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the reason you were contacted today was to inform you regarding some legal enforcement actions while on your social security number are you kidding me I want to be represented by ten senator Ted Cruz or else trey Gowdy those are the only two then I will take the court with me I don't want to lose my bank account hey you guys hope you're doing all right I'm doing okay here in quarantine I grow my beard out this is Pro you a scammer payback we got another really interesting fun video with you today dealing with a social security scammer who claims that I have supposedly murdered somebody and have a bunch of drugs at the Mexican border Vivian goes crazy doesn't know what to do and they actually want fifty thousand dollars from her there's a really interesting twist at the end that I think you should stay to see at the end that really kind of spooks the scammer but we had a good little call with them these social security scammers too they get really kind of frustrated and as you all know when I when I see something that gets the scammer frustrated I continued a needle and poke at it this one is specifically when I say are you kidding me okay let's get into it hope you have some laughs thank you for calling so so just go to the administration can I help you how long yes thank you I appreciate that you're picking up my name is Vivian H Rogers do you have my name on the record I got the voicemail from you guys okay that good you got the phone call and the same nimble right yes what was your name honey my first name is Ronnie uh-oh and I okay Ronnie was Wilson Anderson Oh Anderson isn't okay what in the world is this regarding because there's something wrong with my number still sick first of all can I have your phone number on what number you were a phone call number yeah I mean I just called you on my phone now okay you need you need it a second time yeah no no I have your phone number is 7/8 yeah that's it honey that's my cell phone Oh can I have your home phone number ma'am I believe you got a phone call on on your home phone number right let's see well it's not really used I got the call was on my cell okay honey I'm just I'm really nervous I don't know what in the world what what is this what is this whole thing I don't I'm a good citizen I don't know I don't understand I don't even live in Texas and it is something what is going on okay let me explain you ma'am first of all my name is officer Ronnie Anderson and I'm calling you from the headquarters of Social Security Administration okay and the reason you were contacted today was to inform you regarding some legal enforcement actions while on your social security number are you hearing me we have four balls no ma'am I'm simply giving you the information which I have I know I'm just a hammer it's a saying I'm nervous and you say are you kidding me it's the same no no I'm not kidding you ma'am this is my duty to provide you each and every information okay okay first of all can I have your social security number ma'am so I can pull out the records and I can brief you and I can brief you each and every information about this case ma'am okay yes what is going on yeah you're gonna brief me on this yeah I'm going to brief you remember what I'm asking you can I have your social security number second pull out your records in my system and I can brief you each and have an information about this case yeah yes thank you for helping me and I hope I'm not in trouble I really hope I'm what okay and can you help me with your address ma'am what is your physical address yeah my physical address is 21 Jump Street apartment building 5c and that's an its size and it's a nursing not a nurse yeah kind of nursing home they call them retirement homes now all right and then that's in Sarasota Florida okay so first of all your social has been found suspicious for criminal activities in the state of Texas have you ever been to the white access before what yes ma'am are you kidding me into this no ma'am I'm simply giving you the information which I have okay but let me explain you ma'am we just find out that the investigation started when we found an abandoned car watch South Water of Texas yeah United I promise I didn't do anything Ronnie Mississippi miss Vivian I'm totally agree with you but what I'm telling you at this one of them you know there is thousands of identification theft cases is going one correct well I don't know I've only I've only been I've I've had a Lifeloc calls me one time saying they were suspicious activity but I am I you know I didn't know I lost my identity right right so might be there is the reason ma'am that is the reason right now you are facing this kind of issues and might be someone else is using your social security number in the state of Texas and someone is doing some criminal activities under your name so that is the basic reason we just called you oh my gosh well what do we do what do I do I don't know okay so Miss Vivian I'm going to brief you each and every information you just need to listen to me very carefully okay I'm shaking right now Ronnie okay take with them you can take your time ma'am please calm down okay I need a shot of tequila I need something that goes down quick and hard you just need to take a glass of water first okay miss Vivian please come down while you're crying ma'am please calm down okay because I didn't do anything and I swear my if my husband did this I'm gonna divorce him oh I got you so let me explain you ma'am right now the investigation started when we found an abandoned car on the South border of Texas and the car contains some blood and blood residues inside