GOD BOOSTING a RANDOM Persons Tower in CO-OP Bloons TD 6!

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all right guys i got a great idea here what we're going to be doing is we're going to go into a random person's game with somebody and we're going to just god boost their tower for them so we're going to play in normal co-op and when they join what we're going to do is we're literally just going gonna god boost their tower so we're gonna create a match we're gonna do 2v2 and we need a map where i can kind of plant anyway let's do lotus island that'll be fun for god boosting so we'll do lotus island and then we can do uh we're gonna do hard and then we can do standard everything's going to be really expensive though that's the problem but we have to get to around 80 either way but i think it's going to work guys so we're going to need a lot of money so i'm going to focus in the very beginning on just getting as much money as possible all right guys so we got a random person joining in let's do this so i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna put down my free dart monkey just so i can like pop some things here and there and well i wonder i don't know exactly what they're gonna be doing but i know that i'm gonna focus on getting as much he put his start monkey we're just gonna hang out okay so i need to put down all the cash drops i bet immediately this person is definitely a little bit confused like this person is probably like what is what is going on right now right so let's go ahead and i'm gonna need i'm gonna need to start putting down some some banana farms okay that's that's the first thing is no no i didn't want to get a bank all right well we have one bank now okay so we got one bank i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna put this guy down and we're gonna need one more problem is is it's so much more expensive in this in this version like it's so much more expensive that's fine we're gonna put we're gonna put our monkey right here okay so what we can actually deposit the four thousand we i love how i just have like that one little tiny bank right that's great so um what we're gonna do now kind of just to be safe we can just put down like an instant monkey right wait he just put it why did he put a banana farmer down he just he just put oh my gosh this guy can't i can't believe i put him there that was the worst this is the worst place to ever put a sniper literally ever literally ever i've never seen a worse spot all right we can collect that and now we can turn this into a banana research facility so far he hasn't put any towers down does he have any money i guess the problem is he doesn't have any money he only has a thousand dollars so we're gonna have to give him money and then we're gonna god boost whatever tower he gets from there i'm ashamed i'm so ashamed of that guy that i have to sell him that's that's pretty ashamed all right we'll put this guy down and he can kind of deal with stuff yes i can put one guy right here okay wait that's mine okay wait he put down a banana farmer and then sold the banana farmer i don't know what i have no idea what's going on here okay so let's go ahead and we can level this up i need a banana research facility wait oh no he sold his free dart monkey what is this guy doing is he just gonna like walk away i'm so confused okay let's see he literally hasn't done a single thing yet what can we just like lose i'm very confused here we can collect this and now we can put that we can put that together and now we can put put that into there i'm gonna send i don't want him to get discouraged i'm gonna send him money i just sent him so i just sent him like a ton of money so let's see if he does anything with it let's see he has seven thousand dollars now he's not doing anything though oh he put down super monkey yo this is gonna be perfect for god boosting he just put down a super monkey okay so now i'm gonna i can sell this guy he he put down a super monkey all right so the first things first all right so now i'm gonna boost them so i'm gonna put this village down and now i'll get jungle drums and i'll give them that so there we go all right we need more money i need to get banana research facility all right let's collect that and we can deposit that again okay let's go ahead and put down another one all right he's going oh my gosh wait what if he goes sun god temple oh my gosh oh yikes um okay all right we lost a couple of lives but not not too many that's okay so i'm gonna sell them and i need mib when can i get mib all right there we go all right i got mib so he can pop all types of balloons so we're okay now we're doing a little bit better so i need to focus on getting this guy a true sun god temple because we gotta go we gotta god boost them we need more money let's see is can i put any more village any more banana factories down i can i can put one right down here what about up here no okay right here is the only spot is that in range i don't know if that's in range or not we're about to find out i don't know we can also collect this and then we're gonna also sell this banana farm so we're gonna sell it and then well this is a little bit claustrophobic so now what i can do is i'm gonna give them an alchemist so we're gonna put the alchemist right here and then we're gonna here we go so we got the stronger stimulant okay wait i i didn't want to do that i messed up okay so