HOW TO MAKE AN OCEAN + Cut-out in BLENDER- Beginner Friendly - with caustics and foam :)

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hi so i've been getting a lot of questions on that ocean tutorial thing i've made and a lot of people asking some fairly beginner questions which i do get and even though the description says it's not a beginner tutorial i i've been seeing a lot of people have been trying to replicate it and just failing flat out so i'm gonna make probably my first long tutorial ever and probably my lost i'm not a tutorial person um so if this is unpolished it's your fault man um okay cool let's start by making an ocean cool so delete everything in your scene we're gonna add a plane cool scale that plane by five it can be ten whatever um go into edit mode just use this button to go into edit mode and we're gonna subdivide this thing now in the old blender there was like a really cool subdivide button here in the tools panel but i can't seem to get it so if anyone knows tell me in the comments but usually i've ended up like just using the search menu um on my blender it says spacebar um because i've set it to spacebar but on your side it will probably be f3 so just keep that in mind again cool so select your plane and search for subdivide subdivided by a hundred cuts cool okay click away from this and select it again and search subdivide again and we're gonna subdivide it twice that's if your machine can handle it like if your machine can't handle this stick to your 100 cuts but i find the more detail you have the better of a caustic effect will come through okay and now we're gonna extrude this up oh yeah i just enabled this little move gizmo thing so press e to extrude and just move it up one of the z-axes make like a fairly large chunk of this cool go out of edit mode by pressing tab or using this menu and then just move your cube down cool that's our ocean okay cool now to make the actual ocean look like an ocean we're gonna go to add modifier and we're gonna click ocean cool as you'll see this is not a cube anymore you want to set generate to this place okay something something's changed um now if i'm gonna play around with this time slider in my on my ocean you can see like it's just like this weird swooshy thing um so let's change the size value to something down down down down okay what's spatial size spatial size does absolutely nothing okay yeah that's a thing like you don't know what these options do unless you have actually tweaked them um resolution okay so you'll see it's a little bit chunky now like what's going on okay first off you want to apply the scale so you we're gonna press ctrl a to apply scale and just for like good managers just apply scale rotation and location or you can apply all transfer transformations um cool now your ocean would look a little bit more like an ocean but it's still a little bit of a plastic bag um so we're gonna change the size so we don't get like this repetition but we're gonna just get the main ocean itself now it's still a little bit pixelated now i fixed that is change for the resolution from 7 to 12. it's still a little bit pixelated so let's go to 22 much better but but if i were to slide this time thing my machine might crash because this is a lot of calculations to handle so for time being we're going to have to be fine with 12 or something just below 12 like something a decent machine can handle like if your machine can't handle this don't subdivide your plane as much um so you can see like we can like animate this now so we're gonna take our timeline drag it a little bit up and we're gonna change time from one wait wait yeah we're gonna press i to insert the keyframe on the time slider and now you'll see it's yellow that means it has been keyframed so we're just going to go to like maybe 30 or 40. hopefully it is and we're going to take this time and we're going to like drag it out until it's probably like three or four it doesn't matter um we're gonna press i again with your timeline set to free okay press i on the time and you'll see it's yellow again now if i were to play this hey you can see our ocean is animated now the thing is it's not going to go on indefinitely we want it to go on indefinitely and we want the keyframes to be set to linear so if you press t here you're going to be s it's probably going to be set to basic now just to show you the professional way of doing it we're going to press shift e and you'll see this little pop-up menu and we're going to set it to linear extrapolation that means it's just going to go on forever now so you have basically just an infinite going ocean it's not going to be looping it's just going to be an infinite simulation um okay now for the cool part is we're going to add a cube with a cube it's inside so take this cube and scale it up pull it a little bit up and we're gonna call this domain cool probably select your ocean and call it ocean as well ocean okay now with your ocean selected go to the modifiers panel and add a bowline bowling is basically subtract ad or whatever weird function functions it has um cool we're going to use this drop pick tool and we're going to select domain alternatively you can just click here and type out domain and find the domain object now if we go into