Leaked America's Cup Data Reveals Controversial Team New Zealand Advantage

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into my hands has fallen millions of leaked data points from the last America's Cup after hours of analysis I've narrowed this down to find the key performance areas which were the difference between winning the America's Cup and losing it now there's a few Elements which I think I had a good understanding of already but there's one area which has really changed how I think about foil geometry and sailing style has literally taken me week to methodically pour through this data point by Point 2 and a half million data entries and honestly I have no idea how long this video is going to stay on the internet with leaked cup data so in the last cup you could watch playback of the races this data has been harvested from the app and gifted to me by a kind individual in this data are all the key measurements ments which can be used to catalog yacht performance so here you have the results and it's nothing shocking We Know M Team New Zealand WN the Americas cup we knew they were widely regarded to have a faster boat and we can see upwind for any true wind angle Emirates Team New Zealand were doing about a knot more vmg with the exception of angles closer than 40° downwind again we much the same thing Emer Team New Zealand just a little bit faster however there was a glimmer of hope for Luna Rossa in that they were getting closer to Team New Zealand in the lighter wins but that's pretty much it m Team New Zealand with just a faster boat the end but this is mzy sales and I'm not going to end a video there which with leaked data could be the end of my channel no I'm going to go the full hog I didn't want to know which boat was quicker and by how much I want to know why it was quicker what was it that Emirates Team New Zealand were doing that the other teams weren't able to do so the first big difference is the Cs being used Emirates team us even used a greater range of C but on average they had their foil CED further out this means that the center of lift was further away from the center of math which gives them a longer writing moment and effectively more power the other additional thing of a foil CED further out is it's pointing it's giving you more lift back to Windward so gives you greater potential to fight leeway and load up the side force in the sails so both those elements tell us how they were able to drive more power and go faster both up wind and downwind but that raises the question why didn't other teams just do that what was it about how Emirates Team New Zealand were sailing their boat and the way it was built that allowed them to achieve those greater cant angles before we get to that final conclusive bit of data we' got to understand how the woil works compared to a t foil one of the big differences between Emirates team Zealand and all the challenges so putting a t foil aside for the moment let's look at the Y foil now all the teams had a slight y to their foil but to make it conceptually easier to understand what's going on here let's take a very extreme y foil in fact so extreme it's a right angle we talked about the foils doing two jobs before both giving lift in the vertical to raise the boat out the water and to give lift in the the horizontal to oppose leeway like you would with a traditional dagger board if you imagine a y foil which is at a right angle you could imagine those two lifting surfaces doing those jobs completely independently so if the yacht starts to slip sideways so the dager board starts to lose grip the angle of attack doesn't change on the lift surface so you don't drop out the air when you slip sideways conversely if the yacht starts to fall so you don't have enough lift on the main for lifting you out the water it starts to sink down into the water then the angle of attack doesn't change on the vertical bit of the foil the dagger board so you don't slip sideways so those two fundamental jobs of the foils are completely disassociated from one another now they have two flaps on these boards so not only are they disassociated in terms of if you slip sideways or fall or fall down or raise up but they're also you can trim them separately with flaps as well so with the flap on your vertical fo you could adjust your leeway your side force and with the flap on the bit of the foil which is lying horizontal you could trim how much lift you've got to keep you out the surface now with a foil which is doing the two jobs completely separately this gives you a little bit of room for error in your set sail trimming cuz if you load up the sails too quickly and you overwhelm the dagger board and start slipping sideways well then the angle of attack increases on that vertical bit of foil and you get more leeway resistance that's how dagger boards generally work but you don't screw up the lift on your horizontal section which is lifting the boat out the water because the angle attack Remains the Same on that coupled with the fact that you have flaps to adjust the lift coeffic efficience on either of those sections independently gives you the ability to tune your leeway and your vertical lift now none of the teams were using a yold which was anywhere near as Extreme as a right angle so they didn't have the leeway and vertical lift completely disassociated but what the wfi does is it gives you a little bit of room for error in your sail trimming and lining up the center of effort in the sail with the return force from the foil the T foil on the other hand which is great in that you can run it at high can angles it's less susceptible to that outboard end of the foil um kind of losing grip all together because it moves away from the surface sooner than a wire field does and it's got an intersection a t point which is deeper in the water so all of those elements allow it to be caned out further but the downside side is that tful doesn't have any disassociation between the lift in the horizontal versus the lift in the vertical without variable flaps and without the inherent stability from the side slip of the foil that left New Zealand having to always perfectly align their Center of effort in the sails through trimming with the forces generated from the foils now they had the same amount of grinders everyone else how were they able to find the power to do that much s trimming to keep the forces perfectly aligned for this delicate T foil well this is it this is the one key bit of information that I found in the data which unearths the secret behind Emirates Team New Zealand's ability