The Map of Quantum Computing | Your Ultimate Guide to Quantum Computers

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Awesome video! Thank you for posting!

This might not be the area to bring this up, but my reasoning for think crypto currency won't work is because of shors algorithm and the ability to decrypt classical algorithms. Quantum also will create a new method of encryption making bitcoin obsolete. Does anyone else believe this to be true?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Educational-Bar680 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
Video is sponsored by Qiskit,  more details later in the video.   From the first idea of a quantum computer in 1980  to today there has been huge growth in the quantum   computing industry, especially in the last 10  years. With dozens of companies and startups   spending hundreds of millions of dollars in a  race to build the world’s best quantum computers.   For most of us it’s quite hard to get our  heads around the world of quantum computing,   and a lot of information about it glosses over  important details. This video aims to clear all   this up and if you watch the whole thing you’ll  have a very good overview of all the different   kinds of quantum computing, how they work, and  why so many people are investing in the quantum   computing industry. This is the map of quantum  computing. Quantum computers solve problems in   a different way to the computers we are familiar  with, which, from now on I’ll be referring to as   classical computers. Quantum computers have  certain advantages over normal computers for   certain problems which comes from their ability  to be in a huge number of states at the same time   whereas classical computers can only be in  one state at a time. To understand this,   and to understand how quantum computers work you  need to understand three things: superposition,   entanglement and interference. The building  blocks of a classical computer are called bits,   and the building blocks of a quantum computer are  called quantum bits, or qubits for short, and they   work in fundamentally different ways. A classical  bit is kind of like a switch that can either be   a 0 or a 1 which you are probably already  familiar with as binary or binary information.   When we measure a bit we just get back the state  that it’s currently in, but we’ll see this isn’t   true of qubits. A qubit is more complicated. For  a useful visualisation you can think of them as   an arrow pointing in 3D space. If they point  up they are in the 0 state and if they point   down they are in the 1 state, just like a  classical bit, but they also have the option to   be in a thing called a superposition state which  is when the arrow points in any other direction.   This superposition state is a combination state of  0 and 1. Now, when you measure a qubit the output   it gives will still end up being either a 0 or a  1, but which one you get depends on a probability   which is set by the direction of the arrow. If the  arrow is pointing more upwards you are more likely   to get back a 0 than a 1, and if it is pointing  downwards you are more likely to get a 1 than a 0,   and if it is exactly on the equator  you’ll get either state with a 50%   probability. So that’s the effect of superposition  explained, now we’ll move on to entanglement.   In a classical computer the bits  are independent from each other.   The state of one bit is not influenced  by the state of any of the other bits.   But in quantum computers the qubits can be  entangled with each other which means they   become part of one large quantum state together.  For an example let’s look at two qubits which are   each in different superposition states, but aren’t  entangled yet. You can see the probabilities next   to them, and these probabilities are  currently independent of each other.   But when we entangle them, we have to throw away  those independent probabilities and calculate a   probability distribution of all of the possible  states we can get out. Either 00, 01, 10, or 11.   The important point here is because the qubits  are entangled, if you change the direction of   the arrow on one qubit, it changes the probability  distribution for the whole system, so the qubits   are no longer independent of each other, they are  all part of the same large state. And this is true   no matter how many qubits you have. You’ll also  note that for one qubit you have a probability   distribution over 2 states. For two qubits you  have a probability distribution over 4 states.   For three qubits you have a distribution over  8 states, and this keeps on doubling each time   you add another qubit. In general, a quantum  computer of n qubits can be in a combination of   2^n states. So I’d say this is the core difference  between classical computers and quantum computers.   Classical computers can be in any state you want,  but can only be in one state at a time, whereas   quantum computers can be in a superposition  of all of those states at the same time. But   you may wonder how being in this superposition  state can be useful in a computer. Well for that   we need the final component: interference.  To explain the effect of interference we   need to go back and look at my picture of  a qubit technically called a Bloch sphere.   A qubit doesn’t actually look like this,  this is just a really nice way of visualising   the state of a qubit. In reality the state of  a qubit is described by a more abstract entity   known as a quantum wavefuncion. Wavefunctions  are the fundamental mathematical description   of everything in quantum mechanics which I’ve  described in more detail in a previous video.   