Sonic The Hedgehog: The Zombots Arc: Part 1 Movie

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[Music] [Music] hey there taking a rest that's cool pretty much what i'm doing too it's been wild these past few days as much as i like adventure i like kicking back afterwards too everyone else not so much amy's gone right back to helping others she's part of something called the restoration knuckles is back on angel island guarding the master emerald silver's out looking for some looming doom threatening the future entails is keeping busy with one of his bajillion projects i told them they could relax eggman's been retired metal sonic's been de-weaponized and everything is cool when i'm telling people to slow down you know there's something wrong sonic i think something's wrong jinx did take a look at this you're cordially invited to a welcome back party in windmill village to celebrate the return of the world's most brilliant doctor where did this come from it just appeared in my workshop it's pretty spooky honestly the wording doesn't sit well with me either this sounds really like eggman but he's gone sort of right you and the chaotix confirmed that he lost his memory and became a kindly mechanic yep mr tinker so did he recover or did he manage to fool all of us maybe there's another angle and worst of all will shadow get to say i told you so this could be serious let's look into it right away you left doctor at i mean mr tanker in windmill village right right come on buddy right you're there doo doo doo getting fresh dead sets ddt got a sonic has been baited as per your instructions doctor ah excellent did we have to be so overt an ambush alone would have been sufficient you said we should mess with his head knowing i'm backing up to something will do just that i wanted a global proclamation this is subtle for me of course sir i don't mean to second-guess you is that yes guess what marvelous total and instantaneous transmutation of the active plant issue yes but not the processed wood i need more data bring me the animals nothing is on fire or in a robot that's a good sign in fact there isn't a sign of anyone which you know that's a bad sign did eggman kidnap everyone in town without causing property damage nah that's not his style hello there's someone there please help us elder scruffy are you okay thank goodness you boys showed up please help us of course what happened to you i'll be fine it's the rest of the town first house dogs kidnap mr tinker then they returned and locked everyone in the community center yes it wasn't a ruse wait back up how long ago did mr tinker get grabbed at least a week nobody could find you to tell you i've been busy lately you said the same guys who attacked the village kidnapped mr tinker yes i've never seen them before recently i'm sure they're still looking around here still did you get a good look at them maybe hear their names oh we'll tell you oh oh what prepare to get wrecked prepare to get pummeled it's payback time for roberto did they just try to rhyme pommel with tumble it's a thing they do these are the mook's main knuckles tangled within barricade town i don't remember you saying that they had those weird weapons nah but it doesn't make a difference you help the elder save the villagers i've got this are you sure positive don't act like for nothing you only want cause you mobbed us with wisps where's the other guy i wanna tie his dreadlocks in a knot knuckles has better things to do than tutor you and humility now i've got some questions for you where's eggman was he the one to bust you out of jail no not that we needed the help then who yeah this isn't adding up you two aren't smart enough combined to build gear like this and you aren't subtle enough to drop off a cryptic letter i'll leave this mystery business to the chaotix why don't you save me a trip and tell me what i want to know if he can beat us maybe we'll tattle don't border with him crush him it's all right everyone sonic tales have come to save us swinging a miss you're all better off in here until the fight is done take cover and keep your heads down oh oh all right button commencing with vertebrae specimens pokey grab the picky good stuff it worked the infection transferred immediately hmm but the rate that it's spreading is considerably slower oh the subject shows aggressive tendencies without direction that's a bonus let's keep up the pace moving on to test four moving samples into position now then my little woodland bobbins i want you to pick up this flower and come on get the flower come on you can do it grab it or i let the pokey get you there we go now touch the flower to each of those samples [Music] my metal virus is a complete success even with the slightest exposure my synthetic concoction spreads from organic tissue converting it into my robotic slave it's an army that builds itself inorganic or processed material remains inert meaning my infrastructure is safe from infection or corruption i'm a genius i'm so happy to have been a part of this i'd never dreamed i'd be so honored when i was searching for you how did you find me metal sonic had half my empire scouring the globe he since search parties are bad mix that's a finite number of sensors over a limited range all of which takes times i had the warped topaz with a modest charge i could open windows to the world in an instant i looked farther and further in hours than the bad knicks could do in a day when did you sleep sleep is for the weak i mean myself quite ill but it was worth it to find you i'm so glad you think so can you zoom in i want to see sonic getting his teeth kicked in fire command doctor i can't miss the villagers are safe how are you doing i've had chili dogs in my guts harder yikes okay so it was a big chili dog yeah who asked you to buying kid why even here because when the day needs saving one team never fails you're about to get busted by sonic and tails but you get two you want to split up you want rough or yes okay hey it's all dark and gruesome let's play tag you're it such witty panter come on move those stubby legs you're not out of the woods yet junior i got a present for you straight from me to you such a waste of a perfectly good vapor condenser shall we move on to test