a okay watch it's got blood it yeah yes got it yeah how does it have blood in it I don't know how it is possible mem but we just find out that the car was rented on your name and on your socials are you kidding me and ma'am I'm simply giving you the information ma'am this is my duty to provide you it's never information viana directly blame him on you okay oh you're not blaming me okay I thought you were saying that it was my fault I was like you gotta be kidding me I didn't do anything to this gentleman okay okay ma'am let me explain you that the car was rented on your name and on your personal social security information why's Miss Vivian we have recovered like 22 pounds of cocaine which is are you kidding miss Vivian I'm giving you the information okay I'm not kidding with you okay okay that's it I've got I'm gonna get my husband in here if it's just I've got to call him and get him over here twenty-two pounds of cocaine mr. ravine first of all you just need to calm down why you're crying ma'am you just need to calm down okay because I don't know I don't know what to I've never I've never even seen a drug in my life in 22 pounds yes miss miss Vivian I'm totally agree with you ma'am what what I'm gonna do ma'am at this point of time I'm going to some transfer your call to my senior officer okay now Ronnie please don't leave miss Vivian my officer is also helping you in order to resolve this issue they're gonna help you out that what is the best thing that we need to do here okay okay help you out that all we can clear this issue under your name you just need to listen to him and they are going to help you out okay hold on okay just hold on okay he just ran in hi hi this is officer Egyptian Smith you are speaking to Drug Enforcement Administration from Dallas Texas I guess I'm having words with mrs. Rogers right it's Vivian Allen Roger yeah it's Vivian Rogers who is this again this is Officer Jason Smith from drug enforcement administration that is Texas I promise I didn't do anything mrs. Rogers I'm not saying that see over here the tuition is that we have found 25 different bank accounts on your name with some other unions now from this bank account illegal wire transfers has been made locally as well as internationally okay I would like to explain you details that millions of dollars has been wired to Mexico from this bank account and this bank account has your name your social information are you telling me this to do that right I'm doing my work so why would you say that well lines are getting federally recorded so please listen to me carefully now I know I wasn't it's a saying I'm not trying to get you upset mr. Smith I'm saying are you kidding me like am I on Publishers Clearing House or something I think it like maybe my husband was doing a joke on me but this really is happening isn't it yeah oh my god all right to see I was I I don't want to be harsh on you I don't want to raise my voice and everything to say that okay I just like to execute things which is right now on this stage that is important so mrs. Rogers I would like to ask you this currently what do you do like the words you're retired and working homes but I only work part-time at Whole Foods yeah what style come you get from there they come first you get paid well it doesn't every month or every I get paid disability and then I also get paid I get about about $6,000 a month from Whole Foods and then my husband he just retired about 15 years ago so get yourself a glass of water I want to talk to talk to me properly right I'm nervous to go see III definitely understand that mrs. Rodgers I understand that I am trying to explain you something which you're not aware of as you said that you are not involved in this case then definitely you won't be doing this right I understand that but I need to make sure you are not doing it then who else is doing that we need to get the real culprits right we took a cholo and now is that the cops now I'm not sure I can I can not say anything about it because okay I didn't know if you were privy I didn't know if you were privy to that information or not if the cartel was doing something to frame me to steal all my money or something because I've had people trying to go after me for a while because my husband was extremely successful and this just takes the cake if them with them doing money laundering in my name to Mexico like what kind of relations you have it Mexico I went to Mexico one time but that was when I was in college and I can't say what happened to their ok it was a trick your windows a tad right yeah it was a Spring Break it was a spring break trip Spring Break of 1954 hello it's been a long time currently why we have contacted you the main reason we're here is we are cancelling your identification watch the what are you canceling my identification I didn't do anything you didn't do anything that's the reason we called you because we found that you're an innocent person but it might be possible someone else is using your identifications and as you said that you you think so what is are you kidding me someone's using my ID yeah do you remember an incident in the past few years where someone broke down into your house or into your car yes one time and they took my iPod oh my god all right and we're ended when did this occur like when did this happen this happened in 2009 right when the iPod started to get popular yeah I have someone burst up in the window of my Toyota Corolla do you really have 25 different bank accounts on your name now I don't I've only got back I only have three bank accounts can you differentiate me what are the name of your banks because we have found Bank of America Wells