DK vs. T1 | Worlds Semifinals Day 1 | DWG KIA vs. T1 | Game 1 (2021)

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thank you so much dash what a pleasure it is to be here to bring you this series of battle of lck titans the history of the lck versus the modern day there's too many storylines that's the only time we used a graphic with that many lines of text there's actually too much to talk about there is nothing short on supply of i mean this is what happens when you get the most successful organization in league history versus the 2020 world champions who dominated korea exactly i mean it's all been about t1 over the course of league of legends but the last few years have been about dom 1 you know both in the lck and internationally they have been incredible you know t1 has so many titles to their name but it's been five years since faker has won a world championship since t1 has won a world championship it has been a while and they are trying to reclaim that ultimate title it absolutely speaks to the dominance of faker that it has been five years and yet always anytime he is anywhere we are looking at [Music] him of course hard to know what exactly we're gonna see in the series everyone everywhere has their fingers crossed for five games because we're looking at a series that could rival rocks skt t1 versus dom one but something that we need to just have to wait and see what form both these teams come in i mean between both teams you've got 12 lck titles you've got four world championship titles between both these teams you've got two msi titles oh i can't wait to get into it and as much as everyone has been talking about the dom one nine zero team one has only dropped one game they have been no slouches themselves they are eight and one all the way to the semifinals that is an incredible run the only team who has ever gotten to the finals without dropping a game i'll give you one guess it's t1 so don juan are chasing history in so many different ways here trying to make some ground onto you want to catch up with those international titles and also try to match that record of the perfect 12-0 straight through finals and we're in a situation where not only do the organizations in the team have history and have these stories behind them but some of the so many of the individual players we have to keep our eye on we have to watch for from kana and khan kind of a guy who looked up to khan as he was rising made an idol arrival as he now faces him in the semi-finals and for khan on the opposite side the last dance this is his final tournament it is do or die in this best of five it's every single role draco so you can go to jungle you've got the best stronger in the world for the last year or two years versus owner in his first world championship and i don't really have to describe mid lane matchup do i but we're straight into picks and bands which i think will be so so important going into this first game dumb one on the blue side i think they're going to bow it by the way i'm expecting nami leblanc and maybe coming out from damon as well t1 could ban away things like tf lee sin and newbie yeah it's so interesting because it had been seven straight games and seven straight wins on the ofelios gumiyushi across felios and jinx 20 and two this year all other picks combined 17 and 23. and it's been shocking that he kept getting this pick because he's so dominant on it so i'm so interested to see what they have prepared now down in that bot lane yeah and with that syndra band maybe t1 went on a leave leasing over the canyon and picked poppy into it i mean you saw canyons lease in three games in a row against mad lines look dominant expecting that one maybe to look for syndra for leblanc fans perhaps with now cinder being down and obviously owner one of the original adapters of the poppy jungle in this tournament that said canyon's leasing performance against the mad lions was monstrous single-handedly i think one of the best best of fives we've seen on lee sin ever so even though poppy has some of those great some of those positive interactions you always feel like it's a bit of a risk to give canyon such a strong comfort pick but the lee sin is gonna be up and very likely they will be going over i i do think t1 could easily answer you know with the poppy if they want to go that route uh owner has not actually played felicia yet this tournament but he does feel very comfortable in the match there's a lot of op pics right now you've got mf you've got the blank maybe you want to pick both these up and then pick poppy on three cannon is still up and j's too so i think damon are gonna snatch up leblanc if t1 don't and as much as i know lissandra is the conventional counterpick to leblanc either one of these mid laners playing lissandra is so sad to see we want flashy assassin the assassin and yes it's a good champion and yes you can play for the team and you can play for the lane matchup but i want to see people style it yes fakers rise in game one it's it's a gift thank you mr faker and how will show maker respond with syndra down we saw cinderella in being picked by damon three two out of three games jason in the mad lion series there is the jace pick with graves being down it makes a lot of sense right now you're forcing things like kennen and gwen if khan wants to pick those now and with tf band you have ryze a pick that can actually move very well utilizing the ultimate push and then roam up towards that top side play towards the jace you do think if you're trying to play through that jace play towards this kind of 1-3-1 style that they want to have a fairly strong jungler i think poppy on three as you said earlier could make a lot of sense um but it also feels like roaming supports get that much more valuable in these situations and this could be khan's lucian top as an answer into the jace it definitely could be uh nami being down makes you wonder if it is going to lose i mean the only real way you play lucian both is with brown perhaps but t1 have the last pick so they could count to support if they want to so that's probably gonna be consolation the only pentakill of the tournament i believe was khan on lucian into jace top lane is going to be armageddon leblanc lisa there it is this is a poppy game 100 percent three dashes all top side pick it's gonna be a top side armageddon yeah this is just so much attention towards that top side i mean don't want to have drafted an incredibly powerful duo in top a duo with jungle mid and it does really i think raise the priority of these roaming supports because we've seen you know a lot of enchanter sports these secondary picks but people especially in the lpl quarterfinals people were doing enchanter last picks and trying to win through 2v2 i think you kind of have to go towards a roaming support when the game is going to be decided on the other side of the map and poppy comes through as expected so now it's all up to those bot lanes absolutely is and we're looking at some of the most volatile top side matchups that we have seen in a while this tournament certainly the tools on the side of t1 to disrupt and define advantages but it feels like if either top side gets ahead it's going to be so easy for them to take control of this matchup and what we've learned of anything from the lck finals is that t1 are a team that can get ahead they can snowball the early game that said it was never enough against don juan when don juan found all those comebacks and one of the major issues for t1 in those losses had been the fact that they struggled to actually get vision inside lanes to be able to push and play safely through those side