When you have many qubits entangled together all  of their wavefunctions are added together into an   overall wavefunction describing the state  of the quantum computer. This adding   together of wavefunctions is the interference  because, just like with say ripples of water,   when we add waves together they can constructively  interfere and add together to make a bigger wave,   or destructively interfere to cancel each  other out. The overall wavefunction of the   quantum computer is what sets the different  probabilities of the different states,   and by changing the states of different qubits  we can change the probabilities that different   states will come out when we measure the quantum  computer. Remember that even though the quantum   computer can be in a superposition of millions  of states at the same time, when we measure it,   we only get a single state out. So when you are  using a quantum computer to solve a computation   problem you need to use constructive interference  to increase the probability of the correct answer,   and use destructive interference to decrease  the probabilities of the incorrect answers   so that when you measure it the correct answer  will come out. Now how you do this is the realm   of quantum algorithms, and the whole motivation  behind quantum computing is that, theoretically,   there are a bunch of problems that you can solve  on a quantum computer that are thought to be   intractable on classical computers. Let’s take a  look at them. There are many quantum algorithms,   too many to describe in this video, so we’ll  just focus on the most famous and historically   important: Shor’s algorithm. If you have two large  numbers and you multiply them together there is   a very fast, efficient, classical algorithm for  finding the answer. However, if you start with the   answer and ask, what are the original numbers that  multiply together to make this number? It is a lot   more difficult. This is known as factorization,  and these numbers are called factors,   and the reason finding them is so hard is because  the search space of possible factors is so large.   And there is no efficient classical algorithm  for finding the factors of large numbers.   For this reason we use this mathematical property  for internet encryption: secure websites,   emails and bank accounts. If you know these  factors you can easily decrypt the information,   but if you don’t you’d need to find them first  which is intractable on the world’s most powerful   computers. Which is why in 1994, when Peter  Shor published a fast quantum algorithm that can   efficiently find the factors of large integers,  it caused quite the stir. This is the moment   that a lot of people started to take the idea  of quantum computing seriously because it was   the first application to a real world problem with  potentially huge real world security implications.   But when I say a ‘fast’ quantum algorithm,  how fast, and how much faster than a classical   computer would it be? To answer these questions  we need to take a little detour into the world   of quantum complexity theory. Quantum  complexity theory is a subfield of the   world of computational complexity theory which  deals with the categorisation of algorithms,   sorting them into bins according to how well they  run on computers. The categorisation is based on   how much harder it is to solve the problem as the  problem gets larger. Here any problem inside the P   box is easy to solve with a classical computer,  but anything outside it means we don’t have   efficient classical algorithms to solve them and  factoring large numbers is one of these. But there   is a box, BQP which is efficient for a quantum  computer, but not a classical computer. And these   are the problems that quantum computers will be  better than classical computers at solving. As I   said, complexity theory looks at how difficult it  is to solve a problem as the problem gets larger.   So if you factorize a number with 8 digits, then  you add another digit on, how much harder is   it to factor the new number compared to the old  one? Is it twice as hard? Exponentially harder?   And what is the trend as you add more and more  digits? This is called its complexity or scaling,   and for factorisation it is exponential. Anything  with the N in the exponent is exponentially hard.   These exponential problems are the problems that  really screw you over as the problems get bigger,   and in the world of computer science you can win  respect and renown if you find a better algorithm   to solve these hardest problems. One example of  this was Shor’s algorithm which took advantage   of the special features of quantum computers  to create an algorithm that could solve   integer factorisation with a scaling much  better than the best classical algorithm.   The best classical algorithm is exponential,  whereas Shor’s algorithm is polynomial which   is a huge deal in the world of complexity theory  and computer science in general because it turns   an intractable problem into a problem that can  be solved. Solved, that is, if you have a working   quantum computer, which is what people are working  on building. But you don’t need to worry about the   security of your bank account yet because today’s  quantum computers are not able to run Shor’s   algorithm on large numbers yet. I’ve estimated  they would need about a million qubits to do so,   but so far the most advanced universal quantum  computers have around 100. Also, people are   working on what’s known as post-quantum encryption  schemes which don’t use integer factorization,   and another technology from the world of quantum  physics can help here too, a cryptographic scheme   known as quantum cryptography. So that  was a look at just one quantum algorithm,   but there are many more each with different levels  of speedup. Another notable example is Grover’s   algorithm which can search unstructured lists of  data faster than the best classical algorithm.   