there we go we got a stronger stimulant so now we're gonna want to god we're gonna want to start god boosting him right i think what i want to do is i want to get banana central a asap if i can get bananas how much money he only has 3000 right now that's fine so banana central cost a hundred thousand dollars that's very expensive okay he's he's trying to upgrade his banana farm i feel kind of i feel so greedy i feel he he'll understand i hope he understands okay i gotta you know what i have to make sure this guy doesn't get demotivated i have to i have to give him a smiley face i'm gonna give him a thumbs up so he knows what's going on come on banana chandra okay there we go now we have banana central we're gonna be making oh there we go he leveled it up more sweet oh he's getting wait is he gonna go robo monkey please tell me he's gonna go robo monkey that's gonna be great okay i'm gonna send him a little bit of money there we go i'm gonna send him there you go i just sent him i'll i just sent him so he has twenty thousand dollars now i don't know what he's gonna do with his twenty thousand dollars but he's got twenty thousand dollars now so let's get him oh we need we're going to use that because i don't want to lose so what i'm going to do now is we're actually let's get let's get a totem because we need an energizing tone so we attacks faster okay so there's the energizing totem on it okay so we can also get let's start getting an engineer let's start working on an engineer so there we go so we're going to want to get uh overclock and then we need ultra boost but it costs so much money ultra so expensive dude how much money does he have he has 18 000 what is he buying he might go stun avatar i think that's the the upgrade he's going to want to go but is he going to go to sun god temple are we gonna like get uh i have no idea but i need a hundred and twenty nine thousand dollars that's crazy expensive i hate that i'm gonna have to like eat it up too okay there we go we can ultra boost them now finally there we go all right we we're starting to ultra boost them just hang in there buddy just to hang in there friends oh yeah we can put this down and now we can link him to him there we go okay there we go now he's ultra boosted here i got to recharge this okay oh he oh there we go he went for the this thing i wonder if he gets a bonus money because of my upgrade that'd be that's interesting i don't know he's giving me money does he want money i'm sorry friend i can't oh he's crying that he doesn't have any money all right fine here let me send you some money here i'm gonna send you i just sent you a lot of money friend let's see what he does with it he's got a dc he has what 50 60 000 now okay so i can put my guy over here okay we're gonna put this guy here how fast is this guy we need to get i want permanent brew i don't know how i haven't gotten permanent brew yet oh my gosh he went i don't know if he's i don't want him to go sun temple i don't think it's actually gonna absorb mine so it's fine okay so i need a hundred thousand dollars to get the support sun temple that's okay we're gonna make it work okay i will i will get the support sun temple and then we can then we can boost them it's okay trust in me friend we're gonna we're gonna i don't know if i can get a true sun god temple because it's gonna be so expensive but we're gonna try and then yeah i think he wants to get also get a sun god temple that's so funny okay so we need i need a little bit more money how is he he's almost fully ultra boosted here i need to recharge this and then i also probably want to get call to arms but that's fine we almost have it okay sun temple yes um i'm gonna sell this guy and now i'm gonna get sun temple okay that's okay um all right village okay there we go oh no no i got the wrong one i gotta sell it i'm sorry friend okay radar scanner there we go uh monkey tell just bureau caught arms bigger okay there we go we're gonna lose a little bit of lives but it's okay all right there we go i can't even see his projectiles okay his projectiles are here that's okay so he has the sun god effect on him now um let's see so i have twenty thousand dollars i need to get an ultraboost strategy this guy he does have the support sung temple on him but why can't he see oh because like this vision right here is literally blocked that's blocked so the vision is basically the same area that's so silly okay that's fine um it has a decent amount of pops he still has more pops but that's fine all right does he want to get a sun god temple how much money does he have i'm gonna send him all the money that i have and then he can get the sun god temple there we go so he's gonna get the sun god temple now at least i hope he gets the sun god temple let's see come on get the you have you can get the sun god temple get the sun god temple my guy he's got a hundred and twenty thousand dollars what is he doing if he gets the sun gut temple he gets free range so this guy's not gonna pop anything for him anymore there we go he absorbed my sun god temple oh no oh no oh no oh no why did he do that oh no oh yikes oh yikes scooby doo okay that's fine what is he doing oh wait is this guy going for a troops nah i'm not dealing with that i'm not dealing with that oh my gosh he i can't believe he absorbed my sun god temple what an alpha move that's okay i'm i am dedicated i'm dedicated also why did he put move this