These Millionaire Stats Make People SO ANGRY! - Dave Ramsey Rant

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[Music] so ken this is an interesting and distressing part of our world today we did at ramsey a couple of years ago the largest by far airtight research the largest study of millionaires in north america in the united states of america ever done all the details where do they come from what do they think about did they inherit their money what are their careers what's their marital status what's their race creed color whatever everything we could figure out and trying to find a and trying to figure out okay what does it take to become a millionaire in america today a millionaire is a million dollar net worth for those of you who don't know it's not a billionaire a billion is a thousand million it's a lot more if you have three thousand dollars you're closer to being a millionaire than a millionaire is to being a billionaire as an example so it's not it's not private jets and seven cars okay that's not a millionaire a million dollar net worth is not that much it but it is more than most people have there's about uh 17 million millionaires in america and that's what you own minus what you owe equals your net worth your assets minus your liabilities is your net worth so if you have no debt and you have a million dollars in your 401k you're a millionaire okay that's simple that kind of a thing all right so we post on instagram yesterday and this is what is societally distressing that from this study not a feeling that we have we didn't ask your broke brother-in-law his opinion we ask real millionaires ten freaking thousand of them who they are where they come from and one of the many conclusions we drew from this was the top 10 career fields that we found according to frequency within the study so who what career field did we find most often second most often and so on the most often we found was engineer the second was an accountant or cpa the third was teacher the fourth was management the fifth was attorney so not even making the top five is medical doctor by the way there were six number six but they were not even in the top five and we post that on there and instagram and facebook proves once again that humanity is full of morons i mean if you read comments after articles or comments after posts like this you understand why some species ether young people are dumber than a rock out there oh yeah a lot of mouthpieces some of you listening are dumber than a rock i mean i never heard this is ridiculous so here's the thing okay we've done detailed scientific research that proved that the sun is hot and we post it yeah on instagram the sun is hot some of you morons will disagree with that yeah just because you think you have a right to and you should really stop before you post something because it makes you look stupid okay was that unclear well probably i i felt like you could have had a little bit more enthusiasm for what you were saying i felt like it felt like it lost a little fervor no i think you're absolutely right this is data and you know what's funny is like people they want to argue like we're duping people yeah like what we're just saying yeah right dave ramsey teachers aren't really making that kind of money not where i live i'm a teacher teachers can't be millionaires no way teachers can be millionaires no teachers should be on there where are the nurses where are the nurses well you nurses get your butt in gear and i guess you'll make the dead gum list oh my gosh well what they're missing what these brilliant mouth breathers have forgotten in this post is that it has nothing to do with the salary has everything to do with the way they live now engineers certainly can make way more money than a teacher but it is they have lived on less than they make they have saved they have invested they've walked the clear path the baby steps their baby steps millionaires and that's what they're missing here they think oh i know what a teacher salary is you guys are just making this stuff up as if you're into cleveland i'll tell you what all five students share in common all five professions are systems people that's right they all work systems yeah teachers work a teaching plan they have a lesson plan yeah they work a system and they they if they somebody gives them a lesson plan they don't go make up their own yep they they follow the lesson plan and engineers they don't make up their own thing the bridge would fall that's correct they have to follow the system they have to follow the processes attorneys have to follow a process called the law you know you don't get to make it up you have to actually adhere to a process all of these people adhere to processes for a living and they take that same part of their personality and they apply it to their money and voila they become a millionaire so what is the data on teacher income well right now the median income in the united states is 60 thousand dollars so now before some of you folks start firing shots at me on that i said median you know what a medium is anybody know if you've been in a good teacher's class you would have known it's your law of averages you just run your averages so there's no average is different than median yeah i know but i'm just saying if you if you look at across the board of what the median salary is for a teacher it's 60. now that means in some districts in the united states like for instance i got a friend who's teaching high school in new york upstate new york he's making over six figures so this is across the board you look at the median and now we go okay uh this is what we're looking at in the united states but again it is about how they live on less than they make it's not this study wasn't pointing to