But I should be careful here to make sure I  don’t mischaracterize classical computers.   They are very versatile devices, and there  is nothing to say that someone may find a   very clever classical algorithm that could solve  the hardest problems like integer factorization   more efficiently. People think it is  very unlikely, but it is not ruled out.   Also, there are problems that we can prove are  impossible to solve on classical computers,   called non-computable problems, like the halting  problem, but these are also impossible to solve   on a quantum computer. So computationally  classical computers and quantum computers   are equivalent to each other, the differences  all come from the algorithms that they can run.   You can even simulate a quantum computer on a  classical computer and vice versa. But simulating   a quantum computer on a classical computer gets  exponentially harder to do the more qubits you   are trying to simulate. This is because classical  computers struggle to simulate quantum systems,   but because quantum computers are already quantum  systems, they don’t have this problem which   brings me to my favourite application of quantum  computers: quantum simulation. Quantum simulation   is simulating things like chemical reactions  or how electrons behave in different materials   with a computer. Here quantum computers also have  an exponential speedup over classical computers   because classical computers really struggle to  simulate quantum systems. Now I’ve made a whole   other video about quantum simulation which you  can watch here, but basically simulating quantum   systems with as few as 30 particles is difficult  even on the world’s most powerful supercomputers.   We also can’t do this on quantum computers yet,  but as they mature a main goal is to simulate   larger and larger quantum systems. These include  areas like the behaviour of exotic materials at   low temperatures like understanding what makes  some materials superconduct, or study important   chemical reactions to improve their efficiency,  one example aims to produce fertiliser in a way   that emits way less carbon dioxide as fertiliser  production contributes to around 2% of global   carbon emissions. Other potential applications  of quantum simulation include, improving solar   panels, improving batteries, developing new  drugs, chemicals or materials for aerospace.   In general quantum simulation would mean that we  would be able to rapidly prototype many different   materials inside a quantum computer and test all  their physical parameters, instead of having to   physically make them and test them in a lab which  is a much more laborious and expensive process.   This could be a lot faster and save a huge amount  of time and money. It is worth reiterating that   these are all potential applications of quantum  computers, because we don’t have any quantum   computers that can solve real world problems  better than our normal computers yet. But these   are the kinds of problems quantum computers would  be well suited to. Other applications outside of   quantum simulation are optimization problems,  machine learning and A.I. Financial modelling,   weather forecasting and climate change, which  I’ll be honest I don’t really understand how   this would work, and finally cybersecurity, which  I think just boils down to shor’s algorithm, which   I already described. Now we need to be a little  careful about the potential of hype here, as a lot   of the claims of what quantum computers will be  good for come from people who are actively raising   money to build them and so it makes sense for them  to piggyback on topical subjects in their pitches.   But my take on it is that historically, when a new  technology has come along, the people of the time   aren’t the best at being able to tell what it’s  going to be used for. For example the people who   invented the first computers never dreamed of the  internet, and all of the things on it. And this is   likely to be the same for quantum computers.  But for me the application that I can really   understand the value of is quantum simulation  which is why I've focused on it in this video.   Anyway, so far I’ve described how quantum  computers work and what problems they can solve.   But most of what I’ve talked about so far is  theoretical. For the rest of the video I want   to focus on reality. How are people actually  building quantum computers, and what can they   actually do? Now it’s worth mentioning here  that some physicists are sceptical that it will   ever be possible to build quantum computers at  the scale needed to solve real world problems,   but people working on all of the following  certainly don’t agree. Now quantum computing   is often portrayed as if it is a single thing. But  inside the world of quantum computers there are   a large range of approaches to turning different  kinds of quantum systems into quantum computers,   and there are two layers of nuance I need to talk  about. First of all are the models of quantum   computing: the overall approach to manipulating a  collection of qubits and then there’s the physical   implementations: the actual quantum objects you  build your qubits from, like a superconducting   loop, or individual atoms or photons. We’ll  start with the models of quantum computing.   It is interesting that there are different  models of quantum computing, because this is   not something we see with classical computers.  Practically all the computers we use today   work in the same way, they have a bunch of bits  holding the binary information of ones and zeros,   and we can do operations on these bits  using logical gates which are basically   simple operations that flip a bit, called a  NOT gate, or compare bits like giving you a 1   if two bits are both zero, and a 0 if they  are anything else this is called a NOR gate.   