Camping Next To A Dam

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all right we're going camping we are camping in a new location this is actually a very interesting location because i'm camping right next to a dam but it's going to be fun trust me it's going to be fun so let's get camp all set up real quick and we'll enjoy ourselves so all right camp is all finally set up and we are camping in a free campground we've got sprinklers and we've got lawn mowers but hey we are camping and it's free oh man the joys of public camping we're staying positive and we are making a video today and uh yeah that's what we're gonna do so i've got the tent right here set up and actually the dam as you can tell is right over there keep out dangerous water conditions and then what i did is i went ahead and set up my tarp here because we might have some rain so we're gonna have a good time you guys right now i think what's gonna happen is we're going to uh pump up the little uh raft and we are gonna set out on a little excursion to see if we can find a waterfall and do a little bit of fishing let's do it i don't know how i got into this uh boat but i did and we are paddling out we're gonna do a little fishing and uh see what we can find we're also gonna see if we can make it to the waterfall i don't know we'll see if there's too terrible of winds i don't think i'll be going anywhere we'll see what happens you guys but in any regard we're doing it here we go evo heave ho heave ho heave ho so let's get around this bend over here and see if we can find that waterfall it's just utterly gorgeous out here you guys so peaceful i hear nothing really but just nature oh this is awesome this is really awesome now if only the sun was poking out just a little bit you know just a little we're almost to that corner i'm gonna fly the drone if i can just get a shot of it i don't have to go all the way to the waterfall at least that's the plan we'll see if it'll actually happen i hear it i can hear it we're getting really close you guys oh oh i see it oh we got to get closer wow look at that that is gorgeous wow i don't know if you can see it from here i'm gonna have to i don't know i don't know if i can get out and fly the drone i'll go a little bit closer but i ain't getting too close [Music] we did it hope you're not getting sick okay i better stop okay it might be pretty shallow over here i might be able to get out we'll see [Applause] yeah i can get out right here probably oh yeah [Music] okay now how do i do this all right guys i'm going to attempt to uh climb out of this raft here i think the water is pretty low i should be able to step out at least i hope so without falling over i'm gonna try okay oh yeah oh i did it i got let's put the raft up here don't lose it don't pop any wow guys this is awesome let me lose this real quick in my flip-flops sharp rocks okay that's cool all right let's uh let's try to uh fly the drone [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] wow yeah that's what i'm talking about that was awesome you guys wow [Music] beautiful okay we shall shut it all off and we've got to get to paddling time to head back to camp make ourselves a burger and enjoy the evening yeah that's cool that's really cool i'm quite parched i need water i wish i would have brought my uh water filter got plenty of water around me so peaceful and relaxing just sitting here it's like i don't know you have to be here you guys should come here come hang out but don't tell everybody we got to keep this a secret just between us okay we want to keep the uh the beautifulness we don't want it to get trashed we've got a long ways to go it's never fun going back is it never never never never man it definitely has turned out to be a better day though those clouds went away just at the right time what a blessing my shoulders they're on fire this isn't easy not easy at all all right we made it ah what a paddle [Music] all right look at that burger doesn't that look good that is a bruschetta burger it's got mozzarella basil it's got tomatoes balsamic glaze i mean this is a good burger right here all right enough talking i'm going to bless the meal real quick and we'll dig in dear heavenly father lord thank you so much for this time lord your creation is just awe-inspiring that waterfall today is just outstanding lord it's it's amazing and it's such a blessing to be able to see it lord i just i think of this food that i'm about to partake lord bless it to my body and father i can't help but think of there's there's somebody out there lord that uh is in need or or is this is hungry lord that i wish i could share this meal with them but lord you know what needs to be done and i pray that you'll send someone that way father be with the family as i'm away keep them safe help me to return tomorrow i thank you and love you in jesus name i pray amen all right let's dig in look at that burger oh it looks so good oh yeah first bite here we go oh man that is a delicious burger right there i love all the ingredients you've got a little bit of a tang you got some freshness to it oh and a little bit of sweet too with the balsamic glaze oh it's so good oh that's really good that is an excellent burger so for the salad here i've i had it on one of the other videos it's a pear garganzola garganzola i don't know this is really good too man that's so cool it's awesome it looks small from here we're on the back side obviously but once you go on the other side this thing is massive it's really massive and the way they were able to carve out these rocks and everything it's very impressive so tomorrow we'll go around to the other side there's an eagles nest and i'll show you guys that that way you can get a different perspective of the dam it's it's massive it's really cool you guys really cool very cool i don't know if you can actually go in here but maybe you can it's kind of creepy guys definitely something that lives in there look at those old windows can't see through it that's crazy can't see through too bad i'd really like to see what that's like definitely creepy at night oh that cabin was cool i had to run to the bathroom and and uh seeing that thing at night wow i guess that was there since the miners were here or something i don't know it's very old i wish i could have gone inside that would have been really cool yeah this campground is really cool i mean it's i can't believe it's free to be honest um with all the stuff you can do out here i mean you can fish you can swim you can go out to the the waterfall that thing is beautiful and also there's a cave tour that you can go up