Why "All Education" Is NOT Good - Dave Ramsey Rant

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foreign number one if you are going into a field where an education is needed we are huge proponents of a four-year degree we're also huge proponents of the trades there's lots of guys that are welders that are making 120 000 a year while people with a master's degree in social work are making thirty eight thousand so let's just keep in mind what you're going to earn when you go get a degree so when you're studying don't study some left-handed puppetry degree get a degree in German polka history there's only one job if you have a degree in German polka history you have to get a PhD so you can go teach other people to get a degree in German Polk history it is the only possible use for that degree and there's crap like that all over the place that people go and do and in the name of all education is good no all education is not good for purposes of earning now is all education expand the Mind hypothetically some of your minds are so empty that it's crazy you shouldn't put stuff in there but um but the uh but but some of it you know so generally speaking education is a good thing generally speaking a lifetime of learning is something you need to engage in a hundred percent of you a hundred percent of us need to engage in a lifetime of learning if the last time you read a non-fiction book was five years ago shame on you turn off Netflix go read a non-fiction book for God's sakes learn something all the time for the rest of your life learn something read read read read all leaders are readers not all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers so be doing you know learn learn learn believe in education all four of my kids got a four-year degree but the the thing that universally you cannot defend there is not one shred of data except mythology that going to a high-priced famous School ivy league as an example that you can justify the extra expense okay the versus a high of well staffed well-run State School the University of Ohio the University of Georgia the University of Tennessee the University of whatever you know whatever state you want to put after that okay or just a state school in you know the Middle Tennessee State University as one of the best broadcast and music degrees in the world and it is a state school and it's like eight thousand nine thousand dollars a year tuition okay one of my friends is the president of a major Network sent her kid to MTS to Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro freaking Tennessee and could have could have afforded to send their kid anywhere but wanted to study broadcast and wanted to study the field that that a parent was in and so you know what we're looking for here is value in education because education is important but this idea that you have to go to a famous School because it's going to get you a job or because it's going to get you more money is statistical mythology there's nothing to back it up lots of studies saying it's not true yeah it's virtually insignificant even in the higher level grad degrees and this is not our opinion these are Harvard economists that have put this stuff out so and that's the customer doesn't care by the way the only people that carry your mom and dad and your grandparents and maybe crazy Uncle Larry at Thanksgiving because that's where he went to school you know so we've got to get over this my nephew went to Cornell I couldn't care right nobody cares yeah City learn anything yeah there's two things that we teach here one is a degree the only way to get where you want to go to do that thing you want to do or is it the best way if it's no to both of those simple questions is it the only way or the best way then I got news for you there's a different way and increasingly in 2023 it's a whole lot less expensive and a whole lot less time consuming and that's the reality of the world we live in and it's only continuing to shift that direction yeah so we're pro-education absolutely it just doesn't always require a degree we're not pro mythology yeah and it doesn't require a degree to be success you are not more likely to be successful by going to one of those famous schools it just isn't there there's no data again Wall Street Journal did a full survey 78 percent that's eight out of ten of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies the top 500 companies on the stock market graduated from State schools you know what though Dave you are statistically significant hello I found I realized just a second ago that you are more likely if you go to one of those big name schools you are more likely to be broke I shared a story on the Ken Coleman show just a couple weeks ago of a guy who went to Columbia okay Film School oh three hundred and forty thousand dollars because he went undergrad and he got a graduate level degree he's in Hollywood making sixty five thousand dollars right now and he was quoted in the Wall Street Journal saying I could have got this job without either the four-year degree or the Master's Degree oh he's exactly right he could have yeah and so now that's again that's the film industry so it's not apples to apples in every industry you got to have a grad degree for medicine for science a lot of your science jobs and a lot of your and obviously all medical jobs but uh there's a guy who regrets it and he got this prestigious degree and he still had to start at the bottom if you want to get a business degree at Vanderbilt University in our town here the southern ivy league if you will sure it's seventy thousand dollars a year University of Tennessee is twelve thousand dollars a year so we're saying six times is that is that degree six times more valuable at Vanderbilt than it is at the University of Tennessee I'm a hundred percent sure it's not because I graduate from the University of Tennessee and people that graduated from Vanderbilt work for me oh by the way football team's better at UT well that football that's it that's but yeah I mean it's just I just had to throw that out I know it has nothing to do with what we're talking about absolutely nothing don't pick your school on your football either that don't do that don't I'm going please God don't that's a very good play school because they have a good foot which by the way a lot of kids are doing that party scene yes it's always rated and everything it's just all this garbage man so it whether it has a lazy river there's schools that have a lazy river that you can Coast down you can float down a lazy river at a university this is how asinine this whole process has become and this is why we have a student loan debt problem of trillions of dollars because Congress continues to make loans to people who want to go to the lazy river there you go
Channel: The Ramsey Show Highlights
Views: 57,140
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Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball
Id: 5ivzxckQBzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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