village can i not put it can i not put a oh my gosh okay that's fine that's fine i what if i put him over here i'm going to put this guy over here we're going to put this guy here he can't see camo just put a village down this upgrade your village all right fine fine okay fine i'll do it oh my gosh you put this thing back okay i'm gonna put a village down and now i'm gonna get bigger radius jungle drums okay radar scanner there you go you can see camo balloons now oh my goodness okay all right we're fine everything's fine okay i need a support so we're gonna put this down and then actually i think if i get super range i'm gonna absorb his i don't think okay do it i just absorbed like half of his stuff but that's okay does he have it okay so i go epic range so now is he wait wait why does he not have it that's okay that's okay so let's put this if he's in the village radius yes he has the range now does that in range no it's not okay so this guy's so money okay so bigger radius jungle drums okay hold on okay there we go so now give me a give me one of these guys okay so now i need ultra boost and now we're gonna link wait we're for no no i don't want to link it just yet i actually want to start ultra boosting him okay now there we go now we can link it to there okay what are we missing i need a brew master so we can put the brew master here and then we can focus on let's see berserker bruce there we go boom okay what is he missing so he's got permanent brew he's got the village buff he's got the sun god temple buff um oh i don't have oben i need oban as my hero because it's magic that's fine i don't think that really matters oh my gosh look at all the craziness that's happening i i wonder if he knows what's happening i wonder if he knows that like he's getting all these buffs like i wonder if he's going like wow this guy's buffing all my towers or if he's like what is this guy doing like this guy is like spending all this money and putting all these towers in just weird spots what like why i'm not sure i i don't know i like the fact that he saw that i was putting down a lot of money and he's like all right i'm getting rich this game i'm going for this like sun god temple like he just knew that or or he didn't know he expected me to give him money he expected me to get money and i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but it is indeed a thing all right how are we doing with with buff so far he's he i like always since we both have it we're getting a lot of money oh wait we need to get him ton more money wait no cause then he's gonna absorb all of my towers again how much money does he have he's at a hundred thousand dollars is there any way we can get him to 432 000 i don't think so i don't think there's any way we get into 432 000 before the end um he's not going to be god booster he's going to have a true sun god for around 80. all right we're going to try it all right i'm going to sell everything is it going to be enough it might so that's 300 000 that's enough that's enough i'm going to give it is it enough he's at 430 000 he needs 432 he has 434 he can get a true sun god temple so here's the question is he going to abso so here's the question is he going to absorb everything like that's the question is he going to absorb all of my towers and just be like you know what i'm taking everything is he going to take is he going to be take the ultimate greedy move i gave him the option so i gave him all of my money wait wait he went for a banana farm a banana farm two more rounds until we win my guy does he expect us to go to the late game i'm very confused i can't believe okay i want to point out the fact that i sold all of my banana farms to give him money and and his idea goes he just sold all of his banana farms to give me money and the game's about to end i have enough money to buy a true sun god temple what should i do you know what i'm gonna put down banana farms where he just sold all his banana farms that's just that's so greedy that's such a that's such a like i feel i'm being kicked while i'm down it hurts it hurts so much like i had all of these banana farms and i sold them not so you could make money off of my pro that's how i want oh that's so sad that is so sad it's okay we beat round 80 though we did it we god boosted him let's see let's see i okay so he popped all those things i i generated 1.2 million dollars in cash i generated so much money i bought two moabs he popped 260 but i used like 20 abilities so i'm gonna head home i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit the like button subscribe and turn on notifications you guys are amazing and beautiful i hope you guys have a fantastic day and i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye everyone wow
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 629,354
Rating: 4.9062634 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons tower defense 6, Tewtiy, Bloons, Bloons TD, Bloons TD Battles, BTD, BTD Battles, Tewtiy bloons td 6, rage btd 6, bloons td 6 rage, raging, tower defense, mobile game, Tewtiy sun god, fastest sun god, how to get a sun god bloons td 6, how to, sun god, super monkey, fastest super monkey, trolling, co-op, bloons coop, bloons td 6 coop, coop trolling, coop prank, bloons td 6 coop trolling, bloons td 6 coop prank
Id: 7RWIaja0Dqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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