to run a tfil so looking at how often people adjusted their C and this is quite controversial because the foil C system the mechanism by which you adjust this C was a one design part and it was a one design part that many of the challengers had issues with particularly inos who made complaints at the Christmas cup about their full can system breaking down when you look at how much the teams were adjusting that system lunar Roso pra prelli in the America's Cup Final we're adjusting that can system about once every minute outside side of Maneuvers Emirates Team New Zealand were adjusting their One Design full can system about once every 7 Seconds going up wind so they were utilizing this one design system which was really designed for infrequent use dropping and lowering foils and kind of like setups for longer term they were using that for you know second byc gust response and if we look into deeper into the data from their boat to tie this to Trends we can see a couple of interesting points first of all we see that changes in C were usually preceded by changes in heel that's a direct relationship that when the boat is healing up they were canting out to increase their leverage and restore the balance secondly with Emirates Team New Zealand you do not see much change in Pitch with boat speed that tells us that they're not having to go bow down when they're getting too much lift from the foil as they go faster and that's because they're actually canting the foil out they're losing that horizontal lift and gaining the lateral lift through moving the can arm just that's different to lunar Rosa who as they got faster had to pitch down to get rid of some of that vertical lift coupled to that is leeway that is how much the boat platform is skewed to the wind lunar Roa PR pelli had a relatively consistent leeway and that suggest that they were playing with flap differential to maintain an ideal leeway in this case it's actually positive leeway so unlike a normal boat which will slip to leard giving you an angle of attack on the foils these boats had foils which were mounted at a angle of incidence on the end of the foil arm and they were actually had a positive L way opening up the platform and getting uh wind into the sales Emirates Team New Zealand however didn't that suggested that as they got faster and they CED out they were getting more positive leeway pushing them up to Windwood opening up the platform opening up the cross-section frontal area to the breeze to get more wind into the rig stop the main sell from being hidden behind the chip so all of those factors add together to tell us the story of how the team New Zealand Sailors were um kind of using this one design part to extrapolate the most performance out of it and really use it for a a trimming role rather than a a function of just raising and dropping boards and that's important because obviously all the trimming on the boat in terms of the Sals needed human power but the raising and lowering and subtle tweaking of this C was on battery power so it saved their Grinders um a lot of energy which would have been used otherwise to to maintain the twitchiness of that TF foil I think this finding the data is significant because it completes a picture of why terai was the fastest boat in ac36 if you'd asked me just a few weeks ago I would have listed the TF foil's lower area its intersection with the water surface being less susceptible to ventilation allowing higher can angles and higher writing moments and the relationship between that and a lower Mass base but finally we have the missing ingredient the use of the foil can System One Design part to compensate for sail trim by giving them another Avenue to balance the knife edge which is a TF foil against the sail power so what does this mean for the next America's Cup well we just saw racing with the ac4s and they have a t foil so where the teams adjusting the C really frequently well it seem the inos have twigged onto this and in their boat I took a photo of some targets and they were a whole range of um C angles for various boat speeds as they moved up through the gears so it seems they've twigged onto that fact but thinking more about the ac40 they have batteries for both C and the sails so they're not saving any energy from human power by altering the canal lot so that made me think about something Glenn Ashby said in the commentary that you should C out to get maximum leverage and then just trim the sales from there so is it better seems you're not relying on humans trim the sales just go to maximum count and then really go super super quick on the main cell trim all the controls in terms of cunning on and off the main cell on and off traveler on and off to maintain that Center of effort over the Twitchy T foil a lot of people were commenting on the frequency of movement of those main sales in the ac4s and possibly we've seen The Next Step Up from the last Ameris Cup in terms of um how people are utilizing these boats in that em team New Zealand were using batteries to manipulate the foil C on the ac75 to save their Grinders from an impossible task but on the ac4s where you've got batteries all around then you go back to trimming the cells Lots because that will keep you at the maximum writing moment but what does this all mean for the actual ac75 we're going to see in the cup because they're going to be human powered if it is really true and I don't know it's true it's just a hypothesis that the ac4s might have moved to maximum C and doing a lot of main cell trim if that is true then that technique might not be very relevant for the AC 75s who will be back again relying on human power to trim the sales so possibly the Reliance will switch back again to the foil can system I don't know that speculation tell me what you think anyway I hope you've enjoyed this video it has taken me a huge amount of time and effort to put into it you can thank me by thanking my sponsors b& Allan with a discount code in the comments below 15% off there and of course craft and Shaw over my right hand shoulder your left that's everything for me today uh give the video a like subscribe whatever or don't I'll catch you around
Channel: Mozzy Sails
Views: 141,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AC37, America's Cup, AC75, AC 75, Mozzy Sails, MozzySails, Mozzy, Barcelona 2024, Barcelona24, America's Cup 2024, AC 2024, foiling boats, sailing, sailing yachts, analysis, INEOS, American Magic, Luna Rossa, Alinghi, Red Bull, ETNZ, Emirates Team New Zealand
Id: Qux84QwAjEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.