INF vs OCN | Losers Finals Game 2 | 2021 Honda Scouting Grounds

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hello hello welcome back to the caster desk we had one hell of a game one to start us off here on the main stage our third place matchup between team infernal and team ocean definitely rocked our socks started all off that was wild it was uh i love the pro activity from t-motion right they had the early game lead for a hell of a long time uh through their bot side of the map it was great to see they played smart and defended around top but then they couldn't end it then madness occurred pretty much pretty much what i love what i thought and you've been through the lpl too we're we're accustomed to this we know how this all goes it's definitely the play-by-plays dream because that's when you can just go wild you can yell your head off i can just chill afterwards definitely was sweating during that game but it was fun it was a lot of fun but i want to see now that we're swapping sides how they're going uh going to approach this we see you we have a rise graves evelyn twisted fate those are the four bands to start us all off yeah so apa as you already saw from the aurelian soul game is the type to want to roam around pretty consistently so the twisted fate ban on red side makes a lot of sense and they just don't want silly shots to get a hold of just to get a hold of the uh of course the evelyn so makes sense on both sides that's just gonna be banned out so just wanna see now what the response is gonna be for team ocean what do they want to have on blue side first pick as do i because when they were on the red side rise graves twisted fate here they can take away lulu they don't have to worry about that in the bot lane for winter even if the early game really wasn't winter's especially out it was the late game polymorphing and using the wild growth on the right targets so lee sin has been a first pick it's a safe one it's it's going to be a blind pick jungle you don't see a lot of solo lane leasing so that's the only thing to make be aware of um i just want to see what the the priority is going to be here for team ocean probably in italy i've had to guess i mean they've been doing that a lot though that camille the takeaway from pcl makes far more sense because nidalee isn't really that high priority silly shots plays a lot of the ap junglers but really we've been seeing chad more stick to like the least ends and graves and for people who've been watching competitive and you know around the world especially around worlds yumi is just not going to be uh it depends on the team of course yes so i want to see which team is more willing to play yumi but not in this series as we can already see so playing to the strengths here and taking away from pcl already that's what team ocean's goal is going to be and pcl going on to gwen usually when not on camille gwen has been the the fallback to play in top lane especially when you already know what you're going up against though i kind of like the jacks that we saw from concept last time around seeing the power that had in the late game almost was enough to make up for the difficult team fights that they had set up for themselves and unfortunately just not enough yeah that's why i think simplicity of it is pretty important that's what we got to see hear from golden blue on the desk is that a team infernal just had an easier to play out composition yeah so even though team ocean had quite a large advantage they couldn't you know in even even setting couldn't out team fight team motion they you know team inferno responded really well on the sideline pressure that concept had so i think that's just gonna be the overall shift as i say that silly shot's still gonna get a hold on the nidalee had a huge earlier game advantage so there's a lot to be confident about uh with that pick well especially when you have something like a camille on your team you can still set up side lanes like you did before for concept but also the camille favors a little bit better in these team fights the pick potential you have with that and even just the early game we were talking about how you could play into the nidalee and give her the advantage what we saw from apa in the first game but also if you just have lane set up little league can come to you yeah so hook shot being a pretty reliable cc there for a camille then yeah nidalee could just go straight up topside and get concept the advantage it reminds me a lot when we sell renekton italy yeah combo pretty much just something that's really easy to land the stuns on too so you can follow up with the spear right afterwards you blow them up immediately have these early leads in the top lane so that you can transition that elsewhere take a look at this so this is gonna be the first time we see vex today uh today we're gonna see this champion a lot has a lot of cc easy wave clear through mid uh roaming power so now strompus is gonna be the one to pick it up he picked it up on third pick means that they can just start to ban away picks that uh do quite well into it so uh it's gonna be a vagar they already banned the syndrome kind of setting up for the pick so so far so good there from team infernal i wonder if leblanc will be the last fan coming in from team infernal just really set up a trumpet on the best possible lane you can even if we know that apa has those pocket picks that not everyone really plays the ziggs the rally and seoul i doubt we'll see the rallying soul in this game yes i do agree on this one uh so i want to see a little bit more what what team motion is willing to give apa shouldn't be too concerned on that one lux being a ban out to apa surprising so i mean they just respect the pick quite a bit and we already saw how strong it was golden blue once again on the desk mentioning how patient uh strompus was on the pick so he's respecting apa as well uh on effects you have to have a lot of patience to know when to go in with your old even if you can get the resets you gotta be careful because you can get blown up before you're going to be able to get the full burst of damage that you need let's see if i were to look to team infernal sure they have a a gwen that they can play towards yeah i think just beefing up your team fighting you already have playmaking there from strompist and chad and he's already shown you what he can do on the lease in so pretty confident on that respect so you just need some front to back consistent dps the vein of the last game put in a lot of work but there's no uh uh lulu coming into this one so if this is going to be an affiliate lock-in and it is for kyle uh let's see what the support's going to be pick a support pickup is going to be for team infernal i also think that is a no ban there because we actually have been seeing a couple teams go for no bands yeah where either they miss the target or sometimes they're just like you know what we don't really care there's nothing really else that we really feel threatened by there's always something to ban but you're right like in terms of just your new team a lot of young players you kind of you're running the clock it has happened as you mentioned so it's going to be in another aurelian soul there for apa but this time you have actually a lot of setup so this time you have the chameleon top side locking in the recon so there is a lot more cc last game difficult to start the fight yeah and now this time around not going to be an issue that's what i was just about to say to you i'm like this looks like a far better team fight composition than we saw last time at least compared to what we saw they really struggled at having that right person to engage for them here they got camille they've got rakan as well with nidalee to follow it all up so i wonder what the conversation with t-motion was when they did miss the band because they have to think about the sports that are available it's going to be the morgana because my main point is that you don't want to ban the yumi even as strong as yumi is uh with aphelios you are just going to get dope there's no power fighting power in the boss out of the map but now with morgana that's a lot of overall spell shield plus like ambiguity because you're also talking about gwen in a team fight not being able to hit uh when she has her w up so it's gonna be pretty difficult to land skill shots from the side of team ocean if team infernal is playing well team fight wise i would give it over to team infernal just simply for morgana affilios the only question is if they have a strong enough front line to back it up right because the one thing we look at this composition that they've drafted for themselves is who's really going to be able to absorb all the damage for the team yeah they're all fairly susceptible to getting immediately blown up by in italy by camille by gin even avrilian soul to do all that damage but much like champions like akali and all these things even though they don't pro they're just not beefy enough right yeah it always comes down to how long are they gonna stay alive how how annoying are they gonna be in a team fight and that's gwen can buy a lot of time in those fights same with lee sin so it's gonna give a lot of space to uh affiliates to get the job done if they are playing well so interested to see what we can do here of course just as a reminder infernal with one game advantage in a best of three so if they can take this game they win the series we'll see if we get a follow-up though look at this that is a big star the galaxy brain right in mid lane from ocean to start it off that always reminds me of remember the lcs just like last split i believe clg strategy just killed gizuke by running mid because they know yes oh yeah catch someone in the middle what was it for like i saw like three weeks oh they always had a level one yeah so that's always fun this one no no one to be found not yet we'll see we did see an attempted late invade from ocean last time around only getting the one ward you can see the pink uh pings on it to the pixel brush right over there for apa and breezy maybe they want to step forward and see if they can get a little bit more vision for themselves yeah nothing