to and check out and actually i had been there um when i was a kid my parents took me up there and i didn't know that this campground was here but anyways um i've been to the cave and it's it's really cool so when i was trying to figure out this video and i found this campsite i uh i actually brought the family up here and we toured the cave and it was so cool so actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you guys some footage of the cave real quick now if you guys feel a drip on your head if you get wet that's known as a cave kiss some people say that getting kissed by the cave is good luck so if you're down on your luck and you want to get kissed by the cave just stand where i'm standing and it won't take long [Music] now a fresh fried egg that's not covered in algae is going to look just like that you can see why they call them fried eggs when you're looking at a nice fresh one build up over time if you take a close look at this column you'll see all kinds of insects that have landed on here but that heavy calcite filled water is just like glued to something as small as that they can't fly away once they land on this sticky stuff this is where they get to spend the rest of eternity [Music] so here's a funny story when we came here as a family so i was i was probably about the same age as my kids right now so we went into the cave and at the very bottom of the cave they turn off the lights like completely turn off the lights and it is pitch black okay as soon as the lights are all off you are going to experience you cannot see your hand at all i mean you could it could be right there it could be somebody else's hand and you wouldn't even know it uh it is so dark so being kids and all i mean we're all boys so something silly was gonna happen so we got down there in the bottom of the cave and they turned the lights off so the lady says she's like let's turn off the lights so you can hear the cave grow so being that we're boys and some things humor boys when they're young um my brother went ahead and made a bodily function sound oh man it echoed everywhere and then she turned on the lights so fast that it was hilarious oh man um i'll never forget that back in the day the cave grows those are so cool the ripples yeah i can't believe how clear that water is watch your step what's your step i'm watching it smells like cigarette sauce right here huh that's weird i'm not ready are you ready for all the what that was awesome the change in temperature and then the mosquitoes start to bite you watch your head up here it does have a weird like yeah i think it's the moss and everything now the mosquitoes know we're coming up fresh meat are they gonna inhale the mosquito all right kiddos tell me what you thought of the cave how's the cave jax awesome yeah lily how was the cave amazing you what amazing oh so i got the trail cam all set up i got it just pointing out um i don't think i'm gonna catch anything if i do it's probably just gonna be a person walking by or so i'm just gonna bed down i have a movie to watch actually i am going to watch clue i'm gonna watch clue professor you knew that the body was still alive even psychiatrists can tell the difference between patients who are alive or death i hated her so much it it just it explained flames flames on the side of my face [Applause] [Music] oh good morning what a night of sleep that was i had weird dreams it was raining a lot and i thought my tent was flooding well there what actually there are a lot of little uh puddles in here this tent's not very good in the rain i should have known better oh oh well all right well i'm gonna get up and uh we'll make breakfast or maybe i'll fish i'm not sure i might try to catch a fish it's uh 8 30 in the morning i think it's probably a great time to catch a fish so we'll see what happens let's get up though oh what a beautiful morning i can hear the birds the fog's rolling just looks awesome don't get much better than that well we're going to uh make coffee real quick and then we'll go see if we can catch a fish uh oh man that's a cup of coffee right there strong too aeropress coffee is some good stuff especially when you grind your own that's the way to start the morning right there we'll just go down here to the dock and and see what we can find i'm not 100 sure whether i want to keep a fish yet or if i just want to see if i can catch one to redeem myself from all the other times that i haven't caught one [Music] man where do i get one of those boats that thing is sweet got one oh almost had one guys well no fish but i did have a couple bites they might have been bass too i don't know i might try again later we'll see all right i'm hungry let's make breakfast so uh so that thing looks awesome i bet it's gonna taste awesome too now this is not my creation uh the wife actually found this on pinterest i think thought i'd give it a try and they all tend to be monster sandwiches or breakfast sandwiches man all right here we go first bite oh man that gets a big thumbs up two thumbs up on that one really good that is really good avocado in there the cheese it's got a tomato basil uh tortilla that's what i'm talking about that's enough to fuel the day so camp is all packed up and put away and i'm actually on the other side of the river so we can check out the uh the eagles nest that i showed you guys yesterday so i'll show you guys where i was camping and just how massive this dam is you can hear the water flowing oh yeah this has been a great trip though it's a little rainy it's beautiful it's so green and i love that so here we come to the eagles nest wow look at that oh man alive yeah they got that uh spillway open and it is just crashing that's amazing so we were camping right here that's exactly where we were at try to zoom in a little bit digital zoom so right there there's the sign and that's where we were last night out there somewhere is the border canada is over that way hi canada [Music] do
Channel: Baum Outdoors
Views: 29,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping with rain, rain camping, waterfalls, public camping, camping alone, danger camping, camp and cook, camping in the north west, camping food, delicious camping food, camping vlog, cook camp, solo fishing and camping, nwfs, secret camp spot, camping spots, strange locations to camp, campground camping, Overnighter, 24hrs alone, 24 hours camping, solo camp, solo camping, best place to camp, winter camping, heavy snow, Joe Robinet, xander budnick, asmr, asmr camping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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