Inflation Is Real, What Can You Do About It?

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[Music] a lot of stuff moving around in the economy yes a lot of inflation and recession worries gas prices are enough to give you a freaking heart attack god i filled up my raptor and i just about just laid down in the middle of the gas station parking lot and held my heart for a minute oh man i mean because you fill up a prius it's one thing but when you fill up a raptor yeah it's another man i'm just saying i can only imagine wow i bought houses cheaper than that back in the day but oh my gosh it's it's a thing and you go to the grocery store and you you know you put your buggy's half full of what it was and it's just as much money it's almost like shopping at whole foods every day that's you know i mean it's like really it's crazy and you used to call it whole paycheck right but the uh uh you know it's it's wild out there the interest rates have gone way up on housing um house prices of course have gone way up in 20 and in 21 they're up a little this year um and everybody's you know worrying about a real estate crash now and and and labor cost to hire someone to get a job you know i'm seeing a lot of comments and stuff flowing through in our place right now is like how do i how do i i can't even make it i mean i can't inflation has just destroyed what was left of my little budget um but in my mind when i hear that there's always two sides to each budgeting equation the in goes income side and the outgo side i also know that they're no longer paying people ten dollars an hour to put the bread on the shelves they're not paying them 20 to 30 an hour to put the bread on which is why the cost of bread went up by the way it wasn't wheat and it wasn't a shortage it's the cost of labor oh and the diesel fuel in the truck to deliver the bread oh yeah that's built into that so that's why your loaf of bread went up that's why sharon bought some bologna the other day and man that was a lot of money what that's just it's real food but sharon bought bologna oh for me yes homegrown tomato big red onion big old piece of white bread and that's better than filet mignon man don't you know anything i i just i know you have a very pride a little bit it's a redneck it's a redneck man frying the bologna you cried a little bit you put it on there oh man that's about it you could take the boy out of the side tracked here but anyway the point being that if your budget is stressed ken and your your salary is fixed it might be time to look that's correct because you might be able to make a whole lot more money somewhere else but be careful because you could jump over into one of these companies that have lost their minds and are doing all kinds of crazy butt stuff and then you get stuck in the middle of the crazy butt stuff oh yeah we're seeing a lot of that now the facts are just give you two different stories when you change jobs we've seen over the last year and a half you're looking at about a 14 on average pay bump well i would cover your inflation that's pretty nice especially if you adjust your budget you know i also saw a story recently on the news about this couple that's uh they're extreme frugal savers and budgeters probably our kind of people and they're like we're not even feeling the inflation i know that when we do these debt-free screams over the last six months inflation doesn't come up at all so there is a way to do it the way that we teach it works but let's give you some good news about the economy just reported on my show today that uh olive garden they beat their projections uh and what have they done they've kept their prices low and turns out families like a lot of free bread sticks and um you know bottomless salad but the point is my weight in both of those right but here's a story that you're not hearing in the media when a restaurant like that decides you know what we're going to keep our costs where they are it's costing us a little bit more but they got more people coming in because they're offering things so you hear this bad news about inflation and the economy we also saw today reported today that uh for the first time in seven months home sales spiked in may so this doomsday stuff we need to get over it well it it's those are good indications anxiety and the fear around filling up your car and almost passing out is real absolutely right the anxiety and the fear over you know half the stuff in the grocery basket and it's just as expensive as real however what's just as real is there's almost an across-the-board increase in wages and if you haven't received that then you should talk to your employer because he's getting ready to have to replace you that's right and there's opportunity like we've never seen before we still see a level what we are paying for a position at ramsey has changed dramatically in 12 months based on the marketplace that's correct in order to get someone to do x or y or z it is different than it was 12 months ago and that difference is at least 14 percent that's correct that's the average yeah so folks that's the average of people that change jobs so we'll take those calls today because dave's right we don't want to chase just a paycheck because that'll wear off if you're in a crappy culture with gossip people you leave a good company and you go into a bunch of crap and they're doing the the woke agenda and then and you hate that stuff and you all of a sudden you're going to be spending all your money on your time on that instead of actually helping people doing work correct so um we're quite the opposite around here at ramsey we're kind of boring old dinosaurs and um and kind of proud of that by the way but the uh um anyway the uh yeah so i mean you you make sure you're going to a company that aligns with your values maybe you want to do all the woke stuff then go you need to make sure they're doing all that stuff um a lot of them are doing you know they're going overboard with it because they're just virtue signaling that's correct and so if you leave a good company like i mean we had a young man that left here a while back and he texted this weekend and he's like oh god this place is a disaster that i went to and he got he got more money than we were paying him so he got a raise but he went into a miss you know and so be careful that you're not doing that or be careful you're not taking a job that you hate or be careful that you're not thinking something's you know what it was i had a another guy a friend of mine left his position because he was gonna work 20 hours a week from home for more money yeah now he's working 80 hours a week yeah from home well there's a lot more money yeah it's a mirage a lot of people well here's here's what's unique about ramsey solutions and we're always hiring so you know you need to be checking out ramsey but we know from research i spoke about this at our entre leadership summit here are three human needs that we all want fulfilled at work number one we want to see meaning and purpose in our work we have a crusade mentality because we're giving people hope and real practical steps for life transformation at this company number two we want to be recognized for our unique contribution i can't tell you the stories of people that are executives here in this company who started out as administrative assistants and because we recognize people's hard work we recognize their talent we give them an opportunity to get promoted they do here i'm sitting on my operating board two of them and then the third thing that we need is we want a relationship with our leader i cannot tell you how much this company cares for its people it's a real relationship with the people that you report to if you don't have that find it somewhere yeah find it somewhere and make sure if you're going for more money that you get that too or else the money will be you'll be hating your life all for a few bucks that's right but you can help with inflation by either an upward a raise at your current place or a uh a move to somewhere else well i work for the state well maybe it's time to move somewhere else they're probably not going to give you a 12 inflationary raise this year and you probably can get it somewhere else this is the ramsey show
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 134,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball, Inflation Is Real, What Can You Do About It?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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