surprising here so far in this level one but just taking a step back in this one not much has changed from team ocean's goals from last game to this game but if they can continue to keep the early i mean get the early advantages that they had and they've been getting some early advantages in the games that were off stream as well and just being able to start the fight so i love the adaptation here sure last game you had the thresh but it really is just straightforward and it made it very easy for team infernal to just play around um this time around i want to see what breezy can do in the recon he's been a strong support uh throughout this event and so on the recon pick i have a lot of confidence great playmaker as well the thrust you saw how many lanterns he was using to help reposition his team the picks that he was able to get with death sentences as well on targets like winter like kyle the only difference here is monte recon into morgana it's a lot harder to actually feel confident diving in so the biggest change into this game is that lee sin is taking top side camps i wonder if this is known uh that he isn't in this invades this is gonna be two camps that he's taking away from nidalee if she is pathing without knowing then she just loses so much experience to start this one off and look i think that's gonna be the case yeah because even if she were to walk right now to the enemy blue side uh lee sin has the chance to uh straight up just match her so yeah silly shots is gonna be behind this game you hate to see it don't you it's just one of those things you're like even getting baited in by the wolves that were left up by chad he's like i'll take grump and blue you'll have no idea go waste all this time on the top half and there it is yeah maybe his mind's playing tricks on me maybe i got to check myself no he already knows he knows he's already pretty well he's already right away passing saying all right we've got the pitch and push in mid let's try to see if we can pinch chad or even rotate top oh they see an angle on a pcl i asked for this last game didn't i said level three apa aurelian soul gonna be the dash in from pcl with ignite ticking away but they didn't get the stun to land on him so pcl will be fine yeah just the ghost from him he's gonna probably have to tp back up top lane and lee sin is backing oh going straight towards bot lane in fact canceling this are you gonna go for it of course is first blood silly shots underneath the turret solo not even traded away too so silly shots is able to somehow get back the disadvantages that he had and all it was is just hoping praying that he can get something and he did so being able to get a pick on a pcl is going to really help out this has given me a lot of deja vu though last game we got this early lead already four silly shots here against team infernal the last time they weren't able to transition that into the win they weren't able to finish it out so i want to see if silly shots is going to be able to utilize this lead a little bit more effectively thankfully there is a ward here from tcl because pcl is in a pretty tough spot the fact that he died in the way when he he does have a stacking wave the chad was passing away from him that's usually like nightmare fuel for top laners but he knows that his silly shot stays there for too long and that's gonna be chad going in for an invade bot side um so overall great play he's able to get his wave in and now let's see if anything is to happen here nothing and that's just chad coming out with a big lead i think yeah i think so too got the scuttle crab bot lane triple buff start will feel fine even though first blood was picked up by silly shots it's not the end of the world if you're chad has lisa now they've got your recalls off you've got the iron spike whip that you can take now in to a gank early on and utilize this lee sin gank power early vision's been good from pcl not only boarding off the the players that's game too true very true so like now you get an idea if silly shots ever is to come up towards the top side of the map so it's gonna give him a good amount of protection the wave is coming into them now it's going to be a little bit easier now for pcl to feel more confident against concept silly shots sees that people are entering his jungle it is winter and chad now taking away more of the wolves this time will be chance take a look i mean we're in fog right now but you see both recon and apa are coming in to defend this play they're getting a little bit of damage it's going to be the predator pop pcl is going to be the first one here from the top lane to be able to show up the flash away from chad he's burning to the ignite the shield to keep him alive the hook shot body block but it's the spear to pick up the kill onto chad with pcl now dashing over the wall the fall off nice fear came in from trumpets to try to keep pcl alive the flask cone 2 to help survive yeah so pcl should be safe also the wave is thinned out top side so i don't think actually no they are just going to go in for a dive here yeah they've got pcl almost at 50 percent health does have at least the stack up of snip snip to be able to utilize the dash end you're going to get a lot of damage this concept with tank taking the turn the entire time tp from scares away silly and concept so no dive completed a pcl still low yeah but i think you're happy here if you're team ocean you got tp they caught concept too oh yeah they did yeah concept might have to try to sack on to the turret the ultimate missed from the office and it's an execute okay not only is strompus gonna be denied the midline wave couldn't even get the kill on towards him so yeah that's a little wild one yeah he tried to even using the alt on that one too so that he can get concept of concept you know what props to him i thought he actually took some damage from pcl but i think he waited out just right along yeah so now in terms of just gold ocean's happy um this is just a great recovery from silly shots where yeah sure you lost your two camps up top lane but you made a play happen towards pcl you also defended the play when they're trying to go for your uh wolf camp great job towards breezy and apa to come in with a strong reaction so now it's just uh two kills in the pockets of silly shot he's ready to go i mean this is what happened last time too they were able to get silly shots onto this huge lead and it was infernal who slowed down the game well enough so they could then win in the team fights and here we look at the two teams and you favored infernals team fight a little bit more than oceans but still ocean with the lead their team fight is nothing to scoff at yeah they got a lot of great pick in their competition and they have a good pick for in just team fighting we already saw what breezy was able to do with the two-man knock-up in the previous fight so let's see if they're the ones gonna be starting up on infernal i mean i mean ocean so ocean's gonna be picked up from infernal and then towards the top side of the map i imagine that's gonna be ocean trying to fight for rip currents i will say that's very confusing it is that infernal is getting the ocean dragon while ocean are looking for the pick on top side even though infernal are getting named after them i hate this i hate the naming's team but it is what it is guys just wait till chemtech and hextech come in next year amazing you know what's going to happen we'll see it we'll see it one day but right now it's not the day instead it's going to be apa clearing out these minion waves mid lane winter on the other side threaten apa in case he starts moving along onto other lanes yeah and in general once again we this is the first time we're seeing vex uh today in games but like just really uninteractive just completely shoves that way pretty easily if you ever try to engage like an example would be concept you can just stack up your beer use your w and you got your engage as she's able i mean uh disengages she's speared away yeah very similar to raleigh and soul in many ways true just clear out the menu waves try to make plays elsewhere the only difference is that apa is the one getting boots small advantages initially yeah with the predator 2 can move around the map really quickly whilst trump is still has to wait it out clear out the menu waves be a far more patient player like we saw in game one like the fact that he did pick up um magic fan boots just dear two boots because you do actually stack up your fear a lot faster based off your movements you're just walking around so that's another positive one of course is the magic pen that helps as well um so there we go gold lead right now just a slight lead in favor of t-motion they're also right now i would imagine would want to play towards concept a little bit more he's going to have a stacking wave so i imagine that they want to use that to find a play on towards pcl they've been doing it a little bit frequently this game try and double up on it whereas last game and bernal played a lot more towards the top side of the map they've tried making a couple plays like that here yeah but where do they really need to succeed in this game if they want to mitigate this early lead oceans already gotten for themselves i would actually want them to play around mid a little bit more because you saw what happened with ap and the previous one with the really insult uh even though you would imagine it to be hard for them to play 2v2s with aesol and nidalee they just had a humongous lead on the middle player and so silly shot is in a similar position but i actually quite like how vex and lee sin play uh as a duo so it's gonna be a little harder for apa to survive those type of fights he's gonna have his flash up in just a second so he should be a little bit more ready for fights like these the dive is possible here no mana for strompists it's gonna be really difficult the personal space used just to get a little bit of personal space and a tp from pcl concept is already out same with silly shots they've just gotten the tp out of pcl and they will retreat yeah it might be a little bit of an overreaction just because i don't think you need to use flash like