Men in Black is the first alien movie that made me laugh out loud! 🤣

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oh what he's still alive what the  heck oh that was so weird [Music]   hey everyone and welcome back to my channel if  you're new here my name is Mary and today I'm   going to be reacting slash reviewing Men In Black  I've always known about this movie but I've never   seen it I know Will Smith is in it that's about  it oh actually no I know that there's aliens in   it right I'm pretty sure there's aliens I've  dressed up in all black so that I could watch   this so I'm a woman in black w-i-b and I'm ready  to get into it before we do I want to remind you   guys about the uncut version that is going to be  over on patreon which is linked in the description   bar and in the pinned comments down below you just  need a copy of the film so that you can watch it   along with me there'll be a timer I can be on  one screen movie can be on another screen down   in the description bar in the pin comments you can  also find all of my social media handles Instagram   Twitter twitch Discord Tick Tock Facebook as well  as my two other channels my gaming channel and   my Vlog channel so guys I'm going into this  blind I'm so excited I love of a good alien   movie and Will Smith is so funny I know that's  controversial to say because of the big slap   that happened last year but look he was in some  good movies okay we can't deny that and I'm not   going to deny myself a good movie well fingers  crossed it's a good movie everybody likes this   movie so that's why I think I like it too without  further Ado let's jump into Men In Black I wonder   how everything will hold up because this is like  a 90s film oh my God that looks like such a fake   dragonfly Pony shall who but hope help Shalom I  used to love him in monk music by Danny Elfman   you know that makes a lot of sense Marvel comic  whoa I didn't know it was based on a Marvel comic   Steven Spielberg executive producer man this intro  is quite long I thought does he die oh he's dead   the people Smuggler I guess border patrol we  said we take a look at your catch huh oh my   God pressure now I would have thrown  them back what's gonna happen to him   here's a man we'll take it from here  he's in Black imagine she's like I'm   actually not a grandma I've been Barren  my whole life what if I break your face don't sir me young man you have no idea who you're  dealing with sheesh we're gonna have a little chat   with our friend here you fellas can hit the road  keep on protecting us from the dangerous aliens   foreshadowing [Music] whoa Mikey he was  right oh my God when they let you out of jail look at him that's enough Mikey you hand  me that head oh look at this look at this   so creepy put up your arms and all your flippers  what the heck the alien's just so funny looking oh oh no foreign the blood is gonna go all over this man  why isn't the man moving literally just   move he is in freeze mode that's what oh ew  it's blue blood not even it's just blue goo   oh looks like you got some entrails on you  there pal yeah I hate that word and trails   display perimeter with holes at 40 60  and 80 meters from right here thank you yeah that's the perfect way to get rid of  evidence who are you I am just a figment of   your imagination because you're lucky to be  alive after a blast like that what blast oh   they forgot have yourself checked out with EMS on  the other side of the hill before you leave is no   one concerned why he has blue goo all over him  spiritually okay Stanley's brother just kidding there he is why is he wearing orange is  that what you wear in prison you're in a   track suit oh my God that was a very good jump  oh wow he is a fast runner oh oh wow we got him [Laughter]   oh damn he got the moves like Jagger  whoa whoa oh that man is an alien 100   maybe he's wearing the orange tracksuit  because he was doing like undercover work   or something oh my gosh is there  not a faster way to reach him   what's up what's up he's coming who's  he the world's gonna end [Music]   oh my God I don't think he cares about  the Lash dude get those eyes fixed really wow you really didn't care about his life don't  you take that away I'm eating that damn it oh look   at that shooting star okay it's like a meteor  oh it's a UFO oh my God piloted by a rookie damn he's so rude fingers I reckon he's gonna  get his comeuppance yep lesson learned don't be a dick to  your wife oh whoa left his skin oh oh ew looks so weird I wonder if he'll be of  nicer husband now as an alien give me a sugar   okay I don't think he's nicer in water  definitely weirder more oh my gosh man   really likes sugared water that is not my  preference oh you're gonna hang off your bones   yeah I was wondering what she was  going to mention that oh