Bomb & Heavy Could Have SAVED Knuckles Chaotix (and how they could come back.)

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oh really we're seriously doing this i gave you guys six videos last month six and it's still not enough all month long i'm getting where's espio where's espio how come no sbo and the moment i give you that barney lizard all i'm getting is who's have you bomb where's evian bomb why no heavy and bomb who actually cares i was gonna try and do the actual review over knuckles chaotix but nobody's even asking for that they just want these two stupid robots is there even enough content to justify a whole video about these two well of course there is who are you talking to here welcome back to november chaotix nope scratch that welcome to chaotix plus that's right we're going into overtime i'll give you a few more details a little bit later but for now we got a couple of robots to talk about yes fake rage aside we are actually going to do a video about these two because who else would this is the exact channel you go to for some random crap like this i have to admit i have always wondered what's the deal with these two robots ever since they were first revealed back in 1995 you see they're not technically a part of the chaotix team they were instead known as mechanics cute name but also their literal job in the manual they are described as robotnik's mechanics gone rogue to help out knuckles and his friends and it doesn't really give us more information than that but they do throw in a question to leave you pondering the manual also asks if these two are actually friendly or are they serving as double agents to slow down the chaotics and that is a fair question they're not on the cover in any region they're not on the title screen they're not even in the player select screen well you can't even play them outside of some very specific instances if you're going single player you can swap characters with the proper monitor power or you can throw one of the robots into one of the magic giant rings to have them go through the bonus stage or special stage i also just love that bomb just drops like any other character they're spinning their little hearts out but bomb here is just like whatever okay and of course if you have a second controller the second player can play one of these two robots also fun little note even though these characters are often portrayed together you can't actually play the two of them at the same time in chaotics not without a code anyway which we're just gonna use here so we have some footage to use for the video now these two aren't considered main characters because they actually serve more as a punishment than anything else while heavy is indestructible he will drag you down and while bomb is lighter it will explode at the slightest thing that can take out other bad nicks but it can also hurt your player character as well so i can understand the trepidation when considering them allies oh you're a walking bomb and you want to attach yourself to me sure i see no problems in that your buddy have a ring also i never noticed this as a kid when looking at the choices in the combicatcher i just assumed that they doubled up characters just for the sake of variety both the only characters that have multiple copies are the two robots which would imply that robotnik made multiples for you now as far as their true allegiance is concerned it can go one of many ways and quite frankly all of them make sense to me eggman loves his carnivals and theme parks and just look how he set this place up what's the actual purpose to any of this it's just a big dumb game for him the chaotix are rats running around his maze and he threw in some extra partner bots just for the sake of the experiment but while it makes perfect sense for robotnik to make intentionally obnoxious robots it would also not surprise me if he made these robots genuinely believe they're doing a good thing or he could have accidentally created sentience i look at his later creations and i'm still not entirely sure either way robotnik is a weird crazy dude but that actually is why these two little robots are so important and super underappreciated these two were the first of robotic rebels in robotnik's ranks general gamma omega all rebelled against dr denver omelet is it too crazy to assume that these guys wouldn't either and i know i'm not the first person to come up with that thought that's nothing new but when i look at these two characters and look at all the different ways robotnik could have intended their creation i feel like they fall somewhere in the middle and if there were modern interpretations i feel like they would fit right about here the more i think about it the more i don't understand why heavy and bomb couldn't have taken the place of orbot and cuba and i know that sounds sacrilegious to some of you fans i've warmed up to those two as well but seriously they'd fit right in both pairs are fun sized not really a danger also not really bad guys either yeah they help out the doctor but it almost feels reluctant they've been around sonic and pals before they don't seem to have any intention to hurt the animal buddies now orbee and qb here are the latest in a long line of robotic duos for robotnik but i think this is the first time he's ever had a pair like these in the video game before that we had a pair of robots in sonic x and of course scratching grounder and the old american cartoon and heavy and bomb have never been portrayed in this dynamic but you could see how it could work right maybe neither of them speak they just express themselves through action you could even have the pair of them in the modern games as failed prototype partners before eggman moved on to the shape bots ooh or the robot rejects that are