that you're in between your second turret there and also you already have the tp as a response from pci i think trumpus was safe but no better to be secure than sorry oh and we already see that apa looking for another play this time it's the top lane but infernal or wise to this you've played against the rallying soul already once today you've learned what he wants to do pretty quickly it's just move around the map never really interact with his opponent mid lane man this is annoying there's not allowing pcl to get the lane here but look at strompis hanging out through just looking to see if there is going to be that dive coming in from ocean maybe we're going to be able to counteract that and get themselves that early lead utilizing that vex that you had wanted to see so a little bit of the minion wave going to be denied out here and also silly shots does have rip trail they was thinking that it'd be used topside but great opportunity might be able to get full turret here but there's gonna be no response from chad is it gonna be full or is it gonna be near just a little bit close enough yeah there it is that's what i was just wondering like it's really on that like teetering line where it could have gone and actually been the full plate but that's still a lot of gold picked up for apa four silly shots keeping this lead from the mid jungle duo in both silly shots and apa over that of chad and trumpist now you're gonna see both teams just taking their bases for the next dragon that would be third a second dragon for team infernal and it's gonna be a mountain so it is gonna be really helpful for this composition but team ocean getting their bases pretty early i think they're going to be the ones they're going to be able to fight through mid first whereas if it ends up being an infernal soul this game and ocean get it i we're not going to talk about it it's going to happen because you or we've already talked about infernal getting the ocean so yeah you know it's gonna be ocean getting the infernal soul i'm gonna try my hardest to just not say team names i think that's my solution here all right then what are you gonna call them the lads the both teams how do we different it's gonna be the gang and the lads the boys in the lab there we go the poison all right we got the boys and the lads wait okay now it's getting even more confusing we'll go back to the team all right all right yeah see that's what i'm saying yeah let's get back into this though as right now winter is already on the war path rotating alongside that of chad trying to see if they can make a play towards the bottom half of the map even calling down strompa so they can control this pit of dragon all right let's see if they can make that play on apa predator pop apa it's going to be the flash away trying to get distance with four members here but unfortunately the flash already burned no way over the wall that's a lot of damage coming in from infernal and trumpets will easily execute that dragon yeah that's just tough for apa there is jungler was in the top side i think they were trying to just play to trade sides they knew that infernal had full control there but gets caught out dead let's see it looks like they're trying to defend the top lane play now pcl that i love the dodge and i love the engage shut down gifted over to pcl and that's gonna be the shadow surge over the wall with an ultimatum used to concept he's got nowhere to go snip snip double kill pcl they get everything not only were they able to get the kill on apa they got the dragon they denied the play top side and got two kills this is infernal's game now to lose even though still a small advantage there for ocean great place from infernal and i called it infernal soul on the map i hate it i i told you it was gonna happen but this time it looks like it's gonna actually be infernal getting the infernal soul because they have the lead they've got two dragons great play top lane right there getting two kills for pcl so that he can have more control over concept this game yeah now pcl is once again in a great position this one uh able to deny a few minions but taking a look at this one trying to go back up topside and vex was hovering i think that one's the really important one he knows he's not needed bot side and just helps pcl not only get back to lane but with a few kills on top of it i love that the resets you get from vex to follow it up waited for the ultimatum so he wasn't knocked back to and concept was just deadbeat after that kind of mentioned it alluded to it a little earlier on just the resets that you have as vex after a kill with your ultimate it's just crazy uh the team fight power on that one if you have a winning fight you just snowball the chasing power is there from this champion and so this is something you have to be aware about if you don't feel confident in a specific fight versus of x you have to trade that was the intent but it didn't work out for t-motion and now they have even though still retaining the gold lead they're now put on disadvantages they've lost control around the retail pit they're trying to fight back in but already trompus winter here to help out chad pcl on the other side takes the attention of concept of the shadow surge and the blow up damage onto silly shots really confusing they're from team ocean uh apa was bottling and so maybe their goal was just to try and buy some time and hold them but yeah that's really risky and so while he is able to deny a few minion waves here this is just infernal starting to run rough shot right they almost had to play mid lane too on a good boy and breezy forced to use the quickness just to escape this turret should fall infernal full control on this map this game does not look like game one this time they have gotten the early game their way that's what i would say great work from stop trump is so far this series game one just an insane performance on his luck and then game two goes on towards the vex and is even is having a great uh early game performance even better early game performance i would say yeah it's looking great and this is why we were talking about vex before we were talking about the power this champion has and why we expect to see it so often today yeah but also just the fact that a lot of the concepts of denying plays and things is he's aware of that so sure as i said he's like okay exactly i don't need to go bot lane i'm gonna help out top side let's see what if pcl can stay alive a little longer it's gonna be a 1v2 well pcl he's getting revenge on concept for last game where concept was the one who is able to duel him in the 1v1s now it's pcl throwing that damage right back in the face of camille that's a lot to deal with uh with that early lead already has mythic charged up too it's going to be tough for team ocean to really deal with them and that's going to be the real problem for me is that you're losing out in overall team fights on the bot side of the map you're trying they had numbers advantage for khan was even coming up slow too but they didn't feel confident fighting the pcl so i don't know what angle they're gonna have here now well before i talked about how when i looked at team inferno they didn't really have that front line but you kind of talked about uh gwen being one of those deceptive champions you know having the zone to block away a lot of things where you're not actually able to engage onto her and we are seeing right now how infernal are utilizing that in this early game to deny everything that ocean wants to try yeah we didn't even get to see the best of it see if apa can try for anything outside we'll see it soon yeah so the fact that we able to see what she's able to do top lane isolated is great see what happens when the general team fights start so far ocean just don't want to fight into that so they're making an active effort to move away a good way to push uh the mount in the bot lane when you're taking a lot of damage on the back half of that one so they're not going to use rip turtle just yet no right now ocean are going back to the game plan of picks try to see who they can find out you can see the damage that silly sean's hats onto these members so long as the spears land and you have breezy behind you but the problem with that is eventually we're going to get to a point where infernal never separate right here it is a 3v3 fight look at how much attention chad got that entire time they've got the root with the dark binding the curtain called open so pcl jumped on a good boy the cypher is there for good way to be able to take him down but trump is with the shadow search he's got the resets looking to reengage but he missed it has to wait until he flashed forward with the shadow sneak double kill and concept soon to fall they've got three for just the one life attack that was always going to be a risky fight but they thought they had chad initially chad did eventually dive but stayed alive long enough also winter just keeping them interested with his ultimate to make it so that the people can come in at a flank yep so great performance for strompist even better performance from both winter and chad to keep him interested we saw this from chad last game too he might not have had the most impressive score line but what he was able to accomplish for the team the attention he got from ocean allows infernal to play with such aggression yeah let's see here ocean does have temple here to go for the objective first but tp coming through from trump is he's a little bit denied from the play so yeah winter this is just good team play yeah it is just four soft silly shots so they can look to see if they can get that third dragon their first infernal dragon of the game yeah and pcl is still lagging behind a little bit so if ocean want to go for this objective i do think they need to rush it they have to especially with the rift i'll pop bot lane that's going to easily take down that chart and might even get a secondary charge let's see what the goal is going to be here they do know that gwen's on the flank so maybe they're sending three members up to see if they can push her out but yeah this should be infernals we saw this last time with the baron where we said it