six there is no test sex surely you just our data sample is minuscule the metal virus works starline it's time to move to the next phase of my master plan but what if ah who's evil that's an idea you are sir you're done skippy now keep an eye on the cat and father when i work on the next step one two one two hustle buddy you ever shut up nah it's part of my charm and now that's not fair i had a tail again the length the heft i had it all back okay man it's over let's go heartless you're just heartless all i ever wanted to do was gave your head in and just like that my sympathy is spent all good tails yup gave him a taste of his own medicine and smash his launcher deal's a deal remember you're beat so tell me what you did with eggman don't to me mr tinker don't get smart with me you're no good at it fine you wanna know so bad wait what the heck was that some kind of localized wormhole so he's back again isn't he i mean those guys kidnapped mr tinker and then they showed up with that tech yeah but you sprung them out of jail who told them where mr tinker was we're missing half the pieces of the puzzle like what if somebody else is involved somebody is using the old man making him think he's building i don't know toys or something come on sonic i know i know just i really hope it's not the obvious i'll see if silver found something you coming hugo the village sustained some nasty damage i'll clean up and then come find you okay see you later a weird random attack tails and i get separated this is feeling a lot like how things started with neo metal sonic i'm not gonna second guess tails this time though i'm gonna get this figured out fast tinker eggman whoever you are i'm gonna find you your plan won't even get off the ground you gotta give us another shot doc we came so close so close new tale new tale what's the matter metal sonic feeling like you're being overlooked you've had your turn delightful if i may be so bold sir i share metal sonic's enthusiasm oh please let me take the next shot at sonic i know exactly how to strike at him you're sure this was the right way this is where the guy told me to go i mean i know this seems sketchy a random guy appears tells me about an eggman base and then vanishes but nah it's cool it matches up with what tails experienced the other day and right now we need any lead we can get yo look up ahead looks like they're clearing out the base and it looks like my lead was right uh-huh so when does this blow up in our faces seems like they're trying to get rid of evidence let's hit them fast before they oh hey metal looks like you're fully repaired huh so who fixed you up tinker or eggman too close no right you can't talk as plain old vanilla metal sonic was that the real reason you went back to being neo metal sonic so you could do more than beep boop this is a major downgrade i mean if the duck didn't want you getting distracted by battle banter it didn't really work nice catch you okay silver i'll hold metal you go into the basin gentlemen that's the guy that's my informant looks like he's controlling that wormhole the same guy that grabbed rough and tumble all right i've got a bunch of questions and i'm guessing you're the answer to a lot of them very astute i am dr starline and i am indeed the one behind your present concerns and why is that i wanted to meet you experience you for myself the blue blur hero across time and space the only being alive to be able to stand up to the overwhelming might and brilliance of dr eggman through sheer skill alone can i measure up can i complete my objective with you in my way everything about this encounter has been constructed to be the ultimate test of our abilities and willpower all right uh he did not sound this creepy or crazy when i talked to him at least you're giving me straight answers i'll assume you busted rough and tumble out of jail with those sky holes so tell me this what did you do with mr tinker that pale shadow of the doctor no longer exists i've seen to it that dr eggman has been restored hmm the metal viruses progression is steady but slow a self-recruiting army is a nice idea but it won't spread far at this rate total saturation works fine but there's no way i can soak the whole planet in my metal virus i wonder if repeated exposure would accelerate things [Music] eureka the greater the exposure the more rapid the effect a mob of my infected minions will be able to convert new victims in no time all i need to do is administer the metal virus in a few locations and the rest will take care of itself sonic move i'll get him yes he's too fast for you to focus on then i won't grab him nice that was a high quality piece of eggman technology and it comes with a high quality complimentary butt kicking oh welcome back gotcha whoo thanks you're welcome but where are we now going by the slope of the peak it looks like we're on the opposite side of the mountain he must have scouted the whole mountain beforehand grab on that'll get us back up there wouldn't it be faster if i flew us over nope this is faster much faster is everything set up excellent thank you for keeping the badnik caravan safe you go first i'll give them one last second to catch up no how disappointing guess who's back miss me oh you were my name is sonic i'm made of ghost fast eggman details spill em everything's been secured in the vault straight to the back wall access code two six six two i've got it you just keep them down i want to hear it from you fanboy where is eggman what are you two planning eggman isn't here he's planning something breathtaking and i'm planning on planting explosives inside a bolt then giving your friend the detonation code silver wait i did it i can't believe it was that easy how spectacular i hope the doctor saw that how dare you but he's gone now he can't get in the way of your plans the hedgehog is mine to destroy it's not the job of some upside like you i can cop it bother many days that's not enough that's not the point i have to beat up i have to prove i'm superior there's a right and a wrong way to vanquish your lifelong nemesis and you did it very wrong i'm sorry sir you should be don't let it happen again i can't lucky for you sonic is too tenacious to die because of your barbarism wow where'd it