lanes in one through ones in one four situations they were constantly getting picked off even when they were playing from an advantage so that's something that i really want to track and see has t1 actually improved on that can they play through the mid game here against don juan we'll have to wait and see because there's a lot of ones we want on both these sides but ad pick is what i'm looking at here i mean jin is up draven is up i expect the illusion to go towards top side but jin and draven are the ones the two champs that stand out to me alongside mf and maybe a kaiser but leona gonna get picked up straight away makes a lot of sense right engaged support you just talked about exactly a roaming support leona does it best now there is a chance that lucian could go bald to lucian brown but i doubt it yeah i i don't see it happening i think it will be played towards top side i'm gonna be interested if if carrier and gumiyushi even want to go towards like in ezreal and just play a very defensive bot lane so that the carrier has the ability to move to actually roam really heavily obviously the ziggs was banned away just trying to prevent ghost from playing that to enable barrels realms and it's going to be really really interesting because jinx banned out as i said jinx at a fellows those were the two big champions for gumiyuchi 22 or sorry 20 and two on those two champions combined across this year absolutely massive of course has to go to maybe one of the secondary options that's real a safe pick and wouldn't be surprised to see that be the choice come out down of course debating on their final pick here utility bot lane seems to be the name of the game it is not going to be about playing through bot lane the second we see a gin that basically confirms that we know whatever barrel is going to go for here he's going to be roaming and mouthing that maokai support oh i like it this is really interesting i wonder if he's going to do a like a morse a tanky build like go lock it or if it's going to be mandate maokai um because that would be really really interesting to actually see are we going to see a draven match into this bot lane of jin maokai we talked about engaged supports that can roam around the map no maybe we're gonna get a kaiser but looking at both drafts already damon with leblanc lee sin is just so scary this mid jungle has so much set up and we saw how well they can do playing through mid with cinderella and now they get leblanc listen fun fact canyon is undefeated on lee sin this year he's 4-0 at worlds he's 9-0 in total and showmaker is nine and one on the blog these are their comfort picks and these are pigs to snowball top side now this is really really interesting both the gin and the mmf obviously can be left alone if the sports are going to roam but you know this is not an ezreal or ziggs who's as safe to function on their own and both sides do have supports that can engage and actually punish these marksmen if they are by themselves so this is going to be really really exciting barrel throwing a bit of a curveball here with this maokai support and this can dictate the meta for the series going forward if it's successful we saw the mf cyrus last time around five years ago in the rocks skt series now t1 versus that one there's a maokai into leona both these compositions one three one both these competition uh compositions single target damage the ads are there to facilitate so just like azalea talked about we're gonna see four man top sides mf obviously more favored because she can run towards mid much faster than the gin but we'll have to keep our eyes on how both bot lanes try to adapt and include themselves in the top side of the map and it's always good to remember when you are playing maokai support into leota you can actually cue the zenith blade if you time that correctly you can knock back that leona so you can't necessarily follow up very easily there there is some ability to have some nice outplay with the root you have that invulnerability uh to set up actually tower dives can be very very effective you pull aggro then when you're gonna take that last tower shot you use the w reset the aggro so there's a lot of cool things you can actually do with this pick and now we get ready brace yourselves it might be a calm few minutes it might be an absolute bloodbath but no matter what it will be an amazing semi-final dom juan kia going toe to toe with t1 the best right now versus the best that ever was pressure starts to mount it is just a game one but it can mean so much to get ahead to find any kind of lead to build any kind of advantage and we talked about in the match-ups it's explosive both teams aware of it they're ready to risk it they're ready to throw five-man top just to try to find some kind of early lead yeah and barrel actually went top toward that you know wanting to protect khan uh also just even having that that wart in the brush is actually really big for range versus range so barrel went up spent that ward if you have that word in the brush and jace is trying to play that brush gives you a significant advantage in the 1v1 so t1 look to try to catch someone in the river they don't but at the very least they do have the d ward and kana will be playing with the ward advantage because you can see that has actually been placed up there and he still has his trinket ward available yeah both junglers will path up towards the top side of course check on the early jungle path and see where they're gonna find the leash but for now verizon 5g all chat share your opinions cheers and well wishes using the verizon 5g all chat let us know who you think is going to take this or if maokai is the big brain counter pick against leona that we've been waiting for this entire tournament and maokai builds just like isaiah touched on we might see mandates we might see locket it's going to be aftershock mouth uh maokai probably a w or q max i've seen both actually in solo queue so interesting to see what barrel opts into of course the poppy w can stop a lot of damon's engaged lee sin leblanc maokai all can get blocked by this poppy w there's a lot of defensive tools for t1 to kite back priors are going to be the aim of the game on the top side of the map as both junglers look to contest the early crab rise of course has the early push into showmaker and if they are gonna be playing heavily around these neutral objectives the maokai ultimate can actually be super super powerful to set up a secondary engage because it forces you to all kind of you know just squish together and hide behind one member uh which can set players up like canyon to find these multiman kicks to find flank angles or even just utilizing it to actually zone t1 off of that area yeah it's easy to see the strengths of leona in which she provides an immediate engage you have the reliability of point click with maokai and while the ultimate isn't as reliable you also have little things that can help out in the laning phase like sustain the fact that your passive heals you up means that if it's just short trades back and forth over time maokai will win out because he can keep himself nice and healthy and one of the things i always really like actually when i've been playing maokai support is the fact that saplings even if you don't have a ward available you can use the saplings to actually cover the brushes it makes it very easy to have a sapling you try a sapling in the river brush and know if a gank is on the way and that is just one of those little things very easy to check brushes to clear for vision maokai is going to have a really safe time doing that yeah and i think setup is going to