Fargo PNC and few of the other credit unions as well I'm Johnson I'm the First Baptist Bank of Sarasota is my bank do you see that one on there let me take that so in the First Baptist Bank like as I asked you earlier how many accounts you have it it we've got three I'm kind of checking I've got a end-of-the-world savings that were most of our retirement is in and then my husband's got one he goes to the I don't know if you know the John Deere tractor company he's got a conference every year he saves up to go to say I really don't need the details of your husband I just need your informations because it's on your social information and as you know that social is just for one person yeah that's true everything is on you okay almost you here right now and you're taking um it's about 3.45 million oh and myself and the end of the world savings I thought you asking about my savings they didn't taking checking's last time I checked it was probably like a hundred and forty nine thousand is that what you're saying on your end I'm not saying that I just need to mention it I have no access to do that right okay the tour occur if you want to save your money right like before we cancel your identification before we see your bank accounts I need to make sure that this bank account belongs to you wait are you kidding me it's you you're gonna seize my accounts are you kidding me I need to provide the information to the code before I do that all right I just got the papers in front of me like in with 1-click I need to cancel the identifications and each and every bank accounts will be getting the informations about serious charges on your name so but before I do that as I said as you are cooperating we are trying to understand this you said you are you're having hundred and forty nine thousand dollars in your checking right yes I do and in saving I told you about two point four five million apart from that do you have any other savings or any other business accounts I mean I've gotta like I said I've got a dear car but it's my husband's I don't know the taller man I'd have to log in to see but we really have no concern with your husband stake I'm sorry honey right i I don't have any concern with your husband accounts I just circus and consult with you okay now when you keep asking about the third account and I you know I keep telling you the best that I've got all the information you know what I mean I got you okay okay and you use any other credit cards or against a do you have any money market or 401k any retirement oh my husband's got all he's got all that other stuff he just he handed me a couple million one year and I've just kind of been saving it up so he's got the majority of the money but I don't have access to all that and he just he said hey you can play with this money till you die so I just gotta you know I got work at Whole Foods and I'm gonna give this money to my grandkids someday when I'm gone you know I'm 79 years old I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be here alright so I like to ask it is that why would you be having this kind of money on your name can you explain me this what do you mean why would I have money well like my husband's extremely successful yeah I got that I'm not saying that why would you be having you're not understanding me why means like why is this alright is it a registered amount right everything is registered everything is legal there's nothing illegal going on right right I promise there's nothing there I promise there's nothing illegal I've done I promise you officer and what kind of business does your husband does he works for how can I take it online my husband worked for Apple he works crap yes he's one of the lead engineers he created the stylist pin for the Apple iPad pro and he had a bunch of stock in Apple early in the day before they took over Microsoft essentially so we made all of our money from stock so I can explain this to the photos oh yeah oh yes yes yes please oh I didn't know if this was an affidavit this is one is this a sworn testimony no I'm just I'm trying to differentiate your things that yours and apart from that they're 25 bank accounts which I'm talking about right we can go ahead and freeze it but we don't end up like you don't know you don't end up losing your money what you have it's it's your hard-earned money oh yeah well I mean I didn't really yeah yeah it's been used for money laundering and we need to stop that we need to stop the serious charges and everything so before I proceed I will be speaking to the code on your behalf I just want you to hold the lines for a few moment just make sure we don't get this cousin how long does it take to how long does it take to speak to the court I'm not sure right like they are they are democratic people I mean like they take lots of time but I'll make sure this is the DEA officer so I'll just talk to them I'll get back to you make sure we don't get disconnected keep yourself okay well what do I do so we don't get disconnected well I'm nervous if you do I'll wait okay okay yeah this is officer a Jason Smith Dallas Texas and I'll be talking to directly Washington DC old house right so please hold now okay hi mrs. Roger says oh yes okay I thought yes I'd like to be represented by senator Cruz mrs. Rogers let me explain you something over here right listen to me carefully okay this is a case before we present you you why will we present you you have done nothing wrong first of all we need to remove your name well because then they say I thought they said if the glove doesn't fit then you must acquit I'm trying to prove that I didn't wear the glove and it wasn't me I didn't do it I don't have