wireframe you can see our domain just subtracted a huge chunk out of the ocean we're going to change difference to is it intersect hey it's intersect nice okay now to back to solid mode we're going to go to this little object properties panel here and we're going to go to viewport display and we're going to change textured to bounce okay change of visibility to now we're not going to bug with that now we're gonna press m with our domain selected and move that to a new collection call that domain okay now back here on our outliner we're gonna press this little filter option and go press enable this viewport screen option and enable the render option cool now we're going to select this um this collection and we're going to disable this screen and we're going to disable this render now if you were to render this in cycles or eevee you wouldn't be seeing that domain um just for like just to be safe and disable it for like the domain itself and not the whole collection just disable those to you okay now just make sure our ocean is still plain and it's has a smooth cut on the sides which is really nice now in every finish we should probably enable shade smooth so right click on this shade smooth hey you can see it's not as pixelated but it's still a little bit pixelated um we're gonna change that once we render this scene now we're going to go from layout to but the shading let's make space select the ocean and make a new material call it ocean okay now for the fun part we're going to add a normal normal node oh if you're here is like how i get this it's just shift a let me enable screencast on this one as well why isn't that's odd that's really really odd okay so yeah it's shift a or add search um we're gonna be using the search function a lot don't bother just searching for these fans it's way faster um okay so we're going to take this and we're going to add a geometry geometry plug normal this purple dot into the purple dot now go back to material and plug normal no we're going to use the dot factor what is dot means i have no idea it's just basically black and white so you'll see we have this okay cool now we want this to be in on the inside i'll explain a little bit about that later so we're gonna add a mapping node now what i used to do in the previous tutorial i was just like going to drag this little thing upside down and that's like that's a no-no that's just like the sloppy way of doing things so we're going to use a mapping node to rotate it on v is it the y-axis yes it is v y-axis so we're going to rotate it by 180 which means it just flips it upside down where's the normally you're asking it's inside or below depending where you want to see it cool now we're going to have to switch over to cycles cycles switch cpu to gpu if you have that option um i highly recommend this is going to be a gpu project just disable here because we don't need that um and go to your little earth icon and build properties that's what it's called change your color by clicking this little dot and go to your sky texture now nothing has happened because we're still in our material view so switch over to your grinder view and as you can see it's loading up and it's just black okay we're going to fix that later so press c to like have this little circle thing and use your scroll wheel to select your nodes move that up let's add back our principal shader for now okay and now super importantly we're gonna add a sun make sure your collection is selected and add a sun lamp cool just give it that sun some rotation uh double order to rotate it on unlike this weird axis i think it's the view axes or something um anyway change the strength to five not important but it just looks better okay cool select your ocean now we're gonna change roughness to zero someone told me um specularity does nothing when transmission is on but i just feel like it does something but even though it doesn't do anything it just makes me feel good i'm gonna train change transmission to a full one cool now another thing i did in the um tutorial was like i made my ocean a color now if you want to do a stylized ocean you can make blue water but water isn't blue it's the oxygen that gets like compressed and that's what's blue so for now just for good manners we're gonna leave the principled white okay so specular doesn't matter roughness zero transmission one transmission makes it into a glass material now we're gonna get back to this thing so drag them up and we're going to add a mix shader mix shader oh this is going to be important we're going to need to see our shadows so with a little 3d cursor we're going to have to take it back to the center so shift s keep it in and cursor to world origin cool it's to be centered we're just gonna add a plane cool make this plane pig make a new material just make it a gray just like that and we can see the shadow now cool select your ocean and we're going to plug this dot into here cool and we're going to add a trans appearance cool and that has done something okay we're going to change this transparent to oh this is going to be this is the super important part we're going to have to use this transparent to make like the caustic effect so right now it's taken away bits of the shadows but it's not actually like multiplying the sun value