be very important for both teams we talked about the blank lease and having great setup i mean chain into lease and q rise is as good as dead but on the other side the setup for poppy rise is not as good onto the leblanc so i think owner will have to play through me defensively as faker's team being tall he doesn't see it khan doesn't know connor can i hammer for me can just knock them right at the baker point and click that one down e into the w now they're trying to finish off kind of taking decent amount of damage back but khan will drop for first blood faker picking up the kill yeah showmaker doesn't even match the tp because faker has already based good pre-planned setup there in top lane 41 letting connor get pushed in put the ward behind faker comes in easy first blood for the top side yeah and khan just didn't have his eyes back in that lane didn't have his eyes on where that word could be the early tp from faker making such a difference in the wave is not actually reset here it will eventually push because it is quite close to the tower but khan gonna look to try to reset that and with owner top side you've got to be really careful about dying after your tv the danger for t1 now is faker doesn't have tpf4 so show maker could base here canyon could go up towards the top side and make a three-man dive top with show maker's tv connor still has flash so he can play defensive and owners hovering around he will base now but this stacking wave crashing i think they might want to try and cover it that's the tp award also spots canyon so they've got eyes on it and connor will be able to play pretty defensively here at the end of the day wild to see mid laners already moving out faker such an early teleport and we knew that mid lane would be important we talked about the importance of roaming tf banned away you're seeing leblanc yes she could be hypermobile but lock in that lane for a little bit faker honestly fantastic use the teleport and mid lane matchup already delivering even if not in the direct 1v1 and when you see the drafts you know that you've got to get out to the side lanes as faker you're playing this rise you want to push and move you want to be able to get the jace ahead play together as a strong one through one hold on to that thought ghost now going in route now coming out there stepping forward at night now ticking down barrel taking gummy she has to run he has no mana on this one the trait is going to keep going but owners on the way in now they sniff this one out canyon in the area are they baiting owner in poppy now coming down barrel can try to w make it out to safety walking away from this one for now flash out to safety they don't have any more follow-up damage before trying to finish the job but maokai living the safeguard is there canyon turns it back and it's disaster for t1 on the bottom side but they're looking for a return plan on the top side getting in trouble already down once locked up again and knocked down t1 find the counter blow this is what we want to see early game action matched on both sides damon responded with a tp bot after faker makes a play top and the second he does go for that play faker's already ready to respond in the top lane the boss fight was kind of backfiring there canyon and dam on great patience on the base yeah such good pathing there by canyon right place right time he is there and owners flying in trying to make something happen but after you've used your spells from poppy you don't have consistent damage the safeguard is always going to be enough to actually protect the maokai and when maokai uses that twisted advance poppy's w does not block that because you do go untargetable so i wasn't really able to get any value from the poppy w on that play either end of the day solid start now gold though still relatively close off things consider only 300 ahead for dom won kia following cs relatively even coal on the top so i can help khan learn back some of this deficit but we take a look at this play one more time you can see owner maybe a little over eager yeah let's watch owner here because i feel like he made a mechanical misplay here he was a little bit late on the maokai and then he eased through the lease and tries to flash to kill barrel but he only he just healed up a tiny bit towards the end of the fight so he didn't actually get the kill carrier knows he's dead and like you said kumarushi has to run away with no mana faker responding on the top side yep moving up towards that top side the flash was already down it's another kill there for kana and khan just having a laugh about it and i think that although the gold is only 400 in damon's favor they have such a much stronger position right now because of the rise he's so immobile and you're against the leblanc leasing with summoner's office kumayoshi goes through what's left to be it's that four shotguns she's certainly gone but obviously not going to extend the trade knows to walk away why has the slow yeah faker goes for the early merc treads ruby crystal as well he knows he's going to be the target for damn one if mid jungle can unlock the mid lane for showmaker they can control both sides and t1 needs to juggle faker to make sure that he's safe in this mid lane because there's so much kill threats on him and honestly every single one of these matches just feels so tense there's so many tools to get the fight started off even in top lane you can see khan just using the calling to push out the wave owners in the area as is canyon if khan's gonna get punished for sticking around too long especially as kanye retreats but he has some decent vision to cover him that said pink in the brush as of yet undetected tp is still very far out from faker but always the potential to see a rinse and repeat when it does come available an owner is looking like he wants to be here at the very least to cover they're not sure if canyon is in the river they don't have eyes on that so this is just him staying around in case canyon was up there on that top side and it's looking at trio's right now it looks like damon have to push in mid faker will have to give up the push in uh in mid as well sorry um and they have vision towards the bot side so barrel can actually push him with ghost and move towards mid whenever he wants there's a lot of pressure there and t1 30 seconds on heralds look at all these gin traps and saplings everywhere that's so minefield it's an absolute minefield wherever carrier goes he's getting hit by something wars traps and owner now juggling and cycling through his second blue buff respawn on a pink board though this both side vision doing so many favors for that one oh and for owner clearing it out of course checking in with grey's at animated elf i feel like the semi-finals the single most important series of games at worlds whoever wins this will likely win it all i think a lot of people are feeling the same weight grace totally valid and based on the start of this game i mean it could go either way four kills already in the board eight minutes in not even one thousand gold lead over to dk no heralds no dragons going over to either side but this hair will certainly be a positive start owner and faker though not gonna let it go so easily the concern you always have is that domon is so good in the mid game so good in the late game even in the finals he won lead and gold three out of four of those games but weren't able to close it out and now everyone moving up towards this kumiyushi's down on the bot side though so t1 gotta give it up and it looks like they will do so well can we usually move back towards the top side though looks like he's gonna get