Interestingly you can build a full general  purpose computer from just bits and NOR gates.   In quantum computing there is a similar  model called gate model, or circuit model   which is the most popular and most  understood model of quantum computing.   In the circuit model you have your collection of  qubits which are entangled with each other, and   then you have a bunch of gates which can perform  operations on small numbers of these qubits   which change the states of the qubits without  measuring them. A quantum algorithm is built   from a sequence of gates applied to the qubits in  a certain order, and then a measurement at the end   when you get the final state, which hopefully is  the answer to the problem you are trying to solve.   Simplistically you can think of these gates as  operations on the qubits that rotate the arrows   to point in different directions. And these  operations change the probability of the final   state of each qubit when it is finally measured.  Now there’s more to this which I don’t have time   to explain here, but if you want to learn more  about them and do some quantum computing yourself   I highly recommend the educational  website and YouTube channel called Qiskit.   They are kindly sponsoring this video, and  honestly they are the best resource for people who   want to learn more about quantum computing and get  some actual hands-on experience. Basically Qiskit   is a software framework funded by IBM to make it  easier for people to get into the world of quantum   computing. Everything there is free to access and  the code is all open source, there is an online   text book which teaches you all the basics, so if  you don’t have a quantum physics background that   is no problem at all, you can learn everything  you need there. Their Qiskit YouTube channel is   also full of excellent tutorials and lectures,  I’ll link to all of this below. And in terms of   quantum algorithms you can run through examples  of quantum circuits using their online tools.   And if you want to run your own quantum  programs you can download their open-source   SDK and run them on IBM hardware, either on  classical simulators of quantum computers, or   on actual real world quantum computers, for free.  And the SDK is not only tied to IBM hardware. I   used to work at another quantum computing company  called D-Wave, and there is an interface to their   computers in the SDK as well if you want to learn  about their approach called quantum annealing and   many other companies are available too. Personally  I’ve been using their website to learn gate model   quantum computing deeper because my background is  in quantum annealing and I’m super happy that this   educational resource exists, and is free to use so  please check that out if you want to dig deeper.   Finally I just want to state that I’ve had  complete editorial control over the content   of this video and my goal is always to be as  objective as I can, I just want to make sure you   know that Qiskit is funded by IBM who are building  quantum computers, and I used to work for D-Wave   who are making other quantum computers, just for  transparency so you know everyone’s backgrounds.   Right, back to the models of quantum computing  we’ve already looked at the circuit model,   but closely related to it is measurement based or  one-way quantum computing which involves setting   up an initial entangled state, and then measuring  qubits one by one during the computation,   and mathematically this has been shown  to be equivalent to the circuit model.   Now let’s look at the models I’m most familiar  with: adiabatic quantum computing and quantum   annealing. Adiabatic quantum computing works  in a very different way to the circuit model.   In adiabatic quantum computing you are taking  advantage of one of the fundamental behaviours   in physics, the fact that every system in physics  always moves towards the minimum energy state.   This is a very general principle, and adiabatic  quantum computing takes advantage of this by   posing the problems you want solved in such  a way so that the minimum energy state of the   quantum system is the answer to the problem.  You can picture this as an energy landscape,   where each point on the landscape is one of the  potential outputs of the computer. In adiabatic   quantum computing you start off with a flat  landscape, and gradually introduce the energy   landscape of your problem where the answer to  your problem is the lowest position on the map.   If you do this slowly enough, the quantum  computer will always stay in the lowest   energy state so that when you measure it you  are most likely to get the correct answer.   I should mention that I’m having to simplify  things a bit here to make it easier to understand,   but it gives you the right picture of what is  going on. In reality I would need to talk about   Hamiltonian’s and eigenstates but that’s beyond  the scope of this video. Even though adiabatic   quantum computing is so different to the circuit  model, they have been shown to be mathematically   equivalent, and problems can be mapped from one  to the other. And they are both something called   a universal quantum computing scheme which means  that theoretically they can simulate any quantum   system. Strongly related to adiabatic quantum  computing is quantum annealing which is not a   universal quantum computing scheme, but works on  the same principle as adiabatic quantum computing   with the system finding the minimum energy  state of an energy landscape that you give it.   The reason it is not universal is because it  doesn’t have the full degrees of freedom to   represent any quantum state, but even with this  limitation it can still be used to solve certain   energy landscape problems like optimization  problems and simulate certain quantum systems,   and example is spin glasses which are grids  of magnetic fields connected to each other.   