should have been infernals and ocean that forced out infernal from this dragon jumps back in though chance that's not a second time the fight into the backline the kill for strawfish he's unstoppable pcl2 is huge double kill what's more force dropped with the resets didn't connect that time a good boy he sniffed down by pcl good boy and apa couldn't do nothing with pcl just straight in front of them and that's a triple kill first trumpist alert he has seven kills this game and he's only getting stronger he had 12 last game two razz trumpest right now is making a name for himself and showing everyone 22 stacks we're 20 minutes into the game yeah he's got a big brain too 22 chapters in that book uh he's insanely strong right now and it's only going to be harder so yeah you're dealing with now three dragons on team infernal and you're gonna be dealing with them having baron let's see what they can get done with this bearing buff we'll see and we were talking between looking at these two teams what we wanted to see what we wanted to talk about when it came to this game too and at first it looked like ocean were going for the same playbook they played early they got the leads for silly shots but infernal have answered back so well in this early game that they now have this inside track onto the baron even with the curtain call opened up wide five members looking for pcl there is a lot of attention he's taken he's shut down by concept but they still have four members with the buff even though kyle took a lot of damage they're going to be able to survive for now getting away with the dark blinding once more who does nobody didn't hit them still the chase is there that's a lot of damage on the breezy coming in from trumpets who's golden and leaves winter out and kyle too they're still alive the re-engaged drop is barely takes one with them but the fight at ocean it's a turnaround we've seen a baron before and we see it again by them saving private kyle kyle didn't have flash and was stuck in the pit so they stayed longer while pcl was just yeah ditch them in my opinion you leave them out you say sorry bud you're on your own yeah mr hindsight you know what that's what's great about being here true anyways we're we're out here in the peanut gallery that's our job we're allowed to say this kind of stuff and we look at this look at this entire thing with hindsight and see that at first it looked great for infernal yeah it took a lot of time for them to finish this objective with pcl going for gromp here so he was just trying to buy time but they didn't they realize yeah kyle needs to get out of the pit he's in a tough spot and with how much time pcl is buying for them they thought they have the opportunity to get them out of there but nope apa is the fast one and the utility ocean has able to chase them down and that's the crazy thing here is that they're able to chase them down they get these shutdowns they get these big picks for ki team and critical members for oceans to now feel so much more empowered like getting that kill on the shrompus is massive yeah and that's every member dead from infernal so no baron buff is going to be available let's see what we're uh what's happening live now infernal is back on the map first it seems so they're gonna be able to have push here and set up for the next dragon it's gonna be two minutes away so ocean does have a lot of time to buy uh to try and take the vision away from team infernal but yeah that could have been the game ender another positive though for team ocean is that 17 stacks now for strompus he did lose quite a few of that just based off the last death but still 17 stacks a lot of stacks that's how far ahead he's been in this game i know unless they can continue to cut out and rip apart that book trophis is going to be that much more scary he goes golden but they can't follow up it was the black shield on top of him concept into the backline they've taken out kyle first with apa going golden the curtain calls opened up wide waiting it out trump is still being patient waiting to get the damage on the constitution get one kill but chad trades his life as well good boy takes a chunk of damage same with pcl he's rooted but nobody can follow that up just to get kara shrompus come on when do you want to reengage you got the fear up but he doesn't have the alt so he backs out knowing that they've only traded two for one the pendulum is shifting again that's all the vision that inferno was able to place down here cleared out and the next dragon might be going to ocean this game has been wild and that fight you have to give apa credit for that one instazone is from strompus and so he had to back away and infernal had to protect him and so they're down goes kyle uh and ocean's able to take the fight because they put the black shield on the shrimp as he tried to get away as best he would and that left kyle even though he had flash up out to dry because he got cc locked by breezy so now we're in a wild one once again this game is crazy and a team infernal i wonder if they want to trade away from it they're all playing through mid lane so they want to fight for what is their soul if they end up taking this one that's infernal soul for a team infernal and their cell 2000 000 goldplate four team infernal all the while most of that's on the champions but quinter is found out and executed immediately the damage on to chad too not feeling confident to kick in and said it's going to be on top of him with kyle again split up again killed off three members alive and it's breezy re-engaging for the team with everybody from inferno on the run out for the hills the best they can but pcl dives back in with needlework doing a lot of damage shadow surge trumpus do you follow it up he waits it out he had the fear but did not feel confident going into five members of ocean yeah i mean they made a full cross map chase there and they don't feel confident playing into their comps you know what let's get straight back take the infernal dragon for ourselves just be happy with what is a scrappy game that we're willing to we're fighting back from right that's the crazy thing is that we are now having that pendulum nearly fully at equilibrium between the two teams that 2000 gold lead now less than a thousand for infernal the dragon taken by ocean to deny the soul for another five minutes yeah and the boost in dps for ocean even if it's just a single dragon is a welcome one uh they have a lot of damage within their composition silly shot of course is already just nuking people um so this is gonna be really tough for infernal we'll say though it's just gonna be ocean for the rest of the game playing on a knife's edge if they just use that one fight that's infernal soul over to uh team infernal that's baron it's gonna be coming up and they're already now clearing out vision so let's see if uh last scale this one down same thing could be said for infernal that one bad fight and it was all over they ended up winning that game ocean they can turn the tables completely true true very fair so let's see if uh we get a repeat of the first game hope not well i mean i kind of hope so we've talked about this before play-by-play prefers all the crazy chaotic gameplay style that we've been seeing out of both ocean and infernal but right now it's just waiting it out saying who's going to be able to fight over the next objective yeah so of course as you already can see there is a pause happening right now hopefully we can get that resolved pretty damn quickly but at the moment it's going to be infernal actually leading this series uh one game to nil and if they can pick this one up siri's over and they're in a really good position to do just that um they're they have they have soul point they have positioning around baron but raz so was ocean last game i will say last game t-motion didn't have a surefire way to engage you have a thresh and that was just about it you can play around top side if they of course did a lot better of a job in synchronizing waves playing through mid lane wave as well because i think they let the wave get away from them a few times that's a lesson they've learned from the first game you hope so at least and of course team earned frontal being in the position of power this one would have learned of course just from the observing from being the ones getting back into the game and winning that out well right now it's getting towards that knife's edge right now where either team can tip the scales in their favor and honestly the fact that they were able to win the fight and get rid of all the baron off every member of team infernal allows ocean a lot of time to continue to scale up i mean camille's just going to get scarier aurelian soul is also going to get a lot more damage be that utilitarian for the team you talked about silly shots the amount of damage he has from the spears landing yeah and so just as an update for everybody out there it's just going to be a pc connection issue right now hopefully we can get that resolved i know just us being fly on the wall throughout it is an online environment for those players i think during scrims and also for game day there were pauses just because of like let's say discord being a little iffy at times so things like that can happen an issue when i was listening in sometimes discord was like yeah you don't get to hear anything so you just watch the game for like five minutes waiting for discord to reconnect it happens it happens it does so hopefully we'll be able to get that resolved soon just a couple more minutes you'll have to deal with our beautiful faces mostly his because we all know that but going into how this game yeah yeah you take this they're they're dubs for sure i'm actually really curious because in this game i talked about how ocean had to go back to a pick potential style that's been their gameplay we looked back in game one that's what they did and here even though they have better team fight they've been finding those proper picks to then fully engage 4v5 yeah i genuinely think that team ocean's compositions in both games have been harder to execute mostly game one mostly game one a lot of the times if you end up having compositions