spot on an award but he is level six has no boots but he's pretty quick on the mf28 move speed it's all about the mid wave contest and then moving up towards the top side we know t1 love to contest these heralds they don't have a lot of vision though so they're gonna have to brute force this kana's gonna be really split that one gonna be a deathball and kana's gonna be off towards the side barrow's all so good from stopping any kind of potential engagement coming through if he opts early he can stop team once engaged in their tracks khan and khan off to the side connor now to flash out to safety don't want kia taking their time back to the herald turning to t-1 that's going to be all d but it's not going to knock anybody away multiple members are now rooted up curtain call coming out make it rain goes down t-1 on the retreat but already the herald going in favor of don juan kia slow steady control dom want to take the really clean from dom domwan i just think that t1 is over forcing it's so difficult to enter that when domino have positioning there when they have the maokai throwing constant saplings with the ultimate to actually zone domino just had really good positioning so if t1 actually fully committed to that they're likely gonna get slaughtered and i would like to see them push out lanes stay bought gumishi was already down there you can give up the herald and try to trade it for something elsewhere but this has been a t1 habit all year long they will fight you at harold even when they shouldn't baker getting traded on there and yeah i think azel's right there they only really had one option in that fight if the poppy ultimate hit leecen then they can commit but because carrier was level five and barrel was level six the supporting gauge advantage in damos favor so t1 couldn't single out a target if they could knock someone away and get a numbers advantage then they can press forward but otherwise it was way too difficult now kerry has just abandoned bot move towards the top side harold is obviously down and is in canyon's favor but getting the solution behind would set t1 up for a much stronger mid game because he'll have more pressure over the sidelines and honestly it's so important that we come back to the top side matchup because it is going to be very intense you cannot see carrier moving in here potential to get a play potential to look for something as con will now back away khan very much being focused and sort of a do or die moment for him the final tournament of his career khan on the opposite side a guy who looked up to khan an opportunity to take down someone he envied for so long and you can see both these players incredible individual statistic yes kda favoring akana a little bit but when you look at the damage when you look at the csd you can see that khan has had a fantastic tournament absolutely i mean it feels like he's peaking at at the right time right he is has won titles regionally he has never gotten that international title he's going for it but don bond looking for the dive here bot side barrel moving forward again point quick cc makes it very easy to find the set up listen now moving and carry doing his best to disrupt but already his av has dropped don juan kia across the map finding advantage oh building the gold leading canyon wants a little bit more ghost going in the stun will not connect shield of daybreak will not land down one kia walking away with two and they got the herald as well they can get so much here t1 is trying to get something done on the on the top side but you can see barrels already going back to base he could actually look to move and and match this as khan is just getting shoved out yeah nothing will come up this owner's just trying to push khan away but he might buy in the 1v1 you have to be careful shock like missing means that owner should just be able to walk away runs through the acceleration gate can just walk back through the lane but a few tower plates going over to t1 sadly with the herald used on the bottom side it likely means first tower of the series over the side of don juan kia and that goal leads starting to grow look at the lead for ghost over kumiyushi already in this bot lane 50 100 to 3 400 there the gin is going to be a problem it definitely will luckily for t1 though it's a 131 game both these solo laners lucian will be against jace leblanc be against rise on the side lanes whoever can get the push on both those sides and move mid first will be advantageous in the mid push so t1 have got stronger solo lanes that they've been investing in the top side so much but just like you said ghost will be incredibly strong he has gale force already picked up and this was such a crucial series for ghost kumushi coming out strong saying i believe they're the strongest bot side of the tournament ghost often the guy who was overlooked or looked down on really in this don juan kia roster so to have him come out swinging one zero three gale force at 12 minutes really a part of all of these plays is such a fantastic start to this absolutely and i feel like the reality with ghost has has somewhat you know lagged behind like the perception is a little bit different than where he is today a lot of people are still thinking about him as this kind of weakness that he maybe was at msi people are pointing towards this don juan bot lane is where you can really exploit them but it hasn't been the case at worlds he has been really really solid and i do think he had a much better summer split in the lck than he did in spring this is a bot lane that has been getting better and better the only real game you can think of as ghost under performing is that one against rogue in the group stage where he got caught out a lot almost lost damon and gave them their first loss but ever since then especially in their series against matt he looked very consistent especially on the gin against mad lions here he is playing it once again and we saw in the bands not going to let music have those comfort picks those hyper carry champions limiting what he can bring to the table the fact that ghost is fitting so well into a more top side focused draft again positive for don juan kia canyon managed to take towards drake of the game and 131 really already taking place here we're already seeing in the mid lane jyn just pairing with the maokai to lease in to protect him while each of the respective soil laners are sent out to the sides the difference here is though that one can play on two lanes yes t1 can play on top side and start hitting this tower but look at the rest of the map as i bring it up you can see both lane pushed in for that one mid lane constantly pushed in for that one and faker can barely even walk up he has to wait for the wave to come to his tier two so that won't have so much more map control right now and they can transition that towards the top side when the next herald spawns absolutely and you look at just the the line of vision they have across that bottom side for dom one through the river invading into the enemy jungle now makes it very difficult for t1 to move from mid to bot so faker can't really do anything besides just sit under his tower and clear waves he doesn't know where those members are so you always have to be aware of that potential 2v1 coming in with someone behind show me yeah faker's job is just to match the tp really if showmaker looks for a play mid or top he's just there to catch waves right now and trying to involve himself on any kind of over push in mid lane if damon tried to step up and hit this tier 1 you can see him on the minimap rotating in between tier two vault and tier one mid to make sure