And quantum annealing is a stepping stone to  building a universal adiabatic quantum computer.   The last model we are going to look at is called  topological quantum computing which is currently   the most theoretical model of quantum computing  because it builds its qubits from an entity in   physics called a Majorana zero-mode quasi-particle  which is a type of non-abelian anyon.   Which is a bit of a mouthful and obviously  quite confusing but the important term here is   quasi-particle. Quasi-particles aren’t fundamental  particles like atoms, electrons or photons,   quasi-particles are created from the collected  behaviour of many particles together, and end up   having particle-like properties despite not being  actually real. The clearest example of this is an   electron hole: if you have a grid of electrons  with a gap in the middle, as the electrons fill   in the gap it looks like this hole moves in  the opposite direction. This hole isn’t real,   it’s just a hole, but you can treat it like  a particle with particle-like properties.   In condensed matter physics there are a large  range of different kinds of quasi-particle and   a Majorana zero-mode quasti-particle is an entity  that has been theoretically predicted, but there   is still significant debate over whether they’ve  actually been experimentally observed or not.   Now the reason why physicists are excited about  this model is because these quasi-particles are   predicted to be a lot more stable than other  qubits because they are made from parts which   are physically separated from each other. This  is good because the main source of failure in   a quantum computer is noise, which comes from  rogue forms of energy creeping into the quantum   computer making the qubits drift away from  where they should be and causing errors.   But these quasi-particles are special because they  are protected from the noise by an energy gap.   Basically what this means is it takes a certain  energy to bring the parts of the Majorana particle   back together, so any perturbations of noise which  have a lower energy than that energy gap is not   felt by the quasi-particle. This might have been  a bit confusing, but that’s okay I’m still getting   my head around them too, but that was just the  best boiled down description I could come up with.   Okay so that rounds up the different models of  quantum computation, but how do you actually build   them? There are a huge range of different physical  implementations of quantum computers because   there are so many different quantum systems  that you could potentially build them from.   The requirements to build a qubit is actually  fairly simple: all you need is a two state quantum   system when one state will represent 0 and the  other will represent 1. The most obvious example   of this is the spin of a particle: the spin can  be up or down, but as we shall see there are many   properties of particles we can use. In fact, there  are too many for me to list them all, so I’m just   going to focus on the implementations that are the  most widely used and have been the most successful   so far. But no matter what the approach is, they  all face a similar set of obstacles which we need   to take a look at first. In general it’s really  hard to control quantum systems because if you   have got any slight interaction with the outside  world the information starts leaking away. This   is called decoherence. You want your qubits to be  entangled with each other, but don’t want them to   be entangled with anything else. But the trouble  is, your qubits will be made of physical stuff   and you will need other physical stuff  nearby to control and measure them,   and your qubits are dumb they’ll  entangle with anything they can. So,   you need to design your qubits very carefully to  protect them from entangling with the environment.   Then you need to shield your qubits from  any kind of noise: things like cosmic rays,   or radiation from things like phone calls, or  heat energy or any other kind of rogue particle.   Unfortunately some amount of decoherence and  noise is inevitable in any physical system,   and is impossible to eliminate completely. And it  gets worse the more qubits you have entangled with   each other. This is the big open question still  hanging over the whole field of quantum computing:   is it ever possible to make a working quantum  computer with a large number of qubits, or will   decoherence and noise ruin everything? There  are strong opinions on both sides, and I guess   we won’t know for sure until we actually build  them. One plan to deal with decoherence and noise   is quantum error correction. This is an error  correction scheme to make fault-tolerant quantum   computers by using many entangled qubits together  to represent one noise free qubit. How many   you need depends on how good the qubits are, but  estimates are in the range of 100 to 1000 physical   qubits to make one fault-tolerant qubit. Which  is a lot of qubits. And this brings us to another   major obstacle: scalability. For each qubit you  need to have a bunch of wires to manipulate and   measure it. For a small number of qubits this  is all manageable, but as the number of qubits   increases the amount of extra stuff you need  increases linearly, which is a massive engineering   problem. So any quantum computer design needs to  somehow be able to entangle all of the qubits,   and then control and measure them in a scalable  way. So those are all the problems with building a   real quantum computer, let’s take a look at the  different approaches scientists are pursuing.   Superconducting quantum computers are currently  the most popular approach. A superconducting qubit   is made from superconducting wires with a break  in the superconductor called a josephson junction.   