INFINITE Item Rift Stone GLITCH is GAME BREAKING (Dragons Dogma 2)

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this is the riftstone in Dragon's Dogma and the  community has been able to crack the secret behind   it and start to duplicate anything which includes  having tons of money being able to fast travel by   using tons of Port crystals even Fairy Stones and  much more that we'll go over in this video by the   way you can play the game however you want you  don't have to use these exploits I played over   a 100 hours of this game normally without doing  any kind of exploits had a lot of fun but now I   want to try playing with some exploits so just  don't be mean to other players in the comments   and do whatever you want you're going to need  two players in order to perform this duplication   glitch so make sure both players players one and  player two are going into system then you're going   to go to options and scroll all the way down  to network from here you want to make sure   the network features are on that main Pawn online  axess is set to friends only and the data process   is on Save changes and we're good to go so I'm  currently at the riftstone in Burnsworth and   we're going to go in here to explain exactly how  the pawn questing system works because specific   things are meant for specific sections of the pawn  Quest so when you hit examine we're going to go   ahead hit set Pawn Quest now when you hit request  for other players you're going to select acquire   items now all the items listed here are items that  you may have encountered or interacted with during   your game this even includes Quest items believe  it or not you can request Quest items from other   players special things that you can also get via  requesting items are going to be the worms Life   Crystals which you can use to upgrade your armor  and your weapons Fairy Stones which is is going   to allow you to teleport from one port Crystal to  another Port Crystal and Port crystals themselves   you get only a few in the game but you can get  unlimited as I'm going to explain later in the   video now let's talk about rewards for the other  players this however is not going to be exactly   the same because you can one select gold and you  can give out to about 10,000 Max as a reward or   you can select items but these items are only  going to be taken out of your inventory so if I   wanted to give away 99 apples or 99 and grapes  you can actually do that and use the previous   exploit where we sell fruits from one location  and send it to another but what you're going to   notice is we're not going to see certain items on  here there's no worms Life Crystals here you're   not going to see any Fairy Stones anywhere here  and you're not going to find any port crystals by   the way this is a bootleg Fairy Stone so don't say  it was there on my screen this is the fake one see   Read that read it's on the screen but no special  items are going to be here another important thing   to recognize is that you can also reward other  people with armor and weapons so you can buy armor   buy weapons and give that to other players it's a  really cool feature so let's go over both of the   exploits we're going to use for both regular items  and special items and how to duplicate all of them   so xplit one is going to be about helping a friend  get gold by the way if you're on Playstation you   technically don't need a friend you could just use  another user account it's just going to be really   annoying to have to play the whole intro again  that's why it's better just to make friends in   the community in this example my buddy Boger  is player one and I'm going to be player two   now what B is going to do initially is first go  to an inn and rest there this is going to allow   him to come back to this game at any time from  the main menu by pressing load from the last INR   you'll see why this is important then player  one is going to go to the town riftstone from   here the player is then going to select the set  Pawn Quest what's going to happen here is they're   going to request one easy item in the game for  this example he's going to select a detoxifying   decoction which is a purple potion that you can  buy in mass in the zium town that we're in and   they're going to select the reward to be 10,000  gold which is the maximum reward amount you can   put once player one sets the quest then player  one can just do whatever they want and walk away   and continue playing their game the moment player  one sets the pawn Quest it appears for everyone   in the game but in this case it's going to be only  for the friends list now player two is me at this   point I'm going to make my way to the riftstone  and I'm going to look specifically for my friend   pawn and then summon them in this case it's name  his Pawn's name is guts once I find their Pawn I'm   then going to hire them I'm going to give them the  purple potion basically I'm then going to get the   quest reward which is going to be 10,000 gold wow  amazing right well here's where it gets very fun   I'm then going to dismiss his pawn and I'm going  to turn around and go right back to the rift Zone   again I'm going to search again for the exact same  Pawn for my friend it's going to show up again   right over here and then I'm going to approach  it do the exact same thing by giving it a purple   potion once I give it it again I'll get my 10,000  gold and then the pawn will go away and I can keep   repeating this over and over again until I either  run out of the item or until I feel like I'm done   essentially two summons is going to take you