the blood on my hands but do you have any proof of that oh that's why I'm saying I don't what do I need to do to prove this I didn't do anything yeah and the calls are getting recorded on your behalf as well so I'd like to ask you this that are you okay losing the money which you said you have on your name no I don't want to lose it I don't want to lose my money I do not want listen I know you're doing your job yeah I'm an innocent big beautiful woman okay I'm I'm Phillip you're some gorgeous and a big beautiful woman I've never done anything wrong outside of a couple tequila dance filled nights in Mexico I've never murdered I've never done anything I want to be represented let the courts be known as God is my witness I want to be represented by Ted senator Ted Cruz or else trey Gowdy those are the only two then I will take the court with me I don't want to lose my bank accounts okay I like to explain you one more thing what the court has informed me right the code has informed me that yes they will be willing to cooperate with you okay of all they need a proof of something so the FBI officers will be raiding you what within the next 48 Oh No now please please now please let me ask or please let me complete right why would you interfere me please come let me say something to you mrs. Rogers do you keep any illegal weapons at home which is you can say not registered any guns or any year yes I I have registered and and no it wouldn't actually no I don't have any guns no I don't good and do you keep any safe word at home like what's the mode to keeping cash with you we've got about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars cash just in case the nuclear holocaust came okay all right and apart from that you you have any other things you think that's valuable at home well I've got actually a Gant I've got a revolver I have a Bible that's up in my bookcase and you take it out we've got a secret room it opens up into the secret room and then you open up the Bible and there's a revolver just in case but outside of that I've got a I don't know if do steak knives count as any weapons got to you so now what I want you to do is that yeah is gonna raid you can you carry like fifty thousand dollars with you engage with you well I can't but in please don't let them read me no how do we get them to not read me see what you can do is do you have any safe account safe account that means that is not it's kind of a Swiss account you say where you can just put your friends over there and you get it back now I don't have any of those I just have the First Baptist I'll do whatever I have to if you need me to send it somewhere I can send it or whatever you just tell me I don't know what what do I need to do please all right calm down can you carry fifty thousand Walworth cash with you I mean I can but I'd have to go down to the we I've got to go down to the wine cellar to get the money out and then then I've got one of those Money in the Bank briefcase is I can put the money in that yeah so please do that I'm going to order that I okay do I need to take you with me to go down to the wine cellar there's not much service down there I don't want you to disconnect lines because now I have connected there yeah officers were the phone calls engaged it something the wrong happens get fifty thousand dollars in cash with you get in your car once you're in your car let me know make sure you don't involve any third person nobody so I don't need to tell my husband nobody as of now because I'm not sure who is doing this it can be anyone using your information okay give me your husband your anyone okay did we you know who I think it is I think it's my daughter-in-law I think it's her please it's terrible woman she's been out to get anybody took it you know that she put Visine in my in my tea one night and I had diarrhea for nine hours she tried to poison me for money all right look after this don't worry okay I give you my voice no let's close the matter to any third person okay might create any suspicious activity on your name not even my little kitty cat honey you have a pet yes I've got a kitty cat his name is Frank Sinatra and he's looking at me funny will you talk to Frank I'm gonna put heat I'm gonna put him next to the phone and put the phone on speaker will you talk to him a couple of words while I go down to the wine cellar do you think I'm not a neurologist do you really think I'm here for that well please honey you can't be I don't I don't want him to die while I'm going to get the please it's my one ask you hear me clearly I'm not here for that please please we just work with you because you are trying to cooperate thank you getting your car well I've got to go down to the wine cellar I've got to go down to the wine cellar to get it could you please just talk to Frank for just two minutes I'll run down and get it I promise just just say like a kitty or something like that you're a good kitty cat because if he hears a voice he won't follow me down into the into the wine cellar I'm really not supposed to do that there's recorded Lacy's I don't want him to die I really not for that so please don't waste your time as well as mine get down get the $50,000 cash with you get in your car and talk to me okay well what I have to go when I get in the car cuz I can't I can't talk in drive it's against state laws here in Florida you get put me a loudspeaker I'll explain you step by step because you're getting confused at door was an extremely continues train please stay in here there's a gentleman on the line just stay here with the officer I've got to go down to the shale okay I got I got the fifty thousand my armpits are so