he's there in case anything kicks off taking the time a bit more of a slow game no really big objections to play for quite yet scuttle crabs coming back up and for now looks like con just going to catch the wave on the top side a ton of vision there for t1 if he overextends it is a lane they can continue to play around but as highlighted already a lot of individual power on the side of don juan key a lot of single target focus for both of these comps if a single member of t1 over steps because domwa kia lee can grow very quickly now as the second herald spawns in around 30 seconds to a minute the biggest question is what will t1 do do you want to contest this herald and try to get it which will break open mid tier one which unlocks the map or do you want to drop the herald to play for this bot tier one and try to get your solo lanes further ahead in gold they have two big options ahead of them and they have to decide which one they want to take it'll be really interesting to see but i think because it's t1 they're going to fight for it they almost always will fight for that herald they love to go for the 5v5s around it the question is if they just think they're too far behind to actually be able to contest then maybe they should make this bot side play yeah both solid laners just hitting this ball tier one maybe they just want to pressure at tier two the problem with this trade is show maker's pushing top you're gonna lose out on top tier one four bot tier one the only difference is they're gonna get a herald which inevitably means a mid tier one right so unless t1 force more here or use a rise to try and kind of dive calm i think it's just going to be a lost trade for t1 and faker's going to base and catch that top wave that'll be that but beryl is sniffing around bots maybe he wants to look for kana at the oversteps as highlighted rip tarot will drop uncontested in favor of canyon good calling coming down owner on the bottom side but two members from each team here make it difficult that said baker holding off the top tower getting aggressive up against show maker now locking him up finding the snare but canyon is in the area again fishing for just a bit more damage carry it here to stop any potential dive faker and t1 holding on to the top side tower that was really close yeah so they're trying to aggressively fight for this as as you were saying cage roll you know dom one could have got a 241 towers if they actually get that top lane tower then they use the herald mid they would have got all three of those outer tier ones so they commit baker's tp but this does now mean don won't have the tp advantage on showmaker so connor will likely have to match with leblanc because he's the only one with that teleport about a little bit of a risk there from faker just keeping to the tower he saw showmaker but he didn't have any vision on canyon i believe so there was a world where he could have got those there but he was confident enough in his own mechanics to kind of dodge away from whatever they threw at them obviously the chain has to land for the follow-up to be there so the confidence is there they have the top push now but like you said lacking that tp advantage in mid we'll see if showmaker can use that to damon's advantage as they try to set up for this herald play and credit to t1 for keeping the goal where it was about 1.5 k goalie when we checked in five minutes ago really down one key and not able to grow that any further they do have the herald now enough you have to see where that goes tier two is still incredibly valuable regardless of where they want to use it they will get some money but his plates have already fallen has potential to not be as big of an impact as it could have been earlier this is the problem with investing the tp top you could have kept you could have caught that wave on tier 2 anyway but inevitably you use your tp to defend it you defend it for one wave the bounce comes in and it falls right so tp was used to hold the tower for an extra minute or two which hasn't really nets you any vision towards this top side either so i would say a bit of a misplay there but still let's see if they can contest the mid bush yeah they at least at least got river wards and stuff but all that got cleared out as they move top side they drop pinks they clear out that side brush word they clear out the tri brush worth the t1 did have and now that top tier one has gone down and didn't cost you your herald so now you can look for that triple tier one type of play to extend the gold lead pretty much right back to where it was yeah now we'll see the next play is going to be honestly game getting much quieter neither team seems 100 confident pushing any kind of greater advantages both teams matching the 131 pretty well small hiccups here and there but nothing so egregious that it could lead to an open skirmish or a pick on a sideline but tijuana grouping around this dragon 30 seconds until the dragon spawns and damn one can force mid push if they herald it khan has both pushed right now as well but t1 are grouped up and they want to force something get the vision already established so they can contest this objective and with how t1 comp works on the domino they have to be the first to it they want to get folks with the shock blast they want to be first of the scene otherwise you're walking through saplings you're walking through the maokai ultimate which is so incredibly difficult to do such an important highlight as they i think when damn wonky i have to set up maokai feels like such an oppressive champion any other circumstance leona the flexibility of her engage the reliability of her ultimate feels powerful but if you're walking into the saplings if you're walking into the culling and the gin it is not a fight that's going to go your way so you won't have a lot of lock down as well if leona old hits they can follow for the poppy stunner rise route ever frost they have a lot of single targets cc but there's the mid push coming in from down one if t1 don't respond to this they could lose two towers mid and that gold disadvantage would really really hurt them going towards the late game he wants to fight he's kind of posturing behind here wilty won't try to find an engage alti coming out she's just gonna deny any further push gonna stop anything from happening there on the herald yes it's a low mid lane tower but they're not able to get a lot else midwave now dead even as it's a fight for vision oh five v five here pushing off khan off to the side showmaker trying to find a little bit of poke here zone him away from the fight that's the lock and the curtain call still going to get a pick before the fight starts off fiona canceling the ultimate but it does not matter barrel there to finish the job downward kia in control of the pit yeah that one perfect gameplay there just flushing t1 out of this river eventually pushing them out with the hard engage from the gin w making sure they isolate one member they get the tower mid they get the dragon bots pushed in tops pushed in they're gonna they're gonna get everything yeah now they're just gonna get the tier one as well yes it was denied it was delayed but dom one coming away with everything they need here 3k up they've got both the heralds they've got both the dragons they are looking really strong in game number one t1 trying to hang on here you know once you expend them mf ultimate mid it's very difficult to actually commit to the full 5v5 you know it's such a powerful cooldown and once connor gets caught trying to move back towards the dragon it's just absolutely done yeah we see it again damn won't use the herald