so this is i have no idea this shouldn't actually be working but it does so we're gonna change this value to two ah you can see it's glowing a little bit more here now just move this plane up so it's like intersecting a little bit okay cool select your ocean and we're gonna do some 2d effects so we're going to add a light path node what is the light path node does okay not english okay so we're going to take is shadow ray and plug that into the factory now as you can see that took away the shadow and it tells cycles hey where the shadow should be use this transparent thing like we just essentially made a mosque using light paths um now what we're gonna do is we're gonna multiply this so we're gonna add a mix rgb blep oh if they connect automatically like that i would i highly suggest you install um blender node wrangler it's in the add-ons menu um just google how to install an add-on i'm gonna show you how to do that um okay so connect a mix rgb to that set mix to multiply change this factor to one and plug dots into the second color now nothing has changed but we're gonna have to like add some um contrast to wherever those nodes fall right so just to like visualize what's happening right now we're going to plug this multiply output into our surface material output now we're going to go inside and okay take this dot output and plug it into the surface now it will be like just black and white this is essentially just v dot value so we're gonna add a color ramp ramp this up and we're going to play with this till we get like a really cool classic effect so like just take these black and white sliders and move them up okay there's something happening uh okay so we went for pointy bits um so just like take this white flip it over invert it till you get these nice babies right okay and that's gonna be the caustic effect nice now one major issue you see these whites on these sides so if we were to mix that in with the light path node in fact let me just show you so we're gonna take this mix that with the light path nodes okay and let's just show you the shader cool ah there's the issue you see that like white chunk here like we have nice caustic effects going here but we have like this white chunk so to minimize that ugliness we're gonna have to add another normal and this is gonna tell which part is the top part and which part is the bottom part so we're probably gonna plug this mapping in fact let me check okay you know what delete is normal and we're going to add a multiply so we're going to multiply this with this hey look at that okay so just recap okay we have an upside down normal and since it's color gram is flipped that means the size will be like our yeah the size will be like pure white so just like remove that sides by like adding in multiply and just multiply it out with itself again it's a little bit weird now um but it does the job so i'm just going to zoom in so you can like get a nice screenshot of this by the way really cool shortcut alt shift s alt shift s oh no it's windows shift s and you like get to make like this really cool snippet tool so windows shift s okay cool and we're like almost done now the main thing that's gonna be needed we're to add a volume so search for a volume either we can go with volume scatter or principled volume but principled volume has volume absorption like pre-calculated in so we didn't have to worry about fat um so we're going to change this color to like bright white and a little bit of blue plug this volume into volume and whoo this is a really cool cool thing but it's a little bit too thick the density is way too effect so 0.02 okay 0.1 something's happening you can see like nice corsets we're getting i hate this but like let's give it more color and zero point for it take that down in fact i'm gonna if you have the option again um i'm gonna enable my rtx so we just have like a foster preview of this and there you can see we have like we're starting to get this really nice classic effect so we're just going to take the sun lamp pull it a little bit down okay now oh again another thing with our transparent option we can change this color to like blue so it's it's like this emissive blue shining down now let's just give it more volume uh here you can see where you're like starting to get through your results now to stylize it i'm a little bit against this but let's make it a little bit blue and there you have an ocean tada with clausic effects now just see like the result better i suggest you like stick a monkey into it stick a monkey into it yeah there's our monkey you can see we have like really nice refraction going on on it uh let's add another monkey down here hey you can like see the causing effects like just penetrating the surface and like oh man this is so beautiful now if the um shadow is like too dark for you like a little cheaty thin what you can do is you can go back to this ramp and select the black one and make it a little bit dark dark green so it like lets the light in a lot more and just lift it up as you can see like it starts to affect this side so okay now we have an ocean um i'll show you how to do the foam right now it's essentially we're just gonna do another one of these normal maps or just normal nodes and use another calligram to define the pointy