sweaty right now I'm so nervous how do I need to click on what I need to do I'm going on back onto my computer officer you got $50,000 in yeah I've got it in the Money in the Bank briefcase and how come it was so quick what do you mean how come it was so quick how hard is it to go get it for two minutes are you kidding me officer it's not even a two minutes yeah it's not even it's not difficult at all to go down there and get it I've been walking this whole time okay all right let me search the locations for you can you help me with your zip code your current zip code right now so I can guide you to the nearest heights on the last gentleman we're working yeah anybody's wife I mean it yeah it's three four two three seven Sarasota Florida okay where the Ringling Brothers Circus started and I'm very proud of that and I've never done anything wrong I'm a big bold beautiful woman are you in your car right there no you never told me to go to the car you told me to get the money I'm sitting here I was gonna go onto the computer you yelling at me so what do I need to go just get in your car wasn't in your car let me know okay I'm gonna help you with what address where you can honey I'm trying to get all this I'm trying to trying to get all my stuff together the Money in the Bank briefcase and everything just scary you can say like unwanted magazines with you because you need to pack the money and send it to the safe vault account right I need to get back the money was resolved okay you had to pack it and you need to ship this thing right so just carry your magazines and how do you do that country I'm going to explain you step by step [Music] what is that noise I'm trading up my nose oh yeah sex with a hanger it you've got a sec oh I'm sorry where do I need to go I'm out driving all right I have an address it's around ships I'm stressed out at the UPS arm or where it's FedEx once you reach over their parking lot let me know how long would it go to reach there um it looks like it says four and a half minutes okay honey I'm parked over here what the world I need to do now so you have bugged you just resore there yeah I'm sitting out here what can you see other than a FedEx store nearby I do I don't to tell you what I see are you know are you watching me or something I'm not watching you I'm making sure right so can you please answer me what I'm asking you what kind of stores you can see nearby apart prophetic this was found against creepy real quick I guess you don't want to say that no I do I do I want to be please please I'm here there's Latin quarters there's an H & R Block there's Publix this china kitchen the New York rumor can you see something like a Chinese restaurant over there oh yeah I don't know no I want you to FedEx store and you need to get a couple of newspapers sellotape and a cardboard from there it would be a brown box tell them you need two of them right why don't I just get one box yeah you can make a big huge book if you want to what about our Liam Foyle you are you getting foil paper with you yeah should I get our Moon iam foil - yeah that you have to do up once you get the things with you come back in your car you're gonna pack the money in the box right so first of all get the box from there you said you don't you you could not find a ball yeah I don't have a box at home can I go under the China kitchen on the way though before I go back or is that is this time-sensitive you can do that later on okay just go to the FedEx get the cardboard and everything and you get your phone with you because I need your eating area so there's a brand of a mood yeah there's a brand of Almunia McCall up dog I get that one get the cardboard box for yourself and Feustel rotates and water bubbles ice water damu I don't know a water bubble is like a water bubble you know when I was kid I need to just press it and I need to play I was just playing with it kind of a bubble thing a bubble wrap resolves you're talking about yeah hello you said water bubble I'm like what is this guy talking about oh what a bubble no I dated a lot of bubbles a scam from many years ago water bubbles a scam company nobody even uses them anymore it's called a bubble wrap what animal handled what a scam one of them was played just get the bubble wrap and everything from there come back in your car yeah okay hold on I'm gonna keep the car on as I needed to charge while I go in there and get the the box out so hold on I'm gonna put the keep the car on who's this who's this hello who's this on the phone oh it did on the board who are you where do I just think there's old lady's car is this I just took this old lady's car it doesn't matter who I am I'm gonna telling you I saw a boyfriend or something I just took her car old lady left her phone in here too what an idiot it's a demon Oh Portola what is that that means your mother would be aa scammer ss a scammer that was so good I told you there's a little surprise at the end very successful scam beta enjoyed that one they were not getting their $50,000 and weren't very happy with me a good amount of waste of time too if you want to see some really special videos of mine check out some of these above thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 210,271
Rating: 4.9212165 out of 5
Keywords: scam, scammer, scambait, prank, refund scam, internet scam, phone scam, tech support scam, location, call center, india, trolling, scammer prank, fake customer support, hacker, scammer trolling, computer hack, scamming, illegal scammers, 2020 scams, prank call, granny, scammer payback
Id: BnOp7b1R73o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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