now helpers over at tails workshop or the detective agency how great would that be that'd be so great look at their wonderful little faceless designs they do look like rudimentary simple robots that eggman rejected without realizing that he had stumbled upon artificial sentience throwing out these two without realizing his own genius he does have a history of creating proper artificial intelligence and never taking advantage of that in the games there is so much potential i'm just spitting out ideas here my point is there can be a place for these robots both on the side of good or as comical lackeys because we've seen both play out before and you can even fit them back into the canon without replacing the beloved ball and box well that probably won't ever happen you're likely never going to see these robots in the modern game hello who are you yeah so um apparently bomb shows up in sonic lost world okay this is actually just a bomb bad nick these have been around since the very first sonic game and bomb from 32x i guess is just a more advanced version of this robot but you can tell from the latest color scheme that that's clearly a call back to the character we're talking about today unfortunately we can't say the same for heavy though as far as i can tell there are no cameos of the skies so if you know something i don't please let me know in the comments closest i can find would be in name only with the hard-boiled heavies from sonic mania but obviously those are egg robos those are not the goofy little salt shaker dudes with boxing gloves so yeah that's quite the stretch but if anybody was ever going to do a mention of these two again it's probably christian whitehead and the rest of the team that made sonic mania so wouldn't surprise me at all if they show up again in a future throwback platformer but that's really all you got in terms of the games thankfully the comics are a different story and we're gonna skip fleetway entirely because they don't even show up in the uk book but they did show up in archie and while it's not a lot of stuff it's still a significant amount to discuss and i will once again say i hate their stupid faces i hate these faces so much so yes like i went over when i covered the chaotix book they first showed up with mighty who befriended them first because of course he did he's such a sweet boy and in this canon they did confirm that they were built a bit too well and gained sentience having stolen power gems from robotnik to help out the rest of the chaotix and while they were a large help in freeing the freedom fighters and all that strangely they would just disappear after this only to show back up in a closet i guess they would actually be recruited by skunky saint john as part of the kingdom of acorn secret service going on secret missions for the king and honestly their stories are pretty fun and these missions would lead to some pretty significant characters for the archie cannon including elias sally's long lost brother and it was good to see the robots again but they didn't really do much outside to fill out the roster even knuckles doesn't acknowledge to the two of them when they come across the guardian on a mission to find out what happened to sally's mother also i think this is the only time bomb ever speaks throughout all these years i never realized that he never spoke but the moment he did here just threw me off he never does it again after the scene these would be the designated roles for the robots for a little while but unfortunately the good times couldn't last during one of their secret missions they were captured and reprogrammed by eggman and return to the animal people as sleeper agents and that would all come to a head in this issue yeah how many of you have scrolled past this cover in the sonic mega collection completely unaware that this psycho was indeed a video game character oh sonic don't run away bomb just wants a hug in this issue heavy would produce a ton of mini bombs and hold the acorn royal family hostage only to be quickly dispersed by sonic before heavy could even finish a sentence the mini bombs themselves then deactivated by an emp wave created by rotor and tails and then that's it sonic and pals don't even talk about having to take out their former allies once they're destroyed but they would reappear a couple years later once again as eggman badniks but this time with their proper faceless design bomb is once again coming in a multi-pack and i guess they drew them holding on to a sling ring for some reason i don't think they realized that was just part of a game mechanic and not part of the bomb design but whatever and heavy would be reintroduced as a heavy-hitting robot with sonic even commenting that one hit from him could take him out which doesn't make sense because they never showed heavy being that powerful prior to this point and sonic did take out the older model in one shot still i guess they had to give him something to do but of course sonic saves the day pretty quickly even with one last surprise bomb nearly taking out mina mongoose's horrible manager and boyfriend ash doesn't do the job which is a shame for all of us i really hate that character but that's for another time thankfully this would not be the final time we saw the robotic duo as once again years later they would be rebuilt but this time by rotor and tails who had salvaged their core program meaning that these are the original characters but now with their video game design and they do get some decent attention this time around not like the central focus but they're actually in the middle of action and spouting some dialogue with poor heavy here even showing some concern that if he gets blown up once again he won't be recovered and i like that they take the time here to have rotor say