INEOS America's Cup Yacht Reveal

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Britain might finally have a yacht which is capable of winning the America's Cup if enos's center of gravity is further forward than any of team and their crew weight is further forward than any of team and their foils are further back than any of Team then this means they might not be relying on the rer for any lift at all in fact they might be using the rer to actually pull down on the back of the boat and if they're using the r to pull fall down then the r becomes a positive for a writing moment as it's offset to Winward of the main lifting foil and if their Rudder is moved forward so it's got less leverage over the pivot point for the pitch then it's going to have to pull down even harder giving the yacht even more writing moment now this is an initial reaction video but if any of that is true then Britain might finally have a yacht which is capable of winning the America's Cup I'll be honest with you the initial reveal of inos was pretty underwhelming in kind of every respect first of all in terms of what we could see well we couldn't see much we didn't get any shots with a decent Vantage Point down into the Ys he not put it in the water we can't see the pods the layout can't see the deck the mass foot um The Falls are shrouded and the Ridder isn't even mounted on the boat so what don't I like about this boat well it's got this really thick meaty volumous bustle at the front of the boat which just collides like a cut and shut job with the maximum beam where the foil Camp pods are then as you go further back in the boat it morphs into this huge skag with a massive wetted area which must be horrendous to drag around then that skag ends well before the rudder meaning that all the rudder mechanics they've had to put above deck if we've looked at Emirates Team New Zealand and lingi and how they've managed to hide a lot of that Rudder structure within the um within the bustle at the back of the boat and clean up the F sections inos have certainly not managed that and of all the teams their pods look the most well for formed furthest AF but there's no backstage to support back there so why haven't they removed some of that um kind of uh slab sidedness to the boat in the same way that team New Zealand have with their sculpted back or even a lingy cutting the pods down short you can also see that they haven't got much of a trench deck the mass has got no Mast extension to the deck must be pretty thick a big wedge of material around the foil arms just in front um where the m is it seems to diverge from the other boats in so many ways that initially I just can't think it's fast and the whole design looks really brutalist but maybe there are some excuses for the most features what if the volume in the bustle at the front and the lack of volume in that thin skig skag at the back means the boat floats relatively bow up giving you a greater angle of attack on your foils to lift out of the water when you're in displacement mode but then enables you to fly bow down aggressively with that huge skag creating the end plating for when you're up and flying and all that structure at the back of the boat that they've put on because it's so thin you know the the thicker pods and the huge um container for the Ridder Gantry well I guess in many ways that can be excused because whilst the airflow crossing the deck you wouldn't want it to meet any slab sides as it hits the entry to sails at the back of the boat where the wind is exiting the sails it should be pretty much aligned with the center line of the boat at that point anyway especially in these high parent wind boats and their pods and the big housing for the rder Gantry are all aligned to the center line anyway so maybe they're not as big a hindrance as one might imagine and as we go on to suggest maybe having a really sturdy control over that Rudder and loading the rder with lots of downforce is a key part of the design of this boat I know I'm going to get comments in this saying that I must be an inos Fanboy kind of making up excuses for some pretty out there design but I'm just trying to understand the the process that the inos design team have gone through and the rationale for something that's so strikingly different from the other boats the key thing that's really playing on my mind is the placement of the riter the Ridder looks well forward of the back of the boat and this is different to the other teams all the other teams seem to put the riter pretty much as far back as possible you're not allowed any rder beyond the transom of the boat sticking out behind it so they seem to put it just enough forward that when it's raked all the way back it should still be in front of that transom and you want your r as far back because it's got the most leverage the further back you have it to control those pitching moments that means you don't have to have as much force on the rudder because it's got a greater leverage over the kind of pitch poing uh tendency of the boat and that's a good thing because the less load you have on the rudder the less drag you have on the rer and the easier it is to control so you need less structure above deck to control it enos's Rudder is further forward and they seem to have a lot more structure to control it but how might this affect the overall yacht what would this give them why would they do this why would they break with convention well as I said in the first part of the video If inos have moved all their crew weight as far forward as possible and there is evidence for this we can only see three crew so supposedly the fourth crew pod is in board and further forward moving their whole crew weight further forward than the other teams and if their lifting surfaces on the main foils are as far back or further back than ever team and they've pushed the center of weight for the boat as far forward in the rule maybe they're at a Tipping Point where when the boat is in Flight the rder is no longer lifting the transom but actually holding the transom down stop in the boat from tripping over and falling forward what would this mean well because the rer is offset to inward anything you can do to minimize the amount of lift it's doing basically gives you extra writing moment and we've seen this with the other teams who have move their lifting surfaces further back and move their crew further forward but if you can push this further and further to the extent where your rder is actually having to pull down on the back of the boat then the rer is actually giving you extra writing moment when it's pulling down and stopping you from pitching forward by moving the rer still further forward you are reducing the moment that the riter has on those pitching forces meaning it has to work even harder to stop the boat pitching forward that means more down Force more Ry moment and more sail carrying power for the boat and maybe that is a reason why we've seen in move their Rudder forward and maybe the high loads on it is why we've seen the bulkier sturdier controls for the bearing top surface and when we look at the design of the lq2 it tallies up there as well remember they broke two rders under extreme testing loads and when we look at that boat and scale it not by its length but by the sail area we can see that the rudder to main fo Gap is actually comparatively short so it seems like they have been testing on the lq2 this kind of short wheelbase um powerful boat all the time along another theory is there is a minim minimum area for these foils kind of like a safety Clause that stops them from making rers which are too small obviously the smaller Rudder you have the faster you'll go because you have less drag but it does risk the rder letting go and Pitch poing so they've got a minimum surface area of 0.3 M but in testing we saw that the them add on a kind of a Ducks tail to their Rudder now I thought this was either um some sort of sensor or a weight to induce resonance so they could do um tests on rder vibrations however what if it wasn't just a counterweight what if that was to satisfy the minimum area rule but to do it by adding area behind the foil in the wake of the foil where it's not adding to the frontal area or the span of that Rudder therefore still reducing the drag from it if you add that Duck's tail on then to meet the rule where the r has got to be in front of the um transom then that means moving the whole RIT forward maybe this is a separate Theory maybe it works in conjunction with the idea about using the Ridder for down force and writing moment now this is all speculation I would have loved to wait until inos launched but then it wouldn't be initial reaction video and maybe a bit of out there speculation about the inos boat is what the world needs right now we've got other boats which will be launching soon still waiting for Orient Express and American magic and I don't want to wait around on giving you my opinions on inos and miss out on their launches I'm really excited to see this Bo launch and see how many of my theories are actually true or there's any more evidence for either way I think we can say inos through this cup right up to the present day have really gone Against the Grain and for me that is the interest of the America's Cup seeing different design philosophies go up against each other especially when one design philosophy is maybe at a j position to the consensus and you know that excites me about the racing we're going to see this summer thanks again for watching the video uh please check out the sponsors uh crafting Shaw and Allan and yeah think about subscribing for more AC content cheers see you around
Channel: Mozzy Sails
Views: 111,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AC37, America's Cup, AC75, AC 75, Mozzy Sails, MozzySails, Mozzy, Barcelona 2024, Barcelona24, America's Cup 2024, AC 2024, foiling boats, sailing, sailing yachts, analysis, INEOS, American Magic, Luna Rossa, Alinghi, Red Bull, ETNZ, Emirates Team New Zealand
Id: X6fSgDXtTuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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