oh my God perpetrator then blinked two sets of items  before or after he drew the weapon that you   claim evaporated into a million pieces  after sir he sounds crazy you a half   the man I am the hell are you talking about I  am half the man that you are and what is your   I believe you Laura Weaver Deputy medical  examiner fine hello 26 I'll show you okay now she's not going to meet him at the morgue  some night huh yeah some night they were gills not   eyelids did he say anything to you yeah he said  the world was coming to an end did he say Lynn   so serious come on let's take a ride wait  wait a minute wait a minute look I I got   tons of paperwork right it's all done good  work Edward what you really ran this dude   down on me that's tough dude he's probably  thinking who is this man and where did he   come from this is where we're going yeah this  is Jack Jeep spot he buys some chain snatches   he doesn't even sell guns Jack Jeeves officer  Eduardo Tony Shalom why don't you show him the   Imports Jeeps hi okay how are you I got out  of that business a long time ago why do you   lie to me Jeeves I hate it when you lie  hold on a second I'm gonna count to three   oh wow don't talk to me he is just crazy  when he's like this he's always crazy oh oh what he's still alive what  the heck oh that was so weird I'm just in shock at the growth of his head just  just what the heck the one in the middle who's the   target you know I don't know oh Jeeves do the  next transport off this rocker I'm gonna shoot   you where it don't grow back and I'm gonna be  back we can talk about them Rolexes hahaha for   Jeeps is just trying to live a simple life as  an undercover alien thanks for the egg rolls   kid hey wait a minute who are you I'll see I'll  see you bright and early nine o'clock be there he is recruiting him yeah eviction notice his  voice the sky man I'm taking care of your pest   problem oh it's a hell of an infestation  you know I've noticed an infestation here   everywhere this guy I would just run dude oh oh  oh poor guy oh he's just trying to do his job I don't reckon that's gonna fit you're all here  because you're the best of the best what we'll   follow is a series of simple tests order skills  concentration stamina he's great for stamina   I see we have a question why exactly are we  here we're here because you're looking for the   the best of the best sir like uh  he just said it uh what's so funny   Edwards boy Captain America over  here best the best of the best sir   laughs I'm just really excited and he  has no clue why we're here I'm loving I would literally just do it on  the floor I would lie down on my   stomach press the paper to the  ground and do it on the floor [Music] I mean smart oh butter like this and give me a headache   Prince what the hell half hesitated so if  he gets it he would he be called e Tiffany snarling Beast guy he's sneezing you know  a white girl middle of the ghetto bunch of   monsters this time of night with quantum physics  books she about to start some [ __ ] sir oh yeah   so those books are way too advanced for her oh  he's right she could be a disguised alien and   now if you'll just follow me we have one more  test to administer an eye exam ah where are you   going back in the mid-1950s the government  started a little underfunded agency with a   simple and laughable purpose of establishing  contact with the race none of this planet oh they're all about to forget the aliens  have made contact he got it seven agents   what astronomer one dumb kid who got lost in  the wrong Back Road oh you brought that tall   man some flowers creatures without a planet  do you ever see the movie Casablanca no uh   look I'm sorry not to change the subject  or anything but when was the last time you   had a CAT scan about six months ago it's  company policy he thinks he's crazy now yeah this is Hardcore evidence yeah  I hate that stuff yep he believes now sure you don't want some coffee just trying to make a living the person is smart  people are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you   know it 500 years ago everybody knew the Earth was  flat and 15 minutes ago you knew that people were   alone on this planet imagine what you'll know  tomorrow what's the catch the catch you will   sever every human contact nobody will ever  know you exist anywhere ever ever that is a   massive ultimatum he does seem quite heroic  and he would not stop he was so determined oh   he's literally just sitting there taking  it very seriously he dresses so funny   there he is you chose me so you recognize  the skills cool whatever you say slick but   I need to tell you all your skills gave  him a new nickname they mean precisely hey this is a very impressive place they  have here there is a lot going on and that   elevator is very slow lunch feels like