mid to make t1 answer and the second of the blank lands a combo even if the chain doesn't fully connect the gin w coming in is what locks connor down flash forward from barrel make sure he's dead and now t1 are just way too split up you're you're pushed out of the river at a numbers disadvantage without them effort there's no way you can contest and i think it's important to highlight again when we look back at the finals t1 are an incredibly powerful early game team no one has contested that it's the mid in the late game where they often faltered against don juan kia and now we are heading into a mid in the late game where they do not have that early game lead where down wonky are firmly in control of the game they're up in drake's they are up in towers at this moment and t1 need to find a way to get back and what's it coming off the back off it's coming off the back of damon's bot lane who'd have thought right we thought this was the top side armageddon t1 was focusing towards the top side and we favored t1's bot lane as players to be stronger than damon's bot lane because ghost and barrel have been struggling all year long ghosts with the brakes barrel at msi but now at worlds they seem to have come together much better and you have to give credit to how well canyon is playing around that bot side as well you know being there at the right timing when owner was coming in anticipating that they were gonna look for that aggressive play the leeson was there to answer that has put him significantly ahead of owner and it really felt like since that bot lay in play t1 has been on the back foot have been trying to play it much more defensively and wait to get their items so they can get this one three one online but dom one are doing a good job pushing the pace and because t1 haven't been able to steal away a dragon there is always that soul that you have to worry about yeah and it's just great to see the consistency of damon spotline for being able to play for both sides play for dragons this is something we thought t1 would be doing and we saw throughout the lck dragon was the focus late game fights were the focus with things like jinx brown and azir but now damon actually able to play through multiple lanes makes it so much more dangerous to play against him both in game and in draft as canyon is hovering towards both sides looking for kana we'll get spotted out by the blue and clear that one out khan here for now as the luxury the red buff for these trades but faker and connor both committed to the bottom side like this is just owner on the top side ready to catch cs as well as take the krugs and i think this is smart from t1 you know he's just gonna try to hover and entail his other solo laner here faker is going to play behind connor see if they can get themselves into a 2v2 or find a 2v1 to try to get a pick open up the map and pull down one around yeah but damon have been question mark pinging that boss lane so many times i think they know faker's there because he hasn't shown top for around a minute now there's been so many question mark pings i'm pretty sure damon read this play the blue herb will spot out faker if he walks too far forward and there it is he's going to rise up to commit no just looks like fake will be spotted out and owner will catch the top wave but this means that won't have a numbers against top side maybe they want to look to force something yeah and canadians moving up there as well i mean phoner's not careful he is not that tanky canyon looking like he may want to try to go for some sort of a player at the very least just zoning owner off while t1 do continue to push bot side so both teams now committing pretty heavily to trying to get a tier two and this is something t1 have to do they know they can't face check top side leblanc leasing if you face check anyone on their team you're locked up and you're locked down and you're gonna die so just trading tier twos is the best play to do so great map read from from t1 knowing that both teams can only play on one lane damon playing top side t1 playing bot side and if damon even turned towards a baron double tp comes in and that stopped but this is really smart stuff from t1 you know they are playing i think pretty well to their win conditions the question now becomes can you actually maintain enough vision to feel safe that that dumb mode is not doing the baron right can you actually keep that safety in your jungle so you can be checking on the baron making sure that nothing is happening without getting picked off every time you do walk in because as cajole is highlighting it's so dangerous when you do have that potential to face check leblanc to face check that lease in high stakes the later and later we get any fog of war could be a death trap that will immediately lead to baron for either side plenty of tanki members tank that went out plenty of damage to back it up neither team baron looks too shabby at this stage of the game as faker pushes in again on the top side we check in on the itemization you can see serel de grudge coming in for khan making it that much easier to shut down kana if he ever does get support off of the side lane similarly ghost working towards the third item this is going to be very explosive next fight but for now very much a battle of map movement not a battle of skirmishes or big plays on a showmaker fishing over the wall trying to find something and that's gonna be it ghost finding the shot looking for the fourth bull and now stepping forward gale force may be a bit premature but here comes the curtain call carrier now let's pick his way out flash out to safety the bullet's connecting waiting for the wall canyon raiding right there turning back into the fight but he'll go down in the meantime don juan kia priority access to the baron speaker cancel his record maybe looking for ghost he will get spotted out though damn one can collapse on him take a running domo kia taking this one slowly it's still a very early baron it's going to take a little bit of time owner off the side camushi off to the side he has the bullet time he can try to make something work here but barrel in the area real more coming in just trying to dissuade the baron but don juan kia unfaced yeah they're just gonna go for it showmaker over the wall he's looking for owner trying to keep him away from that so it's not a 50 50. owner on his lonesome has no damage and there's ghosts one more time could be usually over the wall trying to get the bear can do okay do it no canyon with the smite secures it don juan kia in total control yeah t one our wife damon are gonna get the baron they're gonna get the dragon as well that's gonna put them at cloud soul point and you can just see how they're playing it to perfection through the patience of show maker he dashes forwards marks the target gets his burst across and ghost finishes the job t1 have no range advantage whatsoever in these fights that's twice now the showmaker has been able to find connor on this chase not only does he take him down he forces the flash out and then the chase was just on for dom juan playing so well around this picks that showmaker is able to fall even just pushing out owner not allowing any chance of a 50 50 they're at soul point they're massively ahead and it feels like dom juan is getting close to having this first game in the bag opening game so crucial momentum and confidence remember how young the t1 players are these are rookies that have come all the way up on the t1 lineup and are now being picked apart by don juan kia in this game in the new axe effect replay yeah full combo comes out from showmaker the gin w finishes the