go silver that's too you [Music] silver what was all that you unloaded anyway i haven't used that base in years everything in there was absolute junk not to me they're treasure collectibles of your legacy fine so how did you like your first taste of battling that insufferable rodent the experience has put a lot of things into a new perspective then the next thing i knew i was waking up here i guess sonic brought me back yep i still owe you one though thank you for saving sonic now rest up let me know if you need anything i'll be fine just a little dizzy no sign of the starling guy nope his portal wormhole thingy was gone by the time we left this is bad eggman is back he's gathering allies and we have no idea what his plan is the world has barely begun rebuilding after his last attack if he were to strike again so soon it could be devastating we can't let this happen yeah but where do we start we barely begin to search all his bases and labs when we were looking for neo he could be in any one of those or ones we didn't even find right so instead of wasting our time looking for where he is we'll go where we know he isn't we'll tap into his network from one of his old unguarded bases we sure will let's go really but i have so much work to do and it's your plan so you've got tips call it a working vacation all right sorry eggman but it's game over for you you know what i like best about eggman what's that his subtlety looks like there was a heck of a battle here there was this is where one of our biggest counterattacks against dr eggman's forces happened before you came back to us we were able to liberate a lot of people that day we lost a lot of good people too hey you made sure it was worth it you won the war for us well yeah saving the day is what i do and we're here to stop eggman from performing an encore which way the command hub is down this tunnel hopefully the backup generator still works with a little luck we'll be able to boot up his computer access his network and find out when he's planning silver and i saw his bag next emptying a defunct lab though how do you know he hasn't done the same thing here i don't but this is the closest abandoned base on file so it's the best place to start here we are finally it's too dark to run but all this walking is killing me please oh please work we're back in business man not even reserve badniks snorfest this is so mean i almost feel bad for those dopes almost sir there was a ping on the egg net the echo mine has come back online okay and i should care because it's sonic and amy rose they have unguarded access to your files there sir what impeccable timing cubot tell ruff and tumble to meet me in hangar three you've done it boss how can you be so casual about this the metal virus may be viable but you haven't finished starline you need to learn to enjoy these dramatic sudden deadlines you'll finally get off your fat butt and give us those weapons we've got half a mind to just take over this dump for ourselves have a mind is being generous these backpacks are your backups hit the button on the crotch traps if sonic gets the upper hand i was hoping for a tail so what give the super powers or something or something if these are the backups uh what do we leave them with get a load of face uh oh login screen do you even remember any old passwords it's usually a variation on this i'm in the most recent files are for this is that the arc no this looks to me much smaller i'm seeing a lot of talk about payload distribution but of what no we need to know more i think eggman just remembered his forgotten base huh we'll cave in the mines bury you in the rubble you're gonna get wrecked by ruff and tumble if that's gonna be your thing it has to actually rhyme we did rhyme well not exactly what rubble and tumble only kind of rhyme at best i offered to go by tumble and bruh that doesn't flow and you know it how did these guys take over a whole town blunt objects can still be dangerous be happy you get a turn beating them up i guess better neutralize this first forget it we'll steal a rhyming dictionary later right we've got roadkill to serve up geesh that thing is solid and dangerous whoops careful dead end it's a refuse pit the other way out is back the way we came hold on this path is barely wide enough for their tank if they drove out here they wouldn't be able to turn around hmm head to the line suckers rough hard right oh crap i almost feel bad for what we're gonna do almost they're behind us here we go [Music] hail bale why didn't he give us flamethrowers bazookas not this big dumb tank it's over you goons tell us where eggman is we'll go easy on you joke's on you toots we've been saving the big guns for last what the heck get it off get it off it's ah sonic what is no idea there they're robots not bad but something worse honestly though it's a good look for you more sports car less haven't washed in a week you get transformed but you don't get a new tail out of a deal what a rip am i right they're not responding it's like they're completely soulless eggman somehow turned them into zombie robots so zombots yep i'm going with zombots it's not like we could reason with you before so [Music] oh my gosh i'm sorry i didn't know that would hurt them yeah whoo i think you're right uh oh amy do not let them touch you if you can't be hurt and fighting who's hazardous to everyone's health i'll just have to keep you down there for now oh no you don't it's a bit rougher than i want to play it but i'm kind of in trouble whatever's changed them is infectious so any ideas because this is spreading fast that went better than i did hoped for the power of the infected just call them zombots i'll give sonic credit it's catchy i suppose i can allow the defeated that much what's next on the agenda doctor next we share my mental virus with the world it's time we start the clinical trial finally i thought i'd never get here huh tiana's workshop is so cute i hope they're home i have questions um hi yo tangle i'll be with you in a sec i didn't know you were coming to visit i didn't either but then something happened i had to tell you guys okay just give us a minute so this is what you guys do for fun in your down time hmm who am i kidding that contraption looks fun can