an  airport for aliens [Music] what the heck oh it's destroying everything he's not even phased  every one of those screens is an alien oh what   Sylvester Stallone's an alien Edwards let's put it  on put what on his suit maybe exciting we love a   man in uniform he should be e because his name  is Edward you'll have no identifying marks of   any kind you'll not stand up how do you do that  oh you are a rumor that's how you do it I guess   you don't exist you were never even born that  was his name I always loved the name James Jay   you know what the difference is between you  and me I make this look good he's so cocky this looks really uncomfortable and painful oh  such a cute little Pub oh this guy is just the   creepiest skimmer why don't you take Junior here  with you this is a good one for him to warm up on   Junior go get him tiger yeah he's not happy with  that Unlimited Technology from the whole universe   and we cruise around in a Ford POS hey you're  supposed to look like you're just nobody's you   know you get a much better reaction if you were  a little more polite fasten your seat belt please   whoa that was good did you hurt yourself oh damn  this guy's driving is insane that man is very tall oh oh my goodness the family or  something okay he's Angry Birds oh [Music] your majesty must get you off the planet hey is that the guy from Adam's Family oh oh no  to the continued reign of the aquilian Empire uh   it's that guy uh what the heck the bugs you can  kill us both but you will not find the Galaxy time oh no oh no [Music] oh Kitty oh he's just the weirdest Walker it just looks like  he has something stuck up his butt all right your   as an alien card has you restricted to the island  Manhattan where are you going Reggie it's my wife   she's she's well look she better give birth  and you handle this me are you sure he knows   what he's doing he does it all the time let the  man work he does it all the time okay oh yeah oh oh my God whoa that is some actual alien or sea I'm so  distracted I'm not listening to that conversation they're so unfazed by what's going on oh oh that's  so cute actually little Bob so slimy it's always   actually kind of oh shoot I would literally vomit  on the spot as soon as that happened to me then   I believe you tabloids not looking for found my  husband's skin shocking interview inside you have   to follow the stories that sound insane when you  work at the MIB can I help you gentlemen uh yes   ma'am I'm special agent Mannheim this is Special  Agent black the FBI would like to talk [Laughter] Edgar say Edgar did he say anything   yes yes me for some water sure water  sure are she can't say G regular water   tap water or two there was no alien swamp gas from  a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket   and refracted the light from Venus on a more  personal note Beatrice Edgar ran off with an old   girlfriend oh all right you're going to get over  it and decide you're better off well yeah you know   because he never appreciated you anyway in fact  you know what you you came out yes Empower her   dresses yes I love it my entire decorated to  come in here quick because damn [Laughter]   self please not he's not oh damn green is usually  good I don't suppose you know what   kind of alien life form these are green  spectral Trail and crave sugar water do   you oh wait that was on Final Jeopardy  last night damn Alex we have a bug he's   so sarcastic well we don't like  bugs bugs thrive on Carnage tiger hmm puppy yeah well there's a problem with the  cat sign here I'll take him what's your problem   oh I'll take the cat I hate the living oh   she's an alien 12 seconds later all right  she likes the dead people more she works   at a morgue I get it now I'm Dr Leo she  about to get her memory wiped Dr White are we watch the morges very careful man I'm  telling me do you have something unusual around   here I'd say so he looked at him again oh God  that was so funny all right I'll have a look   at this one doctor why don't you and Dr Weaver  check out the other body please I started with   the Lesser curvature of the stomach but we could  start with the gastroesophical junction whichever   so sad that they died oh okay I guess it is  now it came in with the body back right in   I'm sure you want mine you uh that's Misty  pretty eyes oh thank you it's really cute oh yeah yeah yeah in the room oh girl nah girl you know what  I like to do sometimes when it's   really late don't say F the bodies no Dr White that is weird oh what the heck whoa um oh so he's actually not dead dead  [Music] poor little guy War oh smart [Music]   come on finish sentence Orion's what what butthole  butthole Orion's Belt no maybe is probably truer oh no doctor um whatever come here doctor whatever  hey you guys aren't really from the Department   of