Epic tail card is if it's really spectacular then well that was the only way that losing the Clan makes sense that was the only way that I was going to get even potentially six territories so that was the only reason yeah that's I mean I wonder I I think Dave I saw him going for this I'm like he can do that well let me apologize to you for miscounting cuz this whole move here in the fight with Nikki at the end was a complete waste of time I thought this was six yeah so I apologize for miscounting I was just trying to get to two so that I wouldn't have to worry about the tiebreaker yeah yeah I would have loved to these would have look how spread you too if you could have got the look how spread out I am I don't have I would have helped anyone each one of us were like one away from something else part of that spreading out is just trying you know I I don't know there must be some more to the attacking and then going for peace right like because I mean if you can do it the problem is the other person doesn't have to take it right so if you if you don't make the initial attack then you're you're on you're you're backpedaling slightly and then you're going to take a hit and the goal is I just want to stay here that's all that matters to me that's me too I'm not trying to I'm not trying to win I just want to be in that territory and that was I have a problem with that I think where I'm cuz I we played sze and I had the same kind of issue where I had a bunch of dudes and I didn't it was like is it worth the attack right and is it going to be you know because there's the variables inside where you're playing cards could to make someone get rid of an action card and I you know like I was feeling I was feeling for Nikki there where I didn't want to attack cuz she was not very in many places either and I had a crapp load of dudes I'm like I don't really want to go there you know it's like it's not it's it's enough that it would hurt her pretty bad and it was I'm like that's not what I want to do and then we built all this out that was part of the that's the other thing I think having bigger board which was amazing CU you were able to pull that off I did it twice too right I did the same thing you did which was I did it I drewed the card back and I did it again cuz I think that's where you probably would sneak the winds in where it would be a little bit what I was trying to do exactly I thought you were going to do it for sure sure well I figured out too late the notion of just passing like that one hand where eventually I had eight or nine cards in my hand and you guys had one or two well that was you watched us have a battle of attrition it's like okay here I go well yeah the beauty of that also is if I'm not stopping people from winning I put that onus on you and therein lies either what you might like or dislike about this game cuz there are games like that I think there are special rules for two players to sort of fig F out I think how the drafting works and some other things but this could be one of those games that might be really good as a two player where there's no there's no onus I think it would be better as a two- player you have to stop him stop her you can ultimate King make in this game it's not even a question it's not even a question of Team making you cannot even you cannot well for me yeah yeah you cannot even understand necessarily who's ahead or not like when Nikki gave me that draw three epic Tales card mhm if she'd given that to Lincoln she probably loses right he got to one Victory condition without that card I didn't even get to one I needed that almost you actually had it I didn't at the end at the very end I was the only one that didn't have a win right but I needed that card to get to this to even get to my funny we all did it at the same time we got to that point at she did it last time I think she did the turn before but then we stopped her from doing it yeah well I stopped her from doing it because I because because I passed on purpose yeah I would have I did my fall in my sword thing like well I'm not going to stop let's see if you guys but it benefited me to also spread out into that area so I was then at at five areas well that is a strategy right in games like this so then it becomes a question of do you like games where that is a strategy where you make someone else sort of Do Your Dirty that is a valid strategy I mean this this game I know that they spent a very long time it's like been on the verge released for a while and they were really trying to balance it and I do feel there's balance to this game the fact that those the the big game changer is potentially the Epic Tales which as you've pointed out not NE aren't necessarily that wonderful some of them are great though right of course but that's what's great about them you kind of want to churn to those things every time I've played this twice I played it in Prototype form how about this in a territory where you are present and that has a sanct and it has sorry no sanctuaries Place one clan and a sanctuary there you go so it's nice that's a guy that's what you need that's what you need y yeah I it's I do I think it's an interesting game I definitely I like I like that power play thing there's absolutely the potential to set up a really great power play and these cards help you think that they're terrible but I didn't have a a wonderful batch of them but like the salt mine was interesting I'm like holy cow I can take an action card and uh and give them one and I end up giving Dave exactly back what he gave me it wasn't anything wonderful but it was still cool it wasn't I didn't in fact I got lucky I got lucky that you didn't steal the card I didn't want you to steal I desperately wanted you to steal the best of all just to have it well I would have taken it I mean of it funny but yeah it's that's really cool I mean it's definitely there's some get in your head around it there's absolutely some get in your head around it and figuring out the right Inplay cuz here's what I really like you only have four cards at the when you're I mean other than the these and the Epic Tales you have four action cards you're going to try to make something happen with those four the hope is that you have like Dave had a few of those epic Tales uh that you could push you can nudge it over the line where you need it you know on the uh I will say God going going last is 100% important well you as the star player can just pass now now you're last going last on that last round if I'd gone last I would have had six territories it's true but you have to be able to make that happen and attacking part of that isue that's what sucks cuz you I knew you were trying to save cards to do those things he wouldn't have had six territories then and I would have I might have passed I might have I might have played chicken with you also I had the swamp right the swamp allowed me one pass that's not a pass yeah it's still that's awesome I'm just saying if you have to force someone to use stuff like that obviously going last is powerful we never saw obviously we never saw Misty lands yeah I already looked at him nothing except for discard one or more action cards to draw that number of epic tail cards yeah I saw that one that was the most there's another one that was um choose one to describe the rest what's this Gates of make someone lose uh an make someone lose an action card and an exposed CL member when resolving the gates of tier n's territory effect which is to say this one draw one more epic tail card choose one to keep discard the rest H all right and then what was up there Iron Mine iron mine oh it wasn't out there it's in here but that one really good no what came out of this is Meadows The Meadows Meadows it's right here oh we already had we had put that one out Highlands the start of a clash in the highlands what was iron mind IR when you perform an attack maneuver the attack player must both remove a clan and discard a card that's painful o that's tough wow that sounds really strong uh you have to be the Chie of it will not surprise you to learn that some of these stronger ones were also part of the first time suggested setup that said to put them on the bottom of the territory stack oh okay so you wouldn't get to I had done that before the yeah a lot of these crazy ones were at the bottom it's probably more than we can even kind of grasp we only really got to him because I discard and I both oh I started four yeah total so twice Al well so it's four total yeah that's what I'm saying yeah it was two three kept one put two down thead yeah well thanks for teaching us Dave you're welcome [Music] he
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 105,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, boardgame
Id: -9qHBDXte_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 17sec (8177 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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