Media protection racket hides Joe Biden’s ‘comically bizarre gaffes’ at CNN town hall

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now if the abc has taught us anything it is that the media can be ferocious in its pursuit of people who think differently and in america we are witnessing this issue played out in reverse as the gushing media establishment moves heaven and earth to make president joe biden seemed presidential as bite in front of the cnn town hall this week his chief stenographer don lemon was on the case and boy did don come prepared with some tough questions for the big guy president you've been the big guy for six months now in the white house can you take us behind the scenes something that was extraordinary or unusual that happened that stands out to you yeah mr president didn't close the door mr president what the hell are you going on this time for you know um you know it's it's a it's it's a wonderful honor as you can tell i hope i have very good manners but i'm not very hung up on protocol and i and the secret service is wonderful what was that let's start unpacking that question which was uh can you tell us something extraordinary one thing just one thing that has stood out to you during your time as leader of the free world could you possibly hand the big guy an easier question than that but apparently was too difficult cognitively for biden who started rambling about times he's being told to close the door and how often he's asked mr president why are you going outside and don lemon just nervously laughs along as if it was a normal response tragically it wasn't even the craziest thing to be said at the town hall in case you missed it here is the now infamous moment biden starts raving about whether there is a man on the moon you you got the vaccination yeah are you are you okay i mean you see no it works or you you know or or or the mom and dad or or or or the neighbor or when you go to church or whether no i i really mean it there are trusted interlocutors think of the people if if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were there's a man on the moon or whatever you know something or you know whether those aliens are here or not you know who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it truly wild stuff and here he is failing to answer basic questions on vaccines and the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh um are why can't the the the experts say we know that this virus is in fact uh um is it it's going to be uh we we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved but permanently approved and it wasn't just comically bizarre gaps biden made plenty of factually incorrect statements as well some of which don lemon helped him correct in the moment before quickly trying to move on i want to say i'm in his territory you know there's a portman is a good man portman is a congressman from this area i talked to him before i got and i really mean it he's a decent honorable man and he he and i are working on trying to get this this infrastructure bill passed but you're you're talking about senator ron portman of ohio can i'm sorry jeez talk about a media protection racket could you imagine cnn doing that for donald trump or any republican if they made even a slight mistake and here is biden falsely claiming that former obama administration economist larry summers isn't worried about long-term inflation despite the fact he co-wrote an op-ed titled the inflation risk is real people are coming back and guess what instead of paying 10 cents japan 20. i mean you understand what i'm saying it relates to what in fact is now needed because we're growing i don't know anybody including larry summers who's a friend of mine who's worried about inflation is suggesting that there's any long-term march here if we do the things we're going to do so what did cnn's online reporting of the event look like surely it focused on some of these howlers giving the public an accurate portrayal of the event well no cnn's main digital wrap led with these three highlights biden explains how he's working to dispel vaccine misinformation biden slams jim crow on steroids and president says he will keep fighting for the dreamers so with this degree of dishonest journalism is it any wonder that viewers fled the propaganda fest the town hall only had 1.5 million viewers which fox news beat by 83 at the same time and for those who just read the cnn post debate wrap you would mistakenly think that biden nailed it so much for objectivity louise what do you make of the way that the the u.s media particularly cnn etc are covering joe biden and do you think there should be some tougher questions asked oh absolutely there should be some tougher questions and it shouldn't just be left to organizations like you know fox news and other other outlets to put those to the president i mean he talks about aliens and a man on the moon and that's all quite quite ridiculous but for me the most worrying part of that was his lack of knowledge or facts to hand about vaccines and as we know any politician in this uh climate who isn't totally on top of the vaccine roll out and the implications for their citizens is in real trouble i mean that it's a very big nail in the coffin of their career so for him to be very vague about when and where under 12 children for example in the us are going to be uh vaccinated was quite worrying as a parent in the u.s i'd be very worried to watch him talk about vaccines in that way yeah caleb louise makes a really good point that there is an element of humor to it when he when he goes off script and he's you know losing his train of thought but then there's also a serious side to it oh yeah i mean some of these questions he receives not only at this town hall but all over the joint softer than baby food for heaven's sake i mean we saw how juno's lined up during the trump administration to ask tough questions and often very much leading questions of trump and his administration and quite often he deserved to receive those questions i mean this is what journalists are meant to do we're meant to ask tough questions but it seems all too often with biden that they either don't want to ask those questions or they know that asking those questions will reveal something that they don't want people to know that might hurt biden now you can be critical all you want of sky news and many people are oh it's full of conservatives but you know alan jones and every other broadcaster on this station will hold a politician to account even if they come from the same side of politics as them particularly i mean alan jones is a great example he doesn't let anyone go doesn't matter where they come from what party they're from he will give props to people who deserve it and criticize people who deserve it and in america there is no appetite to do that amongst the left-wing media and the result of that is that serious questions about not only america but the rest of the free world go unanswered they go unchecked this is the guy with the nuclear codes and if he is not held to account that poses a serious threat to democracy and it poses a serious threat to america and the rest of the world we are here as the fourth estate to try and hold these people to account and you know they had no problem holding trump to account in fact they wanted to bring him down but when it comes to biden if there is no appetite to hold him to account they are not doing their job
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 2,709,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6264891987001, fb, msn, opinion, yt
Id: rSaTXfeKFvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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