around like uh grayson i mean golden glue on the desk mentioned it just like if you have a really in soul in italy like that kind of composition is like you're playing off tempo pretty consistently uh being able to find fights is harder without just like easy engage in cc but they're playing really well around it i think that and that's the that's the beauty of this event is that they're just trying to play as well as they possibly can learn specific concepts that make them ready for competition for academy for lcs so a lot of the time just like okay we're happy we're fine playing harder to execute compositions if we play well around it then for the scouts out there that actually makes us look better true and we already see that despite having difficult compositions in game one and in game two they're finding proper fights they're finding proper picks into infernal who we looked at their composition they got effects they got shrompus nine and one right now what he's back up to i think 21 stacks on that magisk yeah he's been so great on his patience the amount of times he just waits it out for the perfect time to engage you look at game one and how he was able to do that here in game two he's doing pretty much the same yeah and emily mentioned this on the desk too just like it's it's a surprise to a lot of us because the competition for this event is really strong i would say um strongest i've seen in just scroung scouting grounds in general not only proving grounds making amateur teams a lot more viable option a lot more competitive but a lot of the players we see here literally great example chad just one just one academy with a hundred thieves because he was able to participate during the playoffs run for his team so a lot of these players know these concepts and are only just getting better and more advanced on these things and so uh coming back to it strompist i thought is able to perform well versus today um and during the week versus some really top-tier talent so good stuff overall and it's also great because there are some familiar names from previous scouting grounds trump is being one of them winter pcl yeah they've been a part of previous scout uh scouting grounds but this time it feels like they've really leveled up they've really grown throughout their career proving grounds being a great boon to how they're able to succeed throughout the year learn a lot from higher competition throughout all of amateur to now be here on this big stage try to get these scouts to notice them so they can try to see if they can finally crack into the academy scene and here we are back in the game so pc connectivity issues are done just fold it away oh let's see if the bike well work out well for them i was about to say we jump right back into a team fight apa split from the team sacrificing himself more than likely he's gone golden and he's shut down with the kill on the other side coming in from trump they can re-engage they've taken down three members cleanly the parent is up and this time it seems there's nothing ocean can do to stop him yeah what an assassination from strompus right because while the rest of his team was taking down apa he's like i know where this jin's at yep eviscerates him with both thumbs up so now three members down from ocean you're expecting infernal to be able to pick this one up unless there's a miracle for ocean there is no way infernal lose this they've got 25 stacked magi shrompist effects they've got the full control over the map with three members just respawning on the side of team ocean they can reset and this time come out of facebook everyone having the bear yeah this is gonna be a really tough one for team ocean to uh come back from because in the previous game fern was able to come back through what is great play making let's see if they can get this pick oh so that barely i think it was the ignite that actually canceled the back there from pcl who turns his attention on to breezy concept is a level down so they have to be careful no i guess with all five members there's no way pcl survived yeah they were really scared about the 2v1 that was probable from pcl so waited for the rest of them to come into position while infernal was taking their bases so they weren't in position to really trade sure strompus was able to get bot lane but now team ocean is going to be able to defend the inhibitor good pick 30 second death timer on pcl well done promotion small wins small wins you're taking these getting rid of one more baron off the heads of team infernal if you can then find a fight soon before pcl responds that might be even bigger for them especially with two minutes left until we have a potential infernal soul for infernal oh and that's a void step picked up from strompus back from base so he is at an insanely strong pace great shot from silly shots there maybe that's one more he might just kill winter yeah he's gonna be pretty close to it and he's in position for the leap he has flash too so that is definitely something that winter should be afraid of but no horizon focus there i've seen that a couple times where italy will go that just to be able to one shot people from range but even still winter is low enough that when if he gets caught by one spear jump in comes from silly shots they could take him out but now that pcl has respawned to tp back into mid lane ocean have to go back to the base and feel the power the might and pressure of team inferno yeah we don't have synchronized waves here from inferno this shouldn't turn into a kill but it also shouldn't turn into a turret from inferno either well actually this could be the way but in front kyle is really low here oh chad he was going for the hero play onto silly shots but he has to jump out and that's going to be the moonlight three-man lock-in coming in from kyle waiting it out while pcl fights with concept concept is winning that two 1v1 with a two level discrepancy against pcl one more slash of the scissor legs and it's gonna be a tactical protocol kill four silly shots i'm getting deja vu from the last game there's another chance here infernal is in a position to go for butt inhib but a great pick from team ocean is able to lengthen this one out and now our eyes go towards the next infernal dragon 25 seconds left until that spawns too and with a lead and without a tp for pcl ocean can easily take this but they've got to be careful there is that flank winter threatening side lanes waiting to see if they can find an angle for shroppas yeah let's see that's gonna be baron buff now officially gone next barons in three minutes so if you're infernal yeah they're not even gonna take the fight they just take the turret top side they get themselves another tier two turret they actually don't even go for it they want to get control of tempo mid lane pushing back the minion waves and getting themselves set up as best as possible there you go so the turret does naturally fall there they didn't want to yeah i don't need that exactly and so they just in the end didn't want to take an unnecessary fight they would lose quite a bit off of it they didn't have control of the objective either so it was it was a smart play and now we look towards the next infernal dragon that's coming in four minutes baron pressure that infernal does currently have just curious seeing here even looking at trump is this guy is big enough to be considered two champions at this point 10-1 on vex four items completed it's getting rough that's why now it's all in the play making because if you have the dps easily my eyes go towards chad you can get a nice uh wart hop kick like he was able to do in the previous game that ended up saving it for them um or even you'd say maybe the pick potential that trump is have is interfere but i would say the most consistent way would be chad's kick um it would be a pretty good way to start this one off but ap is doing a good job just keeping priority mid no one wants to be anywhere near that comet that is a big old galaxy right there every time he goes to the base probably just can reset clear out the minion wave then rotate somewhere else we got a minute and a half until baron will spawn as infernal they've gotten themselves that control back four thousand five hundred gold over ocean from the previous few fights where it had gotten nearly back to even for ocean there we go prize and focus finished now from trump so yeah he's that full built he's huge and now it's really just now a focus on kyle um that is now working towards that infinity edge he's able to pick that one up then infernal that we said at the beginning would be the team that has a scaling advantage would just be in a strong position in any fight and so for ocean they could focus on the kyle if they want to but we could leave trumpets out alone in the world in the wilderness we saw what happens he becomes an assassin and good boy is not going to be able to fight back against that so ocean waiting it out pushing back some of the vision control like they had done previously the ebb and flow between them and team infernal around that baron while ocean's been doing a good job stopping infernal from pushing through mid i think infernals understood that they're just trying to use timers on pcl uh bot lane push to just feel confident i think this wave right they should feel pretty confident contesting it because pcl while he's not there has tp and he's in he's in fog yeah there's no reason for ocean to feel too confident here and that's why they're not stepping up too far they're using breezy and apa together to move up they both got flash they can easily escape even with that zhonya's on top of baby he's not too threatened by infernal so they can clear out some of the vision push back against infernal and wait it out now they see pcl on waves so as you can see like the control ward for pcl uh in his road from bot to mid has been helping him quite a lot and now someone needs to respond to this push here that's going to be concept concept test tp2 could easily join into this fight with the scuttle crab taken by ocean they'll have full vision of infernal as they try to set up around the objective can even force out a bit trying to see if they can bait out the