that's not gonna happen on his watch it really felt like the freedom fighters didn't care in the slightest when they were destroyed by their hands twice over but here as part of team freedom that shows that's not the case they haven't been forgotten and they're still considered an important part of the team i also love this entire page heavy and bomb are ready to tackle metal sonic commenting how it's like the good old days but back then all three of these robots had some pretty terrible redesign now all of them face off in their proper forms but before they can engage metal sonic they're saved by shard and if you know the history of this character you know that this is the original model they fought back in that chaotix comic and now he has returned to battle this newer metal sonic just call back after callback on this page i love it we would see them one final time right before they're about to face off with the tails doll it's yeah all of it's great it's fun stuff but that's really about it right after this the super genesis wave would hit it'd have a mega man crossover and that would be that we would not see the robots ever again in the archie book before its cancellation and it's likely we will not see them again in modern sonic games outside of that quick cameo from lost world all my jokes aside these two do make me smile i'm a sucker for their little goofy faceless design and despite the jokes i've made about the archie book in terms of its quality being all over the place and how far it strays away from the source material they didn't have to reuse these two characters but they still kept coming back to them year after year which i greatly appreciate it goes to show us that these two characters do matter and they do have stories worth telling and i don't want to leave this video on a heavy note because these characters are the bomb yes i can feel all of you groaning at that joke and it fuels me a few years ago i didn't even think a game like mania would ever happen again so who knows what the future holds maybe we will see these two again now it was originally at this point i felt i had talked about everything i could potentially say about these two little robots but as i was playing the game with the two of them just to get some footage for this particular video it dawned on me that there's a lot more missing potential here than i realized i've played knuckles chaotix so many times over for these videos and the upcoming review but i had not once put in the code to play heavy and bomb at the same time i have never done that and when i finally did i found myself wanting to play the entire game with them you can't actually do that there are some portions in some of the stages that require some of the secondary abilities of the other characters but playing these two forced me to rely completely on the rubber band mechanic and it was really only at that time did i realize how much i was trying to force these other characters to play as standard sonic characters but when you're playing a couple of little robots you don't have the expectation to spin dash it felt like these little guys were trying to innovate and pull off whatever nonsense they could with whatever was available and you know what i kind of wish the chaotix was just a game specifically about these two robots yeah it's not perfect not by any means but i think that's one of the greatest failings of the game if they were so obsessed over this rubber band nonsense they should have had characters that relied solely on it when you attach any of these other characters it really feels like they're dragging each other down but with heavy and bomb i can see so much potential to make them work together because that's what i had to do while i was playing them and it was actually pretty fun and i can already see the goofy story forming in my head two little robotic rebels trying to escape eggman's factory that's really cute and i've been really interesting i'm gonna play this a little bit more so by the time we come around to the actual chaotix video i'll have this idea a little more fleshed out but yes joking aside playing with heavy and bomb really and truly made me appreciate the rubber band nonsense in ways i had not all these years prior so yes they are low-key potentially some of the best characters ever produced by this series this started off as a quick little appreciation for these two and now we have a video that's longer than the espio episode what am i doing you know what what the hell sega i want these guys back they're adorable they bring out the best of each other when they're tied together with a magical set of rings and they make me believe in a goofy mechanic i had always just tolerated up to this point i want to see a game taking advantage of these two i am done underestimating heavy and bomb and i hope after this video you give these little guys a second chance as well because they are not only worth remembering they are worth bringing back and that is going to do it for this episode i'll be back next week with a whole other topic for chaotix plus so until then 2 2 team mechanics
Channel: Game Apologist
Views: 58,595
Rating: 4.9699316 out of 5
Keywords: knuckles chaotix, chaotix plus, game apologist, bomb and heavy, heavy & bomb, heavy, bomb, badnik, saved chaotix, espio, knuckles, vector, mighty, charmy, sega, 32x, archie sonic, sonic character profile, how to fix sonic, how to fix chaotix, underappreciated, why bomb and heavy matters, why sonic matters, sonic lost world, orbot, cubot, eggman, robotnik, solo game, sega genesis, modern heavy, modern bomb, tails workshop, chaotix detective agency, team chaotix, who are heavy and bomb
Id: sORd0HUfoEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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