The most popular type of superconducting  qubit is called a transmon where the two   level system is encoded in pairs of the  electric charge moving across the junction,   specifically the frequency at which charges  oscillate back and forth across the junction.   But there have been other designs that  use the magnetic flux in a loop of wire,   or the phase across a wire as a two level  system known as flux qubits or phase qubits.   Physicists have also looked at ways of making  qubits out of fundamental entities like atoms, or   electrons or photons. Next are quantum dot quantum  computers or silicon spin quantum computers.   Here I’m using quantum dot quantum computers  to collect a range of qubit designs built from   semiconductors, things like silicon. Here the  qubits are made from electrons or even groups   of electrons and the two level system is encoded  into the spin or charge of the electrons. On the   chip there’s a small area where the electron  is restricted to is called a quantum dot,   and operations on the qubits are performed through  voltages on the chip, or microwaves or magnetic   fields. As well as silicon, people have also  used other semiconducting materials like gallium   arsenide, silicon carbide and also diamond amongst  others, which all have different properties.   Next we have linear optical quantum computing.  Optical quantum computers use photons of light   as the qubits and they operate on these  qubits using optical elements like mirrors,   waveplates and interferometers. At scale this has  been accomplished by printing these elements into   integrated photonics chips. The two level system  in an optical quantum computer can have different   designs, either a superposition of different  paths a single photon takes through the chip,   or a superposition of different numbers of photons  present in a path. And these can be manipulated by   applying a voltage to a path. Now onto trapped  ion quantum computers which use charged atoms   as qubits. These atoms are ionised, having a  missing electron, which makes them electrically   charged and means they can be levitated and  moved about with electromagnetic fields.   Here the two level state that encodes the qubit  are two specific energy levels of the atom which   can be manipulated or measured with microwaves  or laser beams. Next we have colour centre or   nitrogen vacancy quantum computers which are  similar to trapped ion quantum computers in   that the qubits are made from atoms, but instead  of being trapped in an electromagnetic field,   they are embedded in a gap of the material like  nitrogen embedded in diamond or silicon carbide.   There are a few different ways to make  these, but typically the qubits are   the nuclear spins of the embedded atoms and  they are entangled together with electrons.   The final approach is called neutral atoms  in optical lattices. In this approach the   qubits are atoms, and the design uses cold atom  physics capturing neutral atoms like caesium   into an optical lattice which is a crisscrossed  arrangement of laser beams, which form energy   wells shaped kind of like an egg box. These atoms  are cooled down with lasers to a few millionths of   a kelvin and there are a number of ways to encode  the two level system the qubit is built from:   either the hyperfine energy level of the atom  or excited states and they can also make use of   Rydberg atoms. And the atoms can be controlled  and entangled with each other with lasers.   They can also be used as quantum simulators  as well as quantum computers. In fact a 10,000   atom quantum simulator has been made, but this  doesn’t look like a universal quantum computer.   These are the main approaches I’m going to cover  in this video, but it is not an exhaustive list,   some other qubit designs include:  Electron-on-helium qubit,   Cavity quantum electrodynamics, Magnetic Molecule,  Molecular Spins, NMR quantum computers. But these   have not been built at the same scale as the  other approaches I mentioned in more detail.   So that was the map of quantum computing and  that should give you an excellent overview of the   field. As you can see, there are many different  approaches to building a quantum computer,   and what is so interesting is that it’s not yet  clear which approach will win out in the long run.   Now one thing I haven’t covered in this video are  the companies and startups and which approach they   are using, along with their current best quantum  computers, and their roadmaps into the future.   But this is what I’ll look at in my next video  so keep your eyes peeled for that. You don’t   need to subscribe or anything, but check back in a  couple of weeks if you think you’d be interested.   And like all my maps this map of quantum  computing is available to buy at my store   dosmaps dot com, or to download as a digital  image for educational purposes links to all   of that in the description below. Quick note  though, due to logistics we can only get the   map of quantum computing to you after the  holidays, but everything else in my store   is ready to go. We also have many educational  posters and a range of engaging kids books about   science called Professor Astro Cat, so if you  are looking for some gifts that will help your   loved ones learn about science, check that out.  Dosmaps dot com. Finally, a massive thank you to   all my patreon supporters. As you can  probably tell I put a huge amount of work   into these map videos and the support on patreon  is invaluable. Thank you. And I’ll see you soon!
Channel: DoS - Domain of Science
Views: 128,423
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Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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