tp of pcl the pcl is right there in the wings yeah i was a little concerned there oh that's a missed ulti from kyle that's not going to be big they for sure saw that um he was going straight for apa they didn't see if he'd be black hey sometimes you missed that thing yeah but yeah i think you're right they've noticed that they're playing a little bit more aggressive they're even sending breezy out by himself a little bit further and so that was my concern is that i thought that was a good fight for infernal it was pcl that was in a flanks position if kyle had hit that pretty sure that was graviton that he would have been able to get us done so then that would have been a good fight but now we have infinity edge there for kyle he's in a great position for any fights um stopwatch picked up from pcl so next fight that happens i think they're in a in a strong position to win 4k gold advantage infernal's gonna be the focus and infernal are just waiting out that time it's not a very long timer at this point for that moonlight vigil out of kyle you wait it out the only difference is going to be what guns he has available you talked about having the graviton really important one past two of the three fights that they have had were based off kyle engaging with that moonlight yeah and now kyle he actually stayed in baseball long got now another stopwatch that's two stop watches for infernal because this is the game-winning fight at least fourth time it would be ocean have a long mountain to climb still if they want to get this game back so they can win 35 minutes in not nearly as long as that 47 game one that we saw but chad looking for the kick they got the kill into silly shots an apa he flashed over the wall to survive bcl's already cut off good boy and breezy with a lot of damage coming in from the needle work and concepts interrupted by the black shield they've got the soul shackles and here comes trump s he's on a rampage taking down ocean left and right getting the damage on top of the snipe comes in from good boy getting a lot of damage on a chat one more fourth shot it's on the shawpist the key critical member the trumpet goes back in with the black shield waiting it out the tpn from pcl behind three v four with trump is going golden they have to get the kill but he flashed away and chad's back in bcl is full of hell there's drop it's stp he can reset the fight too they're waiting it out bcl has got to pull out a long run out chad or winter they're looking for the root and a lot of damage but nobody's there just yet they've got the teepee sharpness is on the other side and he's back to full health with the dragons now started up by infernal remember apa is down for this one so they're just going to try and play for this concept slow poke shot over the wall he survives black shield on a pcl with 50 left onto the dragon chad is focused all his attention there winter's got the attention of concept with pcl taken away good boy they've got themselves a soul but pcl is golden they chase down good boy and breezy silly shots is here on the other side this beer is blocked by the hollowed grounds and with chad nearby there is no way out of this fight with the jump with the kick waiting it out there it is on top of breezy but they don't need it instead they want to reset with the team what a crazy fight off that one and that was infernal playing on hard mode kyle was targeted hey nobody wanted to body block for him chad was in position but didn't expect the damage coming in from good boy's ultimate and so you just had an 80 carryless fight that they were able to still win out and they get the infernal soul for team infernal so we don't have to worry about the naming shenanigans we have talked about thank god it's all easy peasy from here but the game still is a foot with a 4 000 gold lead for infernal and the baron up you can see the pings coming in from ocean they want to fight around this yeah i hope you're well rested because we're straight going for another fight ocean reasonably so must feel desperate if they can find a play with breezy that would be their way in well with an infernal soul on infernal and the third baron on the line they've got a lot of damage on the winter but the fourth crit shot did not hit and said he went golden the spear will take out winter there we go he was afraid of that fourth bullet coming in from good boy but put himself in a position for silly shots to get him on cooldown so good job on that one these are long death timers 35 seconds for winter and so that's gonna make it a lot easier for ocean to play for baron but look at ocean they can't start it just yet they're too afraid timid waiting for concept to rejoin the team what the play is if they can wrestle the vision away from infernal and they can get another pick you can see from the damage chad is already laid out infernal soul is really helping out this team is going to be chad at least getting a little bit of the aggro from baron to scare off ocean for now there we go but now this is ocean having a full position around mid lane with winter coming back up they would have to fight for the visit the vision up top side that t-motion is able to have an ocean i don't know if they can take this very quick that's good they're on top of it and everyone just recalled from inferno so remember apa's positioning here is really important looks like they have enough damage to pick it up but if anyone tries to contest they will see them shadow surge is up for champions he can re-engage he can join in but it's going to be the bear and picked up by ocean they bail out they've gotten away with the robbery this feels like a best of five yes this does guess this does last one went to 40 plus minutes this one will easily be able to hit that with how resilient team ocean has been here strompist is huge he's itching for a fight but at this point the added goal that he's getting is just straight up useless other than maybe an elixir uh to help him out yeah pretty much that's all he's got left to buy for himself maybe even sell the boots at this rate just give full damage because you're going to re-engage with the shadow surge anyways it's a tough call of course but you can get this one elder would probably be the call here for team infernal that was really close i thought that actually hit kyle i really thought that if silly shots had hit that that they would follow up burst out kyle before anybody could react on infernal side well okay he's now forcing uh team infernals hanging up what's up how many games do you get to watch with the vigilant awards i have not seen any right you don't often see that it's very rare to actually have a game where it will go long enough where people build them yeah definitely the case and also i mean this is probably the richest we've ever seen support players in a long time without these games okay well you once again kills go to the support farm goes to the adc i'm never playing a game with you yeah you're not the only one it's okay though because you know what that's again why i'm here i'm here to talk about the game through this and as we have two minutes left until that elder spawned a lot of damage and just the evan flow we've seen before tp though from pcl look at where concept is he has to tp into the lane as pcl will go rampant onto three members jumps onto silly shots realizing that that guy if they take him out that is gonna be a clean elder for them eviscerated had to use flash and still couldn't get out and these are 50 seconds yeah uh calder feels pretty confident now you can also just get your push off of mid lane this one is infernals game to win though keep in mind that silly will respawn in time for a fight around elder it wasn't perfectly timed out of internal but it picks a pick and you're going to be able to get control around the pit just straight up confidence from infernal uh they just saw team ocean positioning a little bit too aggressively with turrets being 1000 miles in the opposite direction and i think concepts recognize how difficult it's going to be to play into infernal's comp so at least getting some sideline wincon here taking out top lane turret and then now just forcing infernal to respond to him getting as much gold as humanly possible too for that impending fight that we'll see around the elder dragon the better it is for ocean when it comes to these even fighting from a disadvantage and winning some of these fights yeah he needs to base though because he doesn't have tp otherwise he'd be really cute just trying to play up seeing if he can get an endgame win con uh while still being available for the fight but no he needs to now rotate uh towards the bottom side of the map infernal is actually the one that's a little slow here kyle's going to take a little bit of time to actually meet this mid lane wave so he ends up getting that pressure still 30 seconds until the elder is going to spawn with silly shots here all five members have now grouped up here in the mid lane we've got the nay ram going on now there we go but it's team ocean in position breezy took a lot of damage but yeah thankfully the heels from silly shots gonna be able to mitigate a lot what strompers can do but that's a huge pick on the concept as he jumps over the wall but chad couldn't get the kick it was a quickness let made sure that he couldn't do that so they could get the pick onto the jungler getting rid of the guardians angel 2 looking for kyle the damage coming in from good boy and he kites back away from pcl so gossip can take him out and they've got it ocean are now forced off they've got rid of infernal with them running back towards their face they only trade one dragon for their own dragon in the elders hey they got a wave here too with four people up and alive especially good boy they might be able to play for an end here are they going to they're not yeah no they're backing out of that one they're going for the elder dragon they don't have exactly what it takes to fully end the game yeah strompus does have a lot of strong wave clear though and they will not be able to respond to this elder 22 second death timer on these members of infernal so that's gonna be an elder dragon ocean your curse is working