Health are you nah this guy was one of the  royal s wait this is an alien and you guys are   some government agency trying to keep it under  wraps look he said to prevent War the galaxies   it literally looks like an alien to explain New  York the other day I was in this cab and this guy   again hey whoever you guys are you're gonna  have to show me some idea if you're gonna   be in the market oh yes of course young  lady have a look at this for me please like three times oh my gosh anytime it cuts  to this guy I'm just instantly uncomfortable oh diamonds Rich he's not happy with it though  I'd be over the moon literally because I'd be   that rich I would be over the moon Junior  they're an old Galaxy Junior again well   the belt is just these three stars you heard  wrong well whatever man I know what I heard let's see what's going on here  why is he zooming into this lady   it's his ex Maybe oh she's a bit young  maybe it's his daughter or something like you have to give up your  whole life right pretty lady   subject lost so you were the guy in that picture  you showed me with the flowers yeah she never got   those flowers okay so it is his ex that's an  arcelian battle oh no they about to find out   no no come on man you get a series four of  the atomizer I get a little [ __ ] Cricket   I would like something like that not gonna lie  I feel like I could handle something like that   God this guy is just like a freak he's actually  a freak of nature how do you put this dog down   oh maybe the key is in the cat somehow oh my Lord  really please what that's wild if someone like   showed me their gun even if I had gone I'd still  be like whoa whoa dude back up come on come on   please please this guy had a serious crush on his  cat yeah the cat's just being emphasized too much   oh wow man yeah that gun is good he's almost not  strong enough oh yeah The Recoil is wild we need   help professional somebody with years  of experience in Intergalactic politics that guy looks like he belongs  in The Adams Family movie as well the dog goes my friend money look at his mouth movements whoa whoa don't  do that in public okay Rosenberg wasn't some   stupid arcillion he was the guardian of a whole  galaxy guardian of the whole galaxy Rosenberg   said something about a Galaxy on Orion's  Belt what's he talking about Frank beats me stop oh my gosh again cutting to a cat okay well  I've had the subtitles are like   key and now we're cutting to the cat  again like Ryan Orion there you go   oh my gosh that's gonna be it  oh no what's happened to her wow there is an actual entire galaxy  in here that's what's happening to her   she's witnessing Beauty if I knew that I  was inside a marble around a cat's neck   I'd be pretty happy about that not  gonna lie no existential dread there yeah hey it's that guy hey him  he's an Arrested Development yeah   it was a dear friend of mine  I believe he had an attack don't do it kill bugs oh Lord disgusting oh do it  do it do it do it do it see what happens to him god well let's see if we can find oh my God poor receptionist died I think I'm  Sergeant Friday from the 20th Friday   the cat came in with the corpse the other day uh  well I don't know where the cat is right now oh   you don't no but maybe you could take me with you  instead she keeps hitting on him you start fast   don't you I really like to go with you oh yeah  because she feels in danger exactly why is that oh   something I need to show you slow down girl you  ain't got enough gas like that don't understand   you really need to see this oh I will I will  that's one thing I gotta drive you know it's   not some Macho trip I'm what I'm saying that's  just the way I get down he's not getting it at all yuck you're real getting this there's a thing I   need you to help me with now she's being  way too obvious oh no we got the cat no ew the skin is decaying it looks so messed oh oh no oh no someone stopped  the bug man No Way You Are   she's like okay just close your mouth goddamn  oh my God the skin is so disgusting like I   can't even this guy makes me physically sick  looking at him makes me want to throw up that was a nice jump like no sense of urgency for K  I hope they save her oh my gosh   you remember the little red button  don't tell me this traffic [Music] whoa what the heck what what oh oh my God oh man you need to relax young man foreign [Music] hey at least she's okay but now she's just got  to get herself down that's what I'm talking about   dude you're gonna fly if you  try and use that I reckon oh   watch your head he didn't eat  her so it's good [Applause]   don't blame him no wow it's actually reached   oh my goodness get damaged you're gonna  have to wipe a lot of people's memories yeah they're gonna have to  do a lot of work after this he's so unfazed all the time [Music] it