sections of the top part um if you want more caustics you like let it free uh i'm just gonna make it a little bit darker and i would like to take this white slider a little bit back and inferior oh it's gonna be the black one so you wanna take the dark one and move it a little bit back so you like let more light through it this is just changing your mask italian cycles which parts needs more energy to go through and that's it okay now we want some foam um there are like plenty of ways to do it like the proper way you would you would be doing it is like if you were to actually bake out you can see big ocean but i'm pretty sure there's like better tutorials covering that than i would um yeah so is this still recording hey it is okay so we're going to take this normal so select this normal and geometry node duplicate that and connect the normal to the little purple dots and we're going to plug this dot value into here just see what we're doing and we're going to add a ramp kilogram okay and again do the same just take this yeah so we want to invert it first so cool okay and you can see like we're starting to get this phone pattern so we're going to add a this is really important so you want to add a mix shader but we don't want to connect the foam after this one we want still light to go through so if we were at to if we were to add a diffuse diffuser and we were to like mix this in and let me just show you so we're going to take this thing here and plug it in so we're like taking this mask but you can see this utterly just removed all of our shaders and it's just like what's going on on this side like yeah this is just weird so what you want to do is you want to take this mix shader and plug it in connect it to the principle shader okay take your diffuse plug your diffuse into this bottom slots okay and we're gonna just organize a little bit i'm gonna scooch this way over here so this is just our normal yeah our normal setup with a color gram to give our firm a mask so we're going to plug this color output into mix shader if you factor it hey you can see okay this is going smoothly but how do we get rid of this black okay now same what we did here we inverted or like we just multiplied it so we're gonna add a mix rgb change mix to multiply set factor to full one plug dots into the bottom one plug color onto the top one and in theory this should just work hey there you go and you have yourself a nice pretty ocean i am not going to do a full grinder for this like i already have has has have this snazzy animation of duck floating really shitly on it um someone mentioned like the duck is not animated correctly and i know um it wasn't animated because i changed the um ocean seed like you can oh yeah you can change me see it if you don't like the shape or the animation of it but i'm just gonna leave it to zero because it's like a nice ocean um so yeah if you were to render this like a few fans i would change in your sampling settings 128 is fine if you're going to use a denoiser if you want to know how to denoise just google blender 2.8 denoising and you'll probably get down to like enabling denoising data doing something like a compositor but okay this is the important part so light paths change 12 down to 40 diffuse to glossy two it's not ideal if you're going to be using transmissions but it just gets the scene done really fast and change reflective and cause sticks okay just disable these two they don't do anything to the scene um cycles is really bad with actual cause sticks so you're gonna be using these to begin with and yeah that's it okay so one thing i've noticed um i'm probably gonna have to show you how to render this so okay just go back to your modifiers panel and set your resolution to 24 which is like something high um you want to do this at the very last step because playing this back will be a nightmare to your performance and stuff so yeah okay cool and let me just add a camera to the church cool um i'm not going to type the camera controls it's just like figure that out on your own and we're gonna you know just add some depth of field we're gonna enable some field go to your viewport display limits uh move this funny to the monkey is that good let's see how this looks add some more f-stop like less take it less way down okay and when we let's just see how this looks when rendered uh just changing sun lamp so we got like get a little bit more shape here going let's add and add another monkey just like make this been monkey filled it's like monkey jelly ocean thing okay and yeah cool if it's looking good press f12 to render this or alternatively you can just like click file view note file render image or render animation make sure it's uh your settings are correct um use a png sequence preferably it's like just the best way of doing it and yeah there you go you have like a ocean filled with monkeys now nice okay seriously bye
Channel: Oby 1
Views: 108,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, ocean, caustics, foam, water, sim, fluid, shader, material, underwater, tutorial, tut, 3d, cycles, eevee, b3d, render, realistic, ctylized, long tutorial, beginner, beginner friendly
Id: s9RQ83BKcyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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