out game one it was infernal that was fighting back game two ocean's able to do the same well the game is not over we are 43 minutes into game two of our first best of three but this game is still either to win we have a gold lead finally for ocean the first time since the first moments of the game when they got those good ganks from silly shots but ever since then it has been team infernal that have lorded supreme on the rift and it's really hard for chad to actually find a kick into what is a grouped up uh team ocean because breezy will always be there to defend that right he now doesn't have the uh responsibility to start fights but it's going to make it really difficult for team infernal to engage on them so things like that warthog kick that we saw earlier going to be really hard with that arm available for both teams really if you look at how they have to engage they're waiting for chad to engage onto the master ocean but ocean have breezy and inferno are waiting for breezy to engage now neither can do so they are at pretty much a stalemate i think it's a little better here for team ocean because they do still have kick potential and the dps the damage that good boy has now they they really in my mind don't need uh breezy's ultis um at least to start the fight but you might be forced now a little bit with pcl playing bot side and trying to force for an inhib trade so let's see if there's going to be a response here yeah it's going to be concept coming in to match this but tps are up for both top laners easily can they re-engage and join up with their teammates as we have about what is that a minute left on that elder dragon for team ocean with the parents spawning with 44 minutes in it's just a 1k goal lead for t-motion so yeah it's neck and neck can we do anything off of this no no even though it's a long timer when you get rooted by morgana not enough for infernal to feel confident to jump on top breezy instead they let them go they've secured themselves that ward position but it's going to be the baron started up by ocean that's a thank you to the observers out there because yeah that's a long trek in fog for team infernal to even try and contest for this one so it's going to be a free baron for this team and uh looks like next elders this is why we need the stats team is this i think that was our fourth because i think it was the first two for infernal and then the second two for ocean can't end on barons cannon old elders it is what it is uh but we're just trying to get 60 minutes now hey you know what fan of that yeah exactly with the elder dragon now it's timing out four team ocean infernal have a little bit more of an advantage actually fighting in to oceanic where they previously felt far more timid they didn't want to actually get burst down by that explosive damage yeah last game had you know gaza plenty this time around good boy does not have that he's very close to having his flash up and available but just you'd have to imagine in comms making it very clear for his team that he's gonna feel unsafe versus a chad or pcl who's been diving in pretty consistently um so he's playing it remarkably safe and he has a rapid fire cannon just to be able to help out a little bit in these fights before it really breaks out yale force ii to get a little bit of distance away always has the ability to reposition on his own where previously they had had the thresh from breezy to help out with them i like what i see from team inferno there uh just kind of drawing their line of scrimmage if team ocean ever tries to break into the vision of the currently like last time they did this last game true know how to hold the fort down as right now we're about to pass the timers that we had last game 47 minutes what they have to beat breezy caught away but it's gonna be the shadow surge into the back line taken out silly shots that damage out of trump it's the full stack mad guys while apa he's trying to see if he can crack open the inhibitor turret in the top lane while four members were chasing in mid onto ocean curtain call opens trumpets gonna be the first one tagged personal space shield to help them out for now concept threatening to dive in the roof onto winter but they don't want to engage instead they take out one inhibitor turret and back out apa yeah that's a base there from apa pcl was the one that was closing in on him so that's not going to be an inhibitor pickup for team ocean but yeah silly shots is down it's a topsy-turvy game that we have here but it's just primarily teams really really focusing on what play can they possibly make and that wasn't through mid um so strompus was the one that called for it he's gonna even have ulti up before the next fight starts so he really doesn't lose much for the kill that he got the man whereas you know start off our third place matchup for the hondas county grounds we couldn't ask for a better series right we've already had this entire week where we went into day four with the team is completely dead even at two to two a piece it was all based off day four performances on how the seating worked in to our final day yeah you just have to imagine how much pressure is on a lot of the players because playing online a lot of the times yeah the pressure isn't there especially if you're playing uh either through scrims or just like not on broadcast games so especially on environments like these unfortunately couldn't actually bring them over here because of the circumstances for an offline event but there is still a lot of pressure here you can see it kind of really coming in through with uh teams not really able to finish it out so that being said 40 seconds on the elder see if we can see a game ender here as right now infernal instead have called the bluff of team ocean they've growled these minions in mid lane and they themselves are looking to crack open an inhibitor turret would be their first of the game despite them having the lead the entire time that's a flash down on kyle let's see if they can get the engage off curtain call tagging a couple members but not gonna be able to get any more not gonna be able to get the crit on chad waiting it out and chad takes the final bullet to the face the cerric shield keeps him up top and set and turvy right now but instead of fighting ocean themselves now push back the minions at long range damage that you're seeing from both good boy and silly shots is making it really hard for infernal to get off any of these fights look at the bot lane though minions are stacking up with this and look at who they engage on they're trying to see if they can take out kyle they got rid of at least one ga with pcl going golden he's alive kyle's back up on his feet they've lost apa they've lost their dragon but the elders right behind them if they want to take that instead and they're waiting for the recalls coming in from pcl yeah but he's healed up pretty well now kyle actually could feel pretty confident that's a lot of damage on a strong piss though if they can kill shrompus that's a guy with a lot of gold still on his head with 25 seconds on the magisk but infernal they push back in mid yeah so now kyle is being defended chad and winter are pushing off anybody that's trying to stop them from getting the inhibitor they don't have a wave here but oh maybe maybe they have one minion now they got the tp coming in infernal they're just calling for the game they've taken down a nexus start they've got the second one freezies forced off by 10 the kills there an infernal 50 minutes in we'll take the series what a way to nail it down i was like did i have a minion wait oh they tp'ed on to the soul minion with about like 5 hp and they just guided it shepherded in to nail down this series well done what the hell so we're sure we only watched two games right it doesn't feel like it not like we watched four right if that was a 2-0 win for infernal but that felt like either team could win at any moment the the true the true mvp for this one is the minion that lived yes right lived with i would love to see like a picture of exactly how much health that minion had when uh i think it was pcl tp'd to it to keep it alive because that like you said was the hero that's what allowed infernal to open up the base and completely win that's the creativity because all eyes were on the elder everyone was like okay well of course we have to fight for it we saw how influential was in game one of course and they realized no actually we don't need to do this our affilios is insanely strong he's able to heal up to full now they have to fight into us and they did a great job being able to nail that one so i know this was a tough uh week overall for the team didn't get exactly what they wanted being in the finals but being able to show this kind of uh play individual play from a lot of their members you got to feel happy about that right and for me team infernal the fact that they were able to take these games have them go as long as they did yeah but still somehow wrestle back control each time the patience you talked about with strompus in game one even game two you could see that same level of patience yeah exactly and remember this team just came together this week right so in terms of team play a lot of the concepts that were they were being intro into right and kind of understanding how to play with the you know with the comps that they had play through topside all these things really early introduced so if they feel like if the scouts come into this one seeing a lot of the positives of how a specific player is able to play on weak side or anything like that or how they're able to play in team fights you still have a lot to take away there and also you can be like perfect now in my hands we can get a lot of good work done on an academy team or something like that so uh i would say for me taking a step back my mvp for this series is trump is yeah i i was about to say if it wasn't trump is from the series i'd be kind of surprised because just how well he played on the locks and then the facts after that was amazing that was a blind pick locks too he's gonna put that out there everybody he's able to do it all the confidence that he's able to have coming into today