looks so bad now whatever and put your hands on  your head does he even know how   to put his hands on his head he's  really bad at moving in general oh hey at least I will never get  to see that skin ever again wow he's a boy he's a very big boy  and he looks super evil oh what what cow oh what the heck was that why did he think that's   a good plan if he shoots him from  inside he's gonna die too oh my God oh my gosh looks like he's riding a wild bull oh  wake up wake up you gotta keep him on this planet   maybe Laurel can help don't  leave giant [ __ ] don't leave nice he figured out I'm sorry was that  your auntie huh oh you're banging him now   oh no he's mad you know y'all look alike big bad bug got a bit of a soft spot huh nice nice it's happening oh how  did he do that without dying ew   disgusting but they got the Galaxy  back real bro oh I can't look at him   call the Achilles tell them we  have the Galaxy I can't even focus whoa who did that Laurel interesting job oh come on sis be a woman in black okay people do it it's not for her it's for me  oh oh okay you're frightening your partner   I haven't been training a partner  I've been training a replacement oh   oh I cannot do this job by myself days months  years always facing forward that's wild okay that's one of a hundred memory I said I don't  want I like him though see you around Jay Detroit has car that defies gravity so I guess  that means they'll just never catch up as regular   people makes sense a man awakens from 35 Homer  returns to what's he's Left Behind oh oh that's   so nice I'm actually happy for him I'm actually  stoked is that called the high Consulate from   selection nine one's floor oh she's okay the new  partner that's wild actually I mean I was kidding   about her being a woman in black I never thought  that they would accept women because it's called   Men In Black but that's awesome that's really  cool no they're just playing marbles with galaxies I didn't expect this movie to be so hilarious I  laughed myself in this film and I guess I was just   expecting a Sci-Fi alien movie I wasn't expecting  to laugh this hard but I should have probably   known because Will Smith movies are usually good  for that he's just a funny guy and he's generally   in funny movie generally like especially in his  earlier days now he's in more serious films I   haven't seen a lot of Tommy Lee Jones but his name  was really familiar I remember in the beginning   of the film I was like that is a really familiar  name I just can't place his face but he was Agent   K and I thought their Dynamic was really good and  I thought it was really nice that agent K was set   free also to speak at the end of the film he got  to be reunited with his love after 35 long years   what a wholesome ending to that movie and Edwards  has a new partner a partner who he seems pretty   interested in every time their memories get wiped  or at least every time her memory gets wiped I   feel like their chemistry tree just grows more and  more that last time when her memory was wiped and   she was obviously being held hostage that was  a little bit different but their chemistry is   really strong so I feel like if she is back in the  second Men In Black movie which I don't actually   know if that's any good let me know in the comment  section below if the second and the third movie   are actually worth watching because I feel like  with franchises they progressively get worse   and worse so I always like to hear what you guys  think without any spoilers getting back on track   they have really good chemistry so if she is back  in Men In Black too I think it would be really   entertaining to see how that all plays out and  she seems like she is a strong independent woman   and very smart as well I think she would make a  great woman in black I guess I actually didn't   know that they did female agents so that was  quite refreshing at the end of the film to learn   and realize because I stepped into this movie  Blind I didn't know that Edwards was not already   um Man in Black it took a while to recruit him  but I found the process to be quite funny and   entertaining so that was about a third of the film  and that was great content and then they got onto   the actual conflict and the adventure aspect of  the movie and I thought that was really great as   well because we had this alien but the villain  the bug of this movie he was a good villain but   in the worst way possible like he was disgusting  to look at really gross and purely evil there was   nothing great about him he was just purely evil  and so it was easy to root for the Men in Black   and it was easy to just hate on the villain and  I do love the fact that the entire galaxy is just   hanging off a cat's belt you guys know I'm a cat  person that was a very lovely surprise I