i try it next ah sure i don't think i can infect metal stuff you definitely can i tested for that looks like you're clear sweet you think that did the trick hard to say your run back from the mind drove it into remission so i cured myself that was easy excuse me what sorry let me bring you up to speed we tried to keep it on the down low but dr eggman lost his memory after his last defeat we found him in a remote village with a new personality mr tinker we were going to let him about the rest of his life at peace but he was grabbed by some jerk named dr starlight apparently he got eggman his groove back eggman created this gunk that turns living things into zombie-like robots i'm calling them zombots don't roll your eyes tails it sounds fine anyway i'm tangled with a couple of zombots turns out their touch spreads the effect of the gunk and i got infected are you contagious that's one of the things me and tails were trying to test it's close but it looks like i can beat it that's nuts was anyone with you just amy she told me to book it to tails's place i'm sure she made her way back okay probably should let her know i'm okay i think we should warn everyone to keep an eye out for these zombots eggman's robots already attacked your town once i'd hate for it to be targeted again oh thanks it's been pretty lively since oh that's what i wanted to tell you guys about listen you've always amazed me doctor but this is phenomenal how did you manage to build a new flying fortress so quickly oh it's rather easy when you have two things first an unparalleled genius such as my own second an army of tireless robot slaves i didn't think the bad knicks were that dexterous some are meant for building some for war but the size of my force is limited by the time it takes to construct the shells round up the animals to power them and combine the two but soon that will be a concern of the past about launch initiating launch sequence now boss i'm popping away we've reached cruising altitude boss all systems stable heading to your first target now we have some time before we arrive care for a tour doctor i'd love one sir very well first i'm sure you've noticed i'm keeping your little gift of the chaos emotes close at hand this throne doubles as the power generator for the entire spaceship face ship a short walk away is this lovely viewing area where i can see my brilliant plan unfold all from a safe altitude here is where the magic happens automated mixtures blend my secret formula to create the metal virus on mass it seems so simple how do you encode command line assemble the infecting particles or the ah trade secret once it's been applied to every living thing in the world i will have an unstoppable army of robot slaves any project will be completed in days if not hours no will will be beyond my reach no dimension i'll reshape entire planets to suit my vision with my beautiful limitless workforce a bold vision doctor but forgive me i took the liberty of running some numbers and it's simply impossible for you to create enough metal virus to infect the whole world much less others that's the brilliance of my plan starline i don't have to here's where the metal virus will be distributed to the filthy irregular world below soon everything will be perfected no more illness no more hunger and best of all no more free will we're coming over the drop zone boss perfect timing the first batch of metal virus will be poured to the hapless habitat under us transforming its population instantly they'll then wander up in every direction spreading the infection for me i only need to make a few drops and then the zombots do the rest of the work for me this this is brilliant so elegant so efficient i know you were a visionary but to see you in action who are the first to receive your gift shouldn't it be obvious the sleepy little village that took me attention citizens of windmill village you design your beloved mr tinker my memories are a little jumbled but i do recall your kindness and generosity you all took such good care of me and as the old saying goes no good deeds what is that sweetie come here it's okay sonic will say this give it back it's over just like that it's done a penny for your thoughts doctor i i never should have second guessed you that was extraordinary transcendence they say you should never meet your heroes but you live up to nay exceeds your you're absolutely right attention my grim glistening garrisons head out into the world and share what i've given you be fruitful and terrorize [Music] wow and whisper and all of them are okay totally see what you guys miss while you're off getting the roboflu sorry that was tacky school what's the next step for you guys we're not sure amy found evidence eggman is building a new flying fortress presumably to distribute the mechanizing agent if you can find it before it launches maybe we can stop eggman's plans before they get started that's the idea well if you find the battleship give me a shout i think i'm addicted to wrecking eggman's stuff now oh yeah let's send that fat man packing hold on [Music] my bad no worries i totally meant to fall on my face so tails looks like the infection is pretty persistent and aggressive it seems like your speed can burn it off and keep it in check but it doesn't cure it let me run some models well like man's battleship isn't going to find itself for us is it i'll start the search see you guys later sonic wait i'm sure he'll be fine because i know you're going to figure out a cure thanks tingle that was too close i need to keep a distance and keep my friends safe this is weird usually it's eggman does the thing i show up and stop that thing this time we're both kind of aware of each other stuff is in motion but it's all sort of detached i'm also not used to being a liability maybe if i really push it i can cure myself save tails the hassle plus i've dealt with similar stuff in the past and come out fine we'll get through it just like always i'm i'm sure of it yeah totally sure next time the chaotix investigate the end of the world [Music] you
Channel: DarkCloudVA
Views: 134,715
Rating: 4.9243646 out of 5
Id: 8VnOPOmtnZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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