so good job overall i mean and that's the 2-0 that we have so it was 2-0 to team infernal in our third place matchup we got more league of legends though so stick around we're going to hear from the analyst desk then we'll get ready for our finals match right after that and welcome back to the 2021 honda scouting grounds what a game what a series we just had 90 minutes of games between two games where infernal one 2-0 carried by strompist yeah strompus like really so we talked about players to look out going in we talked about chad strompus stood out so much in both of these games for what he was able to do um obviously we're gonna we're just gonna go through an entire vex highlight reel right here uh of strompist in this game um but i think the big thing and again i really want to reiterate this talking to coaches and people behind the scene they've really really highlighted how amazing it's been to work with him in a team environment and what he's been able to bring not only like in-game stuff like this but to the team atmosphere itself which i think is really really cool for so many people to be like messaging me even during this game to be like definitely call strompus out he's been like a joy to work with that kind of thing and he really has impressed people who thought they had a very clear-cut idea of what kind of player he was yeah that makes me feel really good to hear especially getting compliments and praises from your from your peers from your colleagues and if they're so passionate about like you know like give this guy credit he's really like taking the reins and obviously from watching the games right his kda has been absolutely ridiculous and he's been a major player in the series and probably the most impactful if i had to say overall um and you're just starting to see some of the team fights where he's just popping off and making the difference in all the fights i would say that like some other notes from the game were ocean was able to get the early game lead didn't really get a transition to much and it was a 50 minute banger alert for sure um there's a little bit getting caught out inside lanes there's a little bit maybe a little bit of hesitation i do think when you get to this point it's it could potentially be your last game at scouting grounds you do want to put your best foot forward sometimes that means being a little bit more hesitant being able to go in on some of these fights um but i did really like what infernal were able to do in both of these games as a whole like i said i think despite some getting cut out inside lanes they did seem to have a little bit better of an understanding of how they wanted to play the sides and also how they wanted to play around objectives this game overall felt more even to me too than the first one it felt a lot more like back and forth where ocean could actually like their team comp was better even though they were still kind of playing for lane they definitely had more of a functional team comp so they definitely made uh infernal work for the win that's for sure and thinking about how they work for the win when we look at the two style that stamp has had to play first on the locks and now we see him going in and looking for the clutch picks as the vets what does that tell you about his profile as a player golden glue as you when you think about it from the coach perspective yeah so definitely when i saw and drafted well look at that thirteen zero what i looked at when i saw the luxe game is when you're playing lux you get to stay very far away from the opponents you don't really put yourself in danger very much um vex is basically the opposite where you're really getting deep in there you're taking your old you're diving into the fight so you can definitely see a player's capability to skirmish a lot better when they pick something that goes in and just doesn't stay far away right because you actually have the ability the chance to land your skill shots dodge the skill shots rather than locks is really just like you're fishing you're just fishing and you're being patient so to be able to see him play both sides one game of the patience more like calculated kind of play and another one where it's a bit more um just fiery and skirmishy and do very well on both and be the mvp of in my head for both the games very impressive to see so it's speaking about ocean yeah they did at the end of the day have two leads i believe they had the gold lead difference lead at 10 minutes in both games was there anything that stood out about their play style or any individuals we saw breezy carrying on thrash we saw silly shots sort of get it going so was there a standout player for ocean for you emily um i mean i still think despite the fact that he didn't necessarily stand out in the way that you'd expect like a star player too i think people should keep their eyes on concept um i also think you know breezy did have some pretty good performances here uh the thing that impressed me a little bit more about ocean because they did stick with that like nidalee oriental combination that we talked about previously but i do think they again adjustments and draft that we already talked about that made their composition a little bit uh you know they had more engaged they had an ability to have more agency in the game i also liked their early run of play in response to what infernal were doing i really liked when they grabbed harold immediately dropped it mid it just showed like uh improvement in their response and what they wanted to do from game one to game two and i always think it's really cool to see a group of players like learn in real time like that right yeah yep uh so what i would say about t-motion is i think a lot of the players individually were actually playing quite well i think silly shots did better than i was expecting i didn't really see his name before and he was making getting jungle leads getting kills like landing skill shots landing his spear like playing a pretty hard champion concept was applying split push pressure especially in game one apa was getting his roams off an a soul i mean and the bot lane promotion did pretty well both games so individually i saw good things from all the players and it was definitely one of those cases where it feels like the team obviously they've been playing along together they're kind of lacking some kind of cohesion to snowball with their leads but for coming in here scouting grounds and just trying to like present your skill i think they all did a good job of that so speaking about presenting skill you talked earlier about how the sort of objective is to win lane and then maybe win a spot on an lcs team hopefully from there not necessarily win game but when we look at picks like acell who aren't necessarily as standard as some of them a lot of the mids you see elsewhere is it actually a detriment to a player to pick a pick that is not as in vogue if it's still their best champ so one of those things on a soul is definitely one of those things where it's like a pocket pitch it's it's a niche pick um that it's really good to have in your arsenal and your tool belt um but you just want to make sure that it's not like your main tool because it's if it's your best tool it's a really easy band when you get competitive because also the other team probably isn't going to be also playing early in seoul so it's not contested it's just like that's this guy's best character we don't care about this champion just ban it we don't have to worry about it right so it's really good to have those in your tool belt but you definitely don't want to like over index onto a champion like asol i would put lux in there too these kind of like pretty niche picks sure yeah yeah emily i'm curious to get your perspective on what do you want to see players in scouting grounds sort of bring to the table in terms of their focus should it be hey play comfort and just show me your peak level of gameplay or do you want to see a different arrangement of champions that you might be more likely to see in lcs um i mean for so piggybacking on a lot of what grayson just said like i think for a champion like aurelian solo specifically it's interesting because it's so dependent on rome timers and map state right so if you can prove that you have the ability to be able to read the map and respond well on this champion then that could be knowledge that maybe teams will look for on other champions provided that you can diversify your pool right um and then it's a balance like i think a lot of the learning like as much as we're talking about these players on stage and like it was amazing to see strompus pop off because i hope more people start talking about him now right because it was on broadcast but behind the scenes is the most important thing to me in terms of having listened to these teams throughout the week and really listen to the way that their communication systems have developed way that they communicate with each other just the way they work on a team i heard coaches constantly reiterating this so like it's um it's a balance of both like obviously you still need to have the mechanical skill to be able to do it but they're also definitely looking for how you work in a team environment and the entire point of scouting grounds is to put people in as close of a team environment to something like an academy or an lcs as possible and see how players react to that absolutely well congratulations to infernal and strompus in particular because i think he showed us all the things that you wanted to see from emily we've got one more series in store for you all and i for one can't wait to see what these players have in store for us so we'll be right back after this for the finals it all comes down to this one last dragon fight to call the whole game look at the damage down [Music]
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 7,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 11, s11, 2021, lcs 2021, lec 2021, spring, vod, full game, Team Ocean, Team Infernal
Id: dl6QJQSre7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 56sec (4436 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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