really   appreciate it as a cat lover I really appreciated  that and what a cute cat as well I wouldn't even   mind if that was the reality of the situation  in the current world that I'm living in I think   I'd be really happy with that I'd experienced  no existential dread I would just be like yeah   you know what I'm gonna accept that that's fine  with me and it was so good because the bug didn't   suspect it at all it was not something that  even I suspected until they started cutting   to the cat quite a lot and there was emphasis on  this cat like a lot of foreshadowing around this   cat and that's when I suspected that maybe it's  got something to do with the cat his name was   Orion so that was number one but it was a moment  when Laura looked at his little bell and she was   just so engrossed in the bell and you can see in  her pupils the reflection of what she's looking   at it slowly but gradually it reveals that  it is actually the Galaxy and it just subtly   clicks you're like okay well that is brilliant  it is hanging off a cat the entire galaxy so I   thought it was original I thought it was great  it was really easy to follow along I was never   or when is this movie ending because from start  to finish it was just complete entertainment and   I really hope the second and the third film is  just as good as the first film obviously this   film was released in 1997 so the graphics and the  special effects aren't as good but again it's a   product of its time and that's completely fine  the second Men In Black movie was released in   2002 I believe just off IMDb and the Men in Black  3 movie was 2012 so I think the more recent ones   it will be interesting to see the improvements  on the graphics and the special effects and the   Prosthetics and whatnot we did say goodbye to  Tommy Lee Jones but I hope at one point they   revisit him and they check up on him in his life  because I really like him as a character Agent   K he sacrificed his entire life essentially for  the greater good of humanity and I think that's   really Noble so I do hope that they revisit him  at some point in the franchise and just check up   on him and let us know as an audience how he's  doing with his life I really enjoyed the music   to Danny Elfman always does a great job anytime he  does anything I'm it's almost recognizable it was   the introduction scene and I was like this music  style is really familiar and then daddy elephant   I was like well that makes sense his music is  just so recognizable his style I should say is   more recognizable it's also executive produced  by Steven Spielberg which also kind of makes   sense to me because he tends to do these kinds  of films as well he tends to do really well in   like sci-fi fantasy Adventure type films so  it was great to see him be involved in this   project too I actually wasn't familiar with the  director but I did look him up and he directed   Adam's family values that and I did react to  that recently on my channel so I must have just   forgotten the name but I thought he did a really  good job too because the pacing of this film was   done really well there was never a moment that I  was like oh that shouldn't have been in the film   or like why did they put that in everything was  just really well paced and really well timed and   I really enjoyed this film is super entertaining  let me know what you thought of this film in the   comments section below to give this video a thumbs  up if you enjoyed it really does help my channel   out the uncut version can be found over on patreon  the link for that is in the description button in   the pin comments you just need a copy of the film  so that you can watch it along with me there'll   be a timer it could be on one screen movie can  be on another screen you need a copy of the film   so that you can watch it along with me down in  the description bar in the pin comments you can   also find all my social media handles Instagram  Twitter twitch Discord Tick Tock Facebook as   well as my two other channels my gaming channel  Cherry plays and my Vlog Channel fairy Cherry   so guys thank you so much for watching this  film with me I had a lot of fun I hope you   had a lot of fun too take care of yourselves  and I'll see you in the next one bye everyone foreign
Channel: Mary Cherry
Views: 208,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mary cherry official, marycherryofficial, mary cherry, millennial, australian millennial, australian girl, aussie girl, australian girl reacts to, aussie girl reacts to, reaction to, review to, review for, sweetanita look alike, sweet anita reacts to, natalie gold, alyska, for the first time ever, first time watching, empath
Id: wRyrOwhHVKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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