job when they open up the curtain called the chase even if carrier has flash they can force it and at best get a kill and they do faker tries to cancel his recall to buy time connor has tp in 10 seconds but damon are there to finish it showmaker's there to zone away owner and it's just great play from that one and i actually like t1 you know taking a risky player yes it is a 3d5 yes it is low percentage play but they could feel this game getting away from them and they know if they lose the bear and game one is likely gone so if you can find a pick and defend in 3v4 maybe something happens but showmaker just absolutely unleashed here wants to make a name for himself does not want to be thought of as the next faker he's the first show maker and he is showing why in game number one has been absolutely dominating here two zero and three backed up by ghosts three zero and six an excellent first game for him baker off to the sideline trying to push just trying to get something back already knows that they're gonna have to give up the inhibitor here carrier so much damage now coming in everyone's gonna body block but the meantime curtain calls gonna buy so much time for canyon to push in this mid wave owner very low khana can step over to the powered shot class but not much else is going to come through faker continuing to push on a side lane but he is going to lose two inhibitors for this single tier two yeah but faker knows even if he's there there's nothing he can do he has no range advantage he has no wave player because he's so short-ranged if he walks up he's the one going to get that's going to get hit by the generals and then barrel just flash forwards lock him down and he's dead so it was inevitable for t1 to lose the mid and bottom if that one had good setup they did in fact so faker just tries to find something on the other side of the map but still 6k gold deficit cloud soul point for damon all they have to do now is play towards the top side buff up mid and bot waves and then start sieging the nexus exactly you can you can expect them to get that vision in the top side to be able to play through mid and top escort in those waves dom one's so good at this stage of the game this is where it always feels like they're pretty much bulletproof they rarely ever lose these games from ahead when they are in control in these positions and that's why coming to the series people talk so much about t1's early game about their ability to get leads in the finals because it felt like that's what t1 would need and now they are very far behind they are faced with a difficult position need to get a pick owner hiding the brush three men there but khan just sending some poke down recalls will complete and i think important remember t1 opted to came top side khan weathered that storm dan juan kia found their counter punch on the bottom side and again i think shocked a lot of people when ghost has often been the center of attention in this game excellent start for the team definitely need to see t1 mix it up as we head into the second game adapt to what don monkey are bringing to the table because this is a hard one to come back in and it's also almost impossible to find picks for t1 because barrel just throws saplings in every single brush it's so safe to check these he's gone full tank as maokai now using the ulta zone t1 off and they're going in big damage that's gonna have that ball coming out they're taking their time owner now going through over the wall but damokea they're just too far ahead t1 yes they're using abilities they're throwing skills back but curtain calls coming out and t-one are running out of time yeah showmaker's gonna base the tp back here the shock blaster coming in and it's poking them down a little bit but with showmaker full hp buying items and coming back they should be able to force this top inhibitor if this falls i think that's it for t1 they're gonna have to try and fight this otherwise they're gonna lose out on every objective on the map three inhibitors down that is a death sentence t1 they're gonna go out fighting or they're gonna get bled out don juan kia they're going and kobushi go out going down kind of forced to back away carrying it faker just getting torn apart it's all too easy for don juan kia early game close and contested but mid to late don juan kia in absolute control here in game one gonna take them a bit of time to kill the nexus but they will find first blood in this best of five series tiwa just wasn't able to create the same kind of early advantages that got them into those winning situations in the finals they weren't able to get ahead and and some of it does feel like it's through the draft yes owner has this good pick of the poppy as an answer to the lease in but you're kind of the more defensive side of that match if you want to be answering the lee sins ganks it's harder for you to actually make your own plays happen the only place really did come from faker moving towards top they got some advantages there but don juan's bought side was getting so much more showmaker was always relevant and donbo just played incredibly well through the mid and late game i wonder if that will know that t1 is a responsive team in drafting back to the hammer life series they give them leblanc they give them renekton they pick things like poppy and lissandra into it and they like to count to pick lanes itself maybe the team composition just kind of fell apart a little bit there because it really felt like t1 had no business ever contested anything because of the range advantage had faith in their counterpicks you saw leblanc up you saw lee sin up it was an easy call to say hey don mulkey is going to go for these picks we knew that poppy was coming but don juan outperforming really showing up on an individual level and important to remember that this don juan lineup is looking are so unstoppable in the part of the game as you highlighted the early game where t1 have often looked so good that said it's time to check out t1's pick as the song that represents their play style runner by t1 dj redden bakun and chong mo i'm so sorry if i butchered those names and of course the rest of teams competing at worlds on the official law playlist on spotify for now we're going on a short break we'll be right back with more worlds 2021 [Music] oh yes the king of the jungle time for a quick red bull red bull but you still won't be quicker than the lion i don't have to be quicker than the lion just quicker than you red bull gives you wings the magical power of the realm is a mystery like a guardian it is with you always defending you charging you watching over you like actually it's not magic it's this cisco network the power behind every gank every combo every mind-blowing moment at league of legends world championships [Music] dragon cause if i got it [Music] i'll stay so deep inside your brain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's how i like [Music] [Music] deep inside your brain and take you somewhere far [Music] do away [Music] you can do anything no fear [Music] go stupid [Music] [Music] all up on your head [Music] [Music] welcome back to the state farm analyst desk where the undefeated run here at worlds 2021 continues it's don juan kia taking game one over t1 uh in a number of ways this happened exactly how we expected it to and we will get to that but i do want to talk about draft because vetius when you take a look at the compositions that both of these teams came away with you look at t1 you go wow that is the picture of the world's meta right there that's everything you could possibly get it certainly is it feels like that they kind of