about  a minute so that's going to net you 20,000 gold   every single minute now player one Josh once this  is all done all he has to do is just load from   the last inest and the 10,000 gold reward he put  out would never even have left his inventory to   begin with so that's how you stay safe now if you  want to repeat something like this remember that   in verw worth these shops refresh every single 3  days so if you're trying to get the detoxifying   item you just buy out all of them and then you're  going to go sit on a bench rest about 3 days then   go right back buy some more or you can craft it  just make sure you get a lot of an item and you   coordinate with the other person specifically  heck it could even be one of the most basic   Goblin item then I tested out this exploit with  my friend Joe and I can show you that it's done   with weapon so for this example I requested one  explosive arrow and the reward that I gave gave   him was a magic Archer weapon now you can see my  friend Joe's footage he finds my Pawn in the rift   hires the pawn and then gives it the explosive  arrow and then gets the magic Archer weapon and   after getting the weapon he goes right back to  the riftstone calls upon me again does the same   thing all over again and gets another magic Archer  weapon and on my end I'm going to just reload my   game from the in wherever I last left off and  I look in my inventory and Bam my magic Archer   weapon is still there it never disappeared and I  was able to share it with my friend now exploit   2 is going to be the most useful one in the game I  mean look at this this is my entire map of my game   and look how many Port crystals I have all over  the map I can get anywhere I need to at any time   because I also have Fairy Stones to get me where  I need to go I also can get as many worm Life   Crystals as I need to make them super powerful not  only that but with this method we can duplicate   the one shot arrow that takes down any monster  in the game so let's get into it because this   one's slightly complicated now for for the player  that needs the special item step one is going to   be really easy you can help your friend over here  by hitting that subscribe button that helps that's   my special item that's it all player one has to  do is just request the special item in this case   it's going to be a port Crystal and set the reward  as one gold this is a big warning for PlayStation   players this step is going to be absolutely easy  this was tested out by myself my team and a group   of friends so you're good to go if you're a  PlayStation player if you are doing this on   Steam you might run into the anti-che stuff that  could wipe your game out completely and I'm not   sure how stable it is on Xbox so if you're doing  it on those other platforms than PlayStation do   it at your own risk I'm not responsible for that  except PlayStation users I'll be responsible for   you now the complicated step player 2 is going  to be the person responsible for duplicating so   what they have to do is save their game then go  into PlayStation settings menu from there you're   going to want to scroll down to the save data  and game app settings once you're in that then Crystal item to henna as that is what the  quest was by the way certain special items   you can only request one and you can only give  one but there is a workaround to this because   he then can dismiss my pawn and give a second  Port Crystal as a gift after that he's going to   leave the rift completely then go to the in and  this is really important they just have to rest   until they see the red circle Autos Save which  means the pawn quests and items were uploaded   at this point he can then close the game he's  going to then select upload/download save data   select download from cloud storage to bring  back the old save not upload because if you   upload then those two Port crystals would  be lost forever you'll then see a double   confirmation about what you want to do and you  select yes when he goes back into the game he's   going to be exactly in the same spot with my  Pawn dismissing it again and doing the whole   previous steps over and over now he actually  did this a bunch of times and I didn't have to   request more than once and he kept doing this  over over and over and over again and you can   see in my gameplay footage once I've rested how  much Port crystals I got let me tell you I have   so many Port crystals I could put them in towns  I could put them at monster farming spots I can   do anything I want in this game without having  to travel for 50 hours and I'm telling you it   feels so good shout out to anyone who's going  to be helping with the duping phase here are   the quick notes for method one if you want to  screenshot this and here are the quick notes   for method 2 for special items now just drop your  username and the console you play on down in the   comments below to start adding people who are  watching this video let's get duping everyone
Channel: PhillyBeatzGames
Views: 86,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragons Dogma 2, DD2, Dragons dogma, Dragons dogma tips and tricks, Exploits dragon dogma 2, duplication glitch dragons dogma 2, unlimited ferry stone dragons dogma 2, unlimited port crystals dragons dogma 2, dupe any item dragons dogma 2, unlimited gold dragons dogma 2, money exploit dragons dogma 2, port crystals exploit dragons dogma 2, Unlimited items glitch dragons dogma 2, item duplication glitch dragons dogma 2
Id: mxQ6_U6ZLto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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