how much they make it was how much they keep and by the way there is one other correlation between all of these millionaires they love their work yeah that's an 80 percentile range 80 percent they so let me help you with this if you invest from age 30 to age 65 in a decent growth stock mutual fund 15 of 60 000 you'll have 4.8 million dollars yeah there it is now you can also fire off a bunch of comments about that but that was math you don't really get to negotiate with math yeah that's how math works it just is or it isn't that's right you don't get to make up your own version that's not enough and so if that's so if one if you only are one-fifth as good as we teach right i mean five million bucks 4.8 million right okay you would still have one million dollars right and from age 30 to age 65 but dave that's all too clear cut and simple for the keyboard warriors there's got to be more complexity they got to tear it apart it's got to be a game and that's unfortunate that's the sad part the sad part is is that we have a portion of our culture now who rather than fix their life and address the person in the mirror's deficits instead wants a narrative that declares them a victim there it is that can't possibly be true dave because if that's true i could do it if you're if your study was accurate what do you know about my study you just you just if your mouth was shut you wouldn't be making noise oh my god but dave they're mouth breathers so the mouth can't be shut seriously people you really should abstain from the comments section reading them or commenting on them oh my gosh there's a reason that you and i both get so visibly frustrated with people that have a victim narrative and insist on spreading their victim narrative we know from having worked with thousands and even millions of people that most anyone that follows a proven process can go get a great job can get out of debt and build wealth can have a good marriage we know that people that are that choose to control their behavior in spite of the negative influences from the outside in spite of bad things having happened to them and we all have challenges but in spite of the challenges we know that people can create for themselves carve out for themselves a good life if they bother when someone posts a negative narrative that says oh teachers can't do it then someone believes that or you're in an echo chamber with a bunch of people that says teachers can't do it then god help us teachers believe they can't do it and we know that that's not true and you've then limited someone's belief in someone's future and you've brought harm to them and we love people and we love people that so much we want them to win and anything that keeps them from winning including you debbie downers out there we're you're going to be at the tip of our sharp tongue yeah yeah i agree with that and let me just say this as much as we will take shots at people that that are constantly negative and cynical i i do even you could do it if you'd quit doing that i feel sadness over that because because you've bought in some form or fashion a false narrative you have had some bad stuff happen to you maybe somebody did something maybe you made a mistake and you did something dumb that doesn't disqualify you from being a victor i've never read a biography in my life and i've read a lot of them uh where the the story the person in the story that we're reading about always did everything right had no hardship had no self-inflicted wounds had no disadvantages so i absolutely agree with you we get fired up on this because we're in the business of hope we're in the business of giving people hope that they can be who they're supposed to be they can do what they want to do um and yeah it really makes me angry when people just go nah that's all a pipe dream and uh yeah it irritates us and we live in a world today where people really are influenced shockingly by the comment in the comment section by the negative yeah and yeah that's why negative fires up the negative the negative good grief here's my deal if you really believe that then why do you feel like you got to share that with everybody else i mean you you have the right to believe and say and i will always fight for liberty to say and be negative and uh your that's what you want to be great but don't bring it around the rest of us yeah old country's saying if you ain't got something nice to say don't you say nothing at all i mean life is too short pastor friend of mine used to say if it's not helpful hopeful or promotes healing you don't need to say it that's good yeah it's not helpful hopeful or promotes healing yeah you don't need to say it yeah and um i couldn't i could take it to that advice occasionally too i just called a whole bunch of people stupid so but i think that might have been healing though i think it was it was it was a little therapeutic for both yeah me and you were healed by it yeah yeah but i will say this i think it's fair to say that someone is stupid or unintelligent when they argue data yeah but by the way those are the same people that go science over here but we're going to argue something we don't like and you've heard this before you don't like it that's right we hear what we want to hear we see what we go chamber city man it's just people man man oh man
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 215,983
Rating: 4.8708649 out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball, These Millionaire Stats Make People SO ANGRY! - Dave Ramsey Rant, money, dave ramsey how to become a millionaire, personal finance, everyday millionaire, millionaire stats, baby step millionaire
Id: guRGhiTElSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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