got everything that they did one right you have like a this really strong top side and jace an easy length to play through you have solid engage good team fighting later on to the game you have a champion that can match inside you also have faker on his rise you're like wow exactly like everything is looking good and then you kind of look at darwin's comp and you're like huh how do i how does this really it looks so annoying exactly annoying is the perfect word for it because this is a when we actually got to see execute the game this is a pick comp and the whole idea behind it is you kind of attack people in the setup around objectives you look to chunk people out you look to like annoy them with the maokai sap things you look to try and hit them with gin ws and they take a bit of damage and you're just trying to be as obnoxious as possible to not give t1 the optimal setup when it comes to playing around these objects there are so many things you can do with this and especially if you've got the early push if you have an early advantage shove the waves maokai saplings through all these brush when they're trying to come fish around for dragons the linchpin that brings it all together is gonna be ghost with the long range for all these picks it's just like there's so many things that you can do but here you have the controller here's what i know you want to talk about kobe it's the top lane and it's the early game plays made by t1 exactly coming back to t1 and some of their aggression around top lane we laid out the game plan for them to be around top this is the second ward actually that they placed up here poppy comes over places the first then kana places hid in his in the brush so you know that this is talked about in champ select straight from the get-go hey we are going to try and take advantage of this early lucian pick by having faker use the first teleport up there they they take the opportunities to also counter rome when showmaker goes bottom fakers back up there punish the no flash they have the game plan they're getting some money for themselves that yes and it's i feel like that we're going back into the group stage where we saw them play against edg and even though they fell short to edg they're playing well to their game plan they have a good game plan sometimes the problem is though the other team is just able to better execute upon their own game i was gonna say you're not the only team with the game plan right exactly in a game between two teams and if we know anything about domwan it's their ability to understand where you know the losing side of the map is and where the winning side of the map is and say you know what okay kahn you're on your own buddy we're going elsewhere yeah and it was critical how they set up their counter on bottom side and then after they got their bottom lead what don juan did with it to get the most out of it is they would push the trades but they would force the trades to be on the side of the map that has the extra objective and so yes you're trading towers but you're also going up a dragon you're also going up a rift trail and having those replays and venus in essence what happened here is that domwant invested tremendous resources bot lane and while we talk about the ingenuity of the maokai it was all there in support of ghost gin he is our oppo player of the game laser focus i mean honing missiles it seemed like uh when it came to picking people off and so much of this early game was about putting him in a position to carry he performed extremely well and it felt like that every time he threw out his w it just did not miss you understand now why he has a world skin after all and it is on this champion the way in which he worked with the maokai and the rest of his team in order to consistently find these picks and catch t1 off guard is a large part of why denmark was able to come out ahead in this game it looked so perfect it was almost like ghost was taking this as an opportunity to have an advertisement for his skin look you too can have pinpoint accuracy every w to snipe people for picks you see here how annoying the comp is with showmaker getting the tag it's the gin w that roots him in place allows the maokai to flash and follow up there's so many he's able to find this knife another one in mid lane show maker sets it up boom ghost knocks them down and this is exactly how the con works and for the record this is a very difficult composition to execute upon but this is also the caliber with which darwin is bringing to the world stage right now regardless of what they are playing they're able to find a way to execute upon it perfectly and it was such a joy to watch them execute this because they didn't force any 5v5 team fights they didn't over commit every single fight was simply a matter of they get a pick they'll get another pick they'll get another pick and like t was like uh can we mf all into like rise can we can we team fight and tom's like no no we're good we'll we'll just keep killing you one at a time and it was played to perfection and that's what i think the genius of this comp was they know playing against skt they're going to try and brute force you they're going to try and start these team fights and run in and get these engages and so they pick this comp that has so much mobility and so much potential for setting up these picks and potential for picking off when you're trying to rush in so much counter engage as well as large swaths of of zone control again reliving this moment around the baron uh you know the picks that came before but also too now the control that this dom juan comp allows with the man or two advantage there's no way you're getting in i mean your best bet there was the mf old stealing and you know you're not gonna mf faults beat a smite out of canyon cannon with only 50 hp remaining he waits he does his job as a jungler he's not going to early smite for the health he doesn't panic as he's going out hits it secures the objective as well just so beautiful to watch this team operate and i just kind of want to come back to this whole like draft point again because like when you kind of look at this comp initially i was also skeptical i looked at this and i thought how do you even make this work but then the beauty of this maokai was as you're rightly saying every time t1 sits down and thinks right we're getting a team fight we will force this we will make sure we get it maokai ultimate comes through and you're just like and it comes back to what kobe was saying was like this comp is so annoying to play against and it felt like that t1 regardless of what they tried to do they were never given a window to make anything happen and i love to kind of the extra vision advantage that you get when you have the maokai because you're looking at the team and you're maybe thinking one of the weaknesses is that it is so squishy but with all the deeper vision because of the saplings you also get earlier time to set up and and coordinate your picks it's the is that late knockout stage innovation that you love to see in the draft and it does net dom juan a first initial victory in this matchup now while we wait for game two let's go ahead and hear from faker and ghost on today's semi-finals thanks to our friends at oppo [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign you
Channel: LoL Esports VODs and Highlights
Views: 237,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lcs, league of legends, lck, lpl, lec, season 11, s